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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1994)
Tuesday - October 18, 1994 hit "Swingin'. 3ye ( in isonetl demand? aso packed dan od that mat ing onthefe id few peopli; ssic bump ari on “just asb and co-write, version charpe makes ‘Ck the love inlf sound evens! i of the albui f filler betwtf runs. Only tertain. “1 Have r-sentimental derson’s tw ems too perse y ’til I Die'i erson's comfl career, but as vingin’ and d ic “KeepIn'll! '' he won 't : r lountry as ! 'NICE f 23-4338 ig biographical new audiences id the priced eron, who verty to become “Another Suites won't soon togei ITS SOC1E! at the or char 1234 15 to inform us r (3) working dan :he best of ours: fWItfl T HE B ATTALION The Battalion • Page 5 What’s Up ^»l»a Tuesday TAMU Roadrunners: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 230 MSC. We will discuss upcoming races, the fall roadtrip, and T-shirts. For more infor mation call Molly at 696-2464. Study Abroad Program: An informational meeting for the TAMU Study Abroad Program to Italy, summer 1995, will be held at 5:15 p.m. in 251 Bizzell Hall West. For more information call 845-0544. TAMU Tae Kwon Do Team: An open practice will be held from 7-8:15 p.m. in 342 MSC and from 8:30-10 p m. in 263 G. Rollie White. For more information call Matt at 847-0945. Jesus Is Alive Christian Fellowship: Prayer, fol lowed by campus ministering and outreach will be held at 7 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel, main sanctuary. For more information call Tony at 845-0177. Students Over Traditional Age: We are conducting a demographic survey of students (any age), to deter mine certain factors. No names are needed for the study For information about the survey or to partici pate call Ellen at 696-6489 or Susie at 776-0538. Tau Kappa Junior Honor Society: A general meet ing will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 119A Zachry. Ag- gieland picture will be taken. Wear our T-shirt. Agnostic & Atheist Student Group: The fourth seg- menl of The Power of Mvth will be shown at 8:30 p.m. in 110 of the Koldus building. For more information call Brett or Steve at 268-AASG. MSC Ail Night Fair Committee: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 228 MSC. We wilt be dis cussing our Murder Mystery. For more information call Briana Spinks at 847-2633. CIS: A new user orientation to the Cray Y-MP, part I, will be held from 3-5 p.m. in 039 Wisenbaker. This is a free orientation. For more information call Spiros Vellas at 845-2561. Resurrection Week: A general meeting will be held at6:45 p m. in 224 MSC. For more information call Myndi at 764-8996. ASME: We will have a pizza sale at 11:40 a m. in 301A-T EPB. For more information call Scott at 268-6850. The Italian Club: A showing of the film Pane e Cioc- colato by Franco Brusati with English subtitles will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Lab 1 of the Academic Building. Introduction will be given by Dr. Raymond Petrillo. Psychology Club: A general and committee meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Mr. Gatti’s. For more infor mation call Robert Price at 696-0040. Pre-Vet Society: Dr. Cathryn Bretzlaff, D.V.M., will be speaking about her work as a sheep and goal veteri nary practitioner at 8:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. For more information call Tracy at 847-0309. Circle K International: A general meeting to dis cuss this week's projects will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. For more information call Jenny Collins at 696-7337. Catholic Students Association: A rite of Christian initiation for adults (RCIA) group will be held at 7 p.m. in St. Mary's Church for Parish Mission. Aggie Democrats: All Ags are invited to come out at 7 p.m. in 144 Koldus and have fun as we have a guest speaker, and learn of more ways to get involved and be heard. For more information call Eric at 764-9120. Career Center: A compensation and salary analy sis will be held at 3 p.m. in 507AB Rudder. The purpose of this seminar is to give students current information on salaries and how to interpret them. For more information call Julie Agee or Pat John son Alexander at 845-5139. Nutrition Society: A joint meeting with Mideast Texas Dietetic Association will be held at 7 p.m. in Kleberg. For more information call Marie at 696-7894. Aiesec: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 206 Rudder. For more information call Donna at 847-6775. Saddle and Sirloin: A general meeting followed by set-up for the Children’s Barnyard will be held at 7 p.m. at the Pearce Pavilion. For more information call Amy at 775-6351. College Republicans: A general meeting with speaker Carole Keeton Rylander, Candidate for Railroad Commission, will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 212 MSC. For more information call David John ston at 847-7139. Eating Disorder Self-Help Group: Free and confi dential support for anyone who has been affected by an eating disorder will be held from 6-7 p.m. in 145 MSC For more information call Jeana at 731-8044. TAMU Bridge Club: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 301 Bright. Experts, newcomers and even members are invited! If there's one thing we do, it's play bridge-and now even earlier! For more informa tion call James at 696-4252. MSC Film Society: A film on video presentation of The Godfather will be held at 7 p.m. in 604D LRD of the Evans Library. For more information call Danielle Hill at 847-0708. Student Counseling Service: An African American support group is held from 5:15-6:30 p.m. every Tues day in Henderson Hall. For more information call Dr. Brian K. Williams at 845-4427. Hispanic Student Walk-In Services: No appoint ment is necessary. Students are seen on a first- come, first-served basis. For more information call Juan Riker at 845-4427 extention 134. Aggie Toasters: Want to improve your public speak ing skills? Come and find out what we're all about at 8:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Chris Romano at 764-3103. International Mini Olympics Sponsored by ISA: Information desk hours will be opened at 12-2 p.m. in the ISA Cave. For more information call Dali at 696-2754. Wednesday TAMU Roadrunners: Join us for group runs (2.5-5 miles) at 6 p.m. in front of G. Rollie White. For more information call Molly at 696-2464. TAMU Water Polo Club: All girls and guys with previous experience who want to compete, join us for practice at 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Cain outdoor pool. For more information call Suzanne at 847- 2400 or Brian at 764-3169. Student Counseling Service: The thesis/disserta tion support group will meet at 5-6:30 p.m. in Hen derson Hall. For more information call Brain Williams at 845-4427, ext. 128 or Laura Bettor at 845-4427, ext. 126. TAMU Floriculture and Horticulture Society: A workparty open to anyone with an interest in working with plants will meet at 6 p.m. at the Hensel Road Greenhouse. For more information call at David Hamada at 846-7325 or Julie Howe at 846-7328. Society of Women Engineers: Guest lecturer Jill Almaguef from Hewlett Packard will speak at 7 p.m. in 119B Zachry. For more information call Saman tha Ahner at 696-4314. International Mini Olympics Sponsored by ISA: Information desk hours will be opened at 12-2 p.m. in the ISA Cave. For more information call Dali at 696-2754. Europe Club: A meeting to discuss the party and mini Olympics will be held at 10 p.m. in Dudley’s Draw. For more information call Dali at 696-2754. Honors Student Council: A general meeting with guest lecturer Dr. Larry Oliver will be held at 7 p.m. in 111 Koldus. For more information call Kim Valent at 847-1146. Silver Spurs of Aggieland: An “Open Dance Prac tice" will be held at 8-9 p.m. in 255 G. Rollie White for anyone interested in watching. For more infor mation call Mark Dagley at 764-8348. Student Life Programs (Off Campus Aggies): Free coffee, juice and pastries will be available to all Aggies living off campus at 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the Governance Room of the Koldus Building. For more information call Andrea at 845-1741. Inkshed Press: A poetry workshop will be held at 8 p.m. in the Serpentine Room of the MSC. For more information call Chad at 847-1628. TAMU Anthropological Society: An orientation for all members going on the Seminole Canyon trip will be held at 5 p.m. in 214 Anthropology Building. For more information call Any Holmes at 847-5604. TAMU Snow Ski Club: An informational meeting about the winter trip to Breckenridge will be held at 7 p.m. in 146 Koldus. Reservations for remaining spots will also be taken. For more information call Jolyon Frannea at 846-7701. Pre-dental Society: A student panel from Baylor College of Dentistry, UTSA-Dental Branch, and UT Houston Dental Branch will be speaking at 7 p.m. in 229 MSC. For more information call Raymond Chan at 693-5782. Career Center: A Coop Orientation to find out the advantages of having real work experience while re ceiving academic credit and a salary will be held at 3 p.m. in 504 Rudder. For more information call the Co-op office at 845-7725. ASME: A placement center speaker meeting will be held at 6-7 p.m. in 301 Engineering Physics Build ing. For more information call Scott at 268-6850. MSC Political Forum: Republican candidate for Texas Comptroller, Teresa Doggett, will be speaking at 7 p.m. in 601 Rudder. For more information call Dan Torres at 845-1514. Circle K International: Be a positive role model and help kids with their homework, play basketball and much more at 4-6 p.m. at the Boy's and Girl’s Club in Bryan. For more information call Niki Zacharias at 847-4104. Bioengineering Society: A meeting to set up com mittees for active members will be held at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in 114 Richardson. For more information call Adeline Young a( 693-7132. Catholic Students Association: Challenge Group will be meeting at 12 p.m. at St. Mary's Student Center Library. TAMU Tae Kwon Do Tearfi: An open practice will be held at 8:30-10 p.m. in 263 G. Rollie White. For more information call Matt at 847-0945. Class of ‘97: A general class meeting will be held at 7 p.m. In 302 Rudder. MSC Hospitality: Come to the first floor of the MSC from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Service Awareness Day and learn more about service opportunities in the A&M and Bryan/College Station community. For more information call Molly McKellep at 845-1515. Life Savers Bible Study: Praise service will be held at 5:30-7:30 p.m in All Faith’s Chapel. For more information call Aval at 847-2133. TAMU Sports Car Club: A general meeting with a video of goofy automotive activities will be held at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. For more information call Casey Brown at 764-6984. ASTRA-Aggie Students for Space Exploration: “Moonshot" Part I meeting with updates on semester events will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 701 Rudder. For more information call Roxanne Pirooz at 693-4644 or Keelan Hamilton at 847-1708. MSC Committee for the Awareness of Mexican American Culture: A committee meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 228 MSC. For more information call Angela Watts at 847-8340. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non profit student and faculty events and activi ties. Items should be submitted no later than three days In advance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. Dr. Sears & Dr. Calliham Welcome New Patients Emergencies Welcome i£a Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry Sfe Most Insurance Accepted tfe Dencharge Ife Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express 846-4999 Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 12 pm 1:30 pm - 3 pm Call for an appointment & let our professional staff care for your dental needs. cQjdnien ^K^istnct Qdbcdon ▼ Professional Nail & Skin Care Services For Men & Women • Nail wraps & Gel Acrylic Nails •European Facials with Massage •Manicures and Pedicure with •Cleansing Treatments Reflexology (Packages Available) • Paraffin Treatments •Waxing Services •Foot & Hand Facials •Brow & Lash Tinting Gill Certificates & Packages Available for All Services Holistic Products For the Skin, Body, Mind & Soul. Products Are Used in Skin Treatments & Available for Home Care. source vital 108 F. North, Bryan liiMitessaiiMiil By appointment only 846-4124 [Here, last month, 922 good people got a pin prick, and earned themselves $46,000 cash ....and helped people they never knew! They sat back on big leather lounge chairs and relaxed or studied for exams. They exchanged recipes, talked about love, children, life, happenings, boys, girls, politics, tomorrow, french class, car repair, baseball, fishing, and delivering kittens. In 60 minutes they were up and away, cash in hand, feeling good. You have never opened a door on a friendlier place and the regular extra money is very nice. Everybody needs you. It s that easy Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. 846-8855 VISA <f000 xdBV 5b rS «12/95 CW A. FfELLOB: HAU/S Office of Student Life Programs Commuter Students drop in for free breakfast I It - S S very^ re -you wartt to be: Visa U.S.A! Inc. I994, Texas A&M University Wednesday, October 19th 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Governance Room John j. Koldus Bldg. Free breakfast In exchange for your opinions on University services & programs Hosted by the Division of Student Affairs - Vice President^ Office