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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1995)
- — — — — — — —■ cut here — — — DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS i Mon., April 17 (6-9 p.m.) & lues., April 18 (6-9 p.m.) Fri., April 28 (6-9 p.m.) & Sat., April 29 (8:30-11:30 a.m.) STATE APPROVED DRIVING SAFETY COURSE Register at University Plus (MSC Basement) Call 845-1631 for more information on these or other classes D&M EDUCATION ENTERPRISES I L— — — — — — — cut here — — — — — — — -J Page 12 • The Battalion Tuesday April 11, 1995 Arafat makes move toward violent, deadly showdown with opponents Do You Worry Too Much? □ Washington voices approval over PLO leader's stance after back-to-back bombings in the Gaza Strip left eight dead. Dr. Steven Strawn is seeking volunteers for a 2 - month research study of an investigational medication for anxiety. For more information call: 846 - 2050 Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — In a move that could push Palestinians closer to civil war, Yasser Arafat cracked down on Is lamic militants Monday after suicide bomb ings killed seven Israelis and an American college student. Arafat’s security forces arrested 112 fol lowers of Hamas and the smaller Islamic Ji had group after Sunday’s deadly back-to- back bombings near two Jewish settlements in the PLO-ruled Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Washington applauded Arafat’s tough position. “We expect the Palestinian authority to take this type of concrete action against those within its jurisdiction who seek to de stroy the peace process through acts of vio lence and terror,” said State Department spokeswoman Christine Shelly. But angry Islamic militant leaders raised the specter of civil war, apparently trying to force Arafat to back down. “If he (Arafat) practices this behavior, we will defend ourselves by all means,” warned Mahmoud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, the most powerful group opposing the faltering Israel-PLO accord. Despite the tensions and anger, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin told negotia tors to resume talks with the Palestine Lib eration Organization on arranging Palestin ian elections and an Israeli troop pullback to allow Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank. The bombings wounded more than 40 peo ple, and two of them died Monday, including Alisa M. Flatow, a 20-year-old junior at Brandeis University on vacation in the re gion for Passover. After doctors declared her brain dead, Al isa’s father Steve authorized an operation to remove organs for donation. In a statement, he said his daughter loved Israel and “her lasting contribution to the people of Israelii that her organs were donated for the saving of lives in need.” The mood in Israel was somber with fn nerals held for the victims. “Stop killing the soldiers,” wailed Pnina Regev as the body of her son. Staff Sgt. Yu val Regev. A military court convened in a hastily arranged all-night session Monday, and the three-judge panel imposed a 15-year sen tence on an Islamic Jihad activist for re cruiting suicide bombers. It was the first time a militant had been sentenced to jail, and Palestinian sources said Islamic Jihad leader Sheik Abdallah Shami would be next to stand trial. Yousef, the PLO police chief, estimated that Hamas and Islamic Jihad had only about 150 armed fighters who could easily be disarmed by Arafat’s 9,000 police. He was evasive, however, when questioned why this had not yet occurred. Tu Dc elf $5 Ch Inf 90 E» wa b£i ii. 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Room 317 Milner Hall It is intended to award at least six prizes: 1. $150 for paper judged to be the best overall 2. $125 for second best 3. $ 1 00 for th i rd best 4. $80 for fourth 5. $60 for fifth 6. $50 for sixth Contest problems will cover topics up through Math 151 (Engineering Calculus I) for Freshmen, and through Math 251 (Engineering Calculus II) for Sophomore contestants. For purpose of this contest, freshmen are first-year undergraduate students, and sophomores are second-year undergraduate students. ALLEN HONDA 7600 Hwy. 6 P.O. Box GA 409-696-2424 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 DEAR GRADUATING SENIOR: CONGRATULATIONS!!! WE AT ALLEN HONDA ARE PROUD OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! TO HELP CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT, WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND PICK OUT YOUR NEW HONDA! NOW THAT YOU HAVE EARNED YOUR VALUABLE DEGREE FROM TEXAS A&M AND ARE JOINING THE BUSINESS WORLD, IT CAN BE THAT SIMPLE. 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