The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 31, 1995, Image 7

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The Battalion
Tuesday • January 31, 1995
The Battalion • Page 7
Classified Ads
Phone: 845-0569 / Fax 845-2678
Office: Room 015 (bosemenf) Reed McDonald Building
AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads
$10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your rherchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must
appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal
possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If
item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end
to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is
cancelled early.
Business Hours
Call or visit 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
JPI, a professional developer and manager of multi-family residential
properties, has a beautiful apartment community under construction in
College Station. We are seeking an Assistant Manager, Leasing
Associates, Service Technicians, Housekeepers, and Groundskeepers.
We offer excellent incentives and benefits. Make a smart move
to a company that distinguishes between the ordinary and the BEST.
Resumes only to:
Recruiting Director
JPI Residential
600 E. Las Colinas Blvd. Ste. 1800
Irving, Texas 75039
ne. mi
,$H /
Volunteers between the
ages of 12 and 35 needed
to participate in an acne
study using an investiga
tional topical preparation.
Eligible volunteers may
be compensated.
Call for information.
G&S Studies, Inc.
4245 Wellborn Rd.
Back To School Work
$10 to start
Flexible Schedule
No experience necessary.
Call 10-3, 693-4975.
irt-time experienced T.V. Repair Technician. PC Re-
ile Outlet. Call 776-8504.
robic Instructor needed to teach 8:30am class Mon &
. We desire certification. 774-7901.
'anted. CIC Agency Inc. Customer Support Specialist -
ivel 1 Responsibilities include: ‘Apple Macintosh
tchnicalsupport (via telephone) to internal, & end users.
Varranty repair of defective products. Requirements:
ixcellent communication skills. ‘Thorough knowledge
Macintosh products & network technologies. ‘Min. 2
>. experience with Macintosh software & hardware.
Ability to troubleshoot & isolate computer problems quickly
accurately. Please call 690-5336 to schedule and
terview or Fax you resume to 690-5378.
elemarketers wanted promoting the circus. Work eve-
ngs that fit your schedule. 6pm-9pm, Mon -Fri. No
1 lekends. $5.00/hr. 846-8818.
renham Dolphin Swim Team seeking coach for Sum
ner, May-July. Competitive swimming experience pre-
rred. Contact: Duane Houston at (409) 836-0107 or
md resume to: 2909 Kuykendall, Brenham, Tx 77833.
/anted: Experienced car stereo installer. Call 779-0065.
okkeeping/ Insurance clerk, full-time, typing/ computer
iquired. Apply at 2005 S. Tx. Ave., Bryan,
rt-tlme help wanted. Apply within Piper’s Chevron,
teas Ave. at University Dr,
fllendy'snow hiring for all shifts. Starting pay $4.50+/hr.,
ending on experience. Apply 202 S.W. Pkwy or 3216
teas Ave.
jto alarm and stereo installer. Must have experience
ndreferences. Flexible hours. Call Susie at 846-5091.
OTOGRAPHER WANTED for wedding. Contact Chris
if Kim at260-1770.
Part-time job helping handicapped. Male A&M student
preferred. $270/mo., 12hrs/week. Call after 7pm, 846-
Part-timework Monday through Friday, cleaning commer-
pal buildings. Call 823-1614.
[Texas A&M University Telefund Position Advertising,
iiticulate, motivated, responsible? Work flexible, part-
tne hours while developing communication & negotiation
skills Earn $5.50/hr. + bonus contacting former students
lor financial support. Drop by the Clayton Williams Jr.
enter, comer of G. Bush & Houston, for application form.
FAST CASH for Spring Break. Easy $$$, own hours.
BASE; SI Distributors-AI, P.O. Box 97, Murphysboro,
Illinois 62966.
[Summer Camp Counselors, Administrative Staff, Nurses
S Lifeguards needed for Girl Scout Resident Camps near
[Athens Texas & on Lake Texoma. For more information,
call 1-800-442-2260 or (214) 823-1324. E.O.E.
