The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 01, 1995, Image 4
Do You Worry Too Much? Dr. Steven Strawn is seeking volunteers for a 2 - month research study of an investigational medication for anxiety. For more information call: 846 - 2050 Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Page 4 • The Battalion BRING IN THIS (ID FOR $2.00 OFF Y r . , / /.'KT' 4/S A 00 00 E: JITTERBUG «• TWO-STEP lo^ o 33 O %> ABSOLUTEiy THE BEST IN DANCE INSTRUCTION) DDRANCflili**® BUSINESS IS BACK! Italy Spring Semester 1996 Students will select minimum of 12 hours: Interested? Alt end any one of these Info Meetings in 154 Bizzell Hall West: Tues., June 6 Wed., June 7 4 - 5 10 - 1J Study Abroad Programs 161 Bizzell Hall West • 845 - 0544 EGON 489/: Economics of the Eur. Union I BUS 489 Prof. Pier Luigi Sacco LBAR 332/: Culture of Mgmt. in the Eur. Union MGMT 489 Prof. Pier Luigi Sacco ARTS 350: Arts and Civilization* Prof. Paolo Banicchieri ANTH 201: Introduction to Anthropology Dr. Sylvia Grider ANTH 205: Peoples and Cultures of the World Dr. Sylvia Grider PSYC 405: Psychology of Religion Dr. David Rosen PSYC 306: Abnormal Psychology Dr. David Rosen Post Oak Mall AND I CARMIKE THEATRES CARMIKE Presents i ■ ■ i i ■ ■ • 2 Chick-Fil-A Value Meals...(reg. $3.49 each) " (Either a one sandwich or 8 nugget meal which includes small waffle fries and a cup of cole slaw.) I • 2 Tickets for the Carmike Theatres... (reg. $5.00 each) J^Chic-Fil-A is closed on Sunday. Some restrictions may apply to movies.) OVIE DEAL 11.99 MONDAY THRU THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY Valid until July 15, 1995 $ CONTACT LENSES ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hind-Hydrocurve) Disposable Contact Lenses Available 118 00 TOTAL COST.. .INCLUDES $ EYE EXAM, FREE ALCON OPTI-FREE CARE KIT, AND TWO PAIR OF STANDARD FLEXIBLE WEAR SOFT CONTACT LENSES. 00 TOTAL COST.. .INCLUDES EYE EXAM, FREE ALCON OPTI-FREE CARE KIT, AND FOUR PAIR OF STANDARD FLEXIBLE WEAR SOF T CON FACT LENSES. SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES. Call 846-0377 for Appointment CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., PC. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, TX 77840 4 Blocks East of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection Aggielife Thursday • Jun Johnny Mnemonic circuits with poor actin Keanu Reeves spends his time running from bad guys as Johnny Mnemonic. By Libe Goad The Battalion Johnny Mnemonic Starring Keanu Reeves, Dolph Lundgren, Ice-T and Dina Meyer Directed by Robert Longo Rated R Playing at Hollywood 16 ★ 1/2 (out of five) If violence and bad acting determined a film’s quality, Johnny Mnemonic would get a five-star rating. Visual artist and director Robert Longo tried to bring author William Gibson’s futuristic short sto ry to the screen, but he merely brought video-game violence, complete with decapitated heads and peo ple diced like carrots. Perhaps the violence was meant to compensate for the bad acting. Keanu Reeves lends a pitiful performance as Johnny, a circuit-headed courier in an advanced, information society. Pharmaceutical bad guys download a massive amount of information into Johnny’s silicone-im planted brain, and he wants to get it out. Of course, the information locked in his head can save the world from the “black shakes,” a dis ease caused from information overload. Johnny says little in the film, which is fortunate for Reeves, who seems unable to shake his surfer- boy voice from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. He mostly runs away from bad guys who want to decapitate him and moans in pain from his over loaded circuit. This marks Reeves’ worst feature performance yet. Karate master and action film star Dolph Lund gren delivers a testosterone-laden performance as Street Preacher, an information junkie who lives Reeves has information stored in his headte the world as the title character in JohnnyMne on implants and carries an eerie fetish for: Bible verses before killing his victims. Ice-T gives a decent performance asJf outspoken “low-tech” that fights corporate: and aims to overcome the technological sot: “Heaven,” an underground informationcer. ; But it is Dina Meyer, who also played the two-timing professor from “BeverlyHilJ who breaks through the weak acting Irene good