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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1995)
The Ba i tai ion Page 4 • The Battalion Wednesday • June 28,195 ; Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Fox 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building A&M swimmer receives academic honors < o CO ■AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Help Wanted HEALTH CONSCIOUS MEN NEEDED FOR SEMEN DONORS!! IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 18 AND 35 AND WOULD LIKE TO EARN EXTRA MONEY WHILE HELPINO INFERTILE COUPLES, GIVE US A CALL . FAIRFAX CRY0BANK 776-4453 JOCK ITCH STUDY Patient volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treat ments, study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants. * No topical (over-the- counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call : G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 ThundebCtoldSubs Now accepting applications for both locations. We offer good pay, free meals, flexible scheduling & uniforms fur nished. Apply in person at: 2205 Longmire (next to Albertson’s) Taxi & Courier drivers needed, lions. 822-9385. 9-4, Mon -Fri. Full & part-time posi- Highly motivated sheetrock/painter helpers. No experi ence necessary. Will work with schedule. 775-7126. Laboratory dishwasher needed. Part-time, hrs/week, Mon -Fri. Off campus. Call 690-2280. Telemarketers wanted promoting the circus, evenings that fit your schedule, 6pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri No weekends. S5.00/hr. 846-8818. Healthy people needed to help save lives. Approx. 3hrs./wk. at your convenience. $ 130/mo. Donating plasma is so easy! Call 846-8855 for more info. Adoption '86 Nissan Pick-up - 5 speed, A/C, stereo, $2,500 O.B.O. Call 846-4299. '87 RX7 Turbo - stereo, pwr. sunroof, pwr. win., pwr. mir, 5 speed Good condition. $4,950. 696-2166. '86 Pontiac Fiero - black, leather, CD & more. Call 696-2166. 1989 Honda Civic Si - 73,000 miles. Perfect condition. Call Steve at 693-4497. '86 Saab 900 Turbo - 2 door, 5 speed, looks great, needs engine work. Make offer. 764-2952. Typing Graduate Student with Bachelor's in English. Editing/ Typing. Reasonable Rates. Call Colleen 862-1685. Typing, Strong Office Services. Typing, Presentations & Graphics. Laser Printer Out put. Fast Service. 694- 2120. Personal Your Sweetheart As Close As Your Phone! 1-900-988-8700 Ext. 9630 $2.99/min. Must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420 Call Your Date Now!!! 1-900-988-8700 ext. 4513. $2.99/min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420. MEET YOUR MATCH! 1-900-884-7800 ext. 2740. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420, Sports Call the Sports/Entertainment Line Today! Fun!!! Scores, Point Spreads and much more!!! 1-900- 526-6000 Ext. 5437. $2.99/min and 18+. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. DIRTY, LIVE, NASTY TALK. Hot, Steamy & Erotic. 1- 900-435-4SEX (4739) $2.50-$3.99/min., instant cred it. 18+. Wanted Needed: house or trailer with acreage for horses. Call (210)637-6179. Married couple with PhD's & two cats seeking to house sit. Please call (505) 359-0012 & leave message. Wanted: 100 students. Lose 8-100 lbs New metabo lism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. R.N. Assisted. Guaranteed Results. $35 Cost. 1-800-579- 1634. For Sale: Boa Constrictor with cage, very tame, $150. Call 764-2124, please leave message. Rottweiler/Shepherd - female, protective, shots & wormed, black/tan, 55 lbs. Large cage & automatic feeder included. $100. 778-5335, ask for Marcus. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Animal Shelter. 