The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1995, Image 8

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    The Battalion
Classified Ads
Phone: 845-0569/ Fox 845-2678
Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building
The Battalion
Thursday • April 6, 199)
—j ‘AGGIE* Private Party Want Ads
$10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your me'rchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must
■JTT appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal
possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If
ULI item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end
O to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is
CO cancelled early.
Business Hours
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
For Rent
MALES 18-35
as semen donors
excellent compensation
confidential! Call 776-4453
Are you about to graduate and
looking for a career with an excep
tional company? This is an oppor
tunity to join the nation’s largest
cellular carrier. Currently available,
is the position of Retail Support
Representative (approximately 30
hours per week).
Position Summary:
Obtain desired results in subscriber
growth and high quality customer
relations and retention through in
direct channel of distribution.
Strong written, verbal, presentation
and interpersonal skills
Computer knowledge (Windows/
Word/ Excel)
Prior sales, administrative or training
experience helpful.
Please send resume to:
Cellular One
Attn: K. King
2551 Texas Ave. S.
College Station, TX 77840
or Fax: (409) 777-7002
Looking for part-time tent erectors. Outdoor work, great
job to keep in shape. Must have strong back. Apply at Part
Time Rentals. 1901 S. Texas. Bryan (next to Blinn).
HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS - Miller Swim Academy is
how hiring 60 college students to teach kids how to swim
this summer. Excellent pay. Free training provided. 20
locations throughout Houston. Swim team or teaching
experience needed. Call 1-713-777-7946.
Part-time job helping handicapped male. A&M student
preferred. $270/mo 12hrs./wk. Call after 7pm 846-3376.
Busy Christian Mom needs help with housework, errands,
kids, 8-12 hrs. per week. Need references, car. work
through summer. $5 per hr. No seniors. 693-7761 Ask
for Mrs. Wiggins
Dental receptionist part-time. Dental experience pre
ferred. Accepting applications or resumes at Care Plus
Dental. 2411-B Tx. Ave., CS.
Work for summer rent! Aggies w/ranch & construction
experience needed for ranch work & apartment work .May
9- May 28, in exchange for an apartment for the summer.
Call 846-9 196 or come by 3914 Old College Rd. to apply.
A fun, prestigious, part-time position. Averages out to $5/
hr. Mustbe21 + . Will arrange training. 694-2122.
AA Cruise Ships Hiring! Earn big $$$ + free world travel
(Caribbean, Europe. Hawaii. Etc.) Summer/ Permanent,
no experience necessary. Guide. (919) 929-4398 ext.
Telemarketers wanted promoting the circus. Work eve
nings that fit your schedule, 6pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri. No
weekends. $5.00/hr. 846-8818.
Part-time work Monday through Friday, cleaning commer-
cial buildings. Call 823-1614.
Summer Camp Counselors, Administrative Staff, Nurses
& Lifeguards needed for Girt Scout Resident Camps near
Athens, Texas & on Lake Texoma. For more information,
call 1-800-442-2260 or (214) 823-1324. E.O.E.
Large 1bdrm-1bth available May 13th, with option to
renew. $410/mo. Call 694-8550.
A great duplex: 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, deck, backyard, W/D
connections, fireplace. 696-8433.
Eastgate Apartments. Summer sublease, large 2bdrm-1
1/2bth, pool, water paid. 764-8757.
Sublease 1bdrm-1bth private dorm, pool-side, assigned
secured parking, meals, organized activities, maintenance
& cleaning, $300/mo. 1-800-773-2326, 1-800-757-1187.
Summer sublease or 1 to 2 female roommates for Sum
mer. 2bdrm-2bth, $550/mo. 846-3543.
Treehouse Village, 1bdrm-1bth. Summer $350/mo., Fall
& Spring $435/mo. Water paid, shuttle. 693-8824
NOW LEASING: Scholars Inn 846-9196, Academic
Village 846-9196 & Casa Blanca 846-1413. Summers.
Fall leases. Special Summer rates. Furnished & unfur
nished. 1 8. 2 bedrooms.
Summer Sublease. Available May 6. Lease ends Aug.
16. 1bdrm-1bth at Briarwood Apartments. May rent paid.
A 2bdrm-1 1/2bth fourplex, W/D included, water paid -
$445/mo., Condo - $525/mo. Shuttle, yard, Manuel Drive
Fourplexes. 693-0551, 764-8051.
Summer Sublease 2bdrm-2bth, 1/2 mile from campus, in
Scandia Apartments, large bedrooms, pool. 764-9119.
