Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1993)
The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building “i 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, If your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must O appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. LU If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is schedule £^ ii to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made t if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication accepted Tutors Services CHEM 101 TUTORING TEST 4 Review Sessions Held at College Station Conference Center—> Bizzeli QUAD COMMONS Time Mon 11/15 Tues 11/16 Wed 11/17 Thurs 11/18 7-9 p.m. 101 Part 1 101 Part 2 101 Part 3 101 Review 9-11p.m. 101 Part 1 101 Part 2 101 Part 3 x 101 Review No Tickets to buy... just call for reservations, CALL 26-TUTOR ProTutors Challenge Bring in any notes from another group chemistry tutor and we'll give you the first night free! Need College Funds? Guaranteed Scholarhips and Grants. Write or call: College Educational Services P.O. Box 1252, El Campo, Texas 77437, (409) 543-5628. PROFESSIONAL EDITING - Dissertations, Proposals/ Research papers. International student discount. Edit Right-775-1845. Needed BASSIST for Club band, practice now to play out next semester. Jeff 764-8437. Wanted: flute players to form a Flute trio or quartet. Evening rehearsals. Call Julie 764-2924. DJ MOBILE DJ. Experienced, great for weddings, bar-b- ques, parties, etc. Call the Party Block 693-6294. Greeks & Clubs GREEK & CLUBS RAISE UP TO $1000 in just one week! ForyourFrat or Sorority or Club + $1000 for yourself! And a free T-Shirt just for calling 1-800-932-0528 ext. 75. Personals LIVE, RAW- Phone talk. Steamy, Erotic and Nasty. 1- 800-775-2220. $2.50-$3.99/min. Phone Company bills, 18 + or older. HOT KINKY SEXY LADIES. 1-800-597- 5554. MC/VISA only. 18-t-or older. Sports Trivia Scores Spreads. 1 -900-884-9204 ext.2532. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420. Typing ProTutors Semi-private tutoring for PHYS 201, 202, 208/219, 218, MATH 141, 151 ENGR 109 NOW FORMING Call for Schedule and to register for classes. Also call us for private tutors! Call 26-TUTOR Small group and individual lessons For information call 696-6583 Noon to 5:00 Mon-Fri English as a Second Language Try the first week of lessons free! TOP NOTCH TUTORS Biology 113 & Biochemistry 410, $3.50/hr Call 693-5608. STATISTICS & MATH TUTOR with M S. Statistics, expe rience helps with classes, SAS. Reasonable rates 260- 9920 Help Wanted Part-time help-wanted. Apply within Piper Chevron Uni versity at Texas Ave. Reading this could bring you an extra $120 month - CASH! Our average donor is a College Student, friendly, enthusiastic and sensible. They are fun to be around, and they are conscious of the importance of what they are doing for others. We try hard to be the best part of their day, Everybodywins! $ 120/cash per month. $1440/cash per year, in a place filled with friends. Call 846-8855 for appointment. Westgate Plasma Center, 4223 Wellborn Rd. Wendy's Restaurant now hiring friendly people with smil ing faces all positions pay $4 35 and up depending on experience. Apply 202 S.W. Prkwy., College Station, or 3216 S. Texas, Bryan, M-F 3-5 p.m. Healthy males wanted as semen donors Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776- 4453. AA CRUISE & TRAVEL JOBS. Earn $2500/mo.+ travel the world free! (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, Asia!) Cruise lines now hiring for busy holiday, spring and summer seasons. Guaranteed employment! Call (919) 929-4398 ext 140. CRUISE JOBS Students Needed! Earn up to $2,000+/month working for Cruise Ships and Tour Companies. Summer, and Full-Time employment available. For more information call: (206) 634-0468 ext. C5855 Now Hiring Delivery Personnel Must be 18 & have own car and Insurance. Earn $6-$10 per hour. Wage, mileage and tips. Apply at Townshire Shopping Center location. 2015 Texas Avenue, Bryan 822-7373 Help Wanted Briarcrest Country Club now hiring Wait staff for fine dining, Banquettes, and mixed grille. Contact Otto Hartman or B.J. Wooldridge, Tuesday-Friday. 1929 Country Club Drive, Bryan. Assistant for busy Chiropractor’s office. Enthusiastic, energetic, self-starter. Light typing, bookkeeping, com puter. Apply at 2005 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT- Make up to $2,000 - $4,000+/month teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For information call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5855. On-site manager for small apartment complex. Apart ment + Salary. Ideal for Graduate couple. Send resume to: 1300 Walton Dr. College Station, Texas 77840. For Rent Sub-lease 2/2 Walden Pond apartment for Spring se mester, $635/month. 