The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1994, Image 4
Pag< C Con lem the h few, a pr curf not, lem also lege did the] ing Ful shi Au - The Battalion Classified Ads Page 4 Thursday • July 28, Phone: 845-0569/Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Aggielife 'The Client' pleads no plot ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads < o a. to $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced SI000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before ll a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted By Traci Travis The Battalion “The Client” Starring Susan Surandon, Brad Renfro, Tommy Lee Jones and Mary-Louise Parker Directed by Joel Schumacher Rated PG-13 Playing at Post Oak III Help Wanted Help Wanted 1 JA HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Contact Fairfax Cryobank A division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 1121 Briarcrest Dr., Suite 101 Bryan, TX Help infertile couples; confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable ages, 18 to 35, excellent compensation 776-4453 BLADDER INFECTIONS For Rent Participate in a research program if: * You are suffering from the sypmtoms of a bladder infection including burning, pain, frequency of and/or cloudy urine. * You are a female between the ages of 18 and 64. Qualified Participants receive the following benefits: * Free medical care from qualified health care professionals. * Free study medication. * Up to $200 for your time & travel. Call now for more information! G & S STUDIES, INC. (close to campus) 846-5933 Roommate needed. House near campus. Call Mark at 846-3376. For Sale Established Business For Sale! Owners are retiring. Very small investment. 846-0409 779-9034 846-2543 Must sell sectional, beige couch - $100; glass coffee table - $35. Great for apartments. Call 696-8215. UNIVEGA MOUNTAIN-BIKE LX components, titanium saddle, rock-shock, less than one year old, $400. Ask for Clay, 260-8353. 1987 Honda Elite 150 Scooter with helmet. $300. Call 696-6107. Must sell twin bed. Mattress with box spring and frame - $75. Panasonic Word Processor - $150. Call Natalie at 775-3103. ACNE STUDY 2 Janet Jackson tickets at the Dallas Starplex on August 3rd, Decent seating-$30 each. Callafter5pm,696-1170. 3 month tanning membership at Perfect Tan - $85. 623- 0459 or (817) 656-3344, leave message. Female volunteers (age 15-49) with mild to moderate acne, needed to participate in a 6 month research study with oral medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Up to $225. Call now for more information! G & S STUDIES, INC. ( close to campus) 846-5933 FURNITURE-2 fold out couches, 1 lazy boy, 1 chair-$50/ each O.B.O. 764-6630, leave message. FOR SALE: T.V. - $100; bed - $50; bicycle - $100; 386 Mother-board with math coprocessor - $300. Call 693- 4104. $2,500 FREE towards septicor water with purchase of this beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 living room double with huge kitchen, plywood floors, extra insulation & much more. Free brochures 800-880-5614. $19,900. Totally loaded with plywood floors, shingle roof, storm windows, total electric, delivered, setup & A/C. Call Palm Harbor Village at 800-880-5614. PALM HARBOR. Save thousands on doubles & singles with 3,4, and 5 bedrooms. Includes delivery, setup and TV C. Call for free brochures. 800-880-5614. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Automobiles Contract work on campus needed from Aug. 3rd to comple tion, approximately 2 weeks. Please call (214) 381 -5950 for more information. '85 Cutlass Cierra - 90K miles, $1,850, A/C & more, well- maintained. 846-5935. 1994 Honda Civic - A/C, cassette. Must sell, best offer! 846-6744. Administrative Assistant. If you use macros, mail merges, autotext & love the phones, please call Deborah, Century 21 Beal, 764-2100. Full-time & part-time positions avail able. '93 Honda Civic Coupe - A/C, 5 speed, C/D player, like new, $9,900. '87 Nissan Sentra GXE - auto, A/C, stereo, good condition, $3,500. 778-6316. Night work, 2am-8am. $5.50/hr. No experience neces sary, but basic computer skills a must. Call 696-7676. Honda Accord '89 - A/C, 5 speed, cassette. Good Condi tion. $6,300. 846-5442. TAMU Faculty Club needs fall waitstaff. Apply 1:30-3:30, 11th floor, Rudder Tower. 1992 Buick Skylark - silver, 34,000 miles, like new, $8,000. 846-4186. INSPIRATIONS NOW HIRING. Framing experience re quired. Post Oak Mall. 764-4444. Services Manager needed for well-kept rental properties, maintenance, experience required. 764-5877. Light Part-time service station attendant wanted. Experience preferred but not required. Apply at Chevron - Villa Maria at 29th, Bryan, TX. Ask for Wilton or Stanley Johnson. ATTN GRADUATES! Moving to Houston? Full service residential leasing - apartments, townhomes, condos & houses. Call Tim - Class of ’84 - 1-800-210-5048. Computer Artist needed for Study Breaks Magazine. Must be familiar with Macintosh & Quark. Call 268-1496. Full time surgical assistant for Oral Surgeon’s office. Please call 764-7101 between 8-12 am or 1-5 pm. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-LotM! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm). Across from University Tower. Walk-Ins wel come. $20 w/ ad = $5 off. 411 Tex. Ave. So. 846-6117. Part-time office assistant needed with good phone eti quette. Office experience preferred Send resume to: PO Box 4453, Bryan. TX 77805. Typing PART TIME WORK. $9.25 TO START. National Firm accepting applications. Call 10am-2pm, 846-8814. Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. TO HAVE MONEY - QUICKLY, WISELY. Our average donor is a college student, friendly, enthusiastic & sen sible (45% are females). We fry to be the best part of their day. Donating, you sit back, get a pin prick & then you read, study or rest. Ninety minutes & you're up & away, cash in hand, feeling good. $120 per month, $1440 per year. Nice & Easy! WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER, 846- 8855. MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Great for Weddings, Parties, Barbecues, Dances, Birthdays, any special occasion. Mic/Lights available. Book early!! Call The Party Block at 693-6294. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Miscellaneous Employment Opportunity Scholarships available. No minimum grade point. Sum mer special. Message gives details. 696-8925. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000- $4,000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info, call: (206)632-1146 ext. J5855. Computers Macintosh computer rentals. Summer rates from $35/mo. Repairs & upgrades too. 823-1907. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to $2, 000+/mo. working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.). Summer & Full-time employment available. No experience neces sary. For information call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C5855. Body Shop Cal's Body Shop. Your foreign car specialist. Matchyour paint exactly. "May we have the next dents?" W. Hwy. 21, Bryan. 823-2610. For Rent Adoption Aggie Owned and Managed! Large 2 bdrm, great location, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, laundry & swimming $459/mo. College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 AGGIE FAMILYwould love to adopt yourbaby. Lotsoffun & love + Aggie Traditions. Open adoptions welcomed. Call Bill '77 or Cheryl at 1-800-484-9359 (0514). Legal/ Medical expenses only. Wanted The typical John Grisham plot once again fills the film screen end-to-end with dazzling dialogue in “The Client.” But this time around, the patented familiar Grisham sto ryline brings a whole new cast of gifted actors and actresses who amazingly make the most with a monotonous screensplay. Just like the previous plots of “The Fugitive” and “The Firm,” this film focuses on an innocent bystander hunted relentlessly by a second party. While smoking cigarettes in the woods, two Tennessee boys stumble upon a crazed mafia lawyer attempting to commit suicide. In a desperate effort to save the man’s life, Mark Sway (Brad Renfro) finds himself trapped inside the lawyer’s car, while his younger tear-faced brother looks on. After confessing to Sway about his discovery of the burial site of a missing, murdered sen ator, the paranoid lawyer sticks a gun in his own mouth and pulls the trigger. The suicide leaves Sway’s younger brother in a comatose state of post-traumatic stress syndrome and also pulls Sway unwillingly into a murder trial. A prosecutor known as the “Reverend” Ray Foltrigg (Tom my Lee Jones), who earns