2bdrm-1bth, pool, laundry mat, water S. sewer paid, patio/
balcony. Available now, preleasing 8. summer leases
available. $465/mo. Monterrey Apartments. 268-0840.
2bdrm-1bth nice apartments, behind Super 8 Motel. Call
823-6210 or 822-6196.
Large 2bdrm-1bth, Intrusion alarms, some utilities paid,
pool, shuttle, many extras. 691-2062.
GREAT APARTMENT!! Full-size Wash./Dry., 2bdrm-
1bth, intrusion alarm, shuttle, $479/mo. 693-4168.
2bdrm-1bth, e z access to TAMU, $350/mo. Call 822-
6272 or 778-1951.
Large 1 bdrm available now, 3 miles from A8.M, completely
remodeled. Call 822-0472.
Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac
cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte
at 823-2418.
MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reason
able rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294.
SOUND POWER Professional DJ Service. Parties/ Mix
ers. Lights/ Smoke. 847-4491.
Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software,
repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703.
WANTED: 100 Students. Lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo
lism breakthrough. Host 15lbs. in 3 weeks. R.N. assisted.
Guaranteed results. $35. 1-800-579-1634.
Earn up to a 4.0 this semester! Do It with less effort! 1-800-
Participate in a research
program if:
* You are suffering from the
symptoms of a bladder infection
including burning, pain, frequency
of and/or cloudy urine.
* You are a female between the
ages of 18 and 64.
Qualified Participants receive
the following benefits:
* Free medical care from qualified
health care professionals.
* Free study medication.
* Up to $100 for your time and travel.
Call now for more information!
G & S Studies, Inc.
(close to campus)
Employment Opportunity
CRUISE SHIPS 8i Vacation Resorts Hiring. Earn up to
$2,200+/mo. by working in the travel industry. World
Travel 8. Exotic Resorts. Tree Transportation! Room 8<
Board! No experience necessary! (818) 705-3416 ext.
RESORT JOBS - Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks,
Hotels, Spas, + more. Tropical 8. Mountain destinations.
Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R58552.
hr. teaching basic conversational English In Japan, Tai
wan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian
languages required. For Info, call: (206) 632-1146 ext.
Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+/mo. Room
8. Board! Transportation! MaleorFemale. No experience
necessary. Call (206) 545-4155.
CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earning
an excellent Income in the Cruise Ship 8, Land-Tour
Industry. Seasonal 8i full-time employment available. No
experience necessary. For info, call 1 -206-634-0468 ext.
Female roommate needed for summer. Own room in
3bdrm-2bth duplex, $280/mo. + 1/3 utilities, shuttle route,
W/D. Call 696-1572.
FALL 95/SPRING 96. 1 or 2 female roommates. 2bdrm-
2bth, Treehouse Village. Tiffany 764-5837.
Female roommate wanted. Student/faculty, non-smoker,
$300/mo., all bills paid, W/D & cable included. Copperfield
area. 774-7241.
Roommate needed ASAP to share 2bdrm-1 bth, $ 190/mo.
+ 1/2 utilities. Close to campus. Call Slava at 260-1601
or 845-1411,
Summer roommate needed (3 months). Female, $170/
mo., own room, wash./dry. 764-3910.
Male roommate needed summer semester, to share 3
bedroom house near Wolf Pen Creek Park. 696-4661.
Roommate needed for summer 8, fall. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth ,
shuttle route, pools, Jacuzzi. Call Cliff at 260-1787.
Male roommate needed for summer. Private room, 3bdrm-
2bth, $186/mo. + 1/4 utilities. Call Jason 696-3145
2 females needed to share nice 3bdrm-2bth house. 4
blocks from campus, W/D, starting end of May, $240/mo.
+ 1/3 utilities. Call Kristen 696-8691.
Female needed. Enclave, 2bdrm-2bth, $350/mo. + 1/2
utilities, W/D, pool. May 95- May 96. Melissa 693-3946.
Summer roommate needed. Own room In 3 bedroom
house, furnished, $600/Summer. Call Martin 696-9689.
Christian needs 2 female roommates for summer. Large
2bdrm-1bth apartment, $ 137/mo. or$200/mo., furnished
if needed. 822-7723.
Male roommate needed for summer. Private room/bath,
2bdrm-2bth, $250/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 821-6224.
Learn To Fly!
Take The First
Step Towards
Becoming A Pilot.
Schedule an
introductory flight
lesson right now!
