Cut out this application and turn it in at 013 Reed McDonald I I I Li Application due April 28, 1995 013 Reed McDonald Building • Telephone: (409) 845-3313 • Fax: (409) 845-2647 NO JOURNALISM EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - WE*RE LOOKING FOR ANYONE WHO CAN WRITE If you're good with computers, ask us about Design or Graphics Name: Phone number(s): Major: Classification: # of class hours — Summer: — Fall: (optional) GPR overall: ; last sem.: Expected graduation (semester): List your extracurricular activities: Circle semester for which you are applying: Summer 1995 Fall 1995 Both If you are registered for the fall, you can work for The Battalion in the summer without taking summer classes. If you have another job, what is it? How many work hours per week? ' Summer: Full: Will you be working for another newspa- per or other media organization? Number the positions in which you are interested in order of preference: Night News desk - (editing news stories and laying out news pages): Copy editor News page designer Graphic artist Strip cartoonist Aggielife - (features, entertainment): Feature writer/reviewer. Entertainment columnist Section Designers - (copy editing and laying out pages for certain sections): Sports designer Aggielife designer Opinion - (columns, editorials): Columnist Editorial Writer Editorial Cartoonist Sports - (sports news, features) Sportswriter City desk - (front page news, features): News reporter Photo desk - (photo features, news and sports photos): Photographer Assistant editors - City: Summer ; Fall Aggielife Assistant editors work in Fall only, except for City desk Sports Opinion Photo Please submit answers to these questions with your application: 1) Why do you want to work at The Battalion; what do you hope to accomplish? 2) What qualifies you for the position(s) for which you are applying — list any work, class, campus or other experience, along with anything else you want us to know about your abilities, goals and interests. 3) Critique the section(s) in The Battalion for which you are applying - what do you like, what could be better, what could be changed, what do you think is downright bad? Please attach samples of your writing, designs or photos — they can be anything from letters to your parents to class projects to flyers for your last party. Just show us what you can do ... Make as many copies of this application as you need. Please call The Battalion if you have any questions about the newspaper or this application. Join the real world with the right career. We re Hewitt Associates LLC, a global benefits consulting firm based in suburban Chicago. You'll find us listed in The 1 OO Best Companies To Work For In America. And due to our unparalleled growth, we re out to find the best candidates for career entry analyst opportunities in our innovative client-server environment. Formal training will be provided. If you have an outstanding GRA, an analytical mind, and the desire to get into exciting project work right away, let's find out more about each other. Send your resume including GRA (transcript preferred) to: Dave Quinn, Hewitt Associates LLC, RO. Box 221, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Or, fax to 708■883■0076. Equal Opportunity Employer. Hewitt Associates Helping Clients Around The World Improve Business Results Through People. Page 14 • The Battalion T OCAL 1 hursday • Apri I 27,199) Chris Holder/Spccial to The Battalkm Drowning in a sea of knowledge Abi Sugoso, a geophysics major, desperately searches for the answers to life’s finals in Sterling C. Evans Library. MSC Great Issues and MSC SCONA present Terrorism in America Can We Make Sense of This Madness? with Gene Blackwell, international consultant on security and terrorist activities & Dr. Paige PoweU, counseling psychologist specializing in personal trauma. A Question-Answer session will follow. Thursday, April 2 Tth, at 8:30 pm in Rudder 601. ‘Persons zititfi cfisaSifities p Cease caff845-1515 to inform us of your speciaf neeefs. Pile request notification three (3) zoorfing days prior to the event to enahfe us to assist you to the Best of our aBifities. T1 I C k_ wil list nai the vici sta sioi us enc the the yen not not lioi ers ] pro bac the wa bro out dec me lea ger ] loM ] On ( Lil: an ter froi lea of I cou pie Vai yor for A C Ec i anc to t eta Acc con wit r spr ach woi faci sta der rep syn der; has sta to 1 of ( per ( tiv< sug eitl oth ove did the