his nickname for his amazing abili ty to quote the Bible in almost every trial, is determined to put Sway on the witness stand. But Sway, fearing for his life, refuses to take the stand. In an effort to retaliate against the hard-headed, public ity-starved prosecution team and the buried senator’s danger ous murderers, Sway hires at torney Reggie Love (Sarandon) to defend him at the cost of one dollar. The strength of this film is Thurscb the solid performances of its cast members. Scenes of Sarandon and Jones butting heads over nit-picking legal details are filled with clever inquiries and cutting retorts. Renfro, a newcomer to the film screen, is but a flicker in “The Client’s” galaxy of big-time stars. His strength is in scenes of wrenching anguish. However, his occasional spurts of emotion begin and end in a fizzle. “The Client” strays from the typical suspense thriller genre by focusing on the characters, not gory violent scenes. The re- | lationships between characters take centerstage and leave [ everything else behind. Including Grisham’s plot. Femi Future Continued from Page 3 Beside a new club and a restaurant, infrastructure changes also loom for the North- gate area, responding to parking needs and safety concerns. Joey Dunn, staff planner for College Station planning and de velopment, said the city is ac cepting proposals to improve the appearance of Northgate through infrastructure improve ments. “Northgate has never been a pretty place,” Dunn said. “Dumpsters are just stuck out in the middle, and there is no sepa ration between buildings. “We want to make Northgate more pleasant to the eye.” He said some of the major goals include correcting parking and shopping obstacles, expand ing business and entertainment opportunities and preserving the historic character of Northgate. Preliminary ideas include brick paving on Patricia Street, landscapinjg, pedestrian walk ways and bike paths. Proposals for a mall area behind Northgate stores would create another area for patrons to linger beside the busy University Drive in front of the establishments. The city will accept proposals from consultants for the next three to four months, and a plan will not be adopted by City Council until the spring or sum mer of 1995. Stew Milne/THE Battalion Fitz Willy’s (above) is slated to open in mid-August, Shadow Canyon (below) should open in September or October. CARRYOUT TWO 1-TOPPING MEDIUMS Upgrade to genuine Pizza Huf pizza for about the same price as the other guys’. -4, ■SlMpfe- MAKE BOTH PIIZAS SPECIALTY PIZZAS IDSTSl MORE Choose from Supreme, Pepperoni Lover’s®, Meat Lover’s® and other local favorites. ^ '1P| IHii nS -W war ms We need (o sublease your 2bdrrrt apt/duplex, fall semes ter. (806)248-7986. Gorgeous, large home with private park. 4bdrm-3bth with formals, Prestigous neighborhood. 1 block to TAMU. 764-5877. Two mobile homes for rent - 3 bedroom & 2 bedroom. Call 846-4247. 177- Newport Condo. 2bdrm-1 bth. W/D, covered parking, part, fum., walk to A&M, $500/mo„ 1 yr lease. 776-0557. $100 already paid towards deposit. On bus route. 2 bdrm -2 bath. Ask for Linda, #1103 693-1325. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. SUBLEASE APARTMENT. 1 bdrm (large enough to share), 2 huge closets. Great location, on shuttle, new carpet & floors. Available Aug. 15th. 693-5292. Furnished 1 & 2 bdrm apartments. Close to campus, shuttle route. Pre-leasing for Fall. Dorm plans available. Kathy 846-9196. Roommate Female roommate needed for fall Woodstock Condo with W/D, $270/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 823-1242, 696-3645. Needed - female roommate to share 2bdrm-2bth condo. W/D) bus route, $250/mo. + 1/4 utilities. 693-2018. The Battalion Classified Advertising • Easy • Affordable • Effective For information, call Sandi 845-0569 COUPON REQUIRED. CARRYOUT ONLY Not valid with BIGFOOT™ pizza, half-prite pizza, or any other offer Available for a limited time at participating units. ® designates a registered trademark of Pizza Hut, Inc. ©I 994 Pizza Hut, Inc. FREE DELIVERY OR CARRYOUT DINE-IN, CARRYOUT OR BUFFET HUNTSVILLE BRYAN 2610 Texas Ave 779-5422 COLLEGE STATION 102 University Dr. 696-2512 FREE DELIVERY, DINE-IN, CARRYOUT OR BUFFET Limited delivery area. BRYAN 3131 Briarcrest Dr. 774-3222 4207 Wellborn Rd 846-3355 COLLEGE STATION 1103 Anderson St 693-9393 HUNTSVILLE 2505 Lake Rd. #4 294-9191 1700 11 th St. . 