The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 18, 1994, Image 8
4 The Battalion Page 8 • The Battalion Classified Ads SPORTS Phone: 845-0569/ Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (bosemenf) Reed McDonald Building o Q_ CO ‘AGGIE’ Prjyqte-EartY Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Aikman maintains cool Dallas quarterback's leadership impressive Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale Scott & White Clinic CRT OPERATOR The Scott & White Clinic, a multi-specialty medical facility located in the Brazos Val ley is currently looking for a night time CRT Operator for its Systems Department. (Hours M-Th 5-10 pm, Sat 8-12.) This position is responsible for printing and distribut ing physician schedules, batch charge tickets, and various other reports and sched ules. Position requires a High School Diploma or GED and a minimum of one year previous experience as a CRT Operator. Medical experience is a plus. Scott & White offers competitive salaries and an excellent benefit package. Apply in Person: 1600 University Drive East College Station • EOE Vacuums used starting at $25. Belts & bags to fit all vacuums. Sew Vac City 693-6592. Culpepper Plaza Wedding dress for sale. White, full length, sweetheart neckline, size 14, $300. Call 696-8532. 1993 Giant Iguana, 18" frame, U-lock, helmet, toe-clips, 2 bottles with holders & more - $380 (very negotiable). Call 764-4469. Four round trip air fares to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta or Jamaica. Good until December 1997. $300 each O.B.O. Call 775-7716. YAMAHA STEREO components: RX-330 receiver & KX- 130 cassette deck. Like new, $365. Call Kevin for more Info, at 696-8279. Mountain Bike, Specialized, $275. Call 846-6158. TV for sale, Sony 25", perfect condition, $250 or best offer. Call 764-7215. RANCH HAND EQUIPMENT Custom grlllguards & bumpers, call for brochure & prices. TRAVIS 260-9738. JOCK ITCH STUDY Employment Opportunity Miscellaneous Patient volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treatments, study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants * Ages 12-65 years * No topical (over-the-counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call: G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000- $4,000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English In Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For Info call (206)632-1146 ext. J58551. ACTING/MODELING Straight Facts. Give your dreams direction: avoid rip-offs, confusion, wasted money. Guar anteed! Call (713) 867-8982 for more info. College Station Pawn is seeking management trainees. Prefer management degree, will consider all. 22K + bonuses. Send resume to: 2316 Tx. Ave. S., CS, TX 77840. Great fall buys for office & casual wear. Many plus sizes. Resale...betterqualitythanaDiscountstore. Mon-Frf, 10- 6, Sat., 10-3. Nearly New Resale Shoppe, 3811 E. 29th, Bryan. Typing For Rent Sublease for Spring Semester. Spacious, 3bdrm-2bth townhome in Bryan, $690/mo. 774-4450. Need to sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth for spring semester, on busroute, $485/mo. 764-6846. Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. Efficiency $300/mo., all bills paid. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. SPRING SEMESTER Sublease. 2bdrm-2bth, Parkway Circle Apartments. Call now! 764-7430. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth apartment, only $470/mo. Avail able Nov. 1, 1st mo. free. 693-7143, leave message. MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Great for Weddings, Parties, Reunions, Dances, Birthdays, Sports Events, Christmas Parties. Mic/Llghts available. Reasonable rates/will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Attention Students! Are you crowded? Need a larger room? We have 1 male dorm plan left. $200/mo., all bills paid. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. Body Shop 1 bdrm apartments: unfurnished - $355/mo., furnished - $385/mo. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. Cats Body Shop. Your foreign car specialist. Match your paint exactly. “May we have the next dents?" W. Hwy. 21, Bryan. 823-2610. If you presently have the following symptoms, call to see if you are eligible to participate in a Urinary Tract Infection Research Study (bladder infection). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. ‘Painful urination ‘Frequent urination ‘Urgency ‘Females age 18-64 G&S studies, inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 1 MONTH FREE. Large 2bdrm, intrusion alarm, some utilities paid, pool, many extras. 