764-8599. Sub-lease studio apartment at Treehouse I, for Spring semester, $365/month. 693-1868. Spring sub-lease, 2 story, 2 bedroom duplex, garage, fenced yard, $435/month. 696-7198. FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments 31/2 miles from ASM. Semester lease okay 822-0472. 2 bedroom, covered parking on bus route, pool, laundry. 846-0226. 2/2 Brownstone apartment, bus route W/D connection. Call Mary about Kayhryn’s apartment 696-9771. Roommate Wanted Need One male to share 3/2 home, extremely quiet, pool, tennis court. Call 690-6870. Two people needed to share a three bedroom house in the Spring. Please call 690-6474. Need studious, strong Christian girls. Awesome house, bills paid. 2 openings, $325 S $300 823-4154. For Sale 1993 Trek 800 for sale!! Perfect condition, nine months left under warranty. $240/ nego. Call Elizabeth 846- 3186. 7" Boa, excellent health and condition! Large custom built cage and all accessories $350 or best offer. Call Camille 693-6997. MUST SELL: Jewelry, clothing, ( sizes 0-8); must see to appreciate. Garage sale prices, $20 limit except one formal ( size 3). 847-1169. Beer signs, neon and others $85 and up for neon. Call Shawn at 696-6248. Brand new Carver 2-way 3-way car electronic crossover, still in the box $ 120/negotiable. Call 696-6023 after 5 p.m. Chow puppies AKC, $200 each. Call evening or leave message at (409) 884-0882. Adorable, sable bunny to a good home. Includes carrier, litter and food. $15 or best offer. Call 260-1419. Guitar; Epiphone Strat, w/H-case $200, Guitar Amp: Roland JC-77, $800/new, now just $300. Call Charles 847-1578. Very tame female ferret 1 year old, Ferret with all the equipment needed, cage bowls etc... Only $ 130, descent and neutered. Call Gary 764-8670. Kenmore Washer/Dryer $450. Oak smoked glass coffee end tables $50. Contemporary oak dresser and night stands $99. Call 696-7198. Light wood table with 4 chairs $125, brass full length mirror $50, dove gray chair and ottoman $50. Call 696- 7198. Speakers, brand new, Acoustic series 3311 (still in box), 12" woofer, liquid cooled mid-range and tweeter, fre quency controls, 125 watts, w/warranty retail $1500, your price $600. 696-6248 Darron. Heeler puppies for sale, one red, one blue $100 each. Call 693-4897. Tickets Must Sell! 5 tickets to Louisville, on Parents side, paid $20 each, will negotiate. Please call ASAP Becky 696- 1568. Raffle for 3 tickets to Tu game, send $1 and a self addressed stamped envelope, with reason why you should win to: 5101 Leonard Rd. #61, Bryan 77807. Lost & Found Man's watch found at A&M versus SMU game. Contact Jennifer 260-9889. LOST Man’s wedding ring with single solitaire diamond 5/8ct. white gold. Reward. Lost near Kyle Field lost Saturday October 30, at A&M football game. Contact Charles Konen 713-370-1177. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the- counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. SINUS INFECTION STUDY Volunteers, 18 years of age or older, needed with acute sinus infection to participate in clinical research study comparing two oral antibodies, one of which is an investigational drug. Eligible volunteers will receive free physical, x-rays, extensive laboratory work, and monetary compensation. G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846-5933 (close to campus) Computers 486/25 2FPY 2MB RAM, 150MB HD SVGA monitor, mouse, $895. See Multi-media systems. Call Dan at 846- 9249. 286/12, 2FPY, 40 MB HD, CGA (16 color) monitor, mouse, 2400 baud modem, 2 joysticks, beaucoup soft- ware, $600. 764-6763. 20MB laptop w/modem and software $900 or best offer. 764-6594. 2 VGA white screen monitors never been used $ 100 each or best offer. Call Craig at 775-9509. Automobiles '76 Ford mustang Cobra, new tires, decent body, running good and has V-6 engine $750. Call 764-4477. Services Beautiful flower arrangements for every occassion, at reasonable rates . Call 776-0906 ask for Linda or leave message. Notes - n - Quotes Fast Accurate Typing • Word Processing Resumes • Laser Printing • Copies 846-2255 University and Nagle Open 'till 10 pm Mon. - Thurs. TYPING-WORD PROCESSING. Fast, reliable, rush jobs accepted. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. Joy's Professional Typing. Word processing, Resume service, Laser printer. 