The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1993, Image 6

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Informational Meeting:
Wed. October 20, 7:00 PM
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Study Abroad Programs, 151 Bizzell Hall IV., S45-0544
Page 6
The Battalion
Tuesday, October 19,lF uesc * a y' ^
Cowboys cut former A&M star Roper
The Associated Press
1994 Miss
Texas A&M University
Scholarship Pageant
IRVING, Texas — Linebacker John Roper discovered Monday that
taking a nap sessions can be hazardous to your employ
ment with the Dallas Cowboys.
Coach Jimmy Johnson cut the fifth-year linebacker from Texas A&M,
who was obtained from Chicago earlier in the season in a trade for vet
eran linebacker Vinson Smith.
“John didn't fit in," said Johnson. “He's a good football player and
has the ability to make plays but we expect certain things from our
players. The chemistry on this team is very important."
Johnson said he tried to trade Roper but wasn't able to do so.
“Roper came to us late and maybe he didn't know what to expect.
He was at a disadvantage," Johnson said.
“I guess Chicago got the best of the trade. Vinson Smith is starting
and Dave Wannstedt is happy. We get a minus on this one."
Linebacker Godfrey Myles will be activated from the injured reserve
to replace Roper.
Continued from Page 1
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scheme from proper A&M author
In the report, Cassidy was stat
ed to have been contacted by Wel
don Jaynes, a representative of the
university's athletics interests and
employer of student-athletes at
the Priester Supply Company in
Arlington, Texas.
Jaynes reportedly told Cassidy
that Gilbert was employing two
A&M football players at the same
time Jaynes was employing them.
Jaynes was stated to have in
formed Cassidy in the spring of
1992 before the Gilbert scandal
erupted in December from a story
published by The Dallas Morning
Cassidy reportedly did not in
form then-athletic director John
David Crow or intercollegiate ath
letic compliance director Tedi Za-
lesky, the proper authorities over
seeing possible infractions.
The report stated that Cassidy
may be subject to penalties and
requested that Cassidy be present
at the November meeting along
with Zalesky, athletic director
Wally Groff, Vice President for Fi
nance and Administration Robert
Smith, and head football coach R.
C. Slocum.
Groff said A&M has been as
sisting the NCAA on a daily basis
to cooperate with the investiga
tion and said that A&M had ex
pected the allegations.
"I don't think we were sur
prised - maybe a little disappoint
ed, but it was pretty much what
we had expected," Groff said.
Groff said getting the situation
resolved was a high priority for
the University because of the
damage sustained to A&M's im
age and its recruiting program.
"We know of a couple of kids
that we felt like we lost pending
the investigation," Groff said.
"We know it didn't help."
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Williams fined, criticized by Oiler$|j a ttle
for missing game to see son's birthover P
The Associated Press
HOUSTON - It cost David
Williams at least $125,000 to wit
ness the birth of his first child, but
the Houston Oilers' starting offen
sive lineman wouldn't have
missed it for the world.
Instead, Williams missed the
Oilers' 28-14 victory over New
England Sunday to be with his
wife, Debi, as she gave birth to 9-
pound, 15-ounce Scot Cooper in
Houston Saturday evening.
The event caused Williams to
miss the team charter, and he said
he was unable to catch a later
flight because the Boston airport
was fogged in.
Oilers general manager Mike
Holovak, offensive coordinator
Kevin Gilbride and offensive line
coach Bob Young all said they
were upset by Williams' choice of
family over football.
Holovak said Williams would
lose a week's pay ($125,000), face
a fine and a possible suspension.
“He doesn't make $125,000 a
week to stay home and watch
television," Young said. “They
ought to suspend him for a week,
maybe two.
But Leigh Steinberg, Williait ; LQ|-j 4-4
attorney, said the Oilers havenfr'^
er actually notified Williamsfel - -p. »
he is being fined $125,000,ora:“ e
other amount. ■ NEW YC
We fully assume that Dav|g rarnount
will be paid for Sunday's gamg ues to
he wasn t paid, we would file channel *
immediate grievance to haveIcHL adding
Paid," Steinberg said. jJ om two 1
Steinberg continued to savLMrnpanigs t
Williams' wife has had ahistel c ox Enb
of miscarriage and difficulties;ni evv house
pregnancy - one in August 1991 Jblicatior
Williams said the decisionv:c^qq millio
easy for him. Barry Dill
“I don't regret whatl'vedr paramount
I wanted to be there for myc: merger deal
to be born and I was going tosb|Tlie dev
there until he was,” William;
said. “I'm sorry they can't acce:
that. Whatever the fine, it'smone
well spent,"
The Oilers denied the duill QVC, ba
made any attempt to kecpa , and Ml
Williams from being present dm a tor Viaco>
ing Scot's birth. Imbinatio
“There is a misconception tkfor Paramc
the club expected David to miabillion bid
the birth of his child," Oileiijnore.
spokesman Chip Namias saio I Paramoi
"We did hope that as soonsgunday on
everything was fine, he wouiibut Viao
join the team in Boston." ai! ran g eiTie
assertion th
ts more
se the ar
merger bid.
Continued from Page 5
"Shoot, 1 had a baby whenl
was playing," he said.
That would have been a
to see.
gom mergi
I The sera
new son, but a game.
Hello? Excuse me, but foot
ball? Granted, football may put
food on the Williams' table, but
will it be there for richer and
poorer, through sickness and
health, 'til death do them part?
This may be just a little pre
sumptuous, but probably not.
What will football be to
Williams in twenty years but
some trophies, newspaper clip
pings and an old jersey.
This was a one-time thing.
He can always play another
game but will never see his son
being born again.
Although family values may
be a subject that has been beaten
to death in this country, it does
have a time and place and for
Williams, this was it.
Williams stayed with his wife
because, as he said, his "family
comes first."
There was reason to be espe
cially concerned with the birth
since his wife, Debi, lost their
first baby to a miscarriage - in
creasing his need to be with her.
If anything would have hap
pened to the baby or his wife,
the Oilers would have found
themselves in a public relations
Actually, it wouldn't be sur
prising if the Oilers were al
ready on their way to one right
now with some of the comments
that were made on Sunday.
Oilers general manager Mike
Holovak, the offensive coordi
nator Kevin Gilbride and the of
fensive line coach Bob Young all
expressed their disapproval
with Williams' decision. Young
was the most vocal.
has becom
takeover fi
"My wife told me she wa
having a baby, and I said,'Hon f p
ey, I've got to go play a footbal: | d publisl
that's a noble state
and TV pr<
ment, coach. When it come h
time for the hardest P ar L |d V anced
gone to play a game. His wife jy ormatioi
should have said, "Honey,!| 0mes
hope the couch is comfortable, j! Qy^ sa
Then, Young tried to com-^ Inc
Pare apples with oranges. controlled
"Everybody wants to be
his wife, but that's like if V
books, am
War II was going on and von p nt p rnr jcpc:
said, 'I can't go fly. My wife': to inv P st
having a baby/
A world
and foot-iQvc al
ball Ah, sure, they're on the Bog m illic
same level. ca bi e TV s
The two are not comparable cas [ Corp. i
Fighting in a war means defend ble progra
ing our country and our free q,,^ bea
dom. A football game is enter j 0 h n Maloi
tainment, hence the name- :
It is simply, amazing howiivj
sensitive people have become
taking things that put meaning
into life and ripping it out in
place of something superficial
and trivial. And it's not just the
Oilers' coaching staff. It's
Regardless, what's doneis
done and Williams will have
suffer the consequences theC
ers decide to hand down.
Don't feel sorry for the
Williams family, though. They
may walk away with less cash,
but they gