The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 20, 1994, Image 3
lay • July 20, I994 aiti •ee officers to investi- an hour later, when Iding was deserted, ious violation of the present during the s account, hts abuses will in- expelled rights ob- ns and the Organi- witches to control a who stormed a Ko rn center that was phere’s poorest na- rtages of basic foods tional embargo de- o step down and al- ened an invasion to lips carrying more by off Haiti, irdey Schrager said uy time” by raising ition to the crisis, rer,” Schrager said. r bombing itions in downtown group Hezbollah. lednesday • July 20, 1994 Page 3 Major league players need to grow up CONSTANCE PARTEN Sportswriter River Piate a de Mayo ENOS ?ES W ith the possibility of a base ball strike growing closer daily, it seems these men “play” for a living because they are too immature to work. Granted, baseball players do work very hard. With as many games as they play, they certainly deserve the minimum $109,000 salary they re ceive. After all, baseball is big busi ness, and all the money can’t go to the owners. However, you don’t see orchestras striking for pay increases, and the American Actors Guild hasn’t had a strike in decades. And orchestras and movies both make phenomenal amounts of money. And music, movies and sports all fall under the same heading: entertainment But baseball has had eight strikes interrupting the season for the last 22 years. This record shows not only the players’ inability to maturely accept their positions as jobs, but also shows the greed running rampant in today’s sports world. And this is not limited to players. Owners and managers are caught up in the mon ey game as well. In fact, if baseball owners have their way, an estimated $1.5 million dollars will be transferred to owners under a new salary cap proposal. Salary arbitration for players will also be abolished. Although arbitra tion has been misused in recent years, it’s dissolve wall leave players at the mercy of the owners. So how can all of this be resolved in a capitalistic society where some one has to get rich? Here are some suggestions: Go to a pure free agent system. If the players aren’t happy, they can leave. Owners will also be freed from a minimum salary require ment. Dissolve the unions. This wall do Please see Strike/Page 4 SPORTS A&Mjoins conference with numerous sports titles Big Eight schools rich in tradition By Brian Coats The Battalion Texas A&M is joining one of the most respected and successful confer ences in the country. The Big Eight has a history of na tional success and is steeped in tradi tion. The Big Eight was founded on Jan uary 12, 1907, when Kansas, Missouri, Part three of three Nebraska, Iowa and Washington Uni versity of St. Louis met to form what was then known as the Missouri Val ley Intercollegiate Athletic Associa tion. There were many changes through out the next 50 years, as various schools left the fold, including Wash- "The geograpic differences in the Big Eight adds to the interest. Schools play each other that have fans from totally different back grounds." - R. C. Slocum, A&M head football coach ington and Iowa. With the addition of Oklahoma, Kansas State and Iowa State, six state schools formed the Big Six in 1928. In 1947, Colorado joined, upping the conference to the Big Sev en. In 1957 Oklahoma State was added to form the Big Eight. Texas A&M, Texas, Texas Tech and Baylor will join in 1996 to form the Big 12. The Big Eight, which is the oldest organization composed entirely of state institutions, has won at least one NCAA title or football championship in 23 of the past 25 years. Member schools of the league have won 165 na- Campers get a kick out of soccer camp A&M coach Guerrieri 'happy' with turn-out By Mark Smith The Battalion Even though the World Cup is over, soccer is still alive with the in Ag- gieland with the Texas A&M Soccer Camp. The second session of the camp got underway on Sunday, as the Brazilians and Italians fought for the Cup in Pasadena, Calif. Camp director and A&M head coach Gerald “G” Guerrieri said he was pleased with the camp turn-out after A&M’s inaugural soccer season. “We’re real happy with the camp,” he said. “This is a good size for it.” By the end of July, A&M will have been visited by over 400 soccer campers. During their week here they are ex posed to A&M’s style of play. “It’s good for the kids to come in and see our style of training and utilize our facilities,” Guerrieri said. The campers are not the only ones to take away something new from the camp. Some of the coaches that act as coun selors benefit from the drills Guerrieri uses. ^ “We have speed and agility training Please see Soccer/Page 4 Stew Milne/Tut Battalion Texas A&M midfielder Kimery Duda (left)- looks to cross the ball to a camp mem ber, while Nathan Donnelly, age 12, tries to prevent her from scoring. tional titles. A&M Football Coach R.C. Slocum, who formerly coached in the Big Eight at Kansas State, said the Big Eight is an old league with much tradition. “The league has been playing for a long time,” he said. “There are some outstanding academic schools up there.” Slocum said the Big Eight is more diverse than the Southwest Confer ence. “The geographic differences in the Big Eight add to the interest,” he said. “Schools play each other that have fans from totally different back grounds.” Oklahoma is the school students at Texas A&M probably know the most Please see Big Eight/Page 4 Spurs trade draft selection Curley to re-sign Elliott SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The San Antonio Spurs re-acquired forward Sean Elliott on Tuesday when they sent the rights to first-round draft pick Bill Curley and a 1997 second- round draft pick to the Detroit Pis tons. Hie Spurs dealt Elliott to the Pis tons last year for fiery forward Den nis Rodman, who led the NBA in re bounding at 17.3 per game. The Pis tons later tried to trade Elliott to the Houston Rockets for Robert Horry, but the deal was called off when El liott failed a physical because of a kidney injury. Elliott, a restricted free agent, was expected to sign a multiyear deal with the Spurs beginning at about $1.35 million and allowing him to be come an unrestricted free agent next season, according to Tuesday’s San Antonio Express-News. Elliott played in 73 games last sea son and averaged 12.1 points. He has a 14.3 scoring average for his five sea sons in the NBA. The 6-foot-9 Curley was the 22nd overall pick in the June draft after finishing second on Boston College’s career scoring list with 2,102 points and second in rebounding with 996. Look To The Future Of Health Carl. One Company is facing health care issues head on, providing solutions, today. Physician Corporation of America delivers health care solutions for all kinds of people, like you. To the young and old, single and married, to families, to Americans. 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