846-6418. Type's Write typing service, reasonable rates, 776-1412 after 5:00 or leave message. Fast, Experienced, and dependable, with reasonable rates. Call Elaine at 693-6411. Travel Crested Bum c a i a r a d o FROM ONLY *199 PLUS TAX • 6 Days/ 5 NighLs • Ski-In/Ski-out • 4 Pull Day Lifts • Ski Rentals • Motorcoach Bus • Parties & More!!! 1(800)151-2428 ~ g feSld AIRLINE TICKETS FREE!? Couriers needed. Outra geous international trips. Call PTG 310-514-4662. Luxury townhouse, Red River. New Mexico. Ski Red River, Angelfire and Taos. Sleep 17. $125-$350./a night. Call John from 9-5 646-8916. SKI DEALS! Nestled in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains. Call Travel Leader of Boulder, Colorado, 1-800-377-5409. For ski packages as low as $540, some include Roundtrip Air. Adoption Be honest. When you can't find the right words to tell someone something they need to hear, WE SAY IT FOR YOU tactfully, with no intent of malice. Select a message from 6 categories. Send via the telephone, 52 choices. If desired, send anonymously. 18+, use touch-tone, $2.25/ min. 1-900-896-6996. JAZ Productions, Portland, OR 97206-2021. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. LOTS OF FUN, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu(6- 9 p.m.), W-Th (6-9 p.m), Fri. (6-8 p.m.), Sat. (8-12 noon), Sat. (8-2:30 p.m.). Across from University Tower. Walk- ins welcome. $20.00. 411 Texas Ave. South. 846-6117. Professional Dad & stay home Mom in Texas wish to adopt newborn to cherish & adore. Will provide warmth, security, & lots of love. Pictures available. Easy to talk to, legal/medical expenses paid. Please call Randy & Pam 1- 800-284-1714. It is illegal to be paid for anything beyond legal or medical expenses. Specialty Shopping C.C. Creations Factory Outlet, 114 Holleman. Now open for business. T-shirts $4, Shorts $4, Sweats $6, Jackets $8-$10, Caps $3. Open Wednesday - Friday 10 a m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. '93-94 Campus Directory If you ordered a 1 993-94 Campus Directory, stop by room 230 Reed McDonald Building between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday to pick up your copy. (Please bring ID.) If you did not order a Campus Directory as a fee option when you registered for Fall '93 classes, you may purchase a copy for $3 plus tax in the Student Publications office, room 230 Reed McDonald. The Campus Directory includes listings of students, facul ty, staff and other information about Texas A&M. PICK UP YOUR COPY. Page 4 wimMmmMMmmMmwMMmm Friday, November 12,1993 Dallas museum features African-American art The Associated Press DALLAS — The Museum of African-American Life and Culture opened in 1974 — in a box-sized room in the library of a south Dallas black college. But even then, its director had visions of a more majestic home. After nearly 20 years of struggling to build that dream, Harry Robin son on Saturday will debut the new $6 million, 38,000-square-foot mu seum in Fair Park. "There was a need expressed in our community for doing something to preserve our heritage," Robinson said. "Once we presented the idea to the people, they caught on ... they took a risk on us and the risk paid off." The museum was founded as a part of Bishop College. Its limited collection was housed in a small room on the second floor of the school's library. In 1979, it separated from the college and began operating as the non-profit Foundation for African-American Art. While Robinson tried to raise money for a permanent facility, the museum's pieces were exhibited in various studios throughout the city. Dallas voters in 1985 approved a $1.2 million bond package fora building. And after raising another $5 million through private founda tions, individuals and black churches and organizations, construction began in July 1991. The new museum is the only one of its kind in the southwestern United States, Robinson said. "Since it's the only one of its kind, blacks in Texas are proud that there is an institute that is devoted exclusively to studying, preserving and presenting exhibits on the African-American heritage," Robinson said. Five exhibits will be on display for the museum's opening: "19th Century Black Masters of American Art," "Elijah Pierce: Wood Carv er," "Dream, Myth, and Reality: Contemporary Art From Senegal, 1 ' "Contemporary Texas Black Artists," and artworks from the museum's Billy R. Allen Folk Art Collection. Pieces include traditional African masks, quilts, collages, sculptures and oil and acrylic paintings. Aside from its collections, the museum also houses a library and re search center, an auditorium that can seat up to 100 visitors for perfor mances and a children's center outfitted with 15 computers. An after school program for children and adults will provide instruction on black history, literature and art history. "It's a center of celebration, a center of transformation and a center of enlightenment," Robinson said. "We hope that people get new infor mation and change their attitudes." What's