823-7039, 846-7454. Computers Available November 1st. 1bdrm-1bth, $380/mo., shuttle route, pool, S.W. Pkwy. John 693-2713. Computer Use - quiet/private computer room. $4.00/hr. Reserve 823-3489. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth apartment, w/d, bus-route, $425/ mo., no deposit. Call 823-4511 leave message. Macintosh Computers for lease. Semester rates from $30/mo., repairs & upgrades MacResource, 775-7703. Sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth apartment, $605/mo., all bills paid, available Oct. 16. 1st mo. free! Call Kim 764-0883, leave message. Personal Available Jan 1, 1995, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, luxury fourplex. W/D, near A&M shuttle, $520/mo. 693-0551, 764-8051. Furnished 1 & 2 bdrm apartments. Close to campus, shuttle route. Pre-leasing for fall. Dorm plans available. Kathy 846-9196. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. Roommate Female roommate needed Jan 95- Aug. 95, to share 2bdrm-2bth apartment across from J.D. Well’s & The Tap. 694-8066. HOW TO FIND LOVE & ROMANCE. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF TRYING TO MEET PEOPLE THE HARD WAY, THEN TRY THE HOTTEST, EASIEST WAY. ..TRY OUR DATE LINE AT... 1-900-988-3696 EXT. 615. $2.95/MIN. - AV ERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - MUST BE 18 YEARS. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, INC. HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. HEAR MEN’S OR WOMEN'S DATING ADS, OR RECORD YOUR OWN! THIS IS A VERY INEXPEN SIVEWAY TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOK ING! FIND ROMANCE, FRIENDSHIP, OR A DINING, DANCING PARTNER, ETC. SELECT ADS FROM YOUR AREA OR OTHER AREAS ACROSS THE US. CALL NOW! THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE COULD BE WAITING FOR YOU NOW! PART TIME APARTMENT MANAGER Apartments owned and operated by AGGIES. Ideal for graduate couple, FREE APARTMENT plus extra income for extra work. 846-7454 Female roommate needed ASAP. Own room, Treehouse Village, $345/mo. + 1/2 bills. Call Cori collect, (512) 793- 2730 or (512) 793-6860. Dirty, Live, Hot Talk. Steamy, Erotic & Nasty. 1-900- 435-4SEX (4739), $2.50-$3.99/min„ instant credit, 18+. Female 2ft. Columbian Red Tail Boa with cage and accessories - $175 O.B.O. Call Rebekah at 847-8320. Playful kitten with all the extras - $25. Call Bekka at 775- 9421. SOAPS PEEKS & UPDATES. FIND OUT WHAT HAP PENS TODAY OR CATCH UP IF YOU MISSED YOUR FAVORITE SOAP. 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/ MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797- 2323. WE KNOW THE FUTURE! Now hiring smiling faces for our empty places. Flexible hours, perfect for students. Good pay & benefits, no late hours. Apply now at Golden Corral, 700 E. University AFRICAN PIGMY Hedgehogs. Adorable pets for sale. $50-$75 each. Call 690-3164. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Automobiles SPORTS SCORES, NEWS & POINT SPREADS. SPORTS TRIVIA - HOW SMART ARE YOU? UPDATED EVERY 15 MINUTES, WHY WAIT? 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED-TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. CAN YOU BEAT THE SPREAD? 1986 Oldsmoblle 98 - loaded, 106K, $2,450 O.B.O. Call 846-1346. Lost/Found PART TIME WORK- $7.60 to start. Flexible schedules around classes. Internships & Scholarships. Call 10am-3pm, 693-4975. '86 Dodge 1/2 ton - 53,000 original miles, 2nd owner, V8- engine newly tuned, propane/gas, auto, a/c, $3,850 firm. 764-8059. Lost HP-11C calculator near Engineering Physics Bldg, on Thursday. Reward. Kevin 693-2329 1990 Chevy Lumina - blue, 141,000 mis., $3,600 negotiable. 764-4542. Announcement '91 Eagle Talon - auto, all-power, loaded, 59K. Excellent condition, $6,800/080. 847-1057. WAR GAMERS. Paint Ball Club/Team forming. Contact Bill 846-2174, 775-0278. Services Travel Wendy's is now hiring full and part-time positions . Apply at both locations between 2 8 5, M - F. Pay starting at $4.50/+, depending on experience. Person needed to generate sales leads at departmental level. Must have professional appearance 8 good verbal skills. Flexible hours, $5/hr. + bonuses. Please send resume to: CTWP, 410 Villa Maria, Bryan, TX 77802, or fax (409) 775-4651. Construction contract labor needed, ferrpd. 693-2072, ask for David. Experience pre- Need Christmas cash? Work own hours, make great profits!. Call Rachel for interview. 