The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 15, 1995, Image 6
r Student Appreciation Night Every Wednesday Free Pool w/ college ID 7 pm-1 am Happy Hour 4-7 pm M-F $ 1.00 Draft $1.25 Longnecks $2.00 Chuggers $1.75 Well HOSPITALITY NIGHT Every Sunday 7 p.m. - I a.m. Free pool for restaurant, bar, hotel, & city employees $1.75 Miller Lite or Icehouse Chuggers I Winn Dixie Shopping Center - Texas Ave. 764-8664 MSC Barber Shop Serving All Aggies! Cuts and Styles Haircuts starting at $6. Seven operators to serve you Theresa - Marti - April Jennifer - Mary 846-0629 Open Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Located in the basement of the Memorial Student Center TRIBAL RHYTHMS THE TRIBAL COLLECTIOO PRIMITIVE TONES IN SOPHISTICATED FOOTWEAR. MOVE TO A DOWNRIGHT BASIC BEAT IN CASUALS THAT GET TO THE HEART OF CASUAL. TOFT ON THE EARTH'’ SOLES WITH EXTRA-DEEP CUSHIONING. HANDSEWN LEATHER SOFT AS IT IS RUGGED. ELEMENTAL. CLASSIC AMERICAN. , ' Plum, Green, Brown, Blue $54.00 ( ^ 'N CoDDie Shop. >T A collection of contemporary footwear in the sizes you need. Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Rd. • 696-7671 CHS BW nni Italy Spring c 96 for Future Teachers! Study with TAMU in Castiglion Fiorentino at the TAMU Study Abroad Center in Europe! Your international experience could be your students’ first look at the world! Interested? Please come to an informational meeting in 154 Bizzell Hall West on: Wednesday, June 21 Thursday, June 22 3 - 4 10 - 11 For more information, contact: Prof. John Hoyle 203 HECC 845-2748 Prof. Lynn Burlbaw 330 HECC 845-6195 Study Abroad Programs • 161 Bizzell Hall West • 845-0544 BRING YOUR APPETITE INTO APPLEBEE’S LATE NIGHT I 4 TIT ATTCUT LAI L i\IvJJtl 1 $1.00 Domestic Drafts 1/2 Price Munchies Sundays: 8 - Close Monday - Thursday: 9 - Close Friday - Saturday: 10 - Close 200 Texas Ave. • College Station • (409) 260-3003 University 1 Tower Texas Ave. University Ave. Neighborhood Grill & Bar Page 6 • The Battalion Cxvivi dljs Briefs Thursday June 15,19 r Abner McCall, former Baylor president, eulogized Juvenile Services awaits A&M psychology intern The Texas A&M clinical psycholo gy faculty will select a student from the advanced clinical psychology doc toral program for a new internship at the Juvenile Services of Brazos County. Dr. Douglas Snyder, A&M profes sor and director of clinical psychology training, said the intern will gain pro fessional experience while helping ju veniles in need of counseling. A representative from juvenile Ser vices said the intern will increase their effectiveness and efficiency. The internship will last from Sep tember 1995 to August 1996. WACO, Texas (AP) — Abner V. Mc Call, a 20-year president of Baylor Uni versity and one-time Texas Supreme Court justice, was remembered Wednesday at a memorial service at tended by 3,000 mourners. McCall died Sunday at his home. He was 80. The university said McCall died of a massive heart attack, one day after an on-campus celebration of his 80th birthday, which was June 8. McCall left the presidency in 1981, when he was named chancellor. He took the position of president emeritus in 1985, which he held until his death. Finances provide snapshot of lawmakers' lives, travels Gramm's 'favor' request found in A&M papers HOUSTON (AP) — Phil Gramm wrote a letter in 1983 asking for a “personal fa vor" that led to an Air Force member be ing discharged a year early so he could work for the U.S. senator, the Houston Chronicle reported today in a copyright story. The November 1 983 letter written to Verne Orr, the Secretary of the Air Force at the time, requested a special discharge for Airman John Weaver. Gramm, who was then a member of the U.S. House, wrote that he wanted Weaver to help run his campaign to join the Senate. A copy of the letter, which was signed by Gramm, also was sent to then-joint Cniefs of Staff Chairman John W. Vessey. The Chronicle found the letter this week in a collection of Gramm's congres sional papers in the archives of Texas A&M University, where he used to teach. WASHINGTON (AP) — Texas law makers spent less time on foreign and