performance as the mysterious “Jan.; acting skills don’t shine through the poor; play, but she carries a few spotlight mome: her witty comments. Henry Rollins’ performance as a sarcas tech doctor named Spider and the virtual- segments keep the movie from slippingof: end of the ratings chart. Longo attempts to use violence to con: for weak performances, and the filmult: fails to bring Gibson’s dark, futuristicv: : the summer screen. Gibson and Braveheart get it By Wes Swift The Battalion li rave hear t Starring: Mel Gibson, Patrick McGoohan Directed by Mel Gibson Rated R Playing at Schulman 6 ★ ★★★ (out of five) Mel Gibson’s previous attempts at more serious films, like Ham let or The Man Without a Face have meet dismal fates, having been either slashed by critics or ignored by audiences. But his newest film, Braveheart, could break his losing streak with moviegoers and reviewers alike. Gibson stars as William Wallace, a villager in English-ruled 13th century Scotland, who becomes the spirited leader of the Scottish re bellion after English soldiers murder his wife. He leads his rag tag clansmen against the almost invulnerable English army, winning a couple impressive victories and raising the ire of King Edward I of England (played by Patrick McG Wallace’s story and the story of Scotland’s independer. ven together with numerous subplots concerning quarrel' English royal family, the greed and squabbling of the Sco: hies and Wallace’s own life. These disputes often maketh seem like a three-hour soap opera. Braveheart, although a powerful film, does have a fewc its cinematic armor. The filmmakers attempt to cram too: the film’s first hour, often sacrificing plot and characterdf ment in a series of touch-and-go, rapid-fire scenes. plots often lead to tangents that do not help the plot whate But Braveheart’s strong suit is its stunning battle see: filmmakers recreate 13th century battles, portraying th:: 1 all the grim realities and none of the romantic hogwash* ten litters similar films. Special praise goes to the film’s', ment of violence, which focuses more on the fights than o^; battle’s gore. Overall, Braveheart is a powerful film about proud peop faced incredible odds in their fight for freedom. Don’t Worry when an accident or sudden illness occurs CarePlus is open when you need them 7 days a week with affordable medical care. CarePlus Family Medical Center 2411 Texas Ave. and Southwest Parkway 696-0683 10% A&M student discount Q MSC Barber Shop Serving All Aggies! Cuts and Styles Haircuts starting at $6. Seven operators to serve you Theresa - Marti - April Jennifer - Mary 846-0629 Open Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Located in the basement of the Memorial Student! c AEROBICS Register NOW 7 ^ University PLUS Craft Center -MSC Basement J Beginning Aerobics $46tA&Bi $35 mi-4> A. Early Bird MWF 6-7am June 5 - Aug 4 B. Rush Hour MWTH 5:30-6:30pm June 5 - Aug 3 B(1). More Rush Hour M/W 5:30-8:30pm June 5 • Aug 2 B(2). More Rush Hour T/Th 5:30-6:30pm June 6 -Aug 3 B(3). After Rush Hour M/W 6:45-7:45pm June 5 - Aug 2 B(4). After Rush Hour T/Th 6:45-7:45pm June 6 -Aug 3 Step Box Aerobics $46 C. Bench Before Breakfast MWF 6-7am June 5 - Aug 4 D. Early Bench MWF 7-8am June 5 - Aug 4 E. Lunch Box A MWF 12:30-1:30pm June 5 - Aug 4 F. Lunch Box B MWF 12:30-1:30pm June 5 - Aug 4 G. Sweatin’ and Steppin’ A MWTh 5:30-6:30June 5 - Aug 3 H. Sweatin' and Steppin’ B MWTh 5:30-6:30June 5 -Aug 3 I. Evening Step MWTh 6:30-7:30pm June 5 - Aug 3 J. Late Step MWTh 7:30-8:30pm June 5 - Aug 3 K. Last Step MWTh 8:30-9:30pm June 5 - Aug 3 Weight Training $46 L. Breakfast Can Weight MWF 6-7am June 5 - Aug 4 M. Lunch Can Weight MWF 12-1 pm June 5 - Aug 4 Water Aerobics $56 N. Hydrofit MWTh 5:30-6:30pm June 5 - Aug 3 -Tjg? v. PLUS MSC Basement 845-1631 ED ^ ITQ G Register NOW ! University PLUS Craft Center -MSC Basement Beginning Country & Western Dana Mon. July 10, 17, 27, 31 6:30-8pm $25/student $30/nonstudent Intermediate Country & Western Dm Look for our Fall 1995 Class Jitterbug Wed. June 7, 14, 21,28 6:30-7:45pm Wed. July 5, 12, 16, Aug 2 6-7:15pm $25/student $30/nonstudent Ballroom Dance Wed. July 5, 12, 19, Aug 2 7:30-8:45pf $25/student $30/nonstude' Bellydance T/Th, June 6 - July 6 6-7pm $35/student $40/n on student MSC Basement 845-1631 IT S MORE FUN WHEN YOU DINE ON CAMP^