847-0424. Tarjgram Rehab Network of San Marcos, in the beautiful Texas hill country, needs mature, caring people to work with brain- injured adults. Approximately 52 hrs/wk, $1,100- $1,200/mo. starting pay based on experience 8 educa- tionr Study in Sociology, Psychology, Special Ed., etc. helpful. Drug screening required. Outstanding benefits, excellent advancement potential. Call (512) 353-8535 for an application/job description. Let's Talk Small group lessons [Students, wives 1 visiting faculty welcome English as a New classes begin October 24 Call or visit Second 12:00 to 5:oo Language Mo ?' Fri Classes 696-6583 PONT MISS THE PARTY, CALL TODAY... 1-800-5KI-W1LD 707 Texas Ave. 303-C • Across from A&M Guys NEEDED to pick up hundreds of girls on your own campus! 1-800-286-6180. No experience. License To Laugh “Comedy Style” Defensive Driving. At CS Conference Center. Call 361-5020for classes. Walk- ins welcome, $25 w/ad. Attorney Printing Company needs part-time PR outside sales per son! Call 775-8735. OVER WEIGHT? Need 27 people for incredible new weight control program. Doctor recommended. Rhonda (512) 388-3130. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-Lot!!! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm), Sun(12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ad = $5off. 111 Univ. Dr., Suite 217, 846-6117. Brazos Co. Health Dept, seeking laboratory assistant. Parf-time afternoons, some weekends. 15 hours science related courses required. Call 361-4440. For Sale Part-time property maintenance needed. Call Carla at 846-4409. HP-48SX for sale, with Library card - $200. Call 696-9549. Twin bed for sale - $50 or best offer. Call 774-0090. Good opportunity for a person with mechanical ability. Flexible schedule. Apply within Piper Chevron, Tx. Ave at Univ. Dr. PINE FACTORY: sofa, chair, coffee table, end table 8 entertainment center - $700. Dresser 8 chest - $50. Call 776-9376. HIRING NOW! Need 20 housewives 8 students for telephone office work. No experience, we train you. EARN $8.00 HOURLY + cash incentives. Apply 10am- 1pm or 5pm-8pm at 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Build ing behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. 21", 14 speed Giant Allegre road bike, excellent condition - $375; 10 speed Huffy mountain bike - $75. Call 776- 9376. WE DEFEND M.I.P. CHARGES JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 Notctrtified as a specialist In area. WE DEFEND TRAFFIC TICKETS JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 Notcertitled as a specialist in any area. DELIVERY DRIVERS. Need 15 persons for light, local deliveries. Must have car or cycle. Eam$60+/day. Apply 10atn-1pm or 5pm-8pm at 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Building behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776- Place You Ad In The Battalion 4453. Employment Opportunity AA CRUISE SHIPS HIRING! EARN BIG $$$ + FREE TRAVEL! (Caribbean, Europe, etc.!) No experience necessary. Staff needed for busy Holiday/Spring/Sum mer seasons. Call (919) 929-4398 ext. C1009. Call 845-2696 IRVING, Texas (AP) There’s one Dallas Cowboy who keeps his cool when others are losing first their helmets and then their tempers. Barry Switzer calls this cap tain of composure “stone face.” . “Troy kept his poise,” said Switzer, the Cowboys rookie coach. “He’s the one who had to fight off all the negatives.” Aikman led by example. He started hanging in the pocket a little longer, buying a little time on the blitz until his re ceivers could get clear. He paid a price in knockdowns by the aggressive Eagles defenders. “I struggled in the first quar ter,” Aikman said. “The Eagles did a nice job of putting pres sure on me. Every ball I put in there was tight.” “The important thing is to not lose my head and for the other guys not to lose theirs,” Aikman said. “I gave the guys a talk in the first quarter. Then they understood that we would do fine.” After a 2-for-9 start, Aikman logged a total working man’s day of 12 for 23 passes and 156 yards, including touchdown strikes of 16 yards to Alvin Harper and 14 yards to Jay No- vacek. The Cowboys overcame a 7- 0 deficit to beat the Eagles 24- 13 and claim leadership in the NFC East with a 5-1 ledger. Dallas has won 10 consecutive games against NFC East foes dating back to September 1993, when it lost the opener to Washington. Switzer is learning to appre ciate Aikman a lot more than he did at Oklahoma where he tried to make a Wishbone quar terback out of him. Aikman went to UCLA because of it. "If Troy goes nuts on you when things go bad then it’s all over,” Switzer said. “That’s why I call him 'stone face.’ He never changes expression and he nev er has any panic. He just hangs in there and gets the job done.” The Eagles sacked Aikman twice and knocked him down a dozen times. “They were playing an ag gressive style defense and the coverage was tight so we hit the slants,” Aikman said. “We eventually made them pay.” ‘We’re playing as well right now as we did at this time last year,” said Aikman. Don't waste your time, let a professional editor do your word processing! 764-3124. Cubs manager Trebelhorn fired CHICAGO (AP) — The Chica go Cubs got rid of their 11th man ager in 12 years Monday, firing Tom Trebelhorn after a last-place finish in the NL Central. Trebelhorn, hired last Octo ber, was the fifth manager fired since the players’ strike ended the season Aug. 12. “All I can say is I’m hoping to have a manager and coaching staff in place for the team’s orga nization meetings the first 10 days of November,” general man ager Ed Lynch said by telephone. “I will interview Tony Muser, but I have not made up my mind and will probably interview at least one or two others.” Rice Continued from page 7 A portion of the sweetness for the Owls was beating their an nual tormentors in a nationally televised game. “Not only did we beat Texas, we beat them in front of every body,” LaRocca said. “We ran it down their throats with our style of offense. We shut them down with our defense. It was awesome. “It feels even better than I al ways thought it would.” The Owls were running out of time to beat the Texas Long horns before the two teams left the Southwest Conference. “We just had to get them be fore they got out of the confer ence,” wide receiver Ed Howard said. "There was no way they were leaving the conference with out us beating them. Hell no.” Rice’s path to the Cotton Bowl is still steep. The Owls play at Texas Christian (2-3, 0- 2) on Oct. 29 and host Southern Methodist (1-6, 0-3) on Nov. 5. Then comes the biggest remain ing showdown against Baylor (5- 2, 2-1) on Nov. 12 in Rice Stadi um. Navy and Houston (1-5, 1-1) also remain on the schedule. Rice athletic director Bobby May, a Rice senior in 1965 when the Owls last beat Texas, still managed to think like an admin istrator following the wild cele bration that followed the game. “I’m not sure what to do next, except fix the goal posts,” he said. Israel-Jordan Continued from Page 1 King Hussein of Jordan, who maintained clandestine contacts with Israeli leaders for years de spite the state of war between the two countries, insisted the treaty heralded a new era. “Hopefully, it is a fresh begin ning and a fresh start,” he said. And Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel called it a “histor ically unique moment,” and said he hoped a full-fledged treaty would be signed by the end of next week. Israel TV said the full accord would be signed Oct. 27 on the Jordan-Israel border and that President Clinton had been invit ed to take part. Clinton admin- stration officials said Clinton would probably attend. Israel and Jordan signed a non-belligerency pact in Wash ington on July 25, and since then had been working to resolve dif ferences that stood in the way of a full-fledged peace treaty. “I believe this peace is an im portant achievement,” a weary Rabin told reporters in Jerusalem after returning from Monday’s ceremony and the overnight meetings in Jordan. “I think it will also have repercus sions where Syria and the Pales tinians are concerned.” Peace talks with Syria have lagged over Damascus’ demand that Israel relinquish the Golan Heights captured in the 1967 Middle East war. Polls show most Israelis oppose giving up the Golan. Monday’s accord, signed by Rabin and Prime Minister Abdul Salam Majali of Jordan, came af ter a rocky week for peace talks with the Palestinians. Israel suspended negotiations with the PLO after Islamic mili tants kidnapped an Israeli sol dier. The soldier was killed by his captors Friday as Israeli com mandos stormed their hideout, but talks are to resume Tuesday BONFIRE BUDDIES, SORORITIES, FRATERNITIES NEED A GIFT? ANY MESSAGE. ANY OCCASION. PRICES START AT $13. WE DELIVER!! GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • FEATURING BRAZOS VALLEV PRODUCTS BASKETS BRAZOS GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • FEATURING BRAZOS VALLEY PRODUCTS 693-61 FT (4438) There had been speculation Lynch, hired last week, would promote Muser, the Cubs’ third base coach, to manager. While an executive with the San Diego Padres, Lynch in 1992 interviewed Muser for a Triple- A