Employment Opportunity
[CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earning
[an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour
Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No
Experience necessary. Forinfo , call 1-206-634-0468 ext.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing
Industry. Earn up to $3,000-56,000+per month. Room &
xiard! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience
lecessary. Call (206) 545-4155 ext. A58552.
Child Care
DAYCARE, 18 months +, experienced caregiver, nutrl-
ious meals, educational curriculum. 846-5376.
Aoving home daycare. Good rates & meals provided.
enings for 2yrs. & up, 696-8507.
iuality TLC for your child in my registered home. Call
For Rent
Best Deal In Town!
Large 2 bdrm, intrusion alarms,
Aerofit Health Club ($10/mo.),
shuttle, some utilities paid,
microwave, pool.
691-2062 823-7039
iSublease 1bdrm-1bth, $405/mo., on bus-route, 6 blocks
[from campus at Country Place Apartments. 268-8164.
"Aipartment for rent. Treehouse Village #324. 1 bedroom,
rent discounted $50/mo. for remainder of lease. No
deposit required. Call Jack or Brandon at (817) 573-5408.
'Nice 2bdrm-1bth house in Bryan. $550 per month. Call
’2bdrm-1bth, nice apartments behind Super 8 Motel -
S425/mo. Call 823-8210.
[Prelease for May. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth luxury fourplex, W/D,
iCS, $525/mo. 693-0551,764-8051.
.Sublease 1bdrm-1bth, nodeposit, W/D, microwave, $465/
»mo. Call 846-1419.
Sublease single bedroom, 5 min. to Blocker, $330/mo.,
Casa Del Sol Apartments. 846-9323.
[ .Sublease 1bdrm-1bth, CS, on shuttle, $410/mo., no de-
posit Call 690-1185, after 5pm
A 2bdrm-1bth apartment, 2 blocks from campus on
■ftorthside, no pets. Available now or prelease for Summer
or Fall. $350/mo. Call 696-7266.
For Rent
In Bryan's Eastside Historic District, guest-house, low rent
in exchange for yard-work. 823-2272.
Furnished room, private bath, carport, kitchen privilege,
$240/mo. Call 822-0711.
Available ASAP! 2bdrm-1bth duplex in Bryan. PetsO.K.
847-1845 or 775-0085.
Room for lease. Utilities & basic cable paid, meal plan
Included. Short-term leases available, located 3 miles
from campus, nice neighborhood, $425/mo. 764-2097.
SUBLEASE 2bdrm-1bth apartment In Bryan. $365/mo.
Call Jeff at 696-8524.
Sublease available. 1bdrm-1bth, $395/mo. + utilities. Villa
Oaks West Apts. Call 779-1136.
Large 1 bdrm available now. 3 miles from A&M, completely
remodeled. Call 822-0472.
2 bedroom apartments. Some with W/D and fenced yard.
$375/mo. Call 696-2038.
ROOMMATE NEEDED!! 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, $250/mo„ low
bills, shuttle. Neat & Responsible. Cool & Relaxed. Chris
Roommate needed. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, $245/mo. + 1/2
utilities, fireplace, pool/spa, on bus-route. Call Cliff 260-
Roommate needed. 3bdrm house, own room, close to
campus, $183/mo. + 1/3 utilities. 846-8178.
Female roommate wanted. Sbdrm house, $300/mo. bills
paid. Now available. 775-4502.
Female roommate wanted. 3bdrm-2bth house, $200/mo.
+ 1/3 utilities, W/D, no pets. 268-0120.
Female roommate needed ASAP! 2bdrm-1bth duplex,
fenced-in backyard, driveway, $237.50/mo. + 1/2 utilities.
693-4247, leave message.
Christian female to share 2bdrm-2bth, $300/mo. + 1/2
utilities. Call 821-6283.
Need Vet. or Grad, student for 3bdrm home In Bryan. All
bills paid, $325/mo. Scott 822-9170.
Graduate student seeks international/ foreign roommate
to share apartment. Large, furnished room with private
bath, $275/mo. Call Vincent. 696-7085.
Roommate Needed Now! Brlarwood Apartments, 2bdrm-
1bth, $275/mo, utilities paid. Call Kris 693-4223.