775-5755. FEVER BLISTER STUDY Volunteers with a history of recurrent herpes labi- alis (fever blisters) need ed to participate in* a research study using an investigational topical preparation. Eligible vol unteers may receive up to $150. Call NOW for infor mation. G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY PATIENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR RESEARCH STUDY OF NEW INVESTIGATIONAL MEDICINE FOR ATHLETE’S FOOT * Free physical exam, treatments, study medications and lab tests available for qualified partici pants ^ Patient stipend available for qualified participants k Ages 12 years and above * No topical (prescription or over- the-counter) treatment in the last 2 weeks For Details, call: Position available for part-time Receptionist/ Secretary. Mac experience a plus. Flexible hours. Call Joy Caldwell. Lynntech, Inc. (409) 693-0017. EOE. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 BABYSITTER Position Available. Must love children, be dependable & energetic. Early childhood education major preferred Part-time, 20-30 hrs/wk. Foreign stu dents or student wives also considered. 774-0040 or 776-1972. Part-time help needed at Villa Maria Chevron. Experience preferred. Villa Maria at 29th, Bryan. 776- 1261. FREE RENT, utilities & board for female students. Requires 7-10hrs/week of work. Call 694-1637. Work The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for imme diate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided. The route requires work ing early morning hours 7 days a week & earns $600- $900 per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 between 8am-3pm for an appointment. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776-4453. Cashier needed for convenience store. Apply in person at Broach Oil Co., 1700 Kyle, Suite 200, CS. Computers ADOPTION. Childless professional woman with lots of love and security seeks to adopt white newborn. Attorney involved. Medical/ Legal expenses only. Call Patricia 1-800-592-1995. Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software, repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. Real Estate Motivated Seller. 3-2-2 house, 1564 sq.ft., $75,500. Call 823-7680 or 862-2638. GOV'T FORECLOSED Homes for pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax Repo's, REO's. Your Area. Toll Free 1- 800-898-9778 Ext. H-1652 for current listings. For Rent Aggie Owned & Managed! Large 2 bedroom, great location, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, laundry & swimming - $459/mo. College Court 823-7039, Sonnenblick 691-2062. 2bdrm-2bth fourplex, $515/mo., shuttle stop, W/D con nections. Pets OK. 1104 Autumn Circle. 693-9959. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth fourplex, fireplace, W/D connections, shuttle, $550/mo. 404 Fall Circle. 693-9959. 2bdrm-1bth, pool, laundry mat, patio/balcony, water & sewer paid, $475/mo. Monterrey Apartments. 268- 0840. Summer Leases Available. WOODED, 4 blocks from campus, large 2bdrm-1bth studio apartment (approximately 930 sq.ft ). Ceiling fan, gas & electric, patio, $495/mo. + bills. No HUD! No Pets! 693-8534. GREAT APARTMENT! Full-size Wash./Dry., 2bdrm- Ibth, intrusion alarm, shuttle. $479/mo. 846-7454. Duplex- Wolfpen Creek area. 3bdrm-2bth brand new. Beautiful all brick, facing amphitheater. Ready for fall term. $900/mo. for 12 mos. All amenities including pool, hot tub, lawn care and sprinkler. (512) 327-1970 (Jay). For rent in August. Sutters Mill 2bdrm-2 1/2bth, W/D, 1 yr. lease, $850/mo. 764-9570. For Sale Kenmore freezer and refrigerator. Good condition. Price negotiable. Call Marcelo 846-0437. Armoire - Entertainment Center - $400; Queen size bed - $500; Futon - $200; Coffee table & matching sofa table - $200; Dining table - $150. Call 696-6806. New 486DX2-66 Mini-Tower, 4 MB RAM, 1 MB SVGA, 560 MB HD, 1,44 MB FD, 14'' Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, 1 Yr. Warranty - $999. Call 691-2603. Sturdy loft, needs some modification for dorms - $75; also small fridge, very nasty, needs a good home - $30. Call 693-1917 anytime. Kenwood 7 Disc Changer & Receiver with speakers, headphones & cartridge - $400 negotiable; 19 inch color TV with mobile stand - $30. Call Rod at 764- 6017. 