The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1994, Image 6
Pag< C Con lem the li few, apr curf not, lem also lege did the] ing sy incl 'i Quc * Fr *U|3 Call G & ( Contract work tion, approxin' for more infon Administrative auto text & lov 21 Beal, 764-; able. Night work, 2t sary, but bask TAMU Faculty 11th floor, Ru< INSPIRATION quired Post(! Manager need maintenance, i Part-time servl preferred but n at 29th, Bryan) Computer Artis be familiar will] Full time surg Please call 76^ Part-time office quette. Offices Box 4453, Bryj PART TIME W accepting appli TO HAVE MOf donor is a colle sible (45% are f day. Donating^ read, study or rj cash in hand, year. Nice & Eai 8855. Evening work V a commercial ctj available. Light Emplo INTERNATIONr $4,000+/mo. tej Japan, Taiwan c Asian languages ext. J5855. CRUISE SHIPS working on Cruiq travel (Hawaii. IV Full-time employ sary. For inform| Aggie Large shutth alarn College C 823-7I Gorgeous, large f formals Prestigi 764-5877 Two mobile home 846-4247. 177- Newport Condo ; fum., walk to A&h $100 already paid - 2 bath Ask for i Available Now - re lease OK! 822-04 SUBLEASE AP7 share). 2 huge cl< carpet & floors A Furnished 1 & 2 shuttle route Pre- Kathy 846-9196. Female roommate W/D. $270/mo Needed - female r W/D, bus route, $1 Don’t Worry when an accident or sudden illness occurs CarePlus is open when you need them 7 days a week with affordable medical care. CarePlus Family Medical Center 2411 Texas Ave. and Southwest Parkway 693-0683 10% A&M student discount Page 6 ill ifililfl 11:/ :-I 'T"lli; RATTALIGN Thursday • July]! - X Surrogate Tubularman By Boomer Card. Continued from Page 1 Floppy Joe's Software * t o r- Summer Specials! Sound Blaster Sound Cards starting at $ 59 95 • Double Speed CD Rom Drives $ 1 59 95 • Supra 14.4 Fax/Modem $ 99 00 IP FREE one year membership | with this coupon ^ expires: 08-31-94 1705 Texas Ave.- Culpepper Plaza • 693-1706 £3 TP $ZZ2ZZZZZZ2Z. s N s 3 s s N s N ZZZZZZZJX 313 S. COLLEGE 846-3343 THOUSAND DOLLAR &S THURSDAYS SS Two Step Contest Nightly gift certificates Sponsored by Cavender’s Boot City 5C DRINKS 5C DRAFT 8-10 p.m. * *A11 entries by 10:00 p.m. 4 weeks of prelims. Finals to be held August 1st. evaluation,” he said. Murray said students who attempt suicide are bound by the University’s Rules and Regulations to submit them selves for psychiatric evalua tion within 24 hours. If a student does not comply with these regulations and seek counseling, Murray said the student is blocked from registration. Two students have attempt ed suicide on campus since Au gust 1993, according to the University Police Department. Chareny Putney, interim as sociate director of residence life, said students who have al cohol abuse problems are re ferred to the Center for Drug Prevention and Education. “If a student is found passed out from drinking too much al cohol and EMTs have to be called, the student signs a waiver and is required to go to the counseling center for alco hol counseling,” she said. Putney said some students vary in their openness to re ceiving help. “Some students are recep tive and will talk about it,” she said, “but others want us to get out of their business.” Pregnant students are also offered some help. Putney said, but are not pursued as closely as those with emotional or al cohol problems. “If we are aware that a stu dent is pregnant, we may con tact the student to offer sup port and help,” she said. “We would not force a preg nant student to do anything,” Sasse said. Sasse said that was the case for Stephanie Moore, a student who is accused of throwing her baby into the trash chute of Mosher Hall. “There were offers to help her,” he said. “She denied that she was pregnant. No one had any proof that she was preg nant. She didn’t engage in any life threatening behavior, so we could not intervene.” Sasse said that student af fairs will continue to help stu dents even if they are not al ways receptive. “Our motto is, ‘connecting those who need with those who care’,” he said. VlllT Man indicted for heiress’ deal ause o largely ephone Con man accused of conspiracy in 20-year-old murder CHICAGO (AP) — The case of the vanished Brach candy heiress missing since the 1970s broke with charges that a horse trading suitor arranged her slay ing to silence her after a big- money equestrian swindle. Helen Vorhees Brach was last seen checking out of the Mayo Clinic in 1977. Her body was never found. Richard Bailey, a stable own er prosecutors described as a con man preying on older women, was arraigned Wednesday on federal charges and ordered held without bail. In court awaiting his hear ing, a pale, nervous-looking Bailey had to be escorted out side to vomit. U.S. Attorney James Burns said Brach was killed after threatening to go to authorities after discovering Bailey had duped her into paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for worthless horses. Bailey also duped other elder ly women in a similar horse trading scheme, Bums said. “He broke his way into lives and hearts by telling them that he loved them and wanted to marry them,” Bums said. Brach, 65, became the sole heiress of the Brach Candy Co. fortune in 1970, after her hus band, Frank, died. Most of her S30 million estate, which includ ed a stable of thoroughbreds, went to charity when she was declared dead in 1984. The investigation also led to charges against 22 others in an equestrian insurance fraud scheme, which allegedly involved prominent horse owners killing their animals to collect benefits. “This is the dirty little secret of the (showhorse) industry,” said Steve Miller, an assistant U.S. attorney. Bailey, 65, was charged under federal murder-conspiracy Likewi arrliipment statutes. Bailey Brach’s killing but didi put 40 mit the crime, Burns ssl^P 6 ’ mtr« itior dining to say whether h tors know who killed her. If convicted on all cl which include numeral! counts, Bailey could! tenced to 245 years in prii Bailey and three accoR-^g -) -i convinced Brach to buy hi inflated prices, Bums sail were not charged in the ance-fraud horse deaths. “He defrauded Brach ing hundreds of thousi dollars in horses,” B “To silence Helen Brack ted thei Japane celebi k-off f lege St Wmiss lavailat be a resenl e dep atione conspired, solicited and (fU t 0 her murder.” Bailey remained actij the scheme after Brach>| Bums said. He allegedly ads in the “lonely hearts’ of suburban Chicago nei to attract wealthy wido| latest coming last week. Burns said the Brae led investigators to the scheme to kill showhoij 1989. yentior fly cele Iryan- enc< jhbors jially N m i lysai Look To The Future Of Health Care. lor th las A One Company is facing health care issues head on, providing solutions, today. Physician Corporation of America delivers health care solutions for all kinds'of people, like you. To the young and old, single and married, to families, to Americans. If you get coverage through your job, or if you receive Medicare or Medicaid benefits, PCA has a plan for you. PCA Health Plans of Texas and PGA QualiCare. Idemy MSC Barber Shop Serving All Aggies! Cuts and Styles Reg. haircuts starting at $6. Eight operators to serve you Theresa - Marti - Jennifer - Mary Yolanda - Wendy - Hector 845-0629 Jical Si The av the Ac Jpheor ihools sreent < lily prai j)r. Do epartm Jived t Texas rvices 5 empli tSbi: , he fc dnesd Open Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Located in the basement of the Memorial Student Cent jdepar i -1 xas Er kas A AGGIE RING ORDERS 5ady THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDEk. CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENI DEADLINE: AUGUST 3, 1994 cess ii sie F; anizer Undergraduate Student Requirements: You must be a degree seeking student and have a total of 95 credit hours reflected on Texas A&M University Student Information Management System. (A passed course, wW I repeated and passed, cannot count as additional credit hours.) lurd 30 credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University. Ifyoudy . successfully complete one semester at Texas A&M University prior to January 1,1994,y: ''*jf Si will need to complete a minimum of 60 credit hours in residence. (This requirement will be waived if your degree is conferred and posted with less than 60 A&M hours.) You must have a ZQ. cumulative GPR at Texas A&M University. You must be in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. Graduate Student Requirements: If you are a August 1994 degree candidate and you do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree year, you may place an order for a '94 ring after you meet the following 1. Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Informatbn Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. If you have complete all of your degree requirements prior to July 29, 1994, you mail request a “Letter of Completion” from the Office of Graduate Studies and present itlolti| Ring Office in lieu of your degree being posted. Procedure To Order A Rina: If you meet the above requirements, you must visit the Ring Office no later than Wednesday, August 3,1994, to complete the application for eligibility verification (requires several days to process). If your applicatioh is approved and you wish to receive your ring on approximately October 5,1994, you must return and pay in full by cash, check, money order, Visa Mastercard no laterthan August 5, 1994. Men’s 10KY* $309.00 Women's 10KY-$174.00 14KY-$421.00 14KY-$203.00 Add $8.00 for Class of '93 or before. White Gold is available at an extra charge of $1K The approximate date of the ring delivery is October 5,1994, achoHI It happens when your advertise ir The Battalion Call 845-2696