Female roommate. $200/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Spring, Sum
mer & Fall semesters available. Lease ends December.
Carolyn 775-2129.
Male roommate needed ASAP! 2bdrm-1bth apartment,
own room, $197.50/mo. + 1/2 bills. Call Bryan at 696-
Roommate needed for Spring. Private bedroom, $232/
mo. + 1/3 utilities. Call 696-1227.
Female roommate wanted to sublease large room in
University Towers. $2,000 includes room & board, T.V.,
refrigerator & phone. Call Kelly, (817) 294-3873.
For Sale
Macintosh Plus Computer, 4 MEG memory, keyboard &
mouse. Great condition. Asking $345. Call Eric at 764-
1990 Honda Motorcycle - NS50 Sportbike. Good condi-
tion. $575 Or Best Offer. Call 823-6111.
COUCH and Chair, matching set - $75; Drafting Table -
$20. Call 693-4510.
VACATION Daytona Beach, Florida. 3 days & 2 nights -
$100 (open dates). Call 846-6474.
Wedding gown, never worn - $150; child's table & chairs
- $30; cages: hamster - $5, bird - $10; aquarium w/gear
- $20; upholstered chair - $70. Call 696-7093.
Modem, Case,
GRID 486DX/40 4MB/80HD Laptop.
Software - $1,295. Call 696-5056.
TREK 1400 Roadbike - white, 58cm, Shimano 105 com
ponents, profile bars, excellent condition, less than 100
miles $475. Call 847-5179.
GIVE-AWAY SALE: bed - $198, office desk - $49, T.V. -
$119, printer - $89, & more. Call 693-8729.
For Sale: HP DeskJet 500 Printer with manuals and
printer drivers - $200. Call John or Carma at 846-9303.
MOUNTAIN BIKE. Specialized Stumpjumper 20", rebuilt
for commuting although fine for off-roadlng. Excellent
drive-train for campus & fitness riding. $250 0.8.0. Chris
Wedding gown & veil. Exquisite, off-shoulder, cathedral
length, perfectfor summer wedding. SizeS. Paid $1,500,
asking $799. Call 776-0097.
386DX-33,4MB RAM, 130MB Hard, 14" colormonitor, 1.2
& 1.44 floppies, mouse, keyboard & softwares - $650. Cal!
Black leather sofa, great condition - $250 negotiable;
Magnavox TV/VCR combination, 13" - $170. Call Pat at
Motorcycle, 82 Yamaha DT100, great condition, street
and off-road, 4,700 miles, parts, excellent for starters,
$350 O.B.O. (409) 279-6104, leave message.
Must sell 1988 Yamaha Scooter, $380 O.B.O. Excellent
condition, includes helmet and attached toolbox. Yolanda
775-8042 or 845-0595.
Portable Brother Word Processor WP-55 for sale with built
in spell checker - $80. Call Robert at 823-1487.
UNUSED HP48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator with
statistics pac software - $214, save $75!!! Call 693-5691.
Burmese Python for sale. 2 1/2 feet long, 1 inch in
diameter , with heat rock - $100. Call 268-0236.
LovebirdsforyourValentine. They mate for life! $25each
or $40 pair. Call 846-0316.
'87 VW Scirrocco - red/black, special 16 valve, air, 66K
miles, recent major tune-up, 28mpg - $4,995. 847-2688.
Excellent TAMU student car. '85 Camry LE with sunroof.
Well traveled 4 cylinder with great roadtrip capabilities.
Contact Chad at 764-8441.
1994 Mazda MX6 - 5 speed, dark green, sunroof, loaded,
8,000 miles, $19,000. Call 693-1700.
1990 Chevy Corvette - 6 speed, loaded, $16,900. 1987
Mazda RX7 Turbo - 5 speed, loaded, $7,000. 845-6897
or 693-4497.
'87 Mitsubishi Conquest, only 77,000 miles. $3,400 nego
tiable. Call 822-1456.
Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac
cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte
at 823-2418.
MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reason
able rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294.
Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software,
repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703.
Virtually unlimited long distance calling for $20 only I! Call
(214) 669-5613. 24 hours.
$$$ For College. Scholarships. Money Back Guarantee.
Call 1-800-645-3525.
A&M DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal - Defen
sive driving auto insurance discount. College Station
Conference Center - Room 106 - Wednesdays & Satur
days, 8:30am-3:30pm. $20. Questionsorinfo: call Kurils
Koop at 823-3608. Starting Jan. 21st.
AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket
dismissal, Insurance discount. M-Tu(6pm-9pm),
Tu(8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th(6pm-
9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) & Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-
2:30pm), Sun(12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea.
Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ad =$5 off. 111 Univ. Dr. Suite
217, 846-6117.
Learn To Fly. TAMU Flying Club.
Contact Frank Wells, 764-9056.
Inexpensive rates.
The Finest Beachfront Properties!
Located next to Spinnaker
& Ckib La Vela
S159 Per Person
Includes daily beach parties,
evening club parties with
beverages, discounts and more.
Paul at 764-1710
8 Oars
4 Day Ufts
Includes Tax
From (
South Padre Spring Break. "No Frills", save up to $300.
From $259/person at The Sheraton Resort 5,6 & 7 nights
- limited space at these rates. Call Now 1-800-Hi-
Spring Break Condo Time Share. Pagosa Springs Colo
rado, near Wolf Creek Ski area. Sleeps 8. Seven days
$500, Jim (719) 589-4225.
SkiTaos, Red River, Angelflre, NMI Luxurytownhouse,
sleeps 17, $125-$350/night. 846-8916, ask for John.
Watch found, engraved with the name Cyrus. Call 696-
0037 afternoons.
Lost Aggie Ring at Kroger's or Olive Garden. Reward.
‘Factory Close-Outs ‘Refurbished Models
‘New-Used-Upgrades *PC-Printers-Software
3006 E. 29th Suite 600
Bryan 776-8504
Body Shop
Cal’s Body Shop. Foreign and domestic vehicles. Match
your paint exactly. "May we have the next dents?" W.
Hwy 21, Bryan. 823-2610.
FREE LEGAL Advice. 696-3818. Ever been arrested?
Did you know what you should or shouldn't say? Do you
ha ve an old arrest on your record that could affect your job
prospects? Call Annette K. Hanna. First consultation is
free. Licensed by Texas Supreme Court for General
Practice. Not certified by Board of Legal Specialization.
Individual & small group tutoring
by experienced PhD. students.
CHEM: 101,102
ECON: 202, 203
ECMT: 463
FINC: 201, 341, 629, 635
MATH: 141, 142, 151, 152
CALL CHRIS AT 696-4131.
English Tutor, experienced effective,
hours. Warren 268-7757.
$5/hr, flexible
ATTENTION: Fellow ENTC Ags! I need tutoring for 249.
You had 391 and/or 249. Make$$. Please call 775-8337.
If you ordered a '94
Aggieland, bring your
Student ID to room 230 of
the Reed McDonald Build
ing between 8:15 a.m.
and 4:45 pirn. Monday
through Friday. If you did
not order last year's year
book, you may purchase
one for $30 plus tax.
• Let the memories
of 1993-94 come
rolling back
• 864 pages, 2-
1/4" thick,
weighs 12 lbs.
• The nation's
largest college
Bush: Rallying support in "Washington
continued from Page 1
as a whole.”
While Bush and Texas Sen.
Kay Bailey Hutchison are in
agreement in principle on the
merits of a Mexican loan-guar
antee package, Texas GOP Sen.
Phil Gramm has become a vocal
dissenter of Clinton’s plan.
Gramm, who will formally de
clare his presidential candidacy
next month, has criticized Clinton
for a lack of leadership on the is
sue and is demanding reform of
Mexico’s monetary system before
pledging U.S. backing.
“We’re seeing a real failure of
presidential leadership and I
think a lot of Americans are go
ing to lose their jobs as a result,”
Gramm said Sunday on NBC’s
“Meet the Press.”