Michael L. Gahan
FAA Certified Flight
Instructor. 777-3747
If you would like to live In the U.S.A. VISAS ARE NOW
AVAILABLE. Forfree information please contact: Ameri
can Business Visa Services Inc., 6300 N.E. 1st Avenue,
Suite 201, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 U S A., Phone: (305)
771-0952, Fax: (305) 351-9954.
DOMINO LESSONS: Affordable lessons In 42 8. MOON.
Learn new styles 8. strategies. Guaranteed results for
beginners - experts. "3-deep set concrete.” Call Rodney
"PoPo" Stryk - 776-3044.
AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket
dismissal , Insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu
(8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am). W-Th (6pm-
9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) 8, Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am-
2:30pm), Sun (12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea.
Walk-Ins welcome. $20 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste.
217, 846-6117.
Body Shop
Cal’s Body Shop. Foreign and domestic vehicles. Match
your paint exactly. "May we have the next dents?” W. Hwy
21, Bryan. 823-2610.
Greeks & Clubs
FAST FUNDRAISER - Raise $500 in 5 days - Greeks,
Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast. Easy - No
Financial Obligation. (800) 775-3851 ext. 33.
For Sale
For Rent
WEDNESDAYS: 4:00pm - 7:00pm
THURSDAYS: 4:00pm - 7:00pm
SATURDAYS: 9:00am - 11:00am-
Pizza Hut now hiring summer positions. Cooks, phone
operators 8. delivery drivers. Apply at any B/CS location
or call 693-9393 ask for Robert.
Aggressive student for part-time & summer work. Sheet-
rock, painting & carpentry. Experience helpful. 775-7126.
Entry Level Sales Engineer. Dallas based Rep. - Dis
tributor selling valves, level controls, flow meters, trans
mitters, heat tracing products, etc... looking for a “Go
Getter". Great Opportunity! Salary 8. Commission. J.W.
Sayles & Assoc., Inc. Phone # 800-989-1186.
Oxford Street Restaurant and Pub, B/CS favorite overall
restaurant now hiring all positions. Apply M-Th, 2-5 &
Saturday, 1-3. Kitchen positions $5-$7/hr. 1710Brlarcrest,
Now hiring full or part-time, day or night. Sonic Drive-in,
2900 S. Tx. Ave, next to Walmart.
Part-time Lot Maintenance 8. Service Person to work
approximately 20-30hrs/week, $5.00/hr. Flexible hours.
Apply at LUV Homes, 2351 Hwy. 21 East, Bryan, TX.
Earn $1,000+ a month part time selling a unique product
— not multi-level marketing. Call Mike at(310) 281-3780.
WAREHOUSE CLERKS. St. Joseph Regional Health
Center is accepting applications for part-time Warehouse
Clerks to work morning’s &lor afternoons, some week
ends. Will be responsible for the receiving & distribution
of supplies. HS grad. Or equiv., previous experience
helpful. Interested applicants can apply to the Human
Resources Department through Friday, 04-07-95.
promotion's firm has a career for motivated individuals.
Must have the ability to run a small business, good people
skills, and the ability to hire and motivate serious-minded
Individuals. We offer training, excellent compensation w/
benefits, & rapid advancement. Send resume and refer
ences to: Gehl Group, 3307 Northland Dr. #435, Austin,
TX 78731, or fax to: (512) 371-0550.
Sublease spacious 2bdrm-2bth, $540/mo. + electricity, on
bus-route. Call Max or Dave 764-2896.
Sublease. Available April 17. Lease ends in August.
Spacious 1 bdrm-1 bth, large walk-ln closet, on bus route.
Condo for rent. 1 extra large bedroom, behind Bryan High,
W/D connections, $450/mo. Call Don or Christy 778-
Now pre-leasing for May. 1 bedroom loft at April Court
Apartments, $375/mo. Call Don or Christy 778-2087.
Large 1bdrm-1bth, available mid May-Dec. Sublease at
Country Place Apartments. Pet option. $400/mo. 846-
Summer sublease 1 bedroom Enclave Apartment. W/D,
balcony, security gates, pool 8i more. Must see!!! $510/
mo. 764-6094.
4-plex: 1 & 2bdrm-1bth, W/D hook-ups, all electric, deck,
water paid. 302 8. 304 Manuel Dr., CS. $395/$475. 268-
For lease: 1 8. 2 bdrm duplexes & apartments. Available
June 1st or pre-lease for Fall. No pets. Call 693-8534.
Summer sublease 1 bedroom apartment, near campus
and bus route, water 8i sewage paid. 823-0316 after 5pm.
Sublease furnished 2bdrm-1bth, W/D provided, shuttle
bus, $450/mo. No Deposit! Kyle 693-9689.
SUMMER SUBLEASE 3bdrm-2bth fourplex. On bus
route, available Summer 8i/or Fall. 696-1227.
Hickory Park Duplexes. 3bdrm-2bth stylish, spacious,
excellent CS location. $765/mo. 696-1138.
Sublease available for summer. Option to renew lease In
fall. Tlmbercreek Apartments, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. Pets
allowed, bus-route, approximately $480/mo. 691-2075.
Sublease May 15th. Able to renew. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, by
the mall. $480/mo. 764-4078.
1bdrm-1bth apartment, easy access - TAMU, $425/mo.,
available in May. 696-9127.
SUBLEASE CONDOMINIUM - May 15-Aug. 15. 2bdrm-
2bth, W/D. fireplace, pool, less than 1 mile to campus,
, $560/mo. Call 260-1096.
Parkway Circle, 2bdrm-2bth, $645/mo., water paid, on
bus route. Call 693-0812.
APARTMENT AVAILABLEI! Clean, 1 bedroom, conve
nient location, campus shuttle route. Call Russell at 696-
3573 for other Info.
1bdrm-1bth, pool, balcony, laundry mat, near shuttle,
water & sewer paid, $395/mo. 268-0840.
SubleaseMay-Aug.,fallrenewaloptional. 2bdrm-2bthat
Polo Club, gas 8> water paid, $540/mo. 693-7454.
DESPERATE! 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. Make reasonable offer
and It's yours. Summer. 268-7585.
Lease Woodstock Condo. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, near pool,
with W/D, celling fans, great apartment, very clean. May
10th through August 12th (renewable for Fall). $600/mo.
Call 696-1994.
Sublease 2bdrm-1bth, $440/mo. + utilities through Au-
gust 15th. 2 blocks from campus. 846-2564.
Now pre-leasing Doux Chene Apartments. Efficiency, 1,2
8i 3 bedrooms. Starts at $320/mo. 693-1906
2bdrm-2bth fourplex/ 3 bdrm. duplex. Lease available
May 8. August. Rent starts at $525/mo. - $795/mo. 693-
Spacious 2bdrm-1 1/2bth studio unit. 1400 Holleman, C
Sta. $400mo., $300/dep. 696-1245,
Clean 2bdrm-1bth mobile home In country. 15 minutes
from campus, perfect for grad student, $350/mo. 822-
SUMMER SUBLEASE 3bdrm-2bth duplex. Close to
campus, storage, car-port, W/D conn., nice & spacious.
$800/mo. 696-4820.
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Sublease through August,
1bdrm-1bth Walden Pond Apartment (large enough for 2
). On bus-route, celling fans, vaulted ceilings, fireplace,
large balcony. Very nice! 696-1201.
1993 Mobile Home. Close to campus. $2,500 8i take over
payments. Will be ready in May. Ring Dance Route. Call
GOLF CLUBS for sale: Golden Ram Tour Blades. Asking
$200 Or Best Offer. Call 764-6447, leave message.'
2 person loft - $100. Maroon, 2 shelves, ladder. Carpet
- $75. Covers entire commons room + extra. Call 847-
Bike For Sale: 12 Speed Panasonic Racing Bike. Custom
Paint, Cateye Micro Cycling Computer. Excellent Condl-
tlon. $175/0.6.0. Call 694-2529.
Matching loveseat and sofa by Clayton Marcus. Excellent
condition. Navy base color. Moving, must sell now! $400.
Call 268-1048.
For Sale: Tan, Blue, Mauve Plaid Couch and Loveseat -
$100. Call 696-7283.
Matching couch, loveseat, and chair. Blue & white check
pattern. Good condition. $150. Call 764-6900.
Trek 1400 Road Bike. Ridden less than 100 miles. All
accessories: clips, boots, helmet, pump, and others.
$550. Call 775-4652.
386SX Computer 4MB RAM, HP Ink-jet printer, modem,
VGA monitor, Sound-card, Windows & Word installed.
Great start up system! $600 Or Best Offer. Julio 690-
Wedding Dress: full length, white, sequlned, beaded
gown with moderate train 8, beaded veil included. Size 8-
10, $250 Or Best Offer. Call Cynthia 693-6193.
