The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 09, 1993, Image 10
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MCAT. 505 Church Street College Station (409)846-5332 Expert Teachers Permanent Centers Total Training Call today for a free diagnostic. 696-3196 707 Texas Ave. Ste. 106-E HP DeskJet 500 * Affordable 300-dpi laser-quality printing * Wide variety of built-in fonts * Supports leading software applications including Windows 3.1 * 3-year limited warranty KAPLAN RULES Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:30p.m. t. 10:00 a.m.-3:00p.m. m Sat. HEWLETT PACKARD Authorized Dealer E. L. Miller Lecture Series Presents Under the Microscope: The Future of Genetic Research A panel discussion including several experts in the fields of genetics and ethics from several campus communities. November 9 and lO 7:30 p.m. MSC Rm. 201 Reception Following Brought to you by the T 93 - f 94 MSC Political Forum Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability. J.C nr The views in this program do not express the views of MSC Political Forum, the MSC, or Texas A&M University. 1 I I Page 10 The Battalion Tuesday, November 9,1993 I i Tubularmcm i By Boomer Cardinals I Notes - n - Quotes @ University and Nagle 846-2255 Fall ’93 Current Notes ANSC 107 ECON 311 MGMT212 PSYC 345 ANTH 201 GEOL 101 NUTR 202 RUNG 351 ARTS 149 HIST 105 POLS 206 RENR 205 BOTN 101 HIST 106 POLS 207 SCOM 105 ECON 202 JOUR 102 PSYC 107 SOCI 317 ECON 203 JOUR 273 PSYC 300 ECON 322 JOUR 301 PSYC 307 Course Materials • Lecture Notes Copies • Study Guides • Typing Mon. - Thurs. 8 am -10 pm • Fri. 8 - 5 • Sat. 11 - 5 Fritch Frifch, Why do yau dmui Your Cartoon under q pseudonym? Xs if because you Socle ? - <y7f of-tbt many cnhU iJht hdk you. Sh V/e II, ad t«lly, if p&Wb rm frtw psydioHc asses likt yov, ami no one qet$ hurb. / I'm dellinq yoo Xrvi not frikbl Hy ftomt is Damn FWldAeld I Xti Daren FriTCH hcld/ •So Friidi, you Ihiok T'm a. psychotic dumb <isj, huh 711 ii f ^ Hy«H>Wo h Dartsi CfiVthfltla , Hit /)&rric This week's weather Tuesday: Cloudy with scattered rain in the morning, decreasing clouds and warmer in the afternoon. Highs near 70. JUST THE BEGINNING Wednesday: Partly cloudy with highs in the 70s. Thursday: Increasing clouds, highs near 70. Friday: Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms. Weekend outlook: Cloudy, turning colder. find par k ona d_r 'One is as old as he feels, and I feel pretty well.' Author of Roe vs. Wade turns 85 Friday The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun's eyes grew wide with surprise, and he hurried to his desk to retrieve a chart of former justices. A quick scan confirmed that, indeed, the author of the 1973 decision legalizing abortion is the fourth old est person ever to serve on the nation's highest court. He'll become the third oldest before the current court term ends in June. "Holy smokes. I hadn't been aware of that," said a chuckling Blackmun, who turns 85 Friday. "I may have to start packing my things." But he turned serious before answering the next question: Is this term Blackmun's last? "I prefer not to comment on that yet," he said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I know how old I am. One is as old as he feels, and I feel pretty well." Blackmun is best known for Roe vs. Wade and for his role in subsequent abortion rulings. It's made him the most vilified Supreme Court member in history, the recipient of more than 60,000 pieces of hate mail in the past two decades. For years, the court appeared on the verge of over turning Roe vs. Wade and letting states outlaw abor tion once again. But a ruling last year reaffirmed women's constitutional right to end their pregnancies. "I think it's now a settled issue with this court," Blackmun said. "There isn't the same emotional re action there once was among the justices. We've weathered the storm." Ruth Bader Ginsburg, considered a strong sup porter of the right to abortion, has joined the court since last year's ruling. And any successor to Black mun chosen by President Clinton is likely to hold similar views. Blackmun, the court's senior member, has con templated and talked about retiring before. Now his three daughters are lobbying him to leave the life- tenure job he's held since 1970 and move to Florida. Blackmun acknowledged that Byron R. White, a mere 75, "beat me to the punch" by retiring last June. White's move ended great inside-the-Beltway specula tion about Clinton's first op portunity to make a Supreme Court appointment. And it ended a running gag be tween White and Blackmun. "We'd pass each other in the hall and he'd ask, 'Have you retired yet?' I'd say, 'Nope, have you?"' Black mun said. "I'm still here. I still enjoy the job," he said. "I don't Supreme Court Jus tice Harry Blackmun is the fourth oldest person ever to serve on the nation's high est court. know what I'll do when I retire." He returns to Rochester, Minn., for a physical ex amination each summer at the Mayo Clinic, where he served as general counsel in the 1950s. "These days," Blackmun said, "the final report al ways begins, 'Well, considering your age....'" Oliver Wendell Holmes didn't retire until he was 90, in 1932. Chief Justice Roger Taney died in office in 1864 at 87. Justice Hugo Black, with whom Blackmun served one term, retired at 85 years and six months - a milestone Blackmun will pass this spring. A lifelong Republican and a federal appellate judge for a decade, Blackmun was considered a staunch conservative in his early days as a justice. Today, he is considered to be the court's most liberal justice, but he has told friends the court's politics have changed more than his own. The Biomedical Science Association Will be having a Luau November 9th 7:00 MSC Room 225. AH Biomedical Science Association members are invited to come and join your professors in games and fun. A 12th By Four rm Man Foui headed off vestigation lion that a according I Die Battalic See Editc Accordir lerson, C 'Stormy" Gilbert, all were mem ward of th< in the meet Foundatior dub for Tex The lettei was writtei Bas' By Jason Brown | ... m, / ■ Texas / watm-u •Ross P out ov •Men's nation •Colun for the Tc