The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 09, 1994, Image 9
■riday • September 9, 1994 I SPORTS The B attalion • Page 9 Soccer to face No. 1 N. Carolina Stewart Doreen The Batialion The Texas A&M women’s soccer team, in only its second season, faces its toughest test to date when they take on eight-time defending national champion North Carolina and 20th-ranked Maryland in two games this weekend in Dallas. “North Carolina and Mary land are probably two of the oest coached teams in the coun try, “ Texas A&M head coach Gerald Guerrieri said. “I just hope our players will be ready to meet the challenge of playing to their potential.” The Aggies, 2-0, will be led Dn offense by their strong mid- fielding corps, led by junior midfielder Corie Hammers. Hammers is A&M’s scoring leader in the young season, with three goals and one assist. The defense, however, might be the key to the Aggies’ success this weekend. “We have really good defend ers,” senior keeper Michelle Crofts said. “They played well against New Mexico and Cente nary without giving them a chance to take a shot. If they can keep up the pressure, high pressure, we can do it.” The Aggies are coming off a strong performance in the Plano Labor Day Invitational last weekend. Senior Anna Whitehead sees the Carolina game as a challenge, and is looking to meet that challenge head on. “It’s going to be the game of a lifetime,” Whitehead said. “They’re (North Carolina) just legends, and we just need to forget about that part and play our hearts out.” North Carolina, winner of 11 of the 12 NCAA women’s soccer titles, comes into Fri day’s game with a 83-match winning streak. The Tar Heels, arguably one of the greatest collegiate sports’ dy nasties, have lost once in the past eight years, an overtime loss to the University of Con necticut in 1990. Anson Dorrance, in his 16th season as the Tar Heel head coach, boasts a career record of 300-8-9. The Tar Heels fea ture three-time All-America midfielder Tisha Venturini, senior goal keeper Shelley Finger and sophomore forward Debbie Keller, the team’s lead ing scorer. The Maryland Terrapins, 1 -1, started the season with a 2-0 loss to the Tar Heels. They re turn eight starters from the team that finished last year at 13-5-2. April Heinrichs, a UNC graduate, leads the Terrapins in her fourth season as head coach. “Back when it was a non scholarship team, we had noth ing,” Whitehead said. “I’ve come all the way with the pro gram and never dreamed of this when I first started play ing here. It is a dream come true to play North Carolina. We’re going to go into it with nothing to lose.” Carrie ThompsonrTHE Battalion Sunny McConnell practices her goal keeping techniques. Match Up Dave Winder Nick Georgandis Drew Diener Stewart Doreen Tom Day Kim McGuire Mark Smith Heather Winch Rob Clark Stew Milne Comment A&M vs. OU A&M A&M A&M OU A&M A&M A&M A&M OU A&M A&M-OU Pt.2: 'The Revenge Rice vs. Tulnne Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Owls surf Green Wave Texas vs. Louisville Texas Texas Louisville Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Cards run wild; Horns win UCLA vs. SMU UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA Ponies get Stoked by Bruins New Mexico vs. TCU TCU N. Mexico TCU TCU N. Mexico TCU TCU N. Mexico N. Mexico TCU Frogs boto Lobos .... La. Tech vs. Houston La. Tech Houston La. Tech La. Tech Houston Houston Houston La. Tech La. Tech La. Tech Bulldogs pass Cougars' test San lose St. vs. Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Spartans just can’t Bear it Cowboys vs. Oilers Cowboys Oilers Cowboys Cowboys Buckyi! Cowboys Oilers Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Cody or Bucky; Who cares? Notre Dame vs. Michigan Michigan Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Irish shoulder above .... Penn St. vs. USC Penn St. use use Penn St. Penn St. use Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. Patemo's pants scare Trojans Georgia vs. Tennessee Georgia Georgia Tennessee Tennesee Tennesee Georgia Tennessee Georgia Tennessee Georgia Zeier vs. roving QB’s .... Chiefs vs. 49ers Chiefs Chiefs 49ers 49ers Chiefs 49ers 49ers Chiefs 49ers 49ers Rice vs Montana: Why? Last week 7-5 7-5 9-3 9-3 8-4 8-4 6-6 8-4 9-3 7-5 78-42 Overall 7-5 7-5 9-3 9-3 8-4 8-4 6-6 8-4 9-3 7-5 78-42 An invitation to iethel Lutheran Church 410 East Lane Bryan 822-2742 Worship - Sundays 8:00 and 10:30 A.M. Monthly College meals and other student activities are held during the School year Bethel is located one block east of Texas Avenue on East Lane. East Lane is 1.2 miles north of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Villa Maria. 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TEXAS A&M DANCE ARTS SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 READ RM. 268 7:00 P.M. ^OFFERING UNLIMITED CLASSES IN BALLET, JAZZ, TAP, MODERN AND STEP AEROBICS FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED AS WELL! *FALL MEMBERSHIP-$35 *FALL & SPRING-$60 *FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL DANEDRA AT 822-1128 ***BRING STUDENT I.D. TO ENTER BUILDING*** New and Used Compact discs, Posters, Accessories, Friendly Service and Great Buys, 7 Pays a Week. WE HAVE THE GOOD STUFF! 2416 Texas Ave. So. at the Kroger Ctr. in College Station CD EXCHANGE 764-8751 Student’s SUPER SUNDAY Speciau Fort SbiLOll GRILLE V X 2528 Texas Ave. So, - C.S. Chicken Fried Steak Dinner A Ken Martin’s STEAKHOUSE only $2.99 J i 3231 E. 29th - Bryan I with coupon - Limit 2 Sunday, Monday & Tuesday nights only From 5:00 - Close Includes Chicken Fired Steak w/gravy, Baked Potato or fries & Homemade Roll ■ AXTErvxiorv JEWISH SXEOErVXSs Texas A&M Hillel is here for yM ...with a full range of religious, social, cultural and educational programs New Member Bash Sunday, September 11th, 5:00 P.M. Shabbat Services every Friday at 8:00 P.M. 800 George Bush Drive across from campus Call 696-7313 for details. Find Out About The Most Interesting Work. In The World. It's work that enables you to serve your country. Play a role in history-making events. Take on challenging responsibility. Experience diverse cultures. Make a difference. * 11 Become a Foreign Service Officer, or Foreign Service Specialist in a variety of technical and support occupations overseas. Other opportunities are available through student employment programs, including internships, co-ops and fellowships. Information Session Monday, September 12 7:00 pm Memorial Student Center (MSC ) Room 292