The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 12, 1995, Image 4
lofSIo C§!al I2To i eIe o Siic'SiujQlOMlo mif Slai III c£5 Slii S.I<£l«£iicOlH o Jio. six o<o ■ < I I < I I c $ T B d H h C It h o r« / F a n c a h e C I i i r top “ io* 693-2071 900 Harvey Rd. (Located in Post Oak Village) $ 5. 00 OFF any service over $10.00 with this ad exp. 04/30/95 nails"! ■ i ■ ■ i ■ The Living is Easy & so is the rent Eff., 1, 2 & 3 br. Unfurnished Central A/C Close to campus Shuttle Route Rec. Room • Exercise Room 1 On-Site Management 'Sauna ■ Pool ■ Lighted Tennis & Basketball Courts Doux Chene 1401 FM 2818, College Station 693-1906 ★ EUROPASS 50% Discount For 2nd Person in Party of Two Traveling in 1st Class Students! Now you can travel in style! With the 50% discount, two 1st Class Europasses cost only $ 12-$ 17 more per person than two 2nd Class Youth Europasses. EXECUTIVE TRAVEL 696-1748 123 Walton at Texas Ave. S. 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Dance 9-1. 822-2222 2309 FM 2818 South ABOVE AND BEYOND TRAVEL AGENCY NOW OPEN Experienced Professional Agents For All Your Domestic and International Travel at the Lowest Available Fare Bilingual Services Provided Travel Consultants: Dorothy Hernandez Geraldine Hester-Baccus Irene Tank Carol Hernandez Summer Cruise Specials Cancun Specials Still Available 4001 E. 29th St., Ste. 114 Bryan, TX 77802 (409) 260-1267 • 1-800-229-7033 Most Major Credit Cards Accepted a * ‘mronum 260-2660 TICKETS ON SALEAPRIL 16th FROM 6 - 8 PM MON. APR. 17 TUBS. APR 18 WED. APR 19 THRS. APR. 20 CHEM 102 5-7 PM CH 21 CH 23, 24 CH 31 PRAC. TEST CHEM 102 7-9 PM CH 21 • CH 23, 24 CH 31 PRAC. TEST CHEM 102 9- 11 PM CH 21 CH 23, 24 CH 12 PRAC. TEST BEGINS SUNDAY SUN. APR 16 MON. APR 17 PHYS 202 10 PM-MID. PRAC TEST #1 11 PM - 1 AM PRAC TEST #2 MON. APR. 17 TUES. APR 18 WED. APR 19 THRS. APR. 20 PHYS 219 5-7 PM CH 33 CH 34 PRAC TEST #1 PRAC TEST #2 PHYS 201 7-9 PM CH 18 CH 19 CH 20 PRAC TEST PHYS 208 9-11 PM CH 35 CH 38 PRAC TEST #1 PRAC TEST #2 MON. APR. 17 TUES. APR 18 WED. APR 19 THRS. APR. 20 ACCT 229 7-9 PM CH 11 CH 12 CH 11 REPEAT ACCT 230 9 - 11 PM CH 13 CH 14 CH 13 REPEAT SUN. APR. 16 6-8 PM 8 - 10 PM CHEM 112 LAB., RPT 27, P-LAB. 33 CHEM 111 LAB., RPT 20, P-LAB. 12, QUIZ Page 4 • The Battalion ^TATE Wednesday • April 12, Committee sends gun bill to House for consideration )f □ There were almost 40 changes to the bill in cluding restrictions on carrying weapons into hospitals and the bar area of a restaurant. AUSTIN (AP) — A bill that would allow Texans to obtain licenses to carry concealed handguns has moved one step closer to becoming law. The House Public §afety Committee voted 7-1 Tuesday to forward the bill to the full House for consideration. The Senate approved the measure last month, and Gov. George W. Bush has said he would sign it. “People are really concerned that they want to be able to have this basic right if they want to go through the process to get a license,” said Rep. Bill Carter, R-Fort Worth, co-spon sor of the bill. “Those people who are truly law-abiding citizens, who are con cerned about public safety, those are the people who will go out and go through the process and spend the money and the time to get a license,” Carter said. Eligible applicants would have to be legal Texas residents; at least 21 years old; never have been convicted of a felony; have not been delinquent in making a child support payment; and not be chemically dependent or of unsound mind. They also would have to un dergo 10 to 15 hours of training and pass a proficiency exam. A four-year permit would cost $140. The House committee made about 40 changes to the bill, most of which are minor. They include revising a provision concerning open records and prohibiting perm it holders from carrying guns into the bar area of a restaurant. The committee also added hospitals to a list of places where carrying guns would be prohibited. Sen. Jerry Patterson, R- Pasadena, the bill’s author, said he supported all of the changes except the restriction on hospitals. “I do not like prohibited loca tions of any kind,” Patterson said. “It just gives an opportuni- "You don't have a referendum on constitutional rights." —Jerry Patterson, Sen., R- Pasadena ty for criminals to know where to hang out to ensure the people that go there are unarmed.” The full House is expected to take up the bill within the next two weeks, and the measure is sure to face a tougher time than it did in committee. Rep. Vilma Luna, D-Corpm Christi, who cast the dissentici vote, said she would tryti amend the bill on the floor toit crease the number of require! training hours to 40. She also wants the bill tore- quire that part of those hows are spent on safety instruction. Other lawmakers also hare vowed to try to change the bill, In the wakeo! the murder ofTe j ano singing star Selena, Rep. Hup Berlanga, D-Cor- pus Christi, sail he would seekti make the measure contingent upon voter approval. But Patterson rejected the idea of a voter referendum saying he didn’t think there is enough support in the Housete approve the idea. “You don’t have a referee dum on constitutional rights, he said. :hope ID CONTI ENT’JAU LCFM) ^1 Inny v earwi ? winr 3 Just think of Easter as God meeting our need for proof. God has never backed the idea of “blind faith.” He wants us to have factual reasons to believe in him. Good evidence is important because Jesus never identified himself simply as a great moral teacher or as a prophet, but as God himself We’d like to show you the reasons that people for centuries have concluded that Jesus really is God and wants to have a relationship with us. Easter. Its proof positive. Call 1-800-236-9238 today for your free copy of Beyond Blind Faith. Paid for by Baptist Student Ministries, Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity, Campus Crusade for Christ, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, Christian Leadership Ministries, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Grace Bible Church, Hillcrest Baptist Church, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and the Wesley Foundation-Methodist Student Center.