Extra-large Aral Signet Helmet - $90; Large Nolan N37 -
$85; Large SR700 Helmet - $60; 2 Michelin Race Tires:
Front -120X70XZR17, Back -160X60XZR17 - $ 150/both.
'95 Univega 17" mountain bike. 21 speed. Model Alumi
num 701. Only used two months. $450 Or Best Offer. Call
Eric 847-5770.
MOVING SALE: 7 ft. couch In clean, good condition -
$400; oatmeal room sized carpet - $75. Call 268-0594.
386 DX 33 Computer. 4 mega RAM, 130mb Hard, color
SVGA monitor, 2 floppies, keyboard, mouse 8i software -
$640. Call 260-9121.
Men’s bike for sale. Great condition. $50. Call Pat at 696-
DIAMOND RING for engagement, 1/2 CT. marquee, 14K
gold setting. Asking $750, negotiable. Call Toby at 696-
MOUNTAIN BIKE: GT Timberiine. Great condition, lots
of extras, $325. Call Brett at 693-7621.
Small bed with mattress and boxspring - $60. Call 845-
2802 or 693-7974.
Synthesizer for sale: ENSONIQESQ1, Peavey KB 100
Amp, “A" frame. Components together $800 negotiable.
846-2833, leave message.
Mobile home for sale. Must See!! $7,900/offer. Call 690-
Pit-Bull Puppy - six weeks old, has had first shots & been
wormed, pick of the litter - $200. Call 764-3973.
AKC registered, beautiful yellow Lab puppies. 7 weeks
old, $200. Call 690-0289.
9 month old Ball Python with cage - $100. Call Christy C.
at 693-0630,
DALMATIAN: moving, must sell! Fourteen months old, all
shots, spayed, passed obedience class, fifty pounds -
$100. Please call Dave at 694-2500.
Albino Burmese female - $275; Reg. Burmese (hetero)
male - $200; common boa - $175. Cages available. Call
Mike at 775-8606.
AKC Siberian Husky Puppies. Absolutely gorgeous, four
white feet, perfect batman masks, beautlftjl eyes, sweet &
loving disposition - $195 each. Call 694-2122 or 696-
ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal
Shelter. 775-5755.
I need a ride to San Antonio this weekend! Will pay gas.
Harold 846-6474.
LIVE PSYCHICS 1-on-1. 1-900-725-4000 ext. 6765.
$3.99/min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420.
Is HERPES controlling your life? I recently found a 400 mg
prescription tablet that really helps. Call your physician or
Planned Parenthood. 846-1744.
Call the Sports/Entertainment Line Todayl Sports
Fun!!! Scores, Point Spreads and much more!!! 1-900-
526-6000 Ext. 5437. $2.99/mln and 18+. Procall Co.
(602) 954-7420.
DIRTY, LIVE, NASTY TALK Hot, Steamy & Erotic. 1-
900-435-4SEX (4739). $2.50-$3.99/min., instant credit,
HORSIN’ AROUND: One day class for horse enthusiasts
- $35. 693-1398.
Real Estate
GOV’T FORECLOSED Homes From 5%. Delinquent
Tax, Repo's, REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free 800-898-9778
Ext. H-1652 for current listings.
Riding Horses
E. Hwy 21, Carrabba Rd.
Ask about Midnight Aggie Ride!
Friday Night Special!!
Call Rudy for Appt. anytime!!!
779-7052 or 778-4118
Planning on getting
married soon? Where are
you going to hold the
reception? Have you ever
considered the Faculty
Club? Yes, it is possible.
For more information,
please call Bridget Cole at
Place Your Ad In
The Battalion Call 845-2696
'74 Super Beetle, 4 speed, orange, good condition, runs
well. $2,200. Call Scott 847-3977.
Honda Civic '88 - 2 door, A/C, AM/FM cassette. $3,900 or
offer. 694-8888.
1982 Mazda 626 - 5 speed standard, AM/FM cassette.
Runs great, really reliable. Great for student! Asking
$1,000. Call 693-1416.
If you did not order the 1995
Aggieland as a fee option when
you registered for fall ‘94 classes,
you may order your yearbook in
the Student Publications Office,
230 Reed McDonald Building.
$25 plus tax
(Cash, Check, VISA, MasterCard,
Discover, American Express)
1985 Ford Tempo - 2 door, 5 speed, A/C, AM/FM cassette/
radio. Good tires, new tags. Runswell. $1,200. 845-7586
or 694-8099 after 6pm.