Bush, who discussed the res
cue plan with Gramm, agreed
that the administration’s delay
in presenting a specific plan has
hurt its chances of passage.
“Part of my job as the governor
but really the job of the president
and leadership is to convince the
American people that this is good
for America,” he said. “I know it is
good for Texas.”
Bush appeared to relish the
current prevailing mood in
Washington of relaxed govern
ment control and increased free
dom for states to devise their
own solutions to welfare reform,
health care and education.
“I believe the most signifi
cant part of what is taking
place in Washington today is
the recognition that states have
the capacity to think for them
selves,” he said.
Bush also said he is willing to
live with the implicit guarantee
that fewer federal constraints on
states is likely to mean fewer
federal dollars, too.
“I recognize there is a price
for freedom, a price for flexibili
ty,” he said. “I think I am willing
to pay that price.”
The governor, who often vis
ited the White House while it
was occupied by his parents,
said he was happy to be back.
“It was nostalgic,” he said. “Re
gardless of your lot in life, you
still get a thrill — at least I got
a thrill — going back to the
White House even though I had
been there oftentimes.”
Lawmakers should
focus on juvenile crime
reform, report says
Texas prisons under capacity
for first time in two decades
AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas prison system this year will have
more than enough cells for the first time in two decades, meaning
state lawmakers should turn their attention to juvenile crime, ac
cording to a report released Monday.
“No reform and no amount of money spent on the adult criminal
justice system can achieve long-term success unless Texas develops
a more effective juvenile justice system,” the report said.
Its author, Tony Fabelo, executive director of the state Criminal
Justice Policy Council, suggested that lawmakers strengthen some
provisions the 1993 Legislature made for nonviolent offenders.
However, their primary concern should be’ young criminals,
Fabelo said.
“If we fail to slow down the crime factory, the adult criminal jus
tice system will once more be overwhelmed by the effects of increas
ing crime in the near future,” he said.
Prison construction over the past two years has increased the
number of prison beds to about 100,000. The state will add another
46,000 beds by the end of this year, Fabelo said.
That will eliminate a backlog of 21,000 state prisoners in county
jails by June, several months ahead of a Sept. 1 deadline.
Free of an overcrowding problem for the first time since the
1970s, the state should examine whether some jail space can be
used for juvenile offenders, said Karen Hughes, spokeswoman for
Gov. George W. Bush.
“Gov. Bush hopes this clears the way for Texas to think cre
atively about ways to use existing prison beds in fiscally responsi
ble ways, specifically ... to help get violent juveniles off the
streets,” Ms. Hughes said.
The report said about 4,000 beds originally set aside for drug
treatment could be used instead for juvenile offenders.
In addition to toughening punishments, the state should en
hance social services to reward youths who aren’t breaking the
law, Fabelo said.
“If you’re a poor kid and have not broken the law ... you have less
access to state-provided services than those who break the rules,
and that is something that we need to work on,” he said.
While the overall crime rate in Texas has declined, violent
crime has increased, largely because of a rise in juvenile crime,
Fabelo said.
Juvenile crime reforms are needed now to combat a projected in
crease in the state’s youth population, he said.
The population of people 10- to 24-years-old — the age group
most likely to be involved in crime — will increase by 505,000 by the
year 2004, Fabelo said.
The report suggested that lawmakers toughen punishments for
state jail felons, a new class of criminals created by the Legislature
two years ago.
Without the capacity problem, the state should be able to make
those changes, said Sen. John Whitmire, chairman of the Senate
Criminal Justice Committee.
“We’ll never have to make compromises on what we have to do
with punishment because of a lack of capacity,” Whitmire said.
ijoin. 0/ciCs.n.HnE. (znour (roixr h-jiscLaf-
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All flights to Cancun and Nassau are Public
Charters. The charter operator is R&R
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Travel). The direct air carrier for these flights
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is required. Prices do not include $35-$38 depar
ture taxes and $6 document delivery fee. All trips
are capacity controlled and not all cities are avail
able for each week of spring break. Please call for
exact availability and pricing.