5 Disc CD Player. Brand new. never played. Won in a contest. Fully programmable. Retails at $230. Only $169! Call 764-9196. Used 3 ft. refrigerator - $60 negotiable. In great condi tion. Call Rod at 764-6017. 1990 Honda NS50 Sportbike. Must sell. Priced low to move! Only $550! Call 823-6111. 1988 Jet Ski 550- Limited . Custom painted. Excellent condition! Must Sell! 823-6111. Miscellaneous ID KITS - Make your own! For amusement purposes only! For more information, send SASE to: P.O. Box 10312, College Station, TX 77842-0312. Need Money For College? Financial assistance avail able. For more information, send SASE to: P.O. Box 10312, College Station, TX 77842-0312. ATTENTION All Studentsll Need scholarships from major corporations? Call 1-800-AID-2-HELP. FREE FINANCIAL AIDI Over $6 Billion in private sec tor grants & scholarships Is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58554. Roommates IMMEDIATELY!! Male Christian, private room, share bath, huge house, $250/mo. + 1/3 bills. Call anytime 776-8144. 1 or 2 roommates needed. Large 2bdrm-1 1/2bth stu dio apartment, Jul. 1-Aug. 15, $500/total, all utilities paid. 694-8464. 2 roommates wanted. 4bdrm-2bth house, A/C, W/D, partially furnished, $200/dep. 776-0737. Female roommate needed ASAP! 2bdrm-1 1/2bth apartment fall '95 (yr.+). Bus route, $262.50/mo. (pre lease July). 764-6778. Female roommate needed!! $247.50/mo. rent, includes many features. Call Amy at (409) 849-9160. Lease begins August 19th. Roommate needed starting in the fall, to share 2bdrm- 1 1/2bth duplex in Bryan. Pets OK. 778-2388. Roommate Needed ASAP! $183.33/mo. + 1/3 bills. Duplex with own room & 1 1/2 baths. 693-5143, 846- 6474. AUSTIN: Aggie needs roommate, 4bdrm-2bth house, 08/15/95, $340/mo. 693-1851, (512) 459-7849. Services AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) & Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am- 2:30pm), Sun (12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117. Employment Opportunity ARRLY NOW!! Part-time/ Full-time In Housewares And Sporting Goods $0.00 To Start Call 691-2261 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,00- $6,000+/mo. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545- 4155 ext. A58556. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earn ing an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info., call 1-206-634- 0468 ext. C58557. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Earn up to $25- $45/hr. teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info., call (206) 632-1146 ext. J58554. For Rent AUGUST RENT FREE1! Sign by July 15th. Great rates on our spacious efficiency, 1 & 2 bdrm apart ments. Features plush carpet, wall-paper, ceiling fans, walk-in closets, most utilities paid. Great community with lots of amenities. Pre-leasing now. Only a few left. NOW OPEN 8AM-8PM MON.-FRI., 10AM-5PM SAT URDAY & 1PM-4PM SUNDAY. 693-1325. Save $200 1995-96 Forum lease. 585-6512 after 3:00pm. Call Travis (806) 3bdrm-2bth houses. CH/CA, carpeted, near campus, no pets. Call 690-0085 Bryan house 2bdrm-1bth, carport, fence, no pets, $475/mo. Call 778-8890. Pre-lease for Aug. 1st. CS, 2bdrm-1bth duplex, W/D connections, lawncare, $495/mo. Select Prop. 696- 3107. Ibdrm-lbth, W/D, microwave, dishwasher. New com plex, security gates. 1800 Holleman Drive. Available Aug. 15th. $560/mo. 696-6806. 2bdrm-1hth new mobile home in Navasota. All appli ances included, $400/dep., $350/mo. Call (409) 825- 6444 & ask for Dr. Scamardo. For Rent ^OQD * Large 3 Bedroom/2 Bath * On Shuttle Bus Route Close To A&M Consolidated * Quiet Wooded Setting * Adjacent To Parks * Beginning At $900/Mo. AVAILABLE AUGUST FOR MORE INFORMATION: PINNACLE MANAGEMENT GROUP 409-846-1100 OR 409-268-5029 Tutors Small Dorm Refrigerator - $50 Negotiable. Excellent Condition. Call 694-8464. SAILBOAT: 16 Foot Prindle Catamaran. Two sets of sails. Harken block. Trailer. $900 or possible trade for Windsurfer and equipment. Mike. 823-6111. '94 Honda CBR600F2 - blk/purp/yell., 