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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1995)
Engagement Rings 10%-15% OFF! Official VFh ole sale Price List! S.A. Peck dr Co. 55 E. Washington, Chicago, IL 60602 For a Free 32-Page Color Catalog Toll-Free (800) 922-0090 Fax (312) 977-0248 Internet Catalog at bttp: // DfiNCE PARTY 1 50C WELL, WINE, DRAFT 8 to lO p.nv^ i NO COVER CHARGE EVER We Pay Cash For Your CDs CD Exchange New & Used CDs • Imports Posters • Special Orders Open 10-9 Weekdays, 1 2-6 Sundays 2416 Texas Ave., C.S. (In the Kroger Center) 764-8751 Get the Job You Wont! Net a Job Info-packed Guide to 1000’s ofjob listings on the Internet. Strategy, skills and hot URLs you need to save days of hunting. Perfect for geeks - & Greeks - looking for jobs with futures. A to Z. We cover i-t ail for you: accoun tants to music director for alternative rock radio station; ‘zine writers to zoologists. Fortune 100 to virtual corporations. Money-back guarantee. SAVE $5 on orders before 5/1/95. Send $19.95 to Net a Job, 3501 S. McClintock # 1033, Tempe, AZ 85282 If You Have Something To Sell Remember: Classifieds Can Do It Call 845-0569 The Battalion MAIL BOXES ETC! Mailbox Service with Street Address, 24-Hr Access, Call-in MailCheck™ Fax Sending & Receiving Custom Packing Service John & Diana Hill Owners • Copies - 24-Hr Access Available • UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet • Shipping Supplies • Etc., Etc., Etc. 1511 S. Texas Ave., C.S., TX 7 7840 (In the Culpepper Shopping Center, next to Swenson s) 764-6107 • Fax: 696-7246 Scuba Trios Cozumel May 15th-19th $499 Cozumel June 9th-12th $449 Bonaire June 10th-17th $1,149 Belize July 13thT7th $749 Co-Co View & Roatan Aug. 5th-12th $1,049 Cozumel Aug. 14th-18th $549 Co-Co View @ Roatan Aug. 19th-26th $1,149 Get Certified $175 Private Indoor Pool All Scuba Gear, Texts, Dive Tables, Wetsuits, Rental for Check-outs Paradise Scuba 696-DIVE JKlroger Stioj>T>irx^ C2esnteM- hi - ‘TUFOtRlXG 260-2660 FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE TICKETS ON SALE APRIL 23rd FROM 6 - 8 PM MON. APR. 24 TUES. APR. 25 WED. APR. 26 THRS. APR. 27 CHEM 101** 5-7 PM CH 13 CH 14 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B CHEM 101** 7-9 PM CH 13 CH 14 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B PHYS 218** 9-11 PM CH 14 CH 15, 16 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B PHYS 202 11 PM -1 AM CH 41 CH 42 CH 44 PRAC. FINAL EXAM **ONLY TIME CHEM 101 AND PHYS 218 OFFERED BEFORE FINALS! CHEM 102 BEGINS MONDAY, MAY 1st MON. APR. 24 TUES. APR. 25 WED. APR. 26 THRS. APR. 27 PHYS 201* 7-9 PM CH 21,22 CH 22, 23 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B PHYS 208* 9-11 PM CH 37, 38 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B PRAC. FINAL EXAM-C MON. APR. 24 TUES. APR. 25 WED. APR. 26 THRS. APR. 27 BAMA 303* 5-7 PM FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 FINAL REV. PART 3 FINAL REV. PART 4 ACCT 229 7 - 9 PM FINAL REV. NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM FINC341 9-11 PM CH 17 CH 18 CH 19 CH 5, 8 ACCT 230 11 PM -1 AM FINAL REV NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM * ONLY TIME BANA 303, PHYS 201, 208 OFFERED BEFORE FINALS! SUN. APR. 23 6-8 PM CHEM 112 LAB., RPT 33, REV FOR FINAL EXAM 8-10 PM CHEM 111 LAB., RPT 12, REV FOR FINAL EXAMP Page 4 • The Bat ialion 'poows Friday • April 21, By Alvaro Bomb the: rcshlt4 to thc rurs'e-i tc-s-t ws. ToOV<. U<\6T FP-tDM Awa pwita-O \\ U// A/% A X got a'c . AR£. ToU feoiMt. to go 'ioO faoT ? Yg/\W... Too G»o>T A “c" . IP v to>-> C.OT A C “ THW ntftHl X GcT... T toT- HE*! YOUKC Coimg rne The Inkwell '(do Ctortf to ■mis.'fVKtou). XT's NcTTftM" 5XQ A OfftL, 5r I'rA Vo XT. MILL 'IwlR, 1 T'M TOO 0V.O fee. THAT ue.. W Dovfr Wwe &jt par(j TO So^TMT TO XT yfe, that «hd of &\)eRoue’s PRessoieE, WJM/A ootna xT.'i» By Brad ...THC5?E too XT Tm_k.S, ^/38^ SoOflMA HAs Antlcwto TWIT HE IS 73>6H° k REPoeueArt ro £>nxg ^ |?AC£ fo?? Adventures in Aggieland By Oreg AS QUW5 SQUIRREL IS still.THAPfEX) f‘-UCKIl.y,...