295-5586 w ■ BOX OFFICE 1 § Top weekend _ I movies 1 i -i 1 1 Weekend of July 22-24,1994 All dollar figures in millions Gross lo dale, weeks in WeeM release, number of screens gross Forrest Gump S21.9 $109.1, three weeks. 2,095 screens CM True Lies $61.21/2 weeks, 2,561 screens $20,7 3 The Client $23,11/2 weeks, 2,052 screens $172 i 4 M The Lion King $199.7, six weeks, 2,611 screens $14 : 5 Angels in the Outfield $21.8, two weeks, 1,921 screens $6.9 6 Speed $100.1. seven weeks, 1,679 screens $3.9 E 7 Lassie $3.2, one week, 1,785 screens $32 00 North $3, one week, 1,481 screens $3 9 I Love Trouble $26.4, four weeks, 1,388 screens $1,8 E1° The Shadow $27.2, four weeks, 1,341 screens $1.3 w ISpo' awakenii taking a i who read he was w the poet! When th< from his i finally ra appropri; you expet sneered. Matthew exactly tl the sugge Many needs to reality tl on every men. Th Shakes?' or Ghaut why do t permissi Dickinso The idea less dese than me: in our so of us dor One of religion. 1 and obey are taugh spiritual and worn' to be elde Mormi young chi work. Mu there are allow woi deeper th providers and even Sexua E 46th Annual Awards 1994 MMY NOMINEES NETWORK TOTALS CBS ABC NBC HBO PBS 91 73 66 34 25 SERIES “NYPD Blue” ASC “Law & Order” NBC “Northern Exposure” CBS “Picket Fences” CBS “Star Trek: The Next Generation" Syndicated LEADACTOR David Caruso “NYPD Blue' 1 ABC Dennis Franz “NYPD Blue" ABC Peter Falk “Columbo" ABC Michael Moriarty “Law & Order" NBC Tom Skerritt “Picket Fences’ CBS LEAD ACTRESS Jane Seymour “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" CBS Angela Lansbury “Murder, She Wrote" CBS Sela Ward “Sisters” NBC Kathy Baker Ticket Fences’ CBS Swoozie Kurtz “Sisters" NBC mm* SERIES “Fraiser” NBC “Home Improvement” ABC “Seinfeld” NBC “The Larry Sanders Show” HBO “Mad About You” A/eC LEAD ACTOR Kelsey Grammer “Fraiser” NBC John Larroquette “The John Larroquette Show" NBC Paul Reiser “Mad About You"NBC Jerry Seinfeld “Seinfeld" NBC John Goodman “Roseanne” NBC PIZZA HUT BUFFET! SPECIAL OFFER! DOUBLE TAKE! SUPER SAVINGS! : ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT ■ Pizza, Pasta, Salad & Apple Crisp Dessert Any Medium Specialty Pizza Carryout Two Medium 1-Topping Pizzas Medium Specialty Pizza & I Medium 1 -Topping Pizza I I DINE-IN LUNCH ONLY I Hurry! Offer expires 9/30/94. One coupon per porty per visit at ® porticioating Pizza Hut® outlets. Mention coupon when ordering. ■ Available at participating restaurants. Buffet days and times may vary by location, (heck your local restaurant for details. Hot valid with any other offer. ©1994 Pizza Hut, Inc. 1/20C cosh redemption value. ny Medium Pizza For $5 Specialty Pizzas Include: Pepperoni Lover’s®, Sausage Lover’s®, Veggie Lover's®, Cheese Lover’s Plus®, Supreme and Meat Lover's® pizza. DELIVERY • DINE-IN CARRYOUT Hurry! Offer expires 9/30/94. One coupon pec party per visit at porticipaling Pizza Huf® outlets. Mention coupon when ordering. Limited dekvery area. Drivers carry no more ifian S20. Not valid with BIGFOOT” pizza or any other offer. © 1994 Pino Hut, Inc. 1/20 < cosh redemption value. i$899:$1199 Specialty Pizzas ■ Specially Pizzas Just$l More Choose from Supreme, _ Dim lYppercni Lover’s®, Meat Lover's® I I and other local favorites Tlllt® CARRYOUT SPECIAL I Hurry) Oder expires 9/30/M. One toupon per porty pe, rail ul ■ porlitipoling Piizo Hut - outlets. Mention toupon when ordering. I Hoi volid with SS setond pino, SICF00T™ pino or ony oilier oiler. B ©1994 Pino Hoi, lor. 1/204 costi redemption value Specialty Pizzas Include: Pepperoni Lover's® Sausage Lover's®, Veggie Lover's*, Cheese Lover's Plus*) Supreme and Meal lover's* pizza. DELIVERY* DINE-IN CARRYOUT LEAD ACTRESS Annie Potts “Love & War" CBS Patricia Richardson “Home Improvement"ABC Helen Hunt “MadAbout You" NBC Candice Bergen “Murphy Brown" CBS Roseanne Arnold “Roseanne" ABC Hurry! Offer expires 9/30/94. One coupon per party per visit at participating Pizza Hut® outlets. Mention coupon when ordering, umited delivery area. Drivers carry no more than S20. Not valid with S5 second pizza, BIGFOOT™ pizza or ony other offer. ioni K Hut, Inc. l/20< cosh redemption value. © 1994 Pi AP Graphics