The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1994, Image 12

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    The Battalion
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The Battalion
Pace 12 • The Battalion
77?$ JVPUL
C Aii
Students today continue
to confront racial tension
• This letter is in regard to the state
ment made by Shawn Williams, president
of the local NAACP chapter - “If people
had more interaction with minorities, they
would know what is offensive.”
How can we possibly interact with minori
ties when they are setting themselves apart?
Can a white student be a member of the
Black Engineering Society, ExCEL or Fade
to Black dance team? Because of organiza
tions such as these, there is limited inter
action. No organizations should exist that
base their membership or title on race.
No one at A&M is a minority. Everyone
attending this world-class University is an
Aggie here for an education. I see no rea
son for those race-based clubs.
cans. If some members of the offended
groups would participate in College Repub
licans, maybe we could work together to
prevent this racism problem from happen
ing again.
Also, in response to people who would
like to see College Republicans suspended
— I say that you have your rights and we
have our rights. College Republicans is
NOT funded by the University; therefore,
we have the right to convene regardless of
what anybody says.
No one is going to stop the College Re
Gage Blackstone
Class of ’95
childhood and a bad “deck of cards dealtto
them early in life” does not absolve anyone
of the consequences of their actions.
And in this land of opportunity, nothing
can keep those who follow the American
work ethic from leading productive, sue
cessful lives.
Although Henderson points out that
young black men see the “drug dealer up
the street is the one with the money,” they
and everyone else who sees these predators
should take into account the fact that they
are destroying other’s lives, and make the
right choice.
If they make the wrong choice, they
should be prepared to pay the price - period.
Katie Kam
Class of ’98
• In response to the opinion cartoon in
Wednesday’s Battalion, I would like every
one to know that this cartoon is an absolute
misrepresentation of the viewpoints of the
majority of College Republican members.
It is easy to see how some people were
offended by the fliers. However, the car
toon has committed the same crime as the
person responsible for the offensive fliers.
As a member of College Republicans, I
find this cartoon insulting.
College Republicans is NOT a bad orga
nization; it just so happens that individu
als sometimes make mistakes. Remember
that all of us are human, and all of us
make mistakes.
Instead of screaming and hollering
about College Republicans, I would encour
age people to get involved in our organiza
tion. We are NOT racist. There is nothing
to stop you from joining College Republi-
• I have read, enjoyed and agreed with
many of Aja Henderson’s columns. Howev
er, her column on Oct. 12 was way off the
mark. It was representative of too many
people’s “the government needs to do some
thing about this” attitude. Henderson does
not mention any specific program or policy
ideas to help young black man, and for
good reason - there are none.
The only solution is to address the situa
tions that are problematic. Henderson
states that the major problem is single par
ent households, and implies that this is the
cause of the poverty in which many young
black males grow up. Aside from the fact
that this situation is not unique to young
black males, the fact is that government
can do nothing about single mothers. Until
people stop procreating without first estab
lishing a lifelong commitment to one an
other, this condition will exist.
As for the contention that young black
men need “their hurdles just a little lower”
- I reject that as a condescending and limit
ing opinion that in the long run hurts the
individuals at which it is targeted. I, along
with many black leaders, am of the opinion
that young black males are just as capable
and bright as anyone else and do not need
lower standards in order to be successful.
The bottom line is that at some point,
people need to begin to take responsibility
for their own actions.
Responsible individuals need to avoid
becoming single parents. And, regardless
of the situation in which they grew up, peo
ple must accept responsibility for their own
actions. Pointing a finger at a deprived
James R. Tomberline
Graduate Student
• I think it’s great if a person is proud to
have been born and raised conservative.
I do not think it’s fine for people to demand
that the newspaper reflect their beliefs.
One purpose of college is to make stu
dents learn to think. Students do not have
to change their beliefs, but they should al
low them to be challenged. Even gold is
tested in fire.
To open your mind does not mean to
change your mind. Thinking about and
considering other points of view does not
mean abandoning your own. You maybe
gin to see some of the opinions you were
raised with in a different light. Other
views may become more firmly groundedin
the development better, intellectual argu
ments that support those beliefs you were
raised with.
Being conservative should not mean be
ing closed-minded.
It is a lot more comforting to be sur
rounded by people who agree with you, but
that security is not necessarily better for
your intellectual and personal growth.
It may be painful to have to read every
day in the paper about opinions you don’t
agree with (I know it is for me when I go
home to Washington D.C. and read the ul
tra-liberal Washington Post) but I sincere
ly agree with Kahlil Ghibran when he said
“pain is the breaking of the shell that en
closes your understanding.”
Meg Gray
Class of’%
^atUna £,dton
Stella Herrera
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The Aggie Players Association presents
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Admission: $3 per person, $5 per couple
The line forms at 9:30, so aet there early.
The line forms at 9:30, so get there early.
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