The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1993, Image 4
Page 4 The Battalion Tuesday, November 9,1993 Tuesday, P George W. Bush launches campaign Gubernatorial candidate challenges Richards' effectiveness The Associated Press AUSTIN — Republican George ' off' W. Bush kicked off his gubernato rial campaign Monday with promises to change the status quo and a slap at Democratic Gov. Ann Richards. Bush, 47, eldest son of the for mer president and managing part ner of the Texas Rangers baseball team, said he was running be cause he's not happy with the di rection Texas is taking. "I worry Texas is changing and not for the better," he said, adding that he sees property taxes going up, the quality of Texas schools going down, crime threat- 11 Texa ening all Texans and government growing rapidly. Bush, whose brother Jeb is run ning for governor of Florida, said Richards may be popular but she's not effective. "Our leaders should be judged by results, not by entertaining personalities or clever sound bites," Bush said. "What are the results?" he asked. "Since 1990, are our schools better? Is the (school) funding sys tem fair, or even understandable? Are your streets safer? Are you happy with your property taxes? Do you feel Texas is getting the leadership it needs?" Bush criticized what he said has been a 47 percent increase in state government. He said two-year state spending had risen from $48 billion when Richards entered of fice to $71 billion for 1994-95. "That's four times as fast as the rate of inflation, nine times as fast as population growth, 11 times more than the average of the other 49 states, more than twice as fast as our paychecks grew, and more than 41/2 times as fast as our fed eral budget is projected to grow," he said. Bush proposed a study to de termine the costs of a solid, basic education and having the state pay for that. He called for aboli tion of the regulatory powers of the Texas Education Agency. He urged no parole for sex of fenders and said he favored making it illegal for anyone un der age 18 to have a gun without adult supervision. Responding, Richards' cam paign said the governor has a sol id record of meeting the state's needs and streamlining govern ment bureaucracy. "The growth that has taken place has been in those areas where the state was operating un der federal and court mandates — prisons, health and human ser vices, and mental health," said Chuck McDonald, a spokesman for Richards. McDonald said Texas ranks 45th in the number of state em ployees per capita and state spending ranks 47th. "I suspect Mr. Bush knows all this," McDonald said. "I suspect he is also aware that many of these federal mandates that have cost Texas so much money were enacted under the Republican ad ministrations in Washington." Flight attendants forced to move up strike date The Associated Press Battalion file photo George Walker Bush,eldest son of the former president, is seeking the Republican nomination for governor of Texas. ARLINGTON — American Airlines' flight attendants' union Monday pushed up the date they will strike if they cannot come to new contract terms. The new deadline: Nov. 18, only nine days away and one week before Thanksgiving. The 21,000-member Association of Professional Flight Atten dants had been threatening to strike "on or before" Nov. 22 after a year of negotiations broke off between the union and the carrier Oct. 30. The group already had been considering moving up the walkout. But union president Denise Hedges said the Federal Aviation Ad ministration forced their hand by approving American's request to cut its flight attendant training time from seven weeks to eight days. "We will not play a waiting game that allows the company time to train quickie replacements to carry out their threat to permanent ly replace us when we strike," Hedges said at an Arlington news conference. Hedges alleged the shorter training period "jeopardizes the safe ty of the flying public," and said the union is lobbying the Clinton administration to change its mind on the eight-day course. "This incredibly ill-timed and ill-advised decision also under mines pur negotiations by strengthening the company's strike breaking plans and compressing the time we have left to reach a settlement," she said. Richard Mintz, spokesman for Transportation Secretary Federico Pena, said Pena is not considering reversing the training decision. 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