Page 6 • The Battalion Cam rljs Wednesday • June 28, Clinic Continued from Page 1 other kinds may be available in the fu ture. “We prescribe low-dose birth control pills, and we are hoping that in the fu ture we will get Deproprovera, also called DMPA,” Brown said. Deproprovera is a birth control injec tion given every 12 to 14 weeks. Brown said if there is an increase in demand, the diaphragm and IUD (intra uterine device) may be made available. Norplant, which is a birth control capsule placed under the skin of the up per-arm that lasts five years, will not be available because of the high cost of the product, Brown said. Brown is able to perform the routine examinations on patients. Patients will be referred to Dr. James Carman, asso ciate director and head of clinical ser vices, if anything abnormal is found. Carman said if necessary, the patient will be referred to one of the three gyne cological consultants. The three consultants are Dr. David Doss, Dr. Mark Montgomery and Dr. Royal H. Benson III. Carman said the clinic staff is appre ciative of the services the consultants will provide. “The three doctors who are consul tants are almost a gift because they ref ceive much less pay here than they couli make in their office,” Carman said. The clinic is open Monday throu?: Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Studer. must check in by 4 p.m. or they will nt be seen. The clinic is located in 244 A.P. 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