managerial job. Chicago finished with a 49-64 record this season, second worst in the league. Trebelhorn’s firing completed a shakeup in the Cubs’ front of fice. Andy MacPhail was hired last month as the team’s presi dent from the Minnesota Twins and Lynch was hired from the New York Mets. Tuesday • October 18, Women’s golf team takes second scores. The tournament, being held at the par-72 Prairie Dunes Country Club, will conclude later this week. Hockey strike continues (AP)- Seventeen days and S3 games — and still counting. The numbers continued to mount Monday in the postponed NHL season with seemingly no quick solution in sight to the labor dispute between the league and its players. The league has been in a holding pattern since Oct. 1, the original starting date of the season. That was first postponed by NHL commissioner Gary Bettman in hopes of reaching a new collective bargaining agreement with the players by Oct. 15. The deadline passed, following a rejection of the latest players' proposal by the owners last Tuesday. Bettman and Goodenow haven't spoken since. NHL spokesman Arthur Pincus said Monday there were no new negotiations planned at this point. There still was no word whether the 93 postponed games would be rescheduled and that the entire 84- game schedule can be salvaged. The league hasn't officially canceled any games, but has announced that a formal policy regarding ticket refunds would be issued Nov. 1 if no contract was reached by then. Alou selected as NL manager of the year NEW YORK (AP) — Felipe Alou, who guided the young Montreal Expos to the best record in the majors before the strike stopped the season, was a near-unanimous choice Monday as National League manager of the year. Alou got 27 of 28 first-place votes, with Dallas Green of the New York Mets receiving the other one. The Expos, who have shown steady improvement in Alou's two- plus seasons, exceeded even their own high expectations this year by going 74-40. Texas Tech athletic director dies LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - Texas Tech associate athletics director Jeannine McHaney, who helped build Red Raider women’s sports from an intramural offshoot, died of cancer complications Sunday. She was 50. McHaney was admitted to University Medical Center last week after she was having trouble breathing. She held a variety of jobs at Tech over the past 28 years and guided women’s athletics into an eight-sport program with a budget of $1.2 million last year. The Women's Basketball Coaches Association named her the 1993 Administrator of the Year. in Cairo. Clinton said he was “delight ed” by the developments in Am man, adding: “This agreement reminds us that moderation and reason are prevailing.” Jordan is only the second Arab country to make peace with Israel. Egypt broke ranks to do so in 1979. Jordan and Israel last fought in the 1967 Middle East war, when Israel seized the West Bank and east Jerusalem, but a state of war has existed between the countries since 1948. Syria fought Israel in 1948, as well as in 1967, 1973 and during Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Many Jordanians were taken by surprise when they heard of the accord through the Israeli media, which reported the event live. Jordan’s media did not report it for four hours, apparently be cause of concern it would trigger protests by hard-line opponents of peace with Israel. -■—% Sporis r>RIEFS The Texas A&M women'sgoil team ended Monday's action in second place of the 11-team field ai the Marilynn Smith/Sunflowei Invitational in Hutchinson, Kansas The Lady Aggies completed 36 holes on Monday, finishing the daj with a two-round total of 654. "This is a great golf course, Lady Aggie head coach Jeanne Sutherland said. "If the conditions were a little better, I believe you would have seen some lower isp Happy Hour AT THE Cantina 823-2368 201 W. 26th St.., Downtown Bryan Food and Drink Specials During Happy Hour 3:30 - 9 p.m. 18 and older welcome Happy Hour All Nite Mon - Wed Blue Tuesday w/ the Storm Ladies Free • Men $3. ■ Wednesday - Ty Southerland Band w/Ruthie Foster Tuesda) Ei Lov (( I: t’s be ar little ha Julian 1 He’s i write. W explains phones i Student their wo provides I am r quently i “I hat who ask< detect so all futuri other lar I am, high schi Freed/ enough t vent yaw So sax Life,” a t scape of Even dom she with. To It’s a i well awa publishe to be tha h ‘Writi vision, ar and the i that so n the band adjust dx the writt Comn self to w< LAAT t IbeBa the edit a Letters dass, and We res for let