The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1995, Image 8

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Pa g
e 8 • The Battalion
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Thursday •April 2
Argentina shaken to the coif
by army admission of guilt
□ The army confessed
that it tortured and
killed leftists and politi
cal dissidents two
decades ago.
(AP) — For years Argentines
were told not to dwell on the
horrors of the “Dirty War.” Now,
the official silence has been bro
ken with the frank admission
that the army tortured and
killed leftists and political dissi
dents two decades ago.
The truth has shaken the
country to the core. While it may
help Argentines confront their
past, it may not help President
Carlos Menem, who pardoned
many of the people responsible
and is up for re-election.
“It’s time to assume the re
sponsibility and no longer deny
the horrors of the past,” army
Commander Gen. Martin Balza
said Tuesday in acknowledging
the army’s role in the former
military government’s brutal
“The army did not know how
to take on terrorists by legal
means” Balza said on a tele
vised talk show. “(It) employed
illegitimate methods, including
the suppression of life, to ob
tain information.”
His surprise statement was ap
plauded Wednesday by human
rights groups, which have pushed
for a new investigation into the
“disappearance” of thousands of
people during the Dirty War.
It came on the heels of two
chilling confessions by retired
armed forces officers who said
political prisoners were thrown
alive into the Atlantic from navy
and army aircraft in the 1970s.
The military junta that seized
power in 1976 went after left-
wing guerrillas who sought to
destabilize the country. More
than 9,000 people, many of them
intellectuals and dissidents un
connected with terrorism, were
arrested and disappeared, an of
ficial report says.
Human rights advocates claim
more than 30,000 Argentines dis
appeared under military rule.
Menem, who had repeatedly
urged former repressors "not to
rub salt in old wounds” by pub
licly confessing to atrocities.
praised Balza’s “coura;
said he expected stateire
from the air force and the
He said he hoped Bali:
elation would pacify the
and put an end to furth
of torture by repentant oh
“This is a relief
the one hand it will sty
confessions from repeni;
itary men and also soa
be able speak moret;
Menem said.
In a newspaper ind
published Monday, fore:i
Victor Ibanez claimedpn
were put on “death flip:
tween 1976 and 1978.1:
the first member of the 1
tine army to speak out
leged military murdermr.
The account echoed a
sion in March by a fonr;
officer, Lt. Cmdr. Adolfo
go. He, too, described hr
oners were drugged arc
alive from navy planes.
Human rights grot;
agreed with Menem. De:
the Dirty War, formerk
now hopefully will gathe:
and lead to a shake up
country’s discredited
forces, they said.
Firefighter who rescued Jessica McClure d
Q Robert O'Donnell wrote a suicide
note and apparently shot himself in
a pasture near Stanton.
STANTON, Texas (AP) — The world waited in
1987 as paramedic Robert O’Donnell shimmied on
his back through a shaft to dislodge a Midland
toddler wedged down a well.
More than seven years later, the first rescuer to
reach Jessica McClure wrote a suicide note and
drove to a pasture near Stanton before apparently
shooting himself. Autopsy results were pending.
Glasscock County Deputy Sheriff Fred Schroyer
told The Dallas Morning News that O’Donnell ap
parently took his own life.
“Ever since that Jessica deal, his life fell apart,”
brother Ricky O’Donnell said Wednesday.
Ricky O’Donnell said the body of the 37-year-
old ex-firefighter was found Monday morning on
their parents’ ranch near Stanton, about 20 miles
northeast of Midland.
He said people often asked his brothe:
the ordeal of helping save an 18-monthc
from a narrow pit.
Robert O’Donnell and others toiledforj;
to reach Jessica, who fell 22 feet downr
doned water well in her aunt’s back yard:
land. Television viewers tuned in nationwic:
News clippings say O’Donnell’s
made him the one to descend a newly dril
cue shaft.
He went down once but decided the;
wasn’t wide enough to pull the girl out«
risking a paralyzing injury.
“I told her we would be back,” 0’Donnef
1987. “I had absolutely decided when 1'
in, I wasn’t coming out without her.”
On the second try in the widened st
smeared a lubricating jelly around the ;*
tugged on Jessica’s dangling left leg. He ’
prayed and cursed; the girl told him “No,: ‘
eral times as he pulled.
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