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We serve steaks, seafood, chicken, and Italian food. Lunches starting at $3.95. Call us when planning your next party. STAFFORD THUR MARCH 30 THUR&FRI, APRIL 13&14 1Z.0BERJ £AZL KEEN, v/R SAT APRIL I RAYS HOUSE PARTY APRIL 6 Sc 7 ENTER NOW 846-6830 HORSE PLUS ATP3RI Hi 2 1 APRI L 2 8 CHRIS DUARTE FACE TO FACE i ~ i <*v K- i-g 'Zfatcven&c&p Three Off-Campus Locations to Serve You Northgate - Culpepper Plaza - Village Center Software Sale J Choose Your Own Discount Below (Circle up to 2 items you want the discount noted below) Suite Deals: Office Standard $15 CAD Packages: Autodesk Collection $40 Office Professional $20 Microstation 5.0 $15 Perfect Office $20 Wacom Tablet $15 SmartSuite $20 Programming: Miscellaneous: Delphi $5 Pagemaker $15 Borland C++ $5 Cliff Tutorials $2 Fortran Powerstation $5 A&M Screensavers $2 A&M Clip Art $1 Mathematics: Mathematica $5 Any purchase over $250 MathCad $5 will be entitled to a MathCad 5.0 $10 FREE A&M mouse pad. (Amounts about are the amount of the discount from our normal educational price. Not valid with other offers. Limit 2 discounts per coupon. All software is for purchase only by students, faculty, and staff. Limit one copy of each title.) Page 4 • THE BATTALION LOCAL Thursday • March 30,1 J. What’s Up Thursday more information call 845-5139. National Nutrition Month Celebration: “Lunch for 2 Bucks” Join us for a tasting of delicious and healthy foods from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m in 201 MSC. Sponsored by Food Service, Beu- tal Health Center and Health Promotion Program. For more information call Amy B. Tramm at 845-1341 or 764-3985. Texas A&M Tae Kwon Do Team: Competition training will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 263 G. Rol- lie White. For more information call Matt Banasik at 847-0945. MSC Hospitality: A western wear fashion show will be held at 11 a.m. in the MSC Flagroom. to 12 p.m. in 292B MSC. Vari ous student presentations. Pan el discussion about exotic species will be held from 3-4:30 p.m. in 292B MSC. There will be an opportunity for student discussion. For more informa tion call Bo at 693-7873. join us for dancing, food, and fun. For more inform call Mendy at 847-6507. Alpha Phi Omega: |j Event at 8:30 p.m. | Campus Crusade for Christ: Weekly CRU meeting will be held at 7 p.m in 603 Rud der. For more information call the CCC office at 696-8289. TAMU Fencing Club: Come and learn the art of swordplay from 7-10 p.m. in 267 Read. For more information call Matt Ba nasik at 847-1822. Alpha Phi Omega: Parents’ Night Out service project 110-111 Koldus at 6:30 p.m. Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Aggies: A rap group will be held at 7 p.m in 119 MSC. For more information call the Gayline at 847-0321. The Navigators: Join us for Christian fellowship at 8:30 p.m. in 110 Koldus. For more infor mation call the guys at 693-9573 or Kisa at 776-4229. United Campus Ministry: Ecumenical Bible study and dis cussion at 5:30 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church. Meet new people and strengthen friend ships. Fellowship activity to fol low. For more information call Sally Estes at 846-1221. Camp-out for Cans: Ur sity-wide camp-out to raise! for the hungry from6p.m| a.m. at Keathley Beach, ture a midnight yell practice] band, a volleyball tournar and many other fun active] Admission — 3 cans of food. South Asian Women Orga nization: Dr. Selina Ahmed, In terim Director of Mickey Leeland Center on World Hunger and Peace, will speak at 7 p.m. in 407 Rudder. For more information call Rajani Nair at 693-0712. Resurrection Week: A gener al meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more informa tion call Myndi at 764-8996. CSA: Daily mass is held at 12:05 p.m. at the All Faiths Chapel. For more information call Tonya at 846-5717. MSC OPAS: Newport Jazz Festival will be held at 8 p.m in Rudder Theater. For more infor mation call the MSC Box Office at 845-1234. Phi Beta Lambda: Big “Eat ing” Event from 6-10 p.m. on the corner of Old College Main and Spruce. All you can eat buffet (BBQ, brisket, catfish, sausage, potatoes, gravy, etc.) to get you pumped up for the Big Event. BYO. Tea and sodas will be avail able. $5 ticket. For more informa tion call Chuck at 846-2223. Campus Crusade 'U!!1 Christ: The Jesus Film trarJlSc ed into mandarin willbesfejg ' from 4-6 p.m in 401 Rudder ILu , ° f 4n !■ itl Department ational Sports: Kylef« Ramp Romp V to be heldS a.m. at Kyle Field. Late® tration fee is $12. Sunday Fourth Day: Preparation for Aggie Awakening #43 will be held at 6:15 p.m. at the St Mary’s Church. For more information call Tonya at 846-5717. Alpha Phi Omega: Boys’ club service project, meet in the office at 3:30 p.m. Escala: The weekly meeting will be held at 8:15 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Student Center. For more information call Tonya at 846-5717. ASTRA - Aggie Students for Space Exploration: There will be a general meeting in 410 Rudder at 8:30 p.m. For more information call Roxanne Pirooz at 693-4644. Association of Graduate Wildlife and Fisheries Scien tists: A guest lecture by Dr. Robert Lawton, “Disturbance and Equilibrium in a Tropical Cloud Forest” will be held at 4:15 p.m. in 301 Rudder. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship: Graduate and Se nior Bible study every Thursday at 7:30 p.m, there will be a guest lecture by Ed Soltes, pro fessor of Forestry, to discuss Christian Balance in Academia. All are welcome. Refreshments afterwards. For more informa tion and for the location call Pat at 846-7907. Brazos Valley Herpetologi- cal Society: “Death in the Gala pagos” an illustrated talk de scribing the recent plight of the tortoises and other fauna of the Galapagos islands will be given by Dr. Eddie Lewis at 7 p.m. in the Mark Francis Room, College of Veterinary Medicine. For more information call Dr. Nick Millichanp at 845-2351. Student Counseling Ser vice: Walk-in counseling ser vice available for all culturally diverse students from 1-4:30 p.m. in Henderson Hall. No ap pointment necessary. Nor more information call Dr. Brian Williams at 845-4427. Friday Career Center: Job Search Strategies Seminar will be held at 12 p.m. in 510 Rudder. For TAMU American Fisheries Society: Fisheries and Aqua culture symposium from 8 a.m. Experience the ultimate collection of lingerie fashions. From sensuous lingerie to the most fashionable swim wear and evening dresses. * Exceptional Quality at Great Prices * 72-page large color catalog $5 or see our beautiful models displaying our fashions to you on video Video and catalog $19 Send your name, address-along with a check or money order to: HEART ENTERPRISES 203 Commack Rd. Suite 112 Dept. Commack, NY 11725 28 US AIR FORCE CAREER DAY Friday, 31 March MSC Flagroom 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sponsored by the Texas A&1W Department of Aerospace Studies THE AIR FORCE PROVIDES ITS OFFICERS: -Employment upon graduation (regardless of academic major!) -$41,000+ Salary (after only 4years!) -$25,000 Starting Salary (minimum!) - Post-graduate programs (numerous options, reduced cost!) - 30 days annual vacation (immediately!) - $200,000 life insurance policy! - Retirement (after only 20years!) — 40% oft base salary (with no personal contributions!) - Qualification for veterans’ benefits! - Travel (free military airlift & opportunities to live overseas!) Graduate Students Group: Weekly gathering for dinner will be held at 6 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Student Center. For more information call Tonya at 846-5717. Catholic Apologetics: Week ly meeting will be held at 7 p.m. 7 p.m at the St. Mary’s Student Center Library/ For more infor mation call Tonya at 846-5717. Career Center: Co-op Ori entation will be held at 2 p.m. in 402 Rudder — call 845-7725 to sign up. MSC Hospitality: B2-Team “42” Domino Tournament Fundraiser to be held from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. at the King of the Roadhouse on Northgate. For more information call Holly Rid ings at 845-1515. Learning Skills Center: Workshop: Brown Bag Lunch - Memory Enhancement, to be held from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 103 Henderson Hall. For more information call 845-4427. Saturday Keathley Hall Council: April Fools Sock Hop from 9:30 p.m to 1 a.m. at the Pavilion. Everyone is welcome. Come and shifrf i Fp ■uc jOslAn TAMU Women’s LacroM 6 1 A game against Tech will!*Jp ° at 10 a.m. on SimpsonP® Field. For more informafeH < f ? Rosalie at 693-1167. ■ Ul last, a Bible Study: Weekly Nolmc ing will be held at 8:15 the St. Mary’s StudentC For more information calllJ|F s at 846-5717. ®cU loth e i Jail Ministry: Comni.j on! b Services and fellowship a Brazos County Jail, meet P&gaa Mary’s at 8 a.m. for a ride lfliur more information call Ton*uM b 846-5717. ■sir : it. j' Mary’s Aggie It olook Group: Weekly meeting xich si held at 10 p.m. at the St.' ijnjv t upstairs chapel. For more Irysor mation call Tonya at 846-5"liJhui si lurri; i TAMU Roadrunners: f The will be holding long runifacte miles) at 3 p.m., meet atG yrr pt White. For more informatiejaid. r Molly at 696-2464. 'ere r Doc What’s Up is a Battali® service that lists non-pr student and faculty evea and activities. Items shonj be submitted no laterl three days in advanceofi! desired run date. Applicali . deadlines and noticesarerJ LSI events and will not berusLj What’s Up. If you have? questions, please callltter newsroom at 845-3313. • « r Sweet CATemorm Flowers Candy Gourmet Items Gourmet Baskets with your choice of: cheese* meats* candy* relishes* mustards• spices' Thursday Rose Special $ 37 00 dozen Specialty Candies & Aggie Bean Bags Available ( 10 S. Texas (next to bcs Bicycles) 696-225?b®r* MSC FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS... v ° re k YOU WON’T KNOW THE FACTS UNTIL YOU SEE THE FICTION. THE NEW YORK TIMES, Janet MasJin "Tremendous Fun! Exhilarating! A work of blaxing originality! Bravo!" NEW YORK MAGAZINE, David Denby "Ecstatkmiy Entertaining! One of the great wild rides of recent cinema!" ROLLING STONE, Peter Travers Indisputably Great! Ferocious Fun!" pulp FICTION a duentin TaMHtino (Uih a Lau/^ence IJende* pbcductum rarr 241 Sout \ FRI. Ac SAT. O 7 0c 9:30 COME WITH YOUR FISH CAMP AND WIN FREE PlZtt WE WILL NOT BE SHOWING EAT DRINK WOMAN. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. Penoas wMk dlMMRKk MMC SPO- S49 ISIS Ad minion 02.75 w/I.D. 03 w/oat I.D. i coll HAO- ISIS to Inform ni of y«mr ip octal needs. We reqneet noflltcs to enable ns to assist yon to the best of oar atHUty. A££le Cinema Hotline: S-47-A470 All (Urns are presented la the Badder Theater Compter e-mail: fllms.marOm« ^ ul# 1 loo 3 work laf day* f*** Redder Bor Ofl** o hi BRir s 4: t: