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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1994)
Illli Page 2 • The Battalion ■■ HEALTH PRONTIERS & SCIENCE Monday • September 5 | liliasiiili The Battalion’s approach to science New weekly section in paper S cience. It’s a short word, easy to pronounce, fairly easy to spell, yet for some reason, millions of people shudder when they hear it mentioned. They see science as complicated and difficult to under stand. They believe it has no relevance to their daily lives. As a result, people avoid science whenever they can. It’s easier for them to ignore than to try to under stand. The Battalion has also been guilty of this in recent years. But, that’s about to change. In this issue, The Battalion introduces its Frontiers sec tion. A weekly feature appear ing in Monday’s newspaper that will focus on health and science — their issues, their advancements, their key play ers, and their relevance to everyday life. MARK EVANS Managing Editor We hope to make science interesting to read about and to present it in ways where everyone can understand what’s going on. Instead of approaching topics from a technical aspect and giving readers more information than they need or want to know, we’ll boil complex topics down, making them easier to digest. For example, in an upcoming issue we’ll examine DNA fingerprinting and why it’s such a hot topic right now. We’ll tell you why its use in the O.J. Simpson case is so hotly debated by the attorneys on both sides and what the issue means to future court cases that involve rape or murder. In stories appearing in this section, we won’t limit our selves to telling you only the scientific aspect of a topic. The story would be incomplete. Scientific endeavors do not take place in a vacuum. Researchers can no longer look down on the world from their ivory towers in academia. In today’s world, economics and politics are playing an ever-growing role in fields of scientific research. Scientists are learning that to be successful they must confront political, social and economic issues. As part of our coverage, we will give readers a complete view of everything that goes into re search. The field of science is growing by leaps and bounds every year. Less than 50 years ago scientists deciphered the structure of DNA, which determines a person’s genet ic blueprints. Today, this information is being used to de velop ways to treat diseases such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. In this section we’ll focus not only on national scientif ic issues and research but also on the types of research going on here at A&M. Texas A&M spends an estimated $305 million annual ly on research. Currently, A&M scientists are studying topics that range from saving endangered sea turtles to growing more productive crops to testing the effective ness of tuberculosis vaccines. In the coming months, we’ll introduce you to these people and offer you a glimpse of the work they do. We have no lofty goals for this section. We simply be lieve that science plays such an important role in modem society that The Battalion should join the ranks of other newspapers in keeping its readers abreast of the latest scientific advances. And, if we can make science interest ing to read about and if readers put the section down knowing something they didn’t before, then all the better. A&M cloning cows for better bura^i 0 ■ tPodaysGtic By Katherine Arnold The Battalion The College of Veterinary Medicine is at tempting to create the genetic blueprint for cattle through a new genetic project de signed to pinpoint desired genetic traits. The National Cattle Genome Project is attempting to map the genetic code of cattle. Once scientists know where the genes are located, the genes may be altered to serve such functions as improve milk production or prevent disease. Dr. James E. Womack, coordinator for the project and professor and associate head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Pathobiology, said the research could have major implications on the cattle indus try. “By creating a map of the entire genome of cattle, we hope to be able to locate impor tant genes involved in milk production and meat quality,” Womack said. “We have al ready discovered the location of certain genes, such as the genes for certain diseases and characteristic genes like the gene for horns.” The number of chromosomes and the lo cation of genes in the chromosomes deter mines unique characteristics and distin guishes the difference between living organ isms. The chromosomes are found in the nucleus of all cells. Cattle have 60 chromo somes, whereas humans have 46 chromo somes. Researchers use a unit called a centiMor- gan to judge the accuracy of their research. Womack said at this point in the study, the gene map is accurate to within 20 centiMor- gans, or has an 80 percent accuracy. Through this project, researchers hope to be able to cure genetic diseases. “We want to be able to breed lines of cat tle that are resistant to infectious diseases,” Womack said. The University is one of approximately 10 laboratories around the country participat ing in the research which is is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. Much of the information garnered by the project is also used for comparative studies. The genome map for cattle can be compared to the map for humans and mice, Womack said. “We have discovered that the breakage of chromosomes has been conservative throughout evolution,” he said. “We can find many of the genes for specific traits or diseases in cattle and mice in approximately the same location on the chromosomes in humans. All the research complements each other.” Dr. Susan Hardin, director of the Gene Technologies Lab in the Department of Biol ogy, said that genetic research such as the National Cattle Genome Project is beneficial to the scientific community. “Some genetic research is done with the ‘knowledge for knowledge’s sake’ goal in mind,” Hardin said. “Researchers never know when they begin a project what the re sult will be and how it will impact the rest of the scientific community.” The College of Veterinary Medicine is conducting genetic research into other areas as well. Dr. Duane C. Kraemer, associate dean for Research and Graduate Programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine, said studies are being conducted in genetics, reproduc- Monday Hi5 ■mi The A ^ Some children walk the family dog, bul year-old Michael Mackey, of Olathe,! walks his family’s heifer at the County Fair. tive systems, diseases, and comp search between humans and animals. “We have a mission of improvi knowledge base on animal andh health to promote education of studec the public regarding these matters/ mer said. i\m Health Tips FROM THE. -f OF 3A50N Fl IN THE G ROLLERHOCE EAsy... J- Pre-game reminders for A&M football fans this fall Mark Evans has a journalism degree from Texas A&M and is currently completing a second undergraduate de gree in biology. Want to get the most out of the football game Saturday? You’ve got your 12th man towel, but is that all you need? Try these helpful hints to help keep the Twelfth Man healthy and safe: • When dressing for the big game, keep in mind that wearing loose-fitting, lightweight, light- colored and cotton or cotton- blend clothes allows air to circu late and body perspiration to evaporate. Comfortable,' sup portive shoes' are a 'must'if "you plan to stand the length of the game with the Twelfth Man. • Sunglasses with UV protec tion, sun screen and caps can all help protect you from the sun’s damaging rays. • Drink plenty of cool water both before and during the game. Drinking water instead of sugar- sweetened beverages will help replenish body fluids. You may lose two to three quarts of water a day. Drinking eight ounces of cool water every 15 minutes when perspiring heavily is sug gested. The athletic department permits water to be carried into the game in quart-size or smaller containers. • Use caution with caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and cola and alcohol because they may act as a diuretic that re moves water from your body, increasing urine production. You can’t always rely on thirst/to tell you when you need water. • Keep in mind that if you have alcohol on game day, alco hol increases the level of body de add to dehydration on game day. Drinking or not, be aware of oth er football fans who may be drinking and driving. • Another precaution is to check the temperature and the relative humidity. When the rel ative humidity gets to be around 75 percent, you may not sweat and your body may be unable to hydration, the heat will increase blood circulation, and you may become drunk more quickly. This can be particularly danger ous to your health and safety. Even if you consume alcohol the night before the game such as at yell practice or at parties, it can spiring or producing it should be, seek medicili lion at a first aid station ately. Heat problems cat serious, including heat heat exhaustion and hea Symptoms to watch oul elude muscle aches andp evated body temperato treme fatigue, clamm! dizziness or fainting,ai ered blood pressure. Drir. use the body heat wa^er before you feel s® you would nor- if ypu’re not hot and p • Food and beverajas allowed in Kyle Field,!! good breakfast and lunck you go. Planning ak meals will help you n healthy blood sugar avoid feeling dizzy or fat • If you're tailgatingi family, keep the foodsa Bacteria can grow ver and spoil the food and joyment of the game. !5I WASK Ger :hec< this mally lose through perspi ration. • If your begin to see dark spots or experience dizziness, nausea or chills, beware. lew Drink some water, get into the shade, sit down for a while, or go to one of the first aid stations at Kyle Field. The main station is located at the north end of the stadium near the horseshoe and a station is located on each deck as well. If your body is not per- food is cold before placitf the cooler. Use enough keep the temperature degrees for storage ofcoldlf ADVANCED “IITUTORING TUE 9/6 WED. 9/7 THU 9/8 SUN 9/11 7 - 10 RHYS. 202 CH. 24-25 RHYS. 208 RHYS. 219 CH. 23 MEEN 213 HW #1 -2 MEEN 212 HW #1-2 aXs TUTORING GROUP TUTORING FOR: PHYS: 202, 208, 219 MEEN: 212, 213 MATH. We also have private tutors for many classes! 846-2879 or call our TICKET OFFICE in BURGER BOY at 846-2146 Come in For A FREE Workout! NORTH GATE ATHLETIC CLUB I ■ ngac MembeS^H NO INITIATION FEES, NO CONTRACTS, NO HASSLES ^ FREE WEIGHTS * STEPPERS ❖ BICYCLES * MACHINES * WEIGHT LOSS & ❖ WEIGHT GAIN PROGRAMS 201 COLLEGE MAIN (BEHIND LOUPOT’S AT NORTHGATE) W* WW Texas A&M University 'AW^i You Are Invited! Hispanic Bunless Stu^Vh Association HISPANIC Business Student Association is having it’s General Meeting Tuesday, September 6 7:30 pm Blocker 1 casual attire - refreshments Partly ( South wind Fair skii wind 5-10 All Majors Welcome! The next best thing to Mom doing the laundry... IcMAAAdry 690 /lb. Wash, Dry, & Fold I "BE AN EARLY BIRD ... IN BY 9, OUT BY 5" SHIRTS Men's or Ladle's Plain Laundered Ruffles, pleats, or shoulder pads extra. I *5.99 13 PAIR OF PANTS | Men's or Ladle's I Laundered Regular Present these coupons when dropping off laundry. Limit one offer per visit. We Offer Same Day Service. Located In The Quad (Next to the Band Building) 260-1933 Under New Ownership PURCHASE A LAUNDRY BAG FOR $5.00 AND RECEIVE $12.00 IN COUPONS (mass nm • HOWDY! There is a General Class Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 7 th in room 302 of Rudder Tower at 8:30 p.m. • Applications are available for Class Council Treasurer at the cubicle in the SPO (Student Programs Office) and in the Koldus Building • Informational meeting for Class Treasurer will be held immediately after the G.C.M. on Wed. Any questions call: Gerry Brown, President at 847-1749 Lii i Battalion BELINDA BLANCARTE, Editor in chief MARK EVANS, Managing editor HEATHER WINCH, Night News editor MARK SMITH, Night News editor KIM McGUIRE, City editor JAY ROBBINS, Opinion editor STEWART MILNE, Photo editor DAVID WINDER, Sports editor ROB CLARK, Aggielife editor Staff Members City desk— Jan Higginbotham, Katherine Arnold, Michele Brinkmann, Stephanie Dube/* Fehlis, Eloise Flint, Amanda Fowle, Melissa Jacobs, Fisa Messer, Angela Near , Owen, Constance Parten and Tracy Smith News desk— Robin Greathouse, Sterling Hayman, Jody Holley, Shafi Islam, JenniferMo* !: Tiffany Moore and Stacy Stanton Photographers— Stacey Cameron, David Birch, Blake Griggs, J.D. Jacoby, Tim Moog,® Painton, Nick Rodnicki and Carrie Thompson Aggielife— Anas Ben-Musa, Margaret Claughton, Christi Erwin, Jennifer Gressett and Jeremy Keddie Sports writers— Nick Georgandis, Drew Diener and Stewart Doreen Opinion desk— Jenny Magee, Fynn Booher, Josef Elchanan, Faura Frnka, Aja Hendersoid Hill, Jeremy Keddie, Michael Fandauer, Melissa Megliola, George Naso Preston, Gerardo Quezada and Frank Stanford Cartoonists— Greg Argo, Brad Graeber, Alvaro Gutierrez and Quatro Oakley Office Assistants— Heather Fitch, Adam Hill, Karen Hoffman and Michelle Oleson Writing Coach— Timm Doolen The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer sessions (except Universityb°"* exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, To POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building,^'; A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. - tj News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University* Division of Student Publication, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial off icei 013 Reed McDonald Building. E-mail: BATT@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU. Newsroom 845-3313. Fax:845-2647. Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement for campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertisW^ 0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 P'"’' through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and To charge by VISA, MasterCard or Discover, call 845-2611.