Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1995)
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B O E R CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH iVm' DODGE ■ ■ JEEP ■ ■ EAGLE 4100 Highway 6 South in Bryan (on the Bypass between "the Briarcrest and University exits) 823-8111 * $400 bonus is not available with any other private offer. Offer is good on any new 1994, 1995, 1996 Chrysler Corporation vehicle and ends December 31, 1995. 1994 model vehicle eligibility may end prior to December 31, 1995. See dealer for complete details, eligibility requirements and exclusions. Cut out this application and turn it in at 013 Reed McDonald riijE Application due April 28, 1995 013 Reed McDonald Building • Telephone: (409) 845-3313 • Fax: (409) 845-2647 NO JOURNALISM EXPERIENCE NECESSARY- WE’RE LOOKING FOR ANYONE WHO CAN WRITE If you're good with computers, ask us about Design or Graphics Name: Phone number(s): Major: Classification: # of class hours — Summer: — Fall: Circle semester for which you are applying: Summer 1995 Fall 1995 Both If you are registered for the fall, you can work for The Battalion in the summer without taking summer classes. (optional) GPR overall: ; last sem.: Expected graduation (semester): List your extracurricular activities: If you have another job, what is it? How many work hours per week? Summer: Fall: Will you be working for another newspa per or other media organization? Number the positions in which you are interested in order of preference: Night News desk - (editing news stories and laying out news pages): Copy editor News page designer Graphic artist Strip cartoonist Aggielife - (features, entertainment): Feature writer/reviewer Entertainment columnist Section Designers - (copy editing and laying out pages for certain sections): Sports designer Aggielife designer Opinion - (columns, editorials): Columnist Editorial Writer Editorial Cartoonist Sports - (sports news, features) Sportswriter City desk - (front page news, features): News reporter FTeoto desk - (photo features, news and sports photos): Photographer Assistant editors - City: Summer ; Fall Aggielife Sports Opinion Photo Assistant editors work in Fall only, except for City desk Please submit answers to these questions with your application: 1) Why do you want to work at The Battalion; what do you hope to accomplish? 2) What qualifies you for the position(s) for which you are applying - list any work, class, campus or other experience, along with anything else you want us to know about your abilities, goals and interests. 3) Critique the section(s) in The Battalion for which you are applying — what do you like, what could be better, what could be changed, what do you think is downright bad*. Please attach samples of your writing, designs or photos — they can be anything from letters to your parents to class projects to flyers for your last party. Just show us what you can do ... Make as many copies of this application as you need. Please call The Battalion if you have any questions about the newspaper or this application. Page 12 • The Battalion 5 ports April 26, lilt Julie Averett/Special to The Battalion Aiming for the top Freshman Victor Wunderle practices for the Collegiate Archery Nationals to be held from May 14-18. Wunderle won three gold medals and one silver medal at the Pan-AM Games in March. Wednesday Cowboys to play 49ers Nov. 12 IRVING, Texas (AP)-Tt f Dallas Cowboys will havetj wait until Nov. 12 for revenji against the Super Bowl champ: on San Francisco 49ers. The 49ers, who beat the Cowboys 38-28 in the National Football Conference champi onship game on Jan. 15, will host San Francisco at Texas Stadium in a 3 p.m. game. Dallas has five nationally televised games, including three Monday Night Foot ball telecasts. ‘We have five games that enjoy the national audience without any competition froir any other NFL games, and! don’t know when that’s hap pened before,” Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Tuesday. “It’s note worthy that we are opening the season on Monday Night Football, clearly a showcase for any team ...and we’re closing the season on Monday Night Football, he said. Jones noted that l3ofthe Cowboys’ 16 regular-season games last season went to over 80 percent of the country, and with only one noon start this season, the team’s national^ exposure could be even greater this year. The Cowboys appear on Monday night TV for the season opener on SepU at the Meadowlands against the New York Giants, on Nov. 6 in Texas Stadium against the Philadelphia Ea gles, and on the road against the Arizona Cardinals on Christmas night. DiNardo: Reflecting on final season Continued from Page 9 my mind.” DiNardo said her play during her senior season, although spo radic at times, has capped off her career at A&M. “At the beginning of the season, I played, well,” Di Nardo said. “Then, I hit a slump. Overall, it was a prdlty good season.” DiNardo said the proudest moment of her career at A&M came through an invitation. “I got invited to the All- American,” DiNardo said. “I went two years in a row and I played players from all over the nation.” The toughest player DiNardo said she has played is superstar Monica Seles. “I played her when I was 14,” DiNardo said. “I lived at a ten nis academy in Florida and got the opportunity to play her. I won, maybe, one game.” DiNardo, who graduates in August, said tennis will always be a part of her life, but she realizes that it is time for a change. “It’s a whole different life now,” DiNardo said. “It feels like we just have a day off right now. It’s time to move on.” DiNardo said her involve ment with other organizations on campus gave her an outlet from the demands of being an athlete at A&M. “It’s hard being involved in sports and other outside activi ties,” DiNardo said. “But, the more your involved, the more you will become a well- rounded person.” Bart Mltchell/TiiF Battalion Senior Christina DiNardo played her final game against the versity of Texas in the SWC Championships. Quality Deals in Bryan - College Station $18,995 ‘95 Buick LeSabre 3800 V6 • Power Locks, • Power Windows • Power Seats • Dual Airbags • Tilt Wheel • AM/FM Stereo • 4 wheel ABS, 4-Speed Auto Trans. • Stainless Steel Exhaust System • Pass Key II Theft Deterrent System MSRP Disc Rebate *21,309 1714 -600 ‘95 Pontiac Bonneville $750 rebate or 3.6% financing up to 36 months 4.8 % at 48 months w/ approved credit. Sale Price *18995 st. #S4-H4 Gary Stevenson’s PONTIAC • BUICK • GMC W SUPER STORE Wh Z°s°S.rr Ex 77 e 9!i o°oo ,ce/ fey Where Quality Always Exceeds The Price! 779-1000