The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1994, Image 10

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Page 10
The Battalion
B-CS, A&M not
responsible for
death of newborn
• I would like to respond to
Tracey Grahame’s letter. I was
shocked and saddened by the
death of that newborn little girl, as
I know most people were. Being
an unwed mother in any century
and at any age is a frightening and
devastating experience if it is not
by personal choice.
But I cannot agree that the
blame lies with the community or
the college. This is not the dark
ages — not all of the “legal op
tions” may be available in this
area, but a woman in a crisis preg
nancy does have options. There is
a Family Planning Center to assist
in preventing pregnancy, and it is
my understanding that they even
oner lower cost on birth control to
students and low income women.
If a pregnancy does occur, there is
a Crisis Pregnancy Center and an
adoption agency right here in
I will not presume to dictate the
choice another woman makes in
the case of an unwanted pregnan
cy. But part of being an adult is to
take responsibility for your ac
tions. If you are going to have sex,
use birth control. If you become
pregnant, do something about it
when you first find out. There
don’t have to be tragedies like the
one at Mosher Hall ... regardless of
the availability of RU-486 and
abortion in this community.
Stephanie Hilliard
Part-time student
• I am writing in response to
Tracey Grahame’s letter blaming
Bryan-College Station and Texas
A&M for the trash bin baby inci
dent. How dare she throw the
blame on a city and institution for
what a mature adult did! If that
woman is responsible enough to
have sex, then she is responsible
enough to deal with the conse
quences. It is childish to point fin
gers at an educational institution
for this terrible incident. This
woman is a college-educated indi
vidual! She apparently thought she
was mature enough to have sex,
therefore she is mature enough to
seek help when needed. It is not
A&M’s job to babysit every sexual
ly active student. Do you realize
what a job like that would entail?
Bryan-College Station as well as
Texas A&M have plenty of crisis
centers and counseling services
available to the public — have you
looked in the phone book lately? I
do not know the details of her sit
uation, but if she chose not to seek
counseling for birth control and
later an abortion then she obvious
ly chose to carry through her
pregnancy. Whatever happened, it
is a terrible tragedy.
Apparently, Grahame sleeps bet
ter at night by tossing blame at
others who did not have the op
portunity to be involved by the
choice of the “mother.”
Cindi Inman
Graduate student
• Tracy Grahame placed the
blame for the “Trash Bin Baby,” as
she put it, at the feet of Texas A&M
and B-CS.
She cited refusal to offer what
she calls “reproductive options,”
such as abortion and the French
RU-486 pill, as a direct cause of the
child’s death.
I may be stepping out on a limb
here, but what is the difference
between getting scrambled in a
mother’s womb, getting obliterat
ed by chemicals, and getting aban
doned at birth. Dead is dead!
There is still a baby girl who will
never grow up. She will never take
those first steps or go on that first
date. She will never experience all
of life’s pleasures and pains that we
all take for granted.
The whole point is moot as to
how the little girl would have ended
up if other means of killing her
were available. The clinical options
may let you sleep better at night be
cause you don’t have to deal with all
the blood and the gore, but a sani
tary death is still a final one.
Finally Grahame should not
automatically assume that the
mother wanted to kill her daugh
ter. So far as I’ve heard, it’s still
under investigation.
Christopher Dahlquist
Class of ‘95
• Tracey Grahame needs as
much psychological help as that
girl does. With one statement and
one question she was able to pin
point the problem and dispense
the blame. Maybe she should be
our next president since she is so
efficient in finding answers to the
world’s problems. She mentions
abortion, RU-486, B-CS and Texas
A&M in one breath. Maybe when
all the facts are in, we’ll know
more, but for now you can’t tie
everything together. The girl is 2 1
years old and a Texas A&M stu
dent. She is old enough to know
that she has options. She also has
access to free counseling here at
A&M. I may be wrong, but I
doubt if she was confined to B-CS
or Texas A&M. Throwing the baby,
a human life, away was at the bot
tom of a long list of options.
As for sleeping at night, except
for some allergies associated with
oak pollen, I’m sleeping fine.
Glen Portie
Class of ‘94
• In response to Tracey Gra
hame’s letter, let us bring you up to
date on something. First of all, RU-
486 and abortion are not “repro
ductive options,” they are methods
of killing. How can you blame a city
and a school for a woman’s actions?
The irrational choice that the A&M
woman made is no one’s fault but
her own. A woman has plenty of
time to decide what to do with her
unborn child. There are many
churches and organizations who
would be elated to give help and
support to any woman unsure about
her pregnancy.
Secondly, you ask us how we
sleep at night. Let us ask you how
you sleep at night knowing that you
support the “reproductive option”
that destroys life?
We understand that everyone
is entitled to their own opinion,
but putting the blame on a city
and school is nothing but an easy
way out!
Jenny' Hewdl
Class of ‘96
Ann Miller
Class of ‘96
• I agree with Tracey Grahame’s
comments in her letter. Contracep
tives should be more widely avail
able in this country. However, I do
not understand how the woman’s
actions could be blamed on Texas
A&M or B-CS.
I don’t care how many psycholo
gists they talk to, there is simply no
justification for what was done.
