The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 19, 1995, Image 12
o>q IIQ T3IJ ® HIO-3-?:>l?>|-2 51$ S'SS ILJ C" I !^ ? I ® “ 3 Q|coog'gmj3,3?!g-8 313 § vio^QlwiSl I Jon Hart Graduation Sale April 22,1995 - May 22,1995 'th English Sale Items Regular #560 Da/tripper $115 #713 Medium Pullman 171 #750 Gamnent Bag 50" 159 #802 Shave Kit 54 #804 Make-up Case 64 #805 Pouch 14 #821 Joe Duffle III Sale $92 137 127 43 51 12 89 The Appargl c 5ho€ Storg Parkway Square S. Texas Ave. at SW Pkwy College Station • 696-6976 Monday - Saturday 10-7 Free Alterations • Gift Certificates Layaway • Free Gift Wrap Fashion is our Profession Accessories • Clothing * Shoes STAFFORD OPERA HOUSE “...worlds greatest guitar player...” FT ^8 Eddie Van Halen. ■ m. CHRIS DUARTE FRIDAY APRIL 21 AT 2 ALL TICKETS AT MAROONED 846-0017 A CLASS OF 1996: CLASS COUNCIL COMMITTEE CHAIR APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THE STUDENT PROGRAMS OFFICE AT THE CLASS OF 1996 CUBICLE AND THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICE IN THE KOLDUS BLDG. APPLICATIONS DUE MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1995 COME PICK ONE UP AND SUPPORT YOUR CLASS! (SH(B 9 IEM2 Any questions contact Gerry Brown at 847-1749 Page 12 • The Battalion 'pooNS Wednesday • April 19, 199) Stick The Inkwell By Brad DIE. DIE, PIE . X VjUo 'W ~T7~' ARE CAPhJ CEvjVtvL Adventures in Aggieland By Greg Sk©feh 4 cat - hater's guide to. 'mmKKsmst TAPE THEIR. EYES SHUT AMD STOMP AROUND THE HOOiSE W EATHER Today Mostly cloudy with widely scattered showers . SE winds near 15 mph. High near 81. Tonight Numerous showers and thunderstorms. Winds SE 10-15 mph, with a low^neSStBS. * f > # MAKE THEM TAKE A BATH. IT'S TUST "LICK, LICK LICK" WITH YOU.TSN’T IT?... HAVEN'T YOO EVER HEARD OFA BATH’ Thursday Numerous showers and thunderstorms early. A high near 76. NW winds 10-15 mph. Thursday Night Partly cloudy with a low near 59. *■ / > # :r v- Source - A&M Chapter of the American Meteorological Society By Alvaro Exercise must be vigorous to extend life, study finds CHICAGO (AP) — Run! No, walk. No, run! The latest in a spate of seemingly conflicting studies says that to live longer, you must exercise vigorously, not just moderately. Lately, many exercise advo cates, including the governmen t’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have been pushing moderate activity. But that won’t boost longevi ty, judging from 26 years of data on 17,321 healthy male Harvard alumni who graduated between 1924 and 1954, researchers re port in Wednesday’s issueof The Journal of the American Medical Association. “We found that only vigorous exercise was associated with lower mortality, and nonvigor- ous exercise did not at all re duce mortality rates,” said Dr. I- Min Lee, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard and lead author of the study. Vigorous exercise was de fined as any exertion that re quired at least six times as much energy as resting. That included walking 4 to 5 mph, jogging, swimming laps, play ing tennis or even doing heavy chores around the yard — if they truly were heavy chores, like building stone fences, and “not just puttering around," Lee said. The study did not spell out exactly how much of any specific activity would constitute vigor ous exercise. Rather, the study said the most active group of men burned 12,600 to 14,700 calories a week. That’s equivalent to walking briskly 4 to 5 mph for 45 minutes a day, five days a week, Lee said. She hastened to add that mod erate exercise has many other benefits — improving quality of life, promoting physical well-be ing, enhancing the ability of older people to accomplish daily tasks, regulating blood pressure and averting diabetes. “I don’t want to dissuade couch potatoes from exercis ing,” Lee added by telephone Tuesday. “I strongly believe that any exercise is better than no exercise. But for persons who can exer cise at a higher level, why not do that? Because our data indi cate they might live longer than other people.” In the study, the most active group of men had a 25 percenl lower risk of dying over the 2f years than the least active men Lee said. The difference in risk was calculated after adjusting foi differences that might have af fected risk — age, smokinj habits, high blood pressure, dia betes and the early death o one’s parents. A 25 percent reduction ir death risk equals the differena in risk between a pack-a-daj smoker and a nonsmoker, or be tween a person who is 20 per cent overweight and a person o: ideal weight, she said. By Quatro Swing them around bt the: tail . •. YOU can TELL THEY LOVE IT BY THE ECSTATIC NOISE^ THEY MAKE/ Friday Partly cloudy with a high near 80. , % 4 ^ > ThE\ \ /// OlhER Eclips HAIR, SKIN & NAIL CARE Proudly Sponsors CLASS ‘95’ Senior Weekend & OVCessina Xof Wine Cetfars ^ IE Thursday, April 20 Lakeview 8 p*m. - 1 a.m. SIR. BANQUET Saturday, April 22 Hilton 6 p*m. - 8 p*m. RING DANCE SBL PICNIC Saturday, April 22 Sunday, April 23 MSC & Rudder Spence Park 9 p*m. - 1 a.m. 1 p.m. Tickets on sale at the MSC Box Office! We wish you a safe and eventful weekend. Hie OxhER Eclips 696-8700 ‘Messina 9fof 778-WINE One simply wanted to stand un and cheer.” THE RICHMOND NEWS LEDGER ■ ^ • 7' .ft If C mm ir air of ’ I 111 oms22 MSC OPCH \ & PKRFORMING ARTS SOCIETY You can see why the choir delights audiences across the world with a repertoire ranging from classical to modem, spiritual to jazz—highlighted by choreography and an unerring sense of showmanship. April 20, 1995 8=OOp.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets are on sale at the MSC Box Office-TAMU, or charge by phone at 845-1234 Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification • three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability. I