The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1994, Image 14
9vCSC JLiterary Shirts invites you to attend Journey Through the Phantom Tollbooth i^with i children 1 ss author Norton Juster Fridayj 'December2/1994 at}7:00 pniiin the OyCemoriaCStudent CenterCRpont206; ^ ^@1 Book signing at Hastings Culpepper Plaza Saturday, Dec. 3, 4-5:30 6t /'Jt/'SrtW' tts/VA cfaraAdZ/X/cf f/case, ca/f 845-7573 Ca /kffofwr e*r yo*/+ ffccra/*ccctr. li/c f+ej+cst *atfjfr'&aC/a* fjJ M/art/ty e/au* & Cjic e+€*t C* csraA/c *<r Ca ars-firCto CAe e>£ o nr aA/aCf'er. Richland College miter Term A new term for highly motivated students who want to earn up to four college credit hours between the fall and spring semesters. Winter Term Class Days Friday, Dec. 16, 1994 Monday-Friday, Jan. 3-13, 1995 hast day to register is Dec. 14, 1994 Call (214) 238-6194for more information. RICHLAND COLLEGE DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 'Teaching, Learning, Community 'Budding 12800 Abrams Road, Dallas, Texas 75243-2199 Educational opportunities are offered by the Dallas County Community College District without regard to race, color, age, national origin, religion, sex, or handicap. 1 Congratulations Graduates You’ve completed your education at Texas A&Ti, one of the finest Universities in the world. It’s time for you to reap the benefits of your hard work. You’ll be handed that glorious sheepskin. You’ll soon be finding that perfect job with that comfortable salary. And you’ll receive a first year, complimentary membership to the prestigious 12th Man Foundation. Benefits Include: * Priority Seating at football games * Game program reccgnition * Subscription to the Sports Hotline Newsletter * Decal and Lapel Pin Just fill out the form you received in the mail, come by the Foundation Offices on the first floor of the Koldus Building, or visit our table in the MSC. Table dates and times are November 29 and 30 & December 6-8, 11 am - 2 pm. Claim your membership now and join us in supporting education through athletics! SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS Page 14 • The Battalion OPINION Thursday • December 1, 1994 iort A&M i Bank A AFTA Obs, n Cotton Bowl '95 fans should 'thank' NCAA Texans should be giving a Texas-size “thank you” to the NCAA for making possible a 1995 Cotton Bowl with a South west Conference host who is barely rated in the top 25 and has the awful record of 6-5-0! That’s right! Thanks, NCAA, for punishing the innocent, while letting the guilty get only a kind of “slap on the hands.” The 1994 Texas A&M foot ball team members have not broken the NCAA rules, yet the NCAA, the Southwest Confer ence, and the administration of Texas A&M made an agree ment that these innocent A&M athletes are ineligible to be con ference champions or confer ence representatives at the 1994 Cotton Bowl — even with a 10-0-1 record! Shouldn’t those guilty of vio lating NCAA rules be punished, not those who have not violated the NCAA rules? I haven’t heard any indigna tion, any protests, any dissatis faction with this situation of the innocent being punished for the guilty! Why are the admin istrations of member schools of the NCAA accepting this habit of punishing the innocent? Why do the coaches of NCAA athletes accept this habit of punishing the innocent? Why do alumni associations of NCAA schools accept this habit of punishing the innocent? Why do sportswriters who re port even the trivial sports in formation accept this habit of punishing the innocent? OOPS! I’m in error for thanking only the NCAA for a mediocre 1995 Cotton Bowl match-up! I expand my “thank you” for a mediocre 1995 Cotton Bowl match-up to the adminis trations of the member univer sities of the NCAA, the coaches of college athletes, the alumni associations of NCAA member schools, and the sportswriters! All of these groups have and are silently agreeing that the innocent shall be punished for the guilty in college athletics. After all, these groups re ceiving my “thanks” are lacking in both economic and political power to change this unfair, un-American, and unjust sys tem! (Or is it more accurate to conclude that they lack the in tegrity to right an obvious wrong?) |VASHIN virig up t< reator, th Be Agree B of 10,C organ s jrjgression Joint E jquested jhiocrat e: eated roue he month: Tico have I'While v Itperience lote that a|e confii ime of us |t suckini (American |Comme jestioned »n analys isult of inc hey were i tib gain nur I's very diff leement’s He patterr Billy McClellan Waco The Battalion encourages letters to the editor and will print as many as space allows. Letters must be 300 words or less and include the author's name, class, and phone number. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, style, and accuracy. Address letters to: linton ir mili The Battalion - Mail Call 013 Reed McDonald Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-1111 Fax: (409) 845-2647 E-mail: JWASH fiton, ai targes h aid Thun future oops higl |tay cor "Our m readir in and ■ ata R l“0ur n Jned, be iorce on i Defense S ie gener? Chiefs of: The pt Congress N i co/as CAGE Jon LOVITZ Daoa GARVEY Trapped in PARADISE 3-T3>' PC; 13 PAMJtTS STROHGLYCAUTIONED OPENS DECEMBER 2nd AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU. inanticip Haiti, K Pentagc lount t iient leneti fhree ihief*: