The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1994, Image 10

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Page 10 • The Battalion
\ gpgpp pn
XHE jrattalion
Continued from Page 1
was several years ago, when
three or four bats swooped
around during during a pianist’s
performance, Chaloupka said.
“He loved it,” Chaloupka
said. “He played the ‘Batman’
theme for an encore,”
About seven years ago, MSC
OPAS brought a production of
“Dracula” to Rudder and sup
plied some unscheduled props
— a couple of real bats mixed
in with the fake bats rigged to
fly on wires.
“No one ever even noticed
they were in there,” Chaloupka
said. “Everyone thought they
were just part of the show.”
Chaloupka said the bats
usually stay in the high open
area above the audience and
avoid people. The few that
have wandered into Rudder
mostly made their way out af
ter a week or so, he said.
Bats also drop by the Facul
ty Club occasionally, Kelli
Barnes, senior secretary, said.
Pest control workers netted one
there two months ago.
“He was just hanging from
the ceiling,” she said. “He was
real cute and fuzzy.”
Baumgardner said even
though they may be cute, even
insect-eating bats can bite, and
disturbing them is not advisable.
Bats lying on the ground are
likely to be sick or injured, he
said, and should not be handled.
Almost all Texas bats are in
sect eaters, Schmidly said.
Carnivorous and “vampire”
bats (which drink the blood of
other mammals) are tropical.
Most Mexican free-tailed
bats return to caves in the
Texas Hill Country to raise
their young in nursery colonies,
which can number in the mil
Some 40 million Mexican
free-tailed bats live in Bracken
Cave, near San Antonio, form
ing the world’s largest colony of
warm-blooded mammals.
Continued from Page 1
“deviant sexual intercourse.”
It has been on the books for more than 100
years but is not enforced. The constitutionality of
the law has been questioned in several court cases,
and a state attorney general’s opinion on the mat
ter is pending.
Keith Roberts, president of the Gay and Les
bian Student Association, said the group’s oppo
nents are “confusing sex with sexuality.”
“It’s obviously blatant discrimination,” he said.
“It’s such a twisted logic to think that because
we’re a gay rights group there is going to be gay
sex going on. This is exactly the thing that we’re
trying to combat.”
Roberts said about 10 percent of the universi
ty’s 12,800 students are gay and there are 40
GLSA members.
If its organizational status is cancelled, the
group would lose its student government funding,
which was $106 this year, said student govern
ment president Jared Wylie. About 100 groups pe
tition each year for $44,000 and the average
amount to each group is $380, Wylie said.
The GLSA can appeal any decision by the stu
dent government.
Dianne Hardy-Garcia, executive director of
the Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby of Texas, said the
crusade at Stephen F. Austin represents a grow
ing trend.
Monday • October 31,195
Continued from Page 1
charges, but did maketheiii
dictment more specific.
The charges against Smitl |
stemmed from allegations tliij j
he solicited personal benel I
from Barnes & Noble fori!:
wife, including airline flights:
New York City, theater tides !
meals and lodging while there
The actions occurred whii!
Texas A&M and Barnes AN# t
negotiated a contract to prin;
tize the campus bookstore.
The investigation by Tunit! I
and the Texas Rangers begank
year when questions over I
contract with Barnes & Noll
were raised in an anonymousles 1
ter sent to Gov. Ann Richards, j
During the first pre-trial j
Turner said he plans tocallfor'
mer A&M Chancellor Willia®
Mobley and four employeesol!
Barnes and Noble, Inc. toils
stand to testify. Turnersaii
they will review and evaluais
the Barnes and Noble contract
and a part of the A&M Policies,
and Procedures Manuel that in I
eludes travel policy.
DeGuerin said the Smithsre
paid Barnes and Noble forthe
expenses after the tripandinj
sists that they did notdoanyl
thing wrong. I
A weekly column dedicated to computing at Texas A&M
Finding electronic mail addresses
An electronic address
identifies your “home”
in the computer world,
just as your street
address identifies your
home in the real
world. If you want
to use a computer
to send and receive
electronic mail (e-mail), you
must first have a home.
Electronic addresses are
typically made up of two
parts: a logon-ID and a
node. The logon-ID
identifies you and your
home. The node identifies the
computer your home resides on. (Synonyms for
logon-ID include userid and username.) For
example, in the electronic address, c1b6760 identifies the
person and identifies the computer
this person has an account on.
When you send electronic mail, software on
your own system looks at the node—the name of
the recipient’s computer—and figures out how to
route your mail towards that destination. When the
mail arrives, software on the target system looks at
the first part of the address—your logon-ID—and
figures out how to deliver the mail to the recipient.
Electronic mail addresses
identify networks
Often, the form of the electronic mail address will
give you a good indication of the network that
address resides on. Internet addresses take the form
logonid@node. The node portion of Internet
addresses can take two forms:
• The node portion of the domain address
is almost always made up of multiple
words separated by periods. For ex
• T he node form of the IP addresss is a
series of numbers also separated by
periods. For example,
A computer may be on multiple networks at the
same time, so it’s possible that the same account
could be referenced by different address fonns.
Finding electronic mail addresses
Perhaps one of the most difficult obstacles in using
electronic mail is finding the address of someone
you wish to write. The best way of going about this
is to compare finding an electronic mail address with
finding someone’s postal address. In both cases, the
easiest method is to call the person and ask for their
address, however other options are available.
Electronic phone directories
If you wanted to find someone’s home address, one
of the first places you would probably look is in the
phone directory. Well, to find an electronic address,
one of the first places to look would be in an
electronic phone directory. Here at Texas A&M (and
other places too), there is an electronic phone
directory called Ph.
Almost every person associated with Texas A&M
has an entry in Ph. One of the things that makes this
phone directory special is that each person can
maintain most of the information themselves,
including their electronic mail address. If a person
has taken the time to maintain their e-mail address in
Ph, you can look up their address with a program
also called Ph. For information on using Ph to look
up someone’s electronic mail address, or to update
your own entry, contact a CIS Help Desk.
But what if the person isn’t ai Texas A&M? All is
not lost, but things may be a little tougher. Again,
the first place to start would be to look in their
electronic directory. (Of course, this assumes that
their site has an electronic directory!) The best way
to find the electronic directory for another site is to
use Gopher. For more information on Gopher,
contact a CIS Help Desk.
By choosing the menu option Gophers Worldwide
you can get to the Gopher server at another site. If
that site is running Gopher, if they are also running
an electronic phone directory, and if the person you
want to contact has included their e-mail address in
their directory entry, then you will be able to find
their address.
For more information
For more information on electronic addresses or how
to find them, drop by or call one of the CIS Help
Desks on campus.#
CIS Updates
JES3 coldstart scheduled on
November 6, 1994 at 6:00 a.m.
A coldstart of the JESS subsystem will be per
formed on Sunday, November 6, 1994 at 6:00 a.m.
All jobs in the TAMMVS system, including jobs
that are waiting to print or execute, will be expelled
at that time. Output in the InioPac system will not
be affected by the coldstart. If you’d like to use the
InfoPac subsytem, please contact Production
Control at 845-0451.
System maintenance over
the Thanksgiving holiday
During the Thanksgiving holiday, TAMMVS and
TAMVM1 are scheduled to be relocated to the CIS
machine room in the Computing Facilities Expan
sion (next to Teague). The systems will shut down
during the afternoon of Thursday, November 24, and
will resume operations by 8:00 a.m. on Monday,
November 28. Call 845-8442 for more information.
: Computing TpolboxfAS, puk&fretf *>y Comphfihg Hitt* $*3mc<s> (CIS) A&M
Uniyexsityil^easCiSend.commGnbilc^icsp^estiQmiiandiquf^onsifaritheiCDmputing Wixardito:::^
v ’ sOGGl-$X@XAMUvfihO or call 845-9325; We want.your inpriii
El Dia de los Muertos
Come celebrate the annual Day
of the Dead with us. Enjoy pan
de muertos and an informative
November 2, 1994
206 MSC
7:00 p.m.
Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification
three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability.
— Monday. October 31.
'&Rec Sports Office 845-7®
'A Rec Facility Hotline 845 071'
-A Court Reservations 845-®
'A’lM Rain Out Info 845-ffi
-A’Outdoor Equip. Rent. ,.845-45!i
Exercise Classes it Informal Recreation it Intramurals A: Sport Clubs Ac TAMU Ovtdocx
Week at a Glance
Mon., Oct. 31
it Entries Open
Archery Singles
fr Weightlifting
Tues., Nov. 1
A Entries Close
fc Bowling Singles
ic Mountain Biking Day
★ Sport Club Mtg.
it Residence Hall Reps Mtg.
Sat., Nov. 5
Ac Men's Rugby vs Texas Tech
Nov. 10
6-9 p.m.
You must
before attending
the class.
$5 for non-Rec employees.
Register at the
Rec Sports Office,
159 Read.
Deadline to register is
Wed., Nov. 9
Next class is:
Dec. 1
Ski New Mexico
Pec. 16-20
Last day to register is
You ane invited to Join TAMU ftrtdooreforyai
preference downhill, cross-country, or both! ft;
will downhill ski at Red River Ski Areawhlchoffc
a variety for all skiing abilities. Cross-cou®)
skiers will enjoy the Enchanted Forest 5klA«
with 1.400 acres of spectacular forests n
The downhlllskl option Is $202'/31O"andreU:
transportation, lodging, and a two-day Hfttldft
The cnoss-country ski option Is $2577263'Y
Includes transportation, lodging, and a onedij
Instruction, two-day ski rental and a trail ft-
For more Information, please
call Patsy, &45-3093. Visa.
MasterCard. American Express
and Discover welcome.
TAMU Outdoors
Listed below are the activities opening for the rest of the semester. For more
information, come to the Rec Sports Office, 159 Read, or call 845-7826.
Fall Hours*
Monday-Thursday ..
4 pm -9 p.m
I pm - 9 pm
Dor\T forget abou!
Two for Tuesdays
4 pm - 10:30 pm
Buy cmc bucket of balls
and get the second
*Thc Range will remain open unia 10:30 pm.
on Surdeys-Turrsdeys HU Nov. 17, when
Intramural contests are played.
Intermediate Rock
Climbing Trip
Sea Kayaking-
Baja; Mexico
Sail/S CUBA Dive-
the Bahamas
Date Open Close
Nov. 11-13 TODAY Nov. 7
May 15-20 NOW
Apr. 14,'95 $380*7418*
June 15,'95 $649
Aug. 19-25
*Students and faculty/stafT with roc memberships
**Faculty/staJT without a rec membership and the Bryan/College Station community
Listed below are the activities opening for the rest of the semester. For
more information, come to the Rec Sports Office, 159 Read, orcall 845-7826
Cross Country Run
Nov. 7
Nov. 17
Eight-Ball Singles
Nov. 7
Nov. 15
Sport Trivia Bowl
Nov. 7
Nov. 15
Have you seen a Rec Sports photographer taking your picture at
a Rec Sports event? If so, you can purchase a black & whitecopy
in the Rec Sports Office, 159 Read. Orders fake 2 weeks to
5x7 $4