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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1994)
The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569/Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building < O uu CL CO ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Help Wanted ■ Help Wanted I Lost/Found A Gentle, Easy, Extra $120 Per Month CASH You lie back in a lounge chair, get a pin prick & ; you're on your own to read, study, talk or daydream. 60 minutes l & you're up & away. Cash in hand! ; Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. 846-8855 Come ...It's that easy URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY If you presently have the following symptoms, call to see if you are eligible to participate in a Urinary Tract Infection Research Study (bladder infection). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. ‘Painful urination ‘Frequent urination ‘Urgency ‘Females age 18-64 G & S studies, inc. ( close to campus) 846-5933 JOCK ITCH STUDY Patient volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treatments, study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants * Ages 12-65 years * No topical (over-the-counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call: G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Campus Directory Delivery A&M Students needed to deliver Campus Directories to campus offices. Requires car, pickup or van and valid driver’s license. Flexible hours. Start this week. If interested, see Francia Eldridge in Student Publications office, room 230 Reed McDonald. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776- 4453. Employment Opportunity AA CRUISE SHIPS HIRING! EARN BIG $$$ + FREE TRAVEL! (Caribbean, Europe, etc !) No experience necessary. Staff needed for busy Holiday/Spring/Sum mer seasons. Call (919) 929-4398 ext. C1009. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000- $4,000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English in Japan. Taiwan, or S. Korea No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info call (206)632-1146 ext. J58551. For Rent Large, 3 bdrm house for rent. Great for 3-4 students. Fireplace, ceiling-fans, & CACH. Walk to ASM, $850/mo. Call 846-7903. Sublease for Spring Semester. Spacious, 3bdrm-2bth townhome in Bryan, $690/mo. 774-4450. Need to sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth for spring semester, on busroute, $485/mo. 764-6846. Efficiency $300/mo., all bills paid. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. SPRING SEMESTER Sublease 2bdrm-2bth, Parkway Circle Apartments. Call now! 764-7430. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth apartment, only $470frno Avail able Nov. 1, 1st mo. free. 693-7143, leave message. Attention Students! Are you crowded? Need a larger room? We have 1 male dorm plan left. $200/mo., all bills paid. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment 1 bdrm apartments: unfurnished - $355/mo., furnished - $385/mo. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. 1 MONTH FREE. Large 2bdrm, intrusion alarm, some utilities paid, pool, many extras. 823-7039, 846-7454. Available November 1st. 1bdrm-1bth, $380/mo., shuttle route, pool, S.W. Pkwy. John 693-2713. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth apartment, w/d, bus-route, $425/ mo., no deposit. Call 823-4511 leave message. Available Jan 1, 1995, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, luxury fourplex W/D, near A&M shuttle, $520/mo. 693-0551, 764-8051. Furnished 1 & 2 bdrm apartments. Close to campus, shuttle route. Pre-leasing for fall. Dorm plans available. Kathy 846-9196. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. Roommate Male roommate needed ASAP. College Main Apartment, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. Call 260-2696. Female roommate needed Jan 95- Aug. 95, to share 2bdrm-2bth apartment across from J.D. Well's & The Tap. 694-8066. Female roommate needed ASAP. Own room, Treehouse Village, $345/mo. + 1/2 bills. Call Cori collect, (512) 793- 2730 or (512) 793-6860. For Sale Peavy Tube Amp. - $300; crate 4X12 cabinet - $300; D.O.D. stereo Chorus/Flanger effect - $50 O.B.O. 847- 7887. Gibson Les Paul electric guitar w/hardcase. Excellent condition, black w/gold hardware - $610 O.B.O. Call Aaron at 696-0628 Mountain Bike, Bridgestone MBS, 18" Ritchey Logic Frame, Deore DX Components, 1 Yr. Old, Never Trail Ridden, Mint Condition - $700. Call 847-2718. WORD PROCESSOR - Top of the line Cannon StarWriter 70 - like new - $250. Call 693-9441. Honda Magna 700, 1984, 4,000 miles. Just like new - $2,450. Call 847-1478. Vacuums used starting at $25. Belts & bags to fit all vacuums. Sew Vac City 693-6592. Culpepper Plaza. HP-48SXforsale, with Librarycard -$200. Call696-9549. Twin bed for sale - $50 or best offer. Call 774-0090. PINE FACTORY: sofa, chair, coffee table, end table & entertainment center - $550. Dresser & chest - $50. Call 776-9376. 