The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 06, 1995, Image 5
T A M U HtSil ■. ; : : v a':-"'-:-'“ ; v: ■!:-/; ■ Friday • October 6, 1995 Page 5 • The Battalion Rather to hold satellite question^ answer session Bosnian cease-fire ready, aiming for peace accord CBS television news anchor Dan Rather will be available via satellite for a question and answer session Friday during the International Association of Business Communicators' U.S. District 5 conference. Rather was originally going to speak in person, but was called away on business. Participants can also receive a full refund on their tickets or exchange them for Saturday's speech by Lowell B. Catlett, a futurist at New Mexico State University. Catlett's speech is entitled "Frontier Worlds: Future Minds and Future Tech." Helms breaks away from Congressional Club WASHINGTON (AP) — For more than 20 years, Sen. Jesse Helms and "The Club" — whether known as the Congressional Club, the National Con gressional Club or the current Conserv ative Club — were inseparable. Formed in 1973 to retire Helms' debts after his first campaign for the Senate, the club became a national network for raising millions of dollars from conservatives. And it ran the North Carolina re-election campaigns that sent Helms back to Washington for three more terms. Not next year, when the 73-year- old Republican seeks a fifth term. In a bitter, public split with his old friends, Helms says he will run on his own. Helms says he hopes to spend far less money next year than he has in the past. His 1984 race against Gov. Jim Hunt set a then-record for a Senate race, with the two candidates spending more than $26 million. Pope emphasizes compassion and morality UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Saying intolerance can lead to "a true night mare of violence and terror," Pope John Paul II warned the nations of tne world Thursday of the dangers of ex treme nationalism and called for soli darity between rich and poor. "In an authentic family, the strong do not dominate; instead the weaker members, because of their very weak ness, are all the more welcomed and served," the pope told the 185-mem ber United Nations General Assembly. The United Nations "needs to rise more and more above the cold status of an administrative institution and to become a moral center where all na tions of the world feel at home," the pope said. Poverty level declines, but poor get poorer V WASHINGTON (AP) — The per centage of Americans in poverty dropped under 1 5 percent last year to 38.1 million, the first year in a decade that both the rate and total declined. There were no signs the gap between rich and poor was closing. The report, coming as Congress argues over cutting programs that aid the work ing poor, followed other recent signs of declining poverty including a decrease in Americans collecting food stamps. However, the total was still 5.6 mil lion above 1989, when the poverty rate was 13.1 percent," Census Bureau statistician Daniel Weinberg said Thursday in releasing the report. □ Although a 60-day halt to the fighting in Bosnia has been agreed upon, problems remain in the way of a final settlement. ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Bosnia’s combatants agreed on Thursday to a 60-day cease-fire and new talks bn ending their 3 1/2 years of carnage, taking one big step closer to a peace settle ment that U.S. troops would help police. The accord on the cease-fire was reached during United States’ strongest press yet for peace in Bosnia. In announcing the agreement, President Clinton in Washington acknowledged that unresolved problems remained before it takes effect Tuesday. NATO planners said they would hasten work on a military force to help enforce an eventual peace arrangement. The United States would commit roughly 20,000 troops to such a force, but is saying they would not en ter Bosnia until a final peace deal is signed. Citing progress toward peace, the United Nations announced it could cut its troops in Bosnia by Cadets Continued from Page 1 Kyle Robinson, a senior psy chology major and A-l command ing officer, said that even though there is no direct connection be tween Bebe and A&M, the cadets have learned to love Bebe. “She is in a really bad situa tion, and this isn’t about mowing her yard or babysitting her chil dren,” Robinson said. “It is about taking care of people and helping out when they need it.” Robinson said the closeness shared between A-l members is evident in their actions, and help ing Bebe is a way to show the freshmen how present and former cadets take care of each other. “If any of us were in Mike’s sit uation, we would want someone to take care of our wife and kids,” he said. “We are more than an outfit; we’re a family.” At a recent reunion of former A-l cadets, Bebe told her hus band’s friends what the cadets were doing for her. They were thrilled and shocked that the cadets still take care of Bebe and her children, she said. “They just couldn’t believe they were still helping me,” Bebe said. “It made them very proud they were a part of unit A-l.” When Bebe first moved to Col lege Station, A-l cadets were at her house, offering every spare minute of their time. “We woulcl go out there on weekends, during weekdays in Bosnia update j Bosnian government- Croat federation FI Rebel Serb CROATIA . _ . < • Dob 2P V“- lyv i B ' fiac \ Bar^ja / f , .0 : Tu ,;, Dvor BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA^.r'- .\ CROATIAN A s- r Nj \ ^ .s & Sarajevo ' X '\ /' Gprazde 50 miles a Adriatic Sea 50 km 11 NATO warplanes fired three missiles at the rebel positions Wednesday after anti aircraft radar locked onto the jets. Help£ine~~^ 845-2700 3 H More than 100 Croatian army regulars had crossed into northwestern Bosnia over the last two days and could signal a new joint counter-offensive. m The Croatian army is massing artillery near Dvor, to which they were forced to pull back after losing territory previously seized from the Serbs. SI There has been a significant increase in fighting near Serb-held Doboj, where a government offensive is under way. Associated Press 9,000 troops, or one-third of its force in Bosnia. It was not known how long the with drawals would take. the morning and afternoons,” Robinson said. “Whenever cadets didn’t have classes, they were helping Bebe.” Bo Arnold, a junior business major and first sergeant for A-l, said the yard looked horrid when they first started, but he is amazed at how nice it looks now. "We don’t mind doing the yard work for Bebe because it is a re ward and very satisfying to know we are helping her,” Arnold said. A-l cadets still visit Bebe on a regular basis to mow the lawn, babysit her three children or help her with anything she needs. Robinson said he’s learned how to wallpaper and also take of children. “We will continue to help her until Bebe moves or makes us quit,” he said. Bebe is not allowed to pay the A-l cadets for their ser vices, but she does cook them dinner in return. “Her way of paying us back is to cook us dinner after we mow the lawn or do a job for her,” Robinson. “It gives us a chance to relax and spend time with the kids.” Robinson said helping Bebe is not a service in the tradition al sense, but a mutual service because Bebe gives the cadets a warm-cooked homemade meal and a place to get away from campus. “They have been friends and people I know I can call for help,” Bebe said. “Plus they also give me somebody to cook for besides my children.” Just stop by the Customer Service Booth to join our exciting new Bucks Back Club, exclusively for preferred customers. 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