Up Friday Hillel Jewish Student Asso ciation: 6:30 p.m. dinner at Souper Salad, call Jon at 847- 1123; Shabbat services at 8 p.m., call 696-7313 for more info. American Laboratory The atre: presents "Mindgames", 2 one-act plays by Harold Pinter and Eugene Ionesco; 8 p.m., Blocker 144, Fallout Theatre. Call 862-2052 or 845-2621. Alpha Phi Alpha: Lip Sync '93 with special guest Chris Rock at 7:00 p.m. in Rudder Au ditorium. Tickets $10 pre-sale, and $12 at door. For more infor mation call Mayphous Collins at 847-1942. Campus Crusade for Christ: weekly discussion "Mark Hurt: Friendships" in Zach 102 at 7 p.m. For more information call Mallam Phillips at 693-1247. TAMU Baha'i Club: Fire side, the Promise of World Peace Dinner at 6:30 p.m. For more information call Christi Busch at 764-3160. TAMU Sports Car Club: Night Rallye IV in ZACH Lot 51 at 7 p.m. For more information call Chris at 764-7996. All-College Colloquium: "Re-weaving the Fabric of Ge nius" guest lecture by Shirley Steinberg From 3-5 p.m. in HECC 203. Muslim Student Assoc.: Fri day prayer and Islamic lecture in Rudder 301 from 12:50-1:30 p.m. For more information call Ando Lubis at 846-6932. Aggie Democrats: Social at Mr. Gatti's at 7:30 p.m. For more information call Anand Patel at 774-7060. atre: presents "Mindgames", 2 one-act plays by Harold Pinter and Eugene Ionesco; 8 p.m., Blocker 144, Fallout Theatre. Call 862-2052 or 845-2621. Audubon Field Trip: trip to Aransasand Texas coastal Bend. For more information call Bert Frenz at 846-9042 or 693-3214. Aggie Fish Club: Aggie X- mas cards in MSC main hall from 1-5:00 p.m. Caribbean Student's Associ ation: presents "Heat Wave" af ter game party at the North Gate Cafe. Sunday Catholic Student Associa tion: bible study in the upstairs chapel of St. Mary's from 10:00- 11:00 a.m. For more informa tion call Elizabeth at 846-5717. Off Campus Aggies: manda tory meeting for Mardi Gras weekend at 8:30 p.m. in the Governance room of the Koldus Building. For more information call Brent at 845-0688 or 822- 6510. Off Campus Aggies: Haunt ed House clean up party from 8:30 p.m.-12:00 a.m. at 114. S. Bryan. For more information call Jessica at 845-0688. Lutheran Student Fellow ship: fellowship supper in the University Lutheran Chapel and Student Center at 6:30 p.m. For more information call Rev. Manus at 846-6687. Catholic Student Associa tion: communion services and fellowship at the Brazos County Jail. Meet at St. Mary's or St. Joseph's at 8:00 a.m. For more information call Tonya at 846- 5717. Aggie Fish Club: Aggie Christmas cards on sale in MSC Main Hall from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Off Campus Aggies: Haunt ed House clean-up party at 114 S. Bryan from 7-10 p.m. and meet for Midnight Yell at the Wall at 11:30 p.m. For more in formation call Jessica at 845- 0688. Catholic Student Assoc.: Graduate Student Group at 6 p.m. at St. Mary's Student Cen ter. For more information call Kelley or Sandra at 693-7974. Liberal Arts Student Coun cil: Alumni forum from 2:30- 4:30 p.m. in Rudder 601. For more information call Misty Dawn at 847-2361. Saturday American Laboratory The- Alpha Kappa Psi: 2nd annu al Twin City Mission Scavenger Hunt from 2:00-5:00 p.m. on the Kyle Field parking lot. For more information call Brandi at 696-9713. TAMU Geographical Soci ety/Gamma Theta Upsilon: pic nic at Thomas Park (Eastgate) at noon. For more information call Judd at 847-1042. What's Up is a Battalion ser vice that lists non-profit student and faculty events and activi ties. Items should be submitted no later than three days in ad vance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and no tices are not events and will not be run in What's Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. Friday, No’ A&I can on t I n cas have heard it is: S writers the cc think th South Confere lousy. The AP fo poll has A&M r 11th, on lower th previous What's i al is th that not Virginia of the A did not p What' happene son. But w Is Tex of the cc or is it r perform! the Soutl To t: bined nc 2. Agaii the AP t ing 0-9. The come ag ton Stat< lane (twi These conferen as a big- What the per: champic The p the SWC Year's D ton Bow age scor No c scored Bowl sir Gran against the poi chance prove tl and late big goo‘ Then could a< rity the clear th the 1991 The , was one Razorb, one teai out eve] Alth struggl win the The pre that has Anol ence is are prh admissi public s Tex; Methoc time fie ball tea is any 1 in a nui Thes the bes becaus great p or indil chance ovideni gradua players It is years ; head fc signed ball pic Thi eoachi dent-at As i to date descril To a nn have r capabi Ha\ games suffer! Bea Week Prepai and Ni Sati excelle gies. The