The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1994, Image 6
Q: What do you do after the turkey is gone and the gifts are all exchanged? A: Winter Interim at Midland College! Classes offered: Early registration- Government For more Dec. 5-Dec. 14 History information, call Regular registration- Sociology (915) 685-4500. 8:30-9:30 a.m., Dec. 27 English Midland Col ege is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator Page 6 • Thf Battalion & *7 & ^ '7t<zc£& COMPLETE NAIL SERVICE Acrylic Nails • Gel Nails • Fiberglass.* Sculpture Nails Nail Art Design • Airbrush Design • Manicures & Pedicures • American, French Manicures • ...Etc. 4001 EAST 29TH ST. #106 BRYAN, TX 77802 Call For Appointment (409) 846-0740 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:OOAM-8:OOPM Walk-Ins Welcome Sun 10:00AM-5:00PM Full Set $22 Fill-Ins $15 FREE Air Brush or Nail Art Design TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRESENTS PROFESSOR CHAGNON “PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE OF AMAZONIAN NATIVES: THE YANOMAMO CASE” NOVEMBER 22, 1994 RUDDER THEATER AT 7:00 PM r NOTIS will be unavailable during the Thanksgiving Break due to a major equipment move being planned by the Computing and Information Services. A backup database, which provides limited access to the library holdings through August 1993, will be available during this period. Please see staff at the Reference desk regarding access to this database. It is expected that NOTIS will be operational by November 27th. Please call the library’s information number, 845-5741, with questions regarding NOTIS \ ^status. A J Register for Spring ’95 •Jan. 9-11 » University transfer » Small classes » Individual attention Admission Processing NOW through Jan. 5 (713) 388-4636 dll Jf COMMUNR /I ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE An equal qpportunity/affirmative action college Dreaming of a white Christmas? . . . then come to Colorado this winter with the TAMU Snow Ski Ciuk Christmas Break: January 7-15 $430 price includes: 6 nights in ski-in condos in Breckenridge 4-day multi-mountain lift pass (5th day option) Party sleeper buses with TVs and VCRs Free instruction, beginner to advanced Free NASTAR race This year we're skiing a! if^Rreokemidge Keystone and Arapahoe Basin (MEETINGS (Wednesdays): NOV. 30 MT. AGGIE DEC. 7 146 KOLDUS ** All meetings at 7:00 p.m. FOR MORE INFO CALL: JON or DOUG 696-7717 JOLYON 846-7701 ll T It happens when your advertise in The Battalion Call 845-2696 "J"HE BATTALION Tuesday • November 22, 1994 What’s Up Tuesday Genetics Society: Election of officers and vote on t-shirt de signs to be held at 8:30 p.m. and check the screen in the MSC for the room number. TAMU Bridge Club. A gen eral meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in 301 Bright. Live on the edge— play bridge. For more informa tion call James at 696-4252. Society of Hispanic Engi neers: The last 1994 general meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. in 103 Zachry. For more informa tion call Mike Nelson at 696-7933. A.R.M.Y.: Lady Aggie Bas ketball vs. the Russian National team at 7 p.m. in G.Rollie White. For more information call Aaron Metcalf at 847-7584. Eating Disorder Support Group: A free and confidential support group to meet from 6-7 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more infor mation call Jeana at 731-8044. AIESEC: A general meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in 501 Rud der. The topic to be discussed, “Team Building”. For more infor mation call Donna at 847-6775. Texas A&M Flying Club: Board of Directors meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. at the TAMU Flying Club clubhouse at Easter- wood Airport. For more informa tion call 845-3329. Jesus Is Alive Christian Fellowship: A spirit-led Inter cessory prayer followed by cam pus ministering at 7 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. For more infor mation call Tony at 845-0177. Aggies for Christ: A devo tional to be held at 9:30 p.m. on the Academic Building steps. For more information call A’Lise at 847-2144. Student Counseling Helpline: Interviews to become a volunteer for the new Student Counseling Helpline are now be ing scheduled. Applications are available in 104 Henderson. For more information call Dr. Kerry Hope at 845-4427, ext. 113. Rio Grande Hometown Club: A general meeting to be held at 8;30 p.m. in 111 Koldus. For more information call Jessi ca Duarte at 823-2330. TAMU Fencing Club: Come and workout and learn with our coach, Mauro Hanza, from 7-8:30 p.m. in 26z7 Read. For more in formation call David Sierra at 847-1523. Study Abroad Programs: Informational meeting for recip rocal exchange to Monterey or Guadalajara, Mexico from 11 a.m. to 12.T5 p.m. or 4-5:15 p.m. in 251 Bizzell West. Aggie Lutherans: You are invited to join us for Treehouse for fellowship and small group discussion from 7-8:30 p-nV. at the Aggie Lutheran Church on FM 2818. For more information call Jennifer Carlsson at 776-5233. MSC Jordan Institute for International Awareness: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. Hispanic Student Walk-In Services: No appointment nec essary. Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis from 1-4:30 p.m. in Henderson Hall. For more information call Juan Riker at 845-4427 exten sion 134. Student Counseling Ser vice: An African American sup port group will be held from 5:15-6:30 p.m. in Henderson Hall. For more information call Dr. Brian K. Williams at 845- 4427. Aggie Toasters: Want to im prove your public speaking skills? Come and find out what we’re all about every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Chris Ro mano at 764-3103. Math Society: A social will be held at 7 p.m. in 203 HECC. We will have a speaker with in formation on the AWM and MAA. For more information call Julie at 845-3045 or 764-8329. Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: RCIA group meets at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Mary's Student Center. The topic to be discussed is Christian moral living. Wednesday Challenge Group: Will meet at 12 p.m. in the St. Mary’s Student Center Library. Catholic Student Associa tion: Catholic faculty and staff luncheon at 12 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Student Center. Student Counseling Helpline: Interviews to become a volunteer for the new Student Counseling Helpline are now be ing scheduled. Applications are available in 104 Henderson. For more information call Dr. Kerry Hope at 845-4427, ext. 113. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit student and faculty events and activities. Items should be submitted no later than three days in advance of the desired run date. Applica tion deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845- 3313. TEXSHARE Continued from Page 1 the state would be price-efficient for the uni versities. At A&M, the cost of running a database is around $160,000 a year to the company, plus the cost for the massive stor age needed to hold the data. After discussions with the company, A&M officials discovered it would cost less overall, to share the database with entire A&M Sys tem, he said. By sharing the system, A&M would only need one computer and one set of disk storage for all the System’s universities to access. “If we can share things like that across the whole state, it would save everyone mon ey and would make things more .accessible,” Putnam said. Goodyear said the contract also involves establishing Ariel, a document transmission system which uses Internet. To use Ariel, a library employee can take a documented manuscript, read it into the computer, send it across Internet and the re quester can then print the manuscript at his or her library. For students to use Ariel, they must re quest a document from the employees work ing with the library’s inter-library loan sys tem. Students themselves cannot use Ariel; they can only use the system through a li brary employee. “Here we are making it possible to get things faster and have easier access across the state,” Putnam said. “It is important for growing institutions to have access to the enormous resources at other libraries.” Evans Library has already had Ariel es tablished for over a year now and has been sending documents to several select uni versities. In addition, A&M received some money last year which it used to begin es tablishing Ariel within the A&M Universi ty System. Ariel will probably not be established in all 52 state universities before next summer, Goodyear said. “Some do not yet have the expertise or technological infrastructure necessary to im plement this system,” she said. t Putnam said each individual university is responsible for establishing Ariel. However, under the contract, A&M will provide train ing and assistance to the libraries as they set up the system. Under the TEX-SHARPl contract, A&M and the University of Houston will also work on establishing a statewide public university library card, Goodyear said. “I do not think it will be an actual card," Goodyear said. “It will be more of an agreement to recognize the cards from oth er libraries.” Putnam said he is excited about the inno vations that will come from this contract. “The most enticing element of this con tract is that it will make it possible for fac ulty and students to get information when they want it, from where they are,” Put nam said. “We will also be saving money because we will be sharing resources throughout the state.” \ R F A > HEALTHY MALES 18-35 WANTED as semen donors excellent compensation confidential! Call 776*4453 Limited Time Offer teed Through Pec* IOth Trade in hny HD's ChMse AIEV4 14, 1994 ANGEL NAILS Professional Nails Care For Men And Women (4091 764-958* Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun.-By Appointment only 2406 Texas Ave., Suite D College Station, T}£ 77840 (In the Kroger Shopping Outer, next to OLD COUNTRY BUH-EI) special: FREE GIFT DURING OUR GRAND OPENING * Full Set $30.00 * Refills $15.00 Trade-Ins Must Be Full Length, Un-Scratched, [ And In Original Jewel Box with All Cover Art. I Trade subject To Hastings Approval. *Up To $15.99 Everyday Price books Culpepper Plaza - College Station Manor East - Bryan IF YOU CAN COOK SOUP, YOU CAN BREW YOUR OWN BEER It’s Legal, It’s Fun, It’s Easy, It’s GOOD! Single Stage Plastic Fermentation Kit $27.50 Includes: 6.5 gal. plastic fermentation plastic bottling spigot air lock rubber stopper plastic tubing spring loaded bottle filler bottle capper bottle caps new brewer’s handbook Ingredient Kits $12.50 and up •each kit makes 2 1/2 cases Home Brewers Supply 2307 Texas Ave. South (across from Fuddruckers) 764-8486 Open: Tues.-Fri. 11:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. Saturday 12:00 p.m.-6 p.m. Closed Sunday & Monday