li I Arf Has Moved! Look tor 4.0 and Go Across from the Hilton, near Golden Corral and Blockbuster Video. Arf’s Classes Monday 9/12 Tuesday 9/13 Wednesday 9/14 Thursday 9/15 3-5 p.m. ACCT 230 Part I ACCT 230 Part II ACCT 230 Part III ACCT 230 Part IV 5-7 p.m. BANA 303 Parti BANA 303 Part II BANA 303 Part III BANA 303 Practice Test 7-9 p.m. ACCT 229 Part I ACCT 229 Part II ACCT 229 Part III ACCT 229 Part IV 9-11 p.m. MATH 152/161 Part I MATH 152/161 Part II MATH 152/161 Part III MATH 152/161 Practice Test 11-1 a.m. ACCT 230 Part I ACCT 230 Part II ACCT 230 Part III ACCT 230 Part IV MATH 151 starts Mondav 9/19 and aaain Sundav 9/25 Page 8 Stick The Battalion Monday • September 12, nday TH15 15 BEGINNING URE6TL\SJe!, YOU'LL EAcM HAVE A WRE6TLING- FAKTNEK.! THE RE 5 A U6T OF EACH 0THLR5 FARTHER FOOTED Oh THAT l^ALL.' Go LOOK FOR VCXJR ^ I GOT SOME GEEK NAMED OUFrORD. lYl GONNA BEAT THE HELL OOTTA UIM v' ' 1 "// \ The Inkwell ATTENTIO 1994 -1995 30-LOVE TRYOUTS PS " ; ‘ 'r:.' Informational Meeting Tuesday, September 13th 7 p.m. Lettermans Lounge (in G. Rollie White) liitii Also Come Out And Watch Aggie Men's Tennis September 16-18 vs. Texas Tech, Rice and TCU Wc ai the Inkwell would like to otTer^is a public service. this helpful ur.J rnforsotive guide c msc T T A T T town hall If you like music and you like concerts, then you'll LOVE us! Applications avaiable in 216 MSC DEADLINE: Tuesday, Sept. 13 WANTED: NEW MEMBERS Shedding a whole new light on politics. Top Ten Reasons to Join MSC Political Forum: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Schmoozing with George and Barbara. Free Food! We’re not the College Republicans. We’re not the Aggie Democrats. Ann Richards, George Bush Jr., Kay Bailey Hutchison, Richard Fisher, you can meet them all. t.u. doesn’t have a Political Forum - it’s an Aggie thing - whoop!! It’s the next best thing to Aggie football. Because you don’t have to like politics to love Political Forum. It’s an election year. U.S. Presidents have to get their start somewhere!! Upcoming Events: Open House - September 11,2 p.m. - 6 p.m. - 2nd floor MSC General Committee Meeting - September 13, 8:30 p.m. - 501 Rudder Richard Fisher, Dem. Candidate for Senate - September 14, 7 p m. - Rudder Theatre ^Carol Rylander, Rep. Candidate for Railroad Comissioner - September 21, 7 p.m. - 212 MSC^ 7- > end.oH& tv&A cUd Two-way infrared VO for easy data transfer ■ Hundreds of equations built in ■ Graphics and calculus functions ■ Symbolic math functions to fit your needs 1 HP EquationWriter application lets you enter and see equations like they appear on paper Unit management is easy Easy-to-use forms speed up learning for the beginning calculus student HP Solve application gets you to solutions quickly University Bookstores Three Off-Campus Locations to Serve You Northgate - Culpepper Plaza - Village 'Your Source for Educationally Priced Software" Sale Prices HP48G $105.00 HP 48GX $249.95 V J t © Vis* u