There is no reason why someone
can’t practice safe sex with the nu
merous types of contraceptives cur
rently available. I hope that this inci
dent serves as a grim reminder as to
what can happen when people are
not careful.
Sayed Ahmed
Class of ‘95
• This is in response to Tracy
Grahame’s letter. How can you say
A&M is a responsible? It is a com
mon occurrence for babies to be
found in trash bins in Houston; is
that city to blame also? Houston,
being a very large metropolis, pro
vides access to “all reproductive op
tions legal in the United States.”
The last time I checked, A&M
was an institute of higher learning,
not an abortion clinic or a pregnan
cy crisis center. I am sure that with
40,000 students, more than one has
found herself with an unwanted
pregnancy and has dealt with it in
an appropriate manner. A&M has
many student counseling services. I
bet one deals with pregnancy. Also,
Beutel provides birth control op
tions. Yes, this was a horrible
tragedy and a shock to B-CS. But to
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point the blame al A&M
• I take exception to Tracey■;
I).unc's letier wliich blamedhLVoI. l, S
CS area and Texas A&M in gi
and everybody in particular, I
“Trash Bin Baby.”
You complained that it ii|
who are responsible for thistra^
because the local communityr
not offer “all reproductive!
legal ... such as RU-486 andj
lion.” I am assuming that aboiiH
is also not a viable alternativij
tossing your newborn child dork.;. j
garbage chute. IClted
Had the student wished, || .
ould have contacted any nucTOB-CK
I . ,
By Kim M
Thr Battal
of sources to aid in her (imj
suming) unwanted pregm : UlirC.
The area offers a Planned Pai
hood office (846-1 744), at
Placement Center (776-llSi
and The Brazos Valley Crisis Pi*
nancy Service (846-1097).!
Student Health Center, the Te
A&M Mentors program, and;
student counseling service can™ > s
assist young adults who a&]
memo si;
Will Har
ing with similar experiences.I* /\i vni ,
fortunately, it doesn’t appear the °^
she used any of these resound
ci j . i r . r l Isav seme
She denied the fact of her unM^ ^ ’
nancy to her friends and ever,
FMS technicians who arrivedal
she gave birth. She had pleniy:
options but didn’t use them, |L [er n
WPJ — she is respons^ Mi ^ ha ;
it is determined that her c
born alive, and she should be'
cuted to the fullest extent oftt*b»ffi n ., ,
Frankly, I’m enraged thatG^ me g ac
hamehasthe audacity to]'
blame on a community whichd |3 eer]
cates so many resources to comh||£ cause
ing situations such as this one. :B] es ” ^
very fact that she neglected tom®,,
tion adoption as a real ahem i 8 ]q ect j
certainly reflects her attitudes iJL e | sea i
wards unexpected pregnancies s j on
short, her indictment was notaH lar g e a j
ill conceived, it was blatantlyiy:|jG en scr
rant and wron^ ^ ^ [ckets ai
Although I believe in freedoni|y 1( jj s y ie
speech, I certainly wish that™
row-minded people suchasti
hame would either shutuporai
a clue. I compliment her successf
expression of stupidity, butreallvl
next time, she snould think bei
she writes or just be quiet.
Accompanied by! I sijKffi this
■ ByJuli
Students defend
state reputatioi
• I’m sorry Humberto]oii
feels that all Texans are racists
that we live in a world that ext?
100 years ago. This is too bad)
him, as well as for the people j
will talk to when he goesbij
home to Europe. During myfc
year stay in Europe, I was a vice
of racial prejudices, butatle
Jorge was allowed into the dii
also had many nice experien!
which I emphasize more wk
talking about Europe to ^
I know a lot about Europe,!
the European people are as: ;
away from perfection as any*
tion. I think Jorge should tab
look at his own nation’s probks
and shortcomings before he ci;
cizes others.
Class o(
wasn t
to Dali
part in
• In response to Mr. Humh
to Jorge’s letter, I just wish to
mind him that neither this si!
nor this country is as uncivial
he says it is. He writes abouh
wonderful health care andeto
tion systems in Europe, butli
to mention the amount of tas 1
the average European citizt
pays. He also fails to mention!’
soaring unemployment rates f ;
rope has been forced to contd
with. Racism is still a probfe
here in Texas, I recognize tin
Does Mr. Jorge recognize! 1
racism problem facing Europe!
hope so.
Mr. Jorge, please don’t be‘
quick to attribute the actions of
few lost souls working at a cl«
to an entire state of country.
Juan Carlos tty
Class of
This is in response to Huml* fhe Asso
ome po
to Jorge’s letter, “Student views^
ans as racist, uncivilized.”
you are obviously not happy here (
Texas and do not appreciate o ! ous st;atf
beautiful state. 1 while
I find it very disturbing ir meleased
the fie
Chris ti
“I s
ago,” 1
talk ai
to the
what ]
drive t
what 1
you h;
lene \
to suo
“But e
ome de
In fa
you judge the whole state ofTe
on one experience in one bar. 1
sure most Texans feel as I do!
do not appreciate you slander! r rom
our state. Since you have no f March, y
words, or feelings towards Te (! Nation s
maybe you would be hapf :
where you came from.
he fluid
hat are
Class of