The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 1995, Image 4
The Living is Easy & so is the rent • Eff., 1, 2 & 3 br. • Unfurnished • Central A/C • Close to campus • Shuttle Route • Rec. Room • Exercise Room • On-Site Management • Sauna • Pool • Lighted Tennis & Basketball Courts Doux Chene 1401 FM 2818, College Station 693-1906 BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY & GIFTS FROM ARGL ND THE WORLD A. r\ v f\ t_ ivi i o - rv i o i i v - rv o £ ETHNIC JEWELRY • INCENSE » g WINDCHIMES * LOCAL BEADWORK § S MUSEUM REPRODUCTIONS T* BEAimFUL JEWELRY & GIFTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD '*-• RaLeci The College Connection "It’s for you!" ^DateNet W(t>\/ Area Code) Listen ‘Answer Record Your Own M essage 900•656-1 1 77 $2.49/ m in Live Chat -1 on 1 Soft, Smiling, Voices 900•255-1 1 33 $3.95/ m in Sports Info Picks'Trivia - More 900*945-7700, extension 6151 $2.99/min Must be 18 + Turnberry (914)478-0017 STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS: GENERAL INFORM ATIONAL MEETINGS WANT TO BECOME MORE COMPETITIVE AND MARKETABLE...STUDY ABROAD Gome by one of our weekly meetings held every Friday at 11:00 (room number will be posted outside of 161 Bizzell Hall West) where we will answer questions including: How do I plan a Study Abroad? When should I Study Abroad? What about Financial Aid? - and more - Study Abroad Programs *161 Bizzell Hall West • 845-0544 MONOPOLIZE YOUR OPPORTUN ITI ES.... BECOME A RESIDENT ADVISOR! EDAD 489 The Resident Advisor Role Register now in order to be eligible to apply for a Resident Advisor position. Summer Section open! 100 Tues. / Thurs. 3:00 - 5:00 Fall 1995 Sections: 501 Mon. / Wed. 1:50 - 2:40 502 Mon. / Wed. 6:00 - 6:50 503 Lues. / Thurs. 12:45 - 1:35 Call 845-1229 for additional information Texas A&M Rodeo'Club and KORA Radio BLAST OFF to the College National Finals Rodeo Tabor Road Arena April 27, 28, 29 7:30 p.m. Tickets - $5.00 Children 6 and under - FREE Fratemity/Corps Steer Saddling • Bull Riding • Saddle Bronc • Bare Back Bronc Calf Roping • Steer Wrestling • Barrel Riding • Goad Tying Page 4 • The Battalion * Tuesday • April 25 What’s Up Tuesday Baha’i Club: A discussion about the Baha’i faith will be held at 7 p.m. in 205 MSC. Everyone is welcome. For more in formation call Kipper at 847-7466. meeting with Pi Mu Epsilon at 7 p.m. in 624 Blocker. Both clubs will elect officers. For more information call Bill Sweet at 847-0923. Scuba Club: Dr. Brennen will speak' on exciting travels at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. Study Abroad Programs Office: A meeting for all interested students who are interested in being future teachers from 1- 1:45 p.m. and 3-3:45 p.m. in 154 Bizzell West. For more information call 845-0544. TAMU Roadrunners: Group miles), meet at G. Rollie Whiteal6p; more information call Molly 81696':. Wednesday Texas A&M Tae Kwon Do Team: Compe tition training will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 342 MSC. For more information call Matt Ba- nasik at 847-0945. Pi Mu Epsilon: An organizational meet ing will be held from 7-8 p.m. in 624 Blocker. For more information call David at 847-1775. CK1: A general meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. All students inter ested in service, leadership, and fellowship are encouraged to attend. For more infor mation call Dan Tinker at 693-3148. Texas A&M Tae Kwon Do Tee petition training will be he!dat8:X; 263 G. Rollie White. For more iri: call Matt Bunasik at 847-0945. Texas A&M Rodeo Club: A general meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 115 Kle berg. Members must attend. For more in formation call Jason Littleton at 696-1153. CSA: Daily Mass will be held at 12:05 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. For more informa tion call Tonya at 846-5717. TAMU Waterski Club: A general meet ing for the SWT Tournament will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 308 Rudder. For more informa tion call Todd Harrod at 694-2196. The Inkshed Press: Poetry wort. 8 p.m. in the Serpentine Loungeir.'jii For more information cal Chadat&f TAMU Bridge Club: After our weekly duplicate bridge game from 7-11 p.m. in 301 Bright we will be voting for officers and on t-shirts. For more information call Hank at 847-2017. Pi Sigma Alpha: Karen Severn will dis cuss the application process for law school at 8:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more infor mation call Michelle at 693-7217. TAMU Math Society: We will be having a Career Center: Successful Interviewing Seminar will be held at 4 p.m. in 302 Rud der. For information call 