1200 miles, bought new in Feb '95, helmet & extras. Never crashed. $5,900 negotiable, 696-4373. MUST SELL - Sofa, loveseat, chair & coffee table All for $175 & will negotiate. Call 764-1453 & ask for Bonnie. Einstein’s Tutoring Service Individual & small group tutoring by experienced experts for: ACCT 210,229,230,327, 328 329 BAN A 303,305 CHEM 101,102 CHEN 204,205ECON 202,203 FINC 341 PHYS 201,202,218 MATH 102,131,141,142,151, 152,304,423,433 STAY 211,302,303 Call Chris at 696-4131. Brian Randall, a fifth-year senior on the Texas A&M swimming team, was se lected to the 1995 GTE Academic All- America At-Large third team this week. The team representatives were cho sen by members of the College Sports Information Directors of America. Randall received his bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineer ing last December. He graduated with a 3.88 cumulative GPR. This past season, Randall helped the Aggies to a 4-3 record in dual meet action, including a 3-2 mark against SWC opponents. He recorded the team's fastest time in the 200-meter freestyle and also took fifth in the 500- meter freestyle. Houston's Biggio takes over All-Star voting lead Personal English Tutor Needed. Graduate Foreign Student. Reasonable Rate. Call J 693-3137. DJ Music MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reasonable rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. Place Your Ad In The Battalion Call 845-0569 NEW YORK (AP) — Craig Biggio of the Houston Astros has overtaken Mick ey Morandini of the Philadelphia Phillies and moved into the lead at sec ond base in voting for the All-Star game. Balloting ended Monday but votes continue to be counted. Final totals will be released Sunday. Biggio has 361,795 votes to 309,435 to Morandini. In totals released Tuesday, Fred Mc- Criff of Atlanta leads at first with 439,409 votes, just ahead of Houston's Jeff Bagwell, who has 407,268. Matt Williams of San Francisco is ahead at third with 541,553, followed by Scott Cooper of St. Louis with 510,895. BUSINESS IS BACK! Italy Spring Semester 1996 Students will select a minimum of 12 hours: ECON 489/: IBUS 489 Economics of the Eur. Union Prof. Pier Luiyi Sacco LEAR 332/: MGMT 489 Culture of Mpnt. in die Eur. Union Prof. Pier Luip Sacco ARTS 350: Arts and Civilization* Prof. Paolo Barrucchieri Interested? ANTH 201: Attend any one of these informational meetings in 154 Bizzell Hall West: Introduction to Anthropology Dr. Sylvia Grider ANTH 205: Peoples and Cultures of the World Dr. Sylvia Crider PSYC 405: Psychology of Religion Dr. David Rosen Thurs., June 29 10 - 11 ■ PSYC 306: Abnormal Psychology Dr. David Rosen '"Mandatory for all students Study Abroad Programs • 161 Bizzell Hall West • 845-0544 Italy Spring ‘96 for Future Teachers! Study with T AM U in Castiglion Fiorentino at the TAMU Study Abroad Center in Europe! Your international experience could be your students’ first look at the world! Interested? Please come to an informational meeting in 154 Bizzell Hall West on: Wednesday, June 28 For more information, contact: Prof. John Hoyle 203 HECC 845-2748 Prof. Lynn Burlbaw 330 HECC 845-6195 Study Abroad Programs • 161 Bizzell Hall West • 845-0544 ATTENTION: JUNIORS & SENIORS If you are not currendy eligible to order the Aggie ring, but will be eligible after the 1995 Summer Session I grades are posted in July, please do the following: 1. Visit the Ring Office to complete an application for eligibility veri fication and receive a price list as soon as possible, but no later than July 31, 1995. 2. Upon completing the application, you may request a mail order form if you will not be in the Bryan-College Station area to place your order in person between July 14-31, 1995. ATTENTION: GRADUATE STUDENTS If you are an August 1995 degree candidate and do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree, you may place an order for a ‘95 ring after you meet the following requirements: 1. Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registra tion or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans parking tickets, returned checks, etc. If you will complete all of your degree requirements by July 28, 1995, you may request a “Letter of Completion” from the Office of Graduate Studies (please allow 5 working days for receipt). The Ring Office will accept your ring order before your degree is posted only if you present the original “Letter of Completion” with the seal and you are in good standing with the University. Please visit the Ring Office prior to receiving your “Letter of Completion” to complete the application and receive a mail order form if you are leav ing town prior to July 31, 1995. Drabek bounces back, Astros beat Cardinals HOUSTON (AP) — Doug Dratx matched a career-high with II strfe outs and won at home for theliisi time this season, leading the Housin' Astros over the St. Louis Cardins 6-2 Tuesday night. Drabek (4-5) gave up five hitsa allowed one run — on a balk 2-3 innings for his first victory ins decisions at the Astrodome, previous start, Chicago tagged t for nine hits and seven earned runs 2 2-3 innings at Houston. Danny Jackson (0-8) lost inf first start since being placed onl disabled list earlier this month!)!;: cause of a lack of stamina. He j up five runs in the first inning. c H Tettleton, Rodriguez lead Rangers past Angel ARLINGTON (AP) — MickeyV tleton homered twice and Ivan Rtf driguez had three hits, includingl two-run double that drove inthejol ahead run in the fifth, as the Texij! Rangers beat the California/ 10-6 Tuesday night. With the vic tory, the Rangers pul: into a first-place tie with the Angels the AL West. Tettleton's 11th and 12th homt- were his third two-homer game of llf| season and seventh of his career, Rangers starter Bob Tewksburyfi 3) hung on after giving up five w| and seven hits over the first tM innings. He allowed two more over the next three. Dennis Cool! worked the last three inningsio first save. The Rangers rallied with a two-ni' fifth to take a 6-5 lead. I t is an that h- dency worship ji God, A sus, wisd< vorites of practice r I ular ancie But as I expand to I technolog I will follov Wheth I ry of man I no differe I what he r I eluding tl These i live withe | commonp Perhap this bran calf. A lox gether, m made a gi There calves to gold othei glittery a out of the tached, at worshipet Other: fr — INFECTED WOUND STUDY VIP Research is seeking individuals with infected cuts, scrapes, or sutured woundsioi a 3-week research study of an investigational antibiotic cream. Qualified participants will receive free study medication, study supplies and medical exams. $100 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. VIP Research . (409) 776 - 1417 Bargain Matinee; All Shows Before 6 pn Aggie Owned and Operated! Class of ‘79, ‘80, ‘91 Entertaining Brazos Valley Since 192S SCHULMAN SIX 2000 E. 29th Street 775-2® ‘CASPER •PG , 5.50/ s 3.50 1:10 3:15 5:15 7:2092f ‘BATMAN FOREVER •PM : •S.SOAB.SO 1:25 4:15 7:25 9:45 • BRAVEHEART ‘R •S.SOAS.SO 1:00 4:30 8:05 I “CONGO *R •S.SOAS.SO 1:35 3:55 7:15 940 L DIE HARD 3 *R •S.SOAS.SO 1:30 4:00 7:00 9:45 ! BRIDGES OF MADISON *P&> •S.SOAS.SO 1:20 4:05 7:10 9:50 * IN DOLBY STEREO 4 i London $339 Paris $329 Madrid $389 Frankfurt $396 Tokyo $478 Costa Rica $170 Caracas $199 •Fares are each way from Houston based on t roundtrip purchase. Restrictions apply and taxes no included. Call for other worldwide destinatiore Council Travel 2000 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512-472-4931 Eurailpasses issued on-the-spot! YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE! Ca// 845-2696 The Battalion It Editorials £ of the editi the opinic Texas A& faculty or and letter Contact t submitting re Lat show G. Gc free-s] tiona Talk ! in Hoi Iro who t law c scant cham] try’s r Lie heard tions serve In social lack t differ struc and t respon Lidi ered t consti way t( forcem practit ident light ' bombi the W PBS in mi