The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 1995, Image 10

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    4.0 & GO with Arf
Located at 700 E. University Drive, Suite 108
Behind Golden Corral and Blockbuster Video, across from the Hilton
This Week:
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
7-9 p.m.
Acct 230
Part I
Acct 230
Part II
Acct 230
Part III
Acct 230
Part IV
9-11 p.m.
Acct 230
Part I
Acct 230
Part II
Acct 230
Part III
Acct 230
Part IV
9-11 pm
Acct 229
Part I
Acct 229
Part II
Acct 229
Part III
Acct 229
Part IV
For questions call 846- TUTOR (846-8886)
/located on the Genterpole tZoute
A weekly column dedicated to computing at Texas A&M
The Electronic Library: what is it?
By now you’ve probably heard of “electronic
libraries” and may have wondered, “Just what is an
electronic library?” Through the the Texas A&M
University Gopher and the World Wide Web
(WWW), the Texas A&M Flectronic Tibrary is
right at your fingertips and accessible through your
personal computer.
lilectronic information awaits you
'To access this electronic information, select
Libraries from the root menu of the Texas A&M
Gopher. You can also access the Texas
A&M Gopher through the WWW, using a
browser like Netscape or Mosaic (Tor
more information about how to use
Gopher or WWW, please eall
X45-8300.) Some of the electronic
resources and services provided for
the university community include:
Library ! nj or motion
Here you will find numerous help
sheets and guides that will enable you
to better use the Sterling G. Iivans and
West Gampus libraries. Infonnation
posted under those menu items includes: how to
search NOTIS., the university’s online library
catalog, descriptions of the vanous depart
ments anti services provided at each library;
listings of GD- ROM databases available at each
site., and the hours of opera!ion for each library.
Ask a Librarian
This service allows you to send reference questions
by electronic mail to the Sterling C. Bvans Library
and receive responses from the Reference staff,
lilectronic mail questions received Monday through
Thursday will be responded to within twenty-four
hours. Questions received on Friday through
Sunday will be responded to by the following
'Tuesday, llxamples of appropriate questions might
relate to: information about library services, fact
and citation verifications, and source referrals. If
you prefer, you can send your questions as an
electronic mail message directly to:
hvans-ri-:i<<3)acs tavu, tan
Suggest a Hook
Is there a book out there that you (eel should be a
part of the Sterling G. livans library collection? If
so, tell us what it is. In using this service, you will be
prompted to provide us with bibhographic informa
tion by an electronic form. The form is automatically
mailed to Evans Library. Within twenty-four hours,
you will receive acknowledgment of our receipt of
your request.
Reference Resources
Here lies a gold mine of information typically found
in reference books. Resources include online
dictionaries and thesaun, daily stock market reports,
and security and exchange commission filings. You
will also find geographic and statistical informa
tion on cities, states, and countries. You can
quickly look up zip codes and the time of
day around the world. At your leisure,
browse through information on grants and
scholarships. Many of the files you will access
can be downloaded directly to your computer.
FirstS earth
FirstSearch is an electronic information
system providing access to book
and journal databases. It is
password controlled and available
at no cost to those persons
affiliated with Texas A&M Univer
sity, Gollege Station. It is yours to use for
scanning the table of contents of journals, verifying
citations, and looking for books at other institutions.
It also indexes over l l ,()()() joumaIs across all fields
and has over twenty-four million bibliographic
records representing the holdings of l 3,000 libraries
We have mentioned just a few of the services and
resources to be found through the Texas A&M
Electronic Library. When you connect lo Libraries
from the root menu of the Texas A&M Gopher, we
strongly encourage you to browse through the data
we have provided to make your access to informa
tion a Tittle easier.
For more information
If you have any questions about the Texas A&M
Electronic Library, send electronic mail to:
kvans gophi:r@rigki..'Iamij.i-:du, or call the Sterling
G Evans Library desk at 845-574L•
Vickie Coleman. Dame! Xiao. Ken Kempke
Sterling C. Hvans Library
MODEMS update
Beginning April l 0, CIS will require you to claim
the MODEMS resource through the Access
subsystem before you will be allowed to use CIS
modems. 'Ihe conversion process will begin at 8:00
a.m. on Monday and should be completed no later
than noon.
A guest account will be available for access to
the NOTIS and Access subsystems on the MVS
(VTAM) system, allowing modem access to these
systems without using a specific modem account
and password. The resource in Access for the CIS
dial-in modems is called MODEMS. You will need
to gel the MODEMS resource allocated to your
Access account.
CIS will require that you claim the MODEMS
resource through the Access subsystem for a
number of reasons. First, the security problems with
the open access configuration must be addressed.
Currently, no way exists to track or prevent anoma
lous behavior through the CIS modem banks. The
addition of PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) makes the
problem even worse. Second, this will allow CIS to
gather statistics on who is using this resource.
Statistics can then be used to try to increase the
funds for support and expansion of CIS modem
banks. Finally, this will restrict the use of the
campus modems to our authorized customers—
faculty, staff, and enrolled students at Texas A&M
If you have any questions or need help, please
call the Network Availability Center (NAC) at
845-1988 or call any CIS Help Desk.#
Compudrig : :is: pui>Iishqd:by:.<ipm'
845-9325. We warn your injdoil V"'‘:
VJ \ JL JL-v JL vXjlX Jk “ JL jl
230 Reed McDonald Bldg Ssl 5 - 4:45 Mon-Fri
Page 10 • The Battalion
Monday • March 27,
By Alvaro
The Inkwell
By Brae
W eather
Cloudy to mostly cloudy with
scattered showers. High near 74
Northwest winds 5-10 m.p.h.
Cloudy with isolated showers.
Low near 54. Northeast winds 5-
10 m.p.h.
Cloudy with scattered showers.
High near 67. East winds
5-10 m.p.h.
Tuesday Night
Cloudy with isolated showers.
Low near 48.
Cloudy with scattered showers.
High near 66.
# * f ? 0 f
r p ? * , *
Source - A&M Chapter of the American Meteorological Socd
MSC Political Forum
P resents:
us Issues:
m mu ' - -
Student Body President Forum
n ■ ?
A question and answer session with the candidates for
Student Body President
•ii!-. ' sri, " * ' ''i 4*
Monday, March 27, 1995, at 8:00 p.m.
- ! • ■
in the MSC Flagroom
/biesiae ceM. K45- 75/5 Co- tpycvi afiecca/. Hereto,. ‘Ttte. teyueot ttciee (3)
Ci*a'u£e*t<y etaeyo, frUax ttle event te e+te*.6te uo to- euxotot yace tv tXe deot v£ aun. aPitltcee.
The views expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of
MSC Political Forum, Texas A&M University, or the MSC.