The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 09, 1994, Image 11
September 9,195 iber 10,1977 I strong running Georw (J(150 yartfs) tis Dickey(139 ic No, 9-ranld emohsh Kansas in the season t Kyle Field. e n . of college wry about cashing , especially That's why t especially he home 3I bank, n-College ound the \ '1 a try. It'l Friday • September 9, 1994 SI! Will 1 The Battalion The Battalion • Page 11 What’s Up Friday International Students Group: A free drop-in group for international students that meets on Fridays from 3- 4:30 p.m, in 104 Henderson. This week's topic is under standing the American culture. For more information or to make a reservation contact Dr. Gisela Lin at 845-4427, ex tension 145. A.S.M.E. (American Society of Mechanical Engi neers): A social at Fatburger on Northgate at 6:30 p.m. For more information contact Scott at 268-6850. Badminton Club: General meeting at 8 p.m. in 351 G. Rollie White, practice every Friday from 6-10 p.m. For more information contact Kim at 260-1611 or Tony at 696 5843. Muslim Students' Association: Friday prayer and Islamic lecture will be held from 12:50 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in 110-111 student Services Building. For more information contact Nu'man at 846-5199. Baha’i Club: Fireside—Christ has returned. Do you want to hear about it? Contact Christi Busch at 764-3160 for more information. Off Campus Aggies: We are meeting for yell practice at the 12th man statue at 11:30 p.m. For more information all 845-0688. Off Campus Aggies: A dinner club will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Fuddruckers in College Station. For more informa tion call 845-0688. Aggies Ready To Motivate You (ARMY): A Fish Camp Challenge Night will be held at 7 p.m. at G. Rollie White. The camp with the highest percentage wins a piz za party. Muslim Students' Association: A prayer and Islam ic lecture will be held at 12:50-1:30 p.m. at I 10/111 Koldus. for more information call Agus Widodo at 846-6926. Saturday Indonesian Student Association: A welcoming par ty will be held at 7-10 p.m. in 226 MSC. For more informa tion call Siddharta Utama at 693-9502. Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Club: Come attend our Howdy Party at 4 p.m. at Hensel Park. For more information call Ellen at 696-6489 or check the RPI'S bulletin board on the 1st floor of Francis Hall. Sunday Aggie Democrats: Come out and meet Texas Attor ney General Dan Morales and other local Democratic can didates at 2-6 p.m. at the MSC. For more information call Eric at 764-9120. ROTARACT: Our first general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Angela Crum at 847-0817 or Meredith Morris at 847-0510. Monday Career Center: A I 'lacement Orientation to help stu dents learn “how to “ use placement services, on-campus in terviewing, career resources network and the career library will be held at 2 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Julie Agee or I ’at Johnson Alexander at 845-5139. Learning Skills Center: A workshop teaching basic study skills will be held 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Student Counseling Services in Henderson Hall. For more informa tion call 845-4427 extension. 109. Dance Arts Society: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 268 Read. For more information call Debbie at 260-6524. Outdoor Recreation Club: A general meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 501 Rudder. For more information call Jayson Owens at 847-2978. TAMU Vegetarian Society: An organizational meet ing for the 1994-95 academic year will be held at 7 p.m. in 503 Blocker. For more information call Gary at 845-8499 or 846-0250. KEOS 89.1FM Community Radio: An organizational meeting for interested students and community members will be held at 7 p.m. in 224 MSC. For more information call I leidi Halstead at 779-5367. Career Center: A "Dress for Success" seminar will be held at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. Representatives from local clothing stores will discuss appropriate attire for interview ing, day-to-day business, etc. For more information call Julie Agee or Pat Johnson Alexander at 845-5139. Angel Flight: A general meeting will be held at 8 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the TrigoryMilitary Building. For more information call Christa at 696-5647. Career Center: An International Student Work Au thorization seminar for international students registering to use placement services to become aware of work autho rization requirements will be held at 4 p.m. in 404 Rudder. For more information call Julie Agee or Pat Johnson Alexander at 845-5139. National Organization for Women: A general meet ing to discuss upcoming events officer elections, Ann Richards for Governor and the new Women’s Program will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 45 MSC. For more information call Paula Fedirchuk at 696-8095. Alpha Kappa Psi: An informational rush meeting will be held at 7-9 p.m. in 110 Koldus. For more informa tion call Beth McCauley at 696-8664 or Kristin More at 696-7703. TAMU Skydiving Club: An informational meeting will be held at 5:30-6:30 p.m. in 707 Rudder. For more in formation call Mike at 693-4668 or Mark at 776-1173. Rio Brazos Audubon: A beach cleanup will be held on Saturday morning from 9 a.m. -noon and then binding the rest of the day. There should be plenty of migratory shore birds. For more information call Bert Krenz at 846-9042 or 693-3214. Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Aggies: A religious discus sion will be held at 7 p.m. in 145 MSC. Did you know that it's possible to be gay and Christian at the same time? Les bian, gay, or bisexual and looking for an alternative to mainstream religions? This group is for you! All religious and sexual orientations are welcome. For more informa tion cal 1 Gay line at 847-0321. Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Soci ety): An informational meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. For more information call Stacia Hunt at 764-6822. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship-Northside: We will have Bible studies at 8 p.m. on the first floor lounge of Lechner, Moore, McFadden and Walton Halls. For more information call 268-0838. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non profit student and faculty events and activities. Items should be submitted no. later than three days in advance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. Stafford Opera House TTHUR SEPT 8 FREE SHOW FRI SEPT P FREE SHOW TEN HANDS SAT Sept 10 AFTER Wolf Pen PARTY! Tickets On Sale Monday At Marooned Fors Ian Mhmre Sept 22 Townvrt Van Zunrft Sept 29 Coming October. Chits Duarte I Brave Combo, Motorcaster HELLO, AGGIELAND! TU Pwjjed Pizza: One Large One Topping ! FREE i ! One Order of Breadstix with any 14” Large Pizza Additional toppings 99^ each. Limited delivery area. Nol valid will. J DUt'ChaSC at rCRUlUr Dt lCC. any olncr coupon. Valid nl only pnrticipnting stores | T Or* We hope you en joy ICEHOUSE as Iona ay you ehjoy it bio exceptions' /nOAM. anxu- TAtffo ifrfuj cm oJUittjia. ofctftuL ofL tep enz,. © i t ?'?4,Iceftee.r,?lflnk-T<Md Sreuery, Milwaukee, Wr Ice Srewed Ale CA,OR,T>f and WA one ctUActed! (Pome meet a*uC (At&it Sout/tentatul, 'Vice ‘PiesUctent Student ^4^ain^ t6i& Sunday in ^uddea *7<Mveti, f Ot& 'pta&i duniuy t ?HS(2 Often 'Zfou&e front 2.004.00 funu Svenyone id UAcCcome ayuMA&ied, ty: mac fredlic reiatiatui • ♦ Mon-Sat 10am-6ptn Thurs lOam-Spm 846-1849 theSutcb&iy * Aggies Maroon 14 count Aida * Counted Cross Stitch * Needlepoint * Crochet * Embroidery * Matting and Framing Aggie Designs 3805 S. Texas Ave. Bryan Mail Orders Available 77802 In this threatening world, everyone needs a PAM, Anyone can lie a victim of violent crime, anytime, anywhere. Protect yourself with the PAAL11 personal attack alarm. 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