21", 14speed Giant Allegre road bike, excellent condition - $300. Call 776-9376. ~ Wedding dress for sale. White, full length, sweetheart neckline, size 14, $300 Call 696-8532. 1993 Giant Iguana, 18" frame, U-lock, helmet, toe-dips, 2 bottles with holders S more - $380 (very negotiable). Call 764-4469. Mountain Bike, Specialized, $275. Call 846-6158. TV for sale, Sony 25", perfect condition, $250 or best offer. Missing: Female, Black Lab Mix - about 40lbs, white tipped paws & white crest, blue collar Needs medlcatloh. If found please call 696-2139, Tom. Lost HP-11C calculator near Engineering Physics Bldg, on Thursday Reward. Kevin 693-2329. Personal HOW TO FIND LOVE & ROMANCE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF TRYING TO MEET PEOPLE THE HARD WAY, THEN TRY THE HOTTEST, EASIEST WAY ..TRY OUR DATE LINE AT...1-900-988-3696 EXT. 615. $2.95/MIN. - AV-' ERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - MUST BE 18 YEARS. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, INC. HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. HEAR MEN'S OR WOMEN'S DATING ADS, OR RECORD YOUR OWN! THIS IS A VERY INEXPEN SIVE WAY TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOK- INGI FIND ROMANCE, FRIENDSHIP, OR A DINING, DANCING PARTNER, ETC. SELECT ADS FROM YOUR ARLA OR OTHER AREAS ACROSS THE US. CALL NOW! THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE COULD BE WAITING FOR YOU NOW! Dirty, Live, Hot Talk. Steamy, Erotic & Nasty. 1-900- 435-4SEX (4739), $2.50-$3.99/min., Instant credit, 18*. SOAPS PEEKS & UPDATES. FIND OUT WHAT HAP PENS TODAY OR CATCH UP IF YOU MISSED YOUR FAVORITE SOAP. 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/ MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797- 2323. WE KNOW THE FUTURE! SPORTS SCORES, NEWS & POINT SPREADS SPORTS TRIVIA - HOW SMART ARE YOU? UPDATED EVERY 15 MINUTES, WHY WAIT? 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/MIN - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED -TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323 CAN YOU BEAT THE SPREAD? Services Let's Talk English as a Second Language Classes | Small group lessons • ■Students, wives I visiting faculty welcome • " New classes begin ^October 24 Call or visit 12:00 to 5:00 Mon-Fri 696-6583 707 Texas Ave. 303-C • Across from A&M License To Laugh "Comedy Style" Defensive Driving. At CS Conference Center. Call 361-5020 for classes. Walk- ins welcome, $25 w/ad. INTERNATIONAL S+UDENTS. DV-1 Grfe'hc^rd'pTo gram, by U.S Immigration. Greencards provide U S. permanent resident status. Citizens of almost all coun tries allowed. For info & forms: 20231 Stagg St , Canoga Park, CA 91306. Tel.: (818) 772-7168 or (818) 998-4425, AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-Lotll! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Frl(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm), Sun(12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Suite 217, 846-6117. Miscellaneous ACTING/MODELING Straight Facts. Give your dreams direction; avoid rip-offs, confusion, wasted money. Guar anteed! Call (713) 867-8982 for more info. Great fall buys for office & casual wear. Many plus sizes. Resale...betterqualitythanaDiscountstore. Mon-Fri, 10- 6, Sat., 10-3. Nearly New Resale Shoppe, 3811 E. 29th, Bryan. Typing Don't waste your time, let a professional editor do your word processing! 764-3124. Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. Computers PC RESALE Outlet. PC's starting at $99, printers at $49, software at $4. Plus typewriters & copiers. 3006 E. 29 at Broadmoor, Bryan. 776-8504 Computer Use - quiet/private computer room. $4.00/hr. Reserve 823-3489. PART TIME APARTMENT MANAGER Apartments owned and operated by AGGIES. Ideal for graduate couple, FREE APARTMENT plus extra income for extra work. 846-7454 Wanted: Dependable driver to transport Lamar students to & from after school activities. Lyndie wk/260-1098,846- 8888, hm/(409) 589-2380. Part-time job helping handicapped, male A&M student preferred. $270/mo., 12hrs/wk. Gall after 7:00pm, 846- 3376. FREE JAZZERCISE classes in exchange for free babysitting. 776-6696,764-1183. FUDDRUCKERS now hiring for dining & kitchen posi tions. Apply between 2&4pm. Wendy's is now hiring full and part-time positions . Apply at both locations between 2 & 5, M - F. Pay starting at $4.50/+, depending on experience. Call 764-7215. RANCH HAND EQUIPMENT Custom grillguards & bumpers, call for brochure & prices. TRAVIS 260-9738. Pets Female 2ft. Columbian Red Tail Boa with cage and accessories - $175 O.B.O. Call Rebekah at 847-8320. Playful kitten with all the extras - $25. Call Bekka at 775- 9421. AFRICAN PIGMY Hedgehogs. Adorable pets for sale. $50-$75 each. Call 690-3164. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Automobiles 1984 Toyota Corolla SR5. 150K, AC/H, Cassette -$2,300. Call 846-8286. 1986 Oldsmobile 98 - loaded, 106K, $2,450 O.B.O. Call 846-1346. 1990 Chevy Lumina - blue, 141,000 mis., a/c, cassette. $3,600 negotiable. 764-4542. Macintosh Computers for lease. Semester rates from $30/mo., repairs & upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. Travel CONDOS LIFTS TICKETS SKI RENTALS PARTIES BUS/AIR & MORE! DONTMISS THE PARTY. CALL TODAY... COLLEGE SKI WEEK JANUARY 3-8 I-SOO-SKI-WILD 0-800/5494530 5 Person needed to generate sales leads at departmental level. Must have professional appearance & good verbal skills. Flexible hours, $5/hr. + bonuses. Please send resume to: CTWP, 410 Villa Maria, Bryan, TX 77802, or fax (409) 775-4651. Construction contract labor needed. Experience pre ferred. 693-2072, ask for David. Need Christmas cash? Work own hours, make great profits! Call Rachel for interview. 847-0424. Tangram Rehab Network of San Marcos, in the beautiful Texas hill country, needs mature, caring people to work with brain-injured adults. Approximately 52 hrs/wk, $1,100- $ 1,200/mo. starting pay based on experience & educa tion. Study in Sociology, Psychology, Special Ed., etc. helpful. Drug screening required. Outstanding benefits, excellent advancement potential. Call (512) 353-8535 for an application/job description. GUYS NEEDED to pick up hundreds of girls on your own campus! 1-800-286-6180. No experience. Printing Company needs part-time PR outside sales per- son. Call 775-8735. OV/ER WEIGHT? Need 27 people for incredible new weight control program. Doctor recommended. Rhonda (512) 388-3130. Part-time property maintenance needed. Call Carla at 846-4409. Good opportunity for a person with mechanical ability. Flexible schedule. Apply within Piper Chevron, Tx. Ave at Univ. Dr. HIRING NOW! Need 20 housewives & students for telephone office work. No experience, we train you. EARN $8.00 HOURLY + cash incentives. Apply 10am- 1pm or 5pm-8pm at 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Build ing behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. DELIVERY DRIVERS. Need 15 persons for light, local deliveries. Must have car or cycle. Earn $60+/day. Apply 10am-1pm or5pm-8pmat 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Building behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. Body Shop Cal's Body Shop. Your foreign car specialist. Match your paint exactly. “May we have the next dents?” W. Hwy. 21, Bryan. 823-2610 DJ MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Great for Weddings, Parties, Reunions, Dances, Birthdays, Sports Events, Christmas Parties. Mic/Lights available. Reasonable rates/will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. “‘SPRING BREAK 95“* America's #1 Spring Break Company! Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona & Panama! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and TRAVEL FREE! Earn highest commissions! (800) 32-TRAVEL Battalion Advertising - let it work for your business. Call 845-0569 Today Page 6 • The Battalion 5 ports Bucks make top offer public MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Milwaukee Bucks took the un usual step Tuesday of going pub lic with their contract offer — $60 million guaranteed over nine years — to top draft pick Glenn Robinson. They went even further by confirming exactly what Robin son’s asking for: $100 million over 13 years. That’s four years and $40 million more than the Bucks want to pay, coach and general manager Mike Dunleavy said in a news conference billed as a chance to set the record straight for fans. “I hope at some point sanity will come into play,” Dunleavy said. Robinson, the nation’s leading scorer with Purdue last season, has missed the first two weeks of training camp. Dunleavy made the club’s latest offer to Robinson last week. Robinson and his agent, Charles Tucker, coun tered with a proposal for “an in- Keister Continued from Page 5 Keister played high school volleyball at Amarillo High School, where she helped lead the team to the 1988 state championship. She was named the 1990 3-5A Player of the year, while receiving all-state honors her senior year. Playing only sparingly her freshman year in 1990, she sat out the 1991 campaign while re cuperating from reconstructive knee surgery to repair a tom an terior cruciate ligament. Folowing her red-shirted 1991 season, Keister played in 24 of the Lady Aggies’ 35 flexible 13 years’’ and $100 million, Bucks vice president John Steinmiller said. “We feel it is unreasonable,” said Steinmiller, who added the Bucks weren’t trying to pres sure Robinson by disclosing contract details. Tucker didn’t immediately re turn a telephone message left at his East Lansing, Micb., office. He has never confirmed that Robinson wants $100 million, but has said he’s seeking