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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1995)
luvn-muiKj-uisr o I Dc cle $5 cF inf 90 E> WEi bgi Bl! Pi; °P El Di trf! G" Si! O: Little Caesars* LOOK WHO'S DELIVERING DINNER! NEW DELIVERY SERVICES CALL US TODAY! Valid at participating locations only. Our drivers carry less than S20. Delivery areas limited to insure safe driving. ©1994 Little Caesor Enterprises, Inc. NORTHGATE 268-0220 University & Stasney i 2 Large I 1 Topping Pizzas Delivered $ 10.99 plus tax little Caesars* 2 Medium Pieosers of your choice Delivered *11.98 plus tax Not valid with any other coupon. Valid only at participating Little Caesars. BT - 04-12-95 Expires - 05-12-95 ® Little Caesars* Not valid with any other coupon. Valid only at participating little Caesars. BT - 04-12-95 Expires-05-12-95 I Medium 1 Topping Pizza Delivered *6.99 Page 10 • The Battalion :S JllJ. AT IO INI Wednesday • April 12, Project improves Americans’ healti □ The Healthy People 2000 campaign has made progress against heart disease, cancer and stroke. WASHINGTON (AP) — A program to improve Americans’ health is making progress against the killer diseases but is faltering in caring for the poor, reducing teen pregnancy and persuading couch potatoes to start exercising. At the halfway point in a decade-long campaign called Healthy People 2000, federal of ficials said Tuesday the project is showing mixed results and may require increased efforts to achieve goals set in 1990. “We have good news but not good enough,” said Dr. J. Michael McGinnis of the U.S. Public Health Service, which is coordi nating the national program. McGinnis said that deaths from heart disease, cancer and stroke are all moving down at a pace that will achieve the target values by 2000. But the rates of obesity, teen pregnancy, homi cides and pneumonia and in fluenza deaths are actually worse than five years ago. Also getting worse, McGinnis said at a news conference, are ef forts to provide disease preven tive medical care for the poor. “We are failing to close the gap between the rich and poor in health care,” said McGinnis. "We are failing to close the gap between rich and poor in health care." - Dr. J. Michael McGinnis, U.S. Public Health Service Financial barriers to preventive services existed in 16 states at the beginning of the program and now exist in 17 states, the report said. Healthy People 2000 is an effort by the PHS, state health departments, professional or ganizations and voluntary or ganizations to systematically promote healthful habits and good medical care. Among the improvements: —Life expectancy for Amei- cans at a record 75.8 years. Tl( average number of years freer health problems remains at64 —Among black Americans, improvements in prenatal cait infant deaths and deaths fros accidental injuries, heart dis ease, stroke and liver disease. —Among Hispanics, mott women beit| screened for ’ and cervical cai cers. Among the na tional trends get ting worse: —Homicides: per 100,000 start; 10.5 now, goal is 7.2. ' young black males have risen steeply, starting baseline of 91.1 per 100, rising to 134.2. The goal is 72, per 100,000. —Among black American! more hospitalizations for astl ma and more cases of AIDS. —Among Hispanics, less a cess to primary health caredt to a lack of health insurancf coverage. rates for Alleged con man dupes Yale □ A student doctored his tran scripts, forged recommendations and claimed to be related to Kelsey Crammer of 'Frasier'. plus tax little Caesars* No* valid wilh any ofiver coupon. Valid only at participating Littlo Caosart. BT -04-12-95 Expires - 05-12-95 NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Lon Grammer desperately wanted to go to Yale University. As a mediocre student at an obscure community col lege, that would have seemed a long shot. But Grammer managed to get in anyway. Two years later, he was a month away from picking up an Ivy League diploma when police picked him up instead. The 25-year-old man was expelled, and Yale is pressing larceny charges, saying he stole two years’ worth of a high-priced education from the school and the government. He owes $61,475 in grants and loans, authorities said. Grammer arrived at Yale in 1993, transferring from Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obis po, Calif., where transcripts showed he had com piled nearly a straight-A average. He also presented Yale with an outstanding recommendation from Cuesta’s dean of students and favorable letters from a political science professor and science instructor. But the grades were doctored, some of the rec ommendations were from people who didn’t exist and those who do exist say they never wrote them, according to court papers. Cuesta’s records show his real grade-point av erage was a C, and his high school in Concord Calif., told Yale that his transcripts, test scores and letter from the principal were fakes. Grammer was caught when a detective fror the Lebanon, N.H., police department contacte: campus police about a forged driver’s license ani registration on a leased Jeep. Some students said they weren’t surprised by the turn of events, noting Crammer’s background seemed shady. Among other things, he claimed he had played minor-league baseball and was related to actor Kelsey Grammer. 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