^S A SUPERSQUlRREL, X INSIDE THE MOUTH OF A WHITE Tir^R....( ALWAYS_ CARRY A BOTTLE OF THAT - XrXi-J CLEAR PEPPER SAUCE STUFF WITH Skoltch By Quatro Weather Today Mostly sunny with high near 86. West winds becoming Southeast near 10 mph. Tonight Increasing clouds Low near 64. Southeast winds near 10 mph. Saturday Scattered showers and a chance of thunderstorms. High near 78. Southeast winds near 15 mph. Saturday Night Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low near 63. Sunday Mostly cloudy with widely scattered showers. High near 74. Source — A&M Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Continued from Page 1 information leading toarre; Aren Almon, motherol| year-old girl who diedintlii plosion, said through she wanted the killers to; the grief they caused. “If they do catch these;; nals,” she said in a teler interview, “maybe they! this and see how much tin hurt me, and hurt myfi and hurt other people. Hie stroyed our lives, homes.” Rescue teams usedli fiber-optic cameras andli ing devices as the slow set of the nine-story hulkgrt; on. They briefly suspei their work so that theshars columns could be shored, avert a cave-in. Surgeon Rick Nelson veyed the grimness ol search scene. “There was pile of rubble, with bodies said. “I was lying on top of the bodies withoutre knowing it.” The dead included at 12 children. Volunteerstti hearing children screamiri seeing tiny faces covered blood and plaster. “This is the time to foe; the mission,” said Steve lett, a Missouri rescues member who found a; ger in the debris. “It’s mis first, emotion second.” Worried friends and tives of the missing gather: St. Luke United Meth Church, where the RedC posted a victims list. Clutr photographs of the mis; some stayed to eat, ti counselors or sleep. “It’s just not knowing, 44-year-old Carl John, awaiting word of his moi who worked in the building. “I hope shesa But if she’s still in theta!: there’s not much hope left Investigators said the was rented April 17, pai with fuel-and-fertilizerei sives and parked outsidett fice building. The exph Wednesday morning tore half the structure and bias: crater 8 feet deep andHf across. An axle thoughts come from the vehk: fl found about two blocks? according to a police so®? spoke on condition of ano* ty. Major auto parts marked with an ID numb thwart thieves. Two years the ID number on a piei axle enabled investigator break the World Trade Cf bombing case. A federal law enforce: official who spoke on conO of anonymity said investif believe the truck was rent! Kansas, and they arechet fertilizer dealers in thatsta try to trace the fertilizer in the bomb. The FBI issued sketch the two suspects after se# an artist to JunctionCitf talk to witnesses. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY t.u. BLOOD DRIVE CHALLENGE Monday, April 24 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: Only on the Quad Lounge F BLOODCARE IS ON STANDBY FOR THE OKLAHOMA BLOOD INSTITUTE QIVE THE QIFT OF LIFE BlgddCare™ Sponsored by: CORPS OF CADETS, AJSIQET FL1QHT, ALPHA PHI OMEQA r Off Campus Aggies Fifth Annual Parents Weekend Golf Tournament Pre-registration: $75 per team April 23-29 $85 per team (teams consist of 2 players) Saturday, April Texas A&M Golf Course 7 a.m. more information, contact the OCA office at 845-C “5 de Mayo*’ Early Celebration Place: Bullwinkles Date: Friday. April 21sf, 1995 Time: 10:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Mexican Student Associate m umir