October 1 10f( - e Nofei} oteins! \y • October 11,1994 The Battalion • Page 3 in a state of iolence Jljrom movies to gangs to rap, today's entertainment value provides more shock for the buck BEl ne Jremy Keddie [Battalion [iolence, whether fact or fiction, can nd every day. It can be seen on lion, newspapers, movies and in music. Perhaps you could say people are attracted to violence in rm or another. At times, people laid the amount of violence ex- is overwhelming. But do we ask Roberts, lharp, tes Dr[ Susanna Homig Priest, assistant sor of journal ism, said we live in a e that glorifies violence. However, said she does not attribute the vi- in our society to the media, and mid look into reasons why vio- ice is so strongly portrayed. er & BertSakw, |We are much more puritanical m sexuality than Europe, but we are ichmore open with violence,” she