a life time deal. Steinmiller called the club’s offer the highest ever made to an NBA rookie. While the proposal isn’t as lucrative as second-year guard Anfernee Hardaway’s nine-year, $70 million contract with the Orlan do Magic or as long-term as vet eran forward Larry Johnson’s 12-year pact with the Charlotte Hornets, Steinmiller said the Bucks are guarantee ing a record amount of years and dollars. matches last season as a sopho more and appeared in the start ing lineup six times. She fin ished the season with a .310 hit ting percentage, posting 20 kills and committing just seven er rors in 42 attempts. Head coach Laurie Corbelli said Keister plays a important role for the Lady Aggies. “I think Joni’s biggest contri bution, besides lots of experi ence, is her back court play, “ Corbelli said. “She is experi enced and has good ball control (in the backcourt), she is also one of are better blockers. “I think in the heat of compe tition for that spot, Cindy (Van- derWoude) is a little more physi cal, but they both compliment each other real well.” Wednesday • October 19 Yankees’ Sho waiter top AL manager w NEW YORK (AP) — Buck Showalter, who brought calm to a New York Yankees club often beset by contro versy, was the overwhelm ing choice Tuesday for American League manager of the year. Showalter became the first Yankees managerto win the award, created in 1983, after leading New York to the best record in the league. The Yankees were 70-43 and in position for their first playoff spot since 1981 when the players’ strike stopped the season Aug. 12. Showalter, 38, is the youngest manager in the majors. Showalter received 24 of 28 first-place votes in bal loting by the Baseball Writ ers Association of America, He also got four second- place votes and finished with 132 points. Mike Hargrove, who had the Cleveland Indians in contention for its first post season slot since 1954, got the other four first- place votes and finished with 86 points. Chicago White Sox’ Gene Lament was third with 17 and Oakland Athletics’ Tony La Russa was fourth with 10. Old oncent ;et a go decided ,hat he ipeecht atrociti- ndurei friends aughec ;oncent Timed relieve Wet men lik giving s who me what h< talking Tower j But. ong eff when h award J hr Hob Dallas i $300,0( center, in the c If it the Hoi It seem are sue general Eacl fewer j them, i our pa: segreg; will fir debate My i women straigh amazin Diener Continued from Page 5 lot of pennies. The same goes for you, Mr. Maxwell. Shame on you for claiming that 1.7 million dollars is an insufficient amount of green to keep you in .and.yellow uniform of the World Cham pion Houston Rockets. Yes, you played a role in the Rockets championship run. A role play er’s role. Let me remind you of an extremely wealthy, extremely athletically endowed Nigerian-American that plays for the Houston Rockets too. You know him, he’s the National Basketball Association Most Valuable Player? Number 34, soft spoken giant? Night in and night out at arenas across the country, he goes out and makes men look like boys, earning every dollar that passes through his giant hands. He is the meal ticket. He is the prima ry reason that Nick Georgandis could finally celebrate a Houston sports championship. Vernon, let’s remember who you are and where you stand. A few times, it’s been behind the wrought iron bars of a Harris County jail cell. If you were not a member of the World Champion Houston Rockets and you were just some fool that spent his days and nights slinging mud at athletes through the magic of an Apple Macintosh computer, you probably would have withered away in jail the first time you got sent there. Be glad of your fortune, Vernon. Realize what could be and what really is. Realize that there are writers and editors of student publica tions across the land who spend countless hours each day, working for peanuts, while putting to gether a newspaper that is forever criticized by the student body that it serves. Realize that. Realize that there are parents who spend their life savings in order to put their children through four years of college so that they might have some kind of chance of one day making a minute fraction of what you make today. Real ize that an undergraduate degree is becoming less and less useful each year and that many de gree holding individuals are working their asses off at restaurants that rich and unappreciative folks like you are “too good” to patron. Realize Vernon, realize Sedale, that you and your contemporaries do not make the game, the game makes you. THURSDAY • OCTOBER 20th • 10 AM TO 9 PM ONE DAY ONLY 30 All Regular Price Fashions. ONE DAY ONLY All Fashions ftQ % Already OFF Marked Down Post Oak Mall College Station • 764-3133 (Due to manufacturers restrictions certain brand names must be excluded) [gran IA/Y Hur drav One P e comc like “U fate” ir ion. Tl