'92 Toyota Paseo - red exterior, black/grey interior, CD/
cassette player, sunroof. Great condition. $8,000. 847-
AP photo
Open up and say Ahhh
Michael Jordan scored 30 of his 37 points in the second half of
the Bulls’ Wednesday night game against the New Jersey Nets.
Baseball teams wheel, deal
Q The Expos make two
trades as teams scramble
to fill their rosters.
The great fire sale began in
Montreal and spread to Kansas
City as financially strapped
baseball teams began to unload
high-priced talent they can no
longer afford.
The Expos, hoping to get
their payroll down, traded
bullpen stopper John Wetteland
to the New York Yankees on
Wednesday and then dealt staff
ace Ken Hill to the St. Louis
Cardinals. The Royals sent out
fielder Brian McRae to the
Chicago Cubs.
Meanwhile, owners and play
ers agreed to move up opening
day to April 25, a day earlier
than their original deal, with
the Florida Marlins playing host
to the Los Angeles Dodgers at
7:35 p.m. EDT.
The American League sched
ule, barring rainouts, calls for
Cal Ripken to tie Lou Gehrig’s
consecutive-games record on
Sept. 5 at home against Cali
fornia. He would break it the
following day at home against
the Angels.
Friday should be a busy day
in baseball. It is the date both to
tender contracts to arbitration-
eligible players and the date for
each team to offer arbitration to
its former players who became
free agents last fall. If a free
agent isn’t offered arbitration,
he can’t resign with his old club
until May 15.
And Friday also is the dead
line for players — except non-
U.S. citizens — to report to
spring training.
Montreal general manger
Kevin Malone said the Expos
— whose 74-40 record was
baseball’s best last season-
said the team is not giving up,
but is regrouping.
“This is not a fire sale,” k
said. “A fire sale is when you’re
giving guys away.”
Still, the movement of players
Wednesday and what is expect
ed later in the week should be
typical of the direction in which
baseball is headed. The players
agreed to return after a federal
judge issued an injunction forc
ing owners to maintain the sys
tem of the expired collective bar
gaining agreement.
With the owners unable to
get a salary cap and do away
with salary arbitration, the
small-market teams cannot af
ford high-salaried players.
“The economics of the current
system is the reason we’re mak
ing the changes,” Malone admit
ted. “These deals are financially
Expos management has
claimed it will lose $20 million be
cause of the strike and is trying
to pare its payroll to about $12
million — a drop of $6 million.
Wetteland had 25 saves in 52
appearances for the Expos in
1994 and is considered among
the top closers in the game.
In return, the Expos got
Fernando Seguignol, a 20-year-
old outfielder and a player to
be named later. Hill, 28, fin
ished second in the National
League Cy Young Award voting
last season. He was 16-5 with a
3.32 ERA.
Kidd leads Mavs past LA
□ The rookie point
guard records his first-
ever triple-double.
DALLAS (AP) — Rookie Ja
son Kidd got the first triple
double of his pro career with 19
points, 12 assists and 10 re
bounds as the Dallas Maver
icks kept their long-shot play
off hopes alive with a 130-111
victory over the Los Angeles
Lakers on Wednesday night.
Jamal Mashburn led the
Mavericks with 32 points, and
Lorenzo Williams added a ca
reer-high 19 points and 15 re
bounds as the Mavericks won
for the 10th time in their last
13 games. George McCloud
came off the bench to con
tribute 18 points and Lucious
Harris had 16 for Dallas.
Nick Van Exel scored 24
points and Eddie Jones added
22 points to pace the Lakers,
who had their three-game win
ning streak snapped. The Lak
ers had won eight of their pre
vious nine games.
The Mavericks took control
with a 14-4 run over the final
5:07 of the third quarter, ex
panding a 78-73 lead to 92-79
entering the fourth quarter.
Popeye Jones got the decisive
spurt under way with consecu
tive baskets, and Kidd led Dal
las’ third-quarter spurt with
eight points and four rebounds.
The Mavericks turned the
game into a rout by opening
the fourth quarter with a 19-12
run for a 111-91 advantage.
Dallas bolted to a 25-11 lead
over the first eight minutes be
fore the Lakers recovered, cut
ting the deficit to 31-25 enter
ing the second quarter.
The game was tied 62-62 at
halftime. Mashburn’s 20 points
led the Mavericks while Eddie
Jones hit seven of eight first-
half shots to pace the Lakers
with 18 points.
The Mavericks were without
their top-scoring reserve, Roy
Tarpley, who was sidelined be
cause of the flu.