domestic jaunts last year. Financial disclosure forms released Wednesday for most of Congress' 535 House and Senate members showed that travel - both domestic and overseas — took a nosedive in the Texas congres sional delegation last year. Eight of the delegation's 32 mem bers reported taking trips abroad at the expense of special interests. Among them were Reps. Solomon Ortiz, D- Corpus Christi, who spent 19 days in Taipei and another five in Mexico City; and Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, who spent a week in Jerusalem. Richards addresses idea of women in Texas Rangers Baylor's dental school joins Texas A&M System Gov. George W. Bush will hold a for mal signing of House Bill 2495 Friday, which makes the'fiaylor College of Den tistry a part of the Texas A&M System. Also attending the signing at the State Capitol in Austin is Mary Nan West, A&M's Board of Regents chairman; Dr. Barry B. Thompson, A&M chancellor; and Dominick P. DePaola, Baylor Col lege of Dentistry president and dean. The Texas Senate approved the bill in May and acquisition of both schools will take effect on Sept. 1, 1996. AUSTIN (AP) — Former Gov. Ann Richards said Wednesday the Texas Rangers and women entering that elite law enforcement group must come to "a certain level of understanding" now that the 103-member unit's all-male barriers have come down. One of the first two female Rangers has filed a complaint with the state alleg ing sexual harassment, discrimination, re taliation and daily reminders that women weren't welcome on the force. “I think any time that any of us enter into a sphere that has previously been all male there is going to be a period of time in which you have to make an adjust ment on both sides," Richards said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Systems and a fashion of doing things are not going to change overnight simply because there is the presence of a woman there" she said. Bs i Bid Roger Hsieh, TheBattaik 225 i The enl s er se Randall Garms and Becky Nelson taste test wine at Messina Hciras d in Bryan. Messina Hof is currently celebrating its annual harvesrvio ..P. E ■>r. Just a little sip .&M FEE: Students react to Bowens propose t 1 1 5W Ot Continued from Page 1 they have to do what they have to do.” Joe Dowling, a senior me chanical engineering major, said he thinks that increased fees are only logical, but believes the University should not increase fees so quickly. “It’s a sign of the times,” Dowling said. “As time goes on, I guess you have to expect the prices to rise. But I think they should do it gradually, instead of all at once.” Kelli Dosch, a junior journal ism major, said she thought “It increase was “a little steep, eliev was concerned how it wou uppo feet students. icree “I think it’s going toi/hate some people,” Dosch said re S going to make it real hard some people to stay in school Lauren Dowd, a senioriw rology major, said that some' dents could be hit hard. “A lot of people who have pay their way are going tobe fected,” Dowd said. “Itml just push them over theeii and force them out of school Now you can take a practice GRE, GMAT, LSAT, or MCAT administered under actual test conditions - on us. After the test, you'll receive a detailed score report that pinpoints your test-taking strengths and weaknesses. Take a test on us. Call today to set up an appointment. * The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University or ETS. 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CRAWFISH Corn, Potatoes • Red Beans & Rice $1.75 Chuggers .750 Well Drinks 8-10 pm Live on stage after the game • Pizza (lots of different kinds!) • SpaGatti (with Mr. Gatti’s rich 'n meaty sauce!) • Fresh £ n Healthy Salad! • Desserts (including Mr. Gatti’s Dutch Apple Treat and Very Cherry Dessert Pizzas!) Weekday Lunch Dinner & Weekend Buffet Jeffs Kitchen '9ht! $1.75 32 oz. Chuggers - .750 Bar Drinks 8-10 p.m. $2.00 Long Island Iced Teas all night $099 $ Plus Tax 3 99 Plus Tax served M-F 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. served M - F 4 - 9:30 p m. Sat. - Sun. 11 a.m. - 9:30 p-^ 107 South College • 268-8888