845-5139. Student Counseling Service, Minority Student Walk-in Services: No appointment necessary. Student are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis from 1-4:30 p.m. in Hender son Hall. For more information call Juan Riker at 845-4427, ext. 134. What's Up is a Battalion semaa non-profit student and faculty evens: tivities. Items should be submitted than three days in advance of the date. Application deadlines and nos not events and will not be run in fc: If you have any questions, p newsroom at 845-3313. Career: Center links students with i ay • Api > ... Jf Continued from Page T students can access job openings and on-campus interviews. Alumni registered with the center can access job openings and in terviews by telephone through the job line. Katie Nichols, senior industrial distribution major, said that nearly all the students in her major find a job through the career center. “The convenience, stress and redundancy it alleviates puts you a step ahead when looking for a job,” she said. Companies conducting interviews on campus between now and May 2 include Hewlett Packard, Plantation Foods, Inc. and Office Depot. Ziola Humphrey, employment office assistant with Plantation Foods, Inc., said Plantation Foods is looking for A&M studerij production supervisory positions. “We have a relationship with A&M in hiring tons andtoj A&M students in the past,” Humphrey said. “Because of the; lent agriculture department at A&M, graduates from thisikj ment make good supervisory candidates.” Job postings are available for all students, even those nol: tered with the career center. Payne said these postings are from companies that will note: ■ c ° l ' campus to conduct interviews, but expect students to come to the: Nearly 500 full-time jobs and internships have been runthr the job-posting list this year, Payne said. Evaluations: Students can view result Continued from Page 1 fill out the survey on the teacher evaluations so we can find out what they need.” Mark Troy, coordinator for evaluations programs in Measurement and Research Services, said student ratings of faculty will be a helpful tool for students. “As students become aware of the avail ability of the teacher evaluations, it will be as useful as grade distributions for them,” he said. “The more aware students are of the results of the evaluations, the better it will be for everyone.” Troy said making teacher evaluations available to students may improve how they complete the evaluations. “I hope students will take the evalua tions more seriously when their input goes somewhere and people are looking at them,” he said. Shopp agreed that making student rat ings of faculty accessible to students could help obtain higher quality responses. “Right now a lot of students simply bub ble in anything,” he said. “I hope that those who are apathetic toward evaluations will be more serious when they see other stci are using them.” Shopp said providing student: teacher evaluations could help improv- overall quality of education studentsrett “There has been some resistance ta making these documents availableto dents,” he said. “We hope this helps those professors who are leery of being ated want to do their best for their Student ratings of faculty have been? able on computer for about two months dents with GOPHER can access teacher nations through their personal computer State dai /T NO FOOLIN WESTGATE IS OPEN SATURDAYS OUR SATURDAYS MOVE FASTER, MORE CONVENIENTLY, AND PAY CASH. BRING A SHORT STORY OR ONLY TWO PAGES OF HOMEWORK- SOMETHING LITTLE TO DO BECAUSE ON OUR SATURDAYS YOU’RE GONE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT - CASH IN HAND. JLM Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. • 846-8355 K.XMM MM JLM MMMM.M.*. ML JL'JX MML MWF 3:00-5:00 • Tue&Thur 9:00 - 6:00 ^Beginning April let: Saturday 8r.OO -12:00 ^ JACKOPIERCE PLUS SPECIAL GUEST JACK INGRAM & VERTICAL HORIZON THE FIGHTIN’ TEXAS AGGIE YELL LEADERS AT WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER WEDNESDAY - MAY 10TH Say goodbye to the class of vs TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ROTHERS & MAROONED Dedicated lo \ Scott HanW Surprise your folks. When you stay awake in class, you tend to learn more. (Unless you have an uncanny talent of learning through osmosis.) So don't let fatigue get in the with Vivarin®. One tablet has the same amount of caffeine as about And it's just as safe. Hey, anything is possible, if you're up for it. way of your A, Revive two cups of coffee. ^£^^^SmithKI$ne Beecham ©1995 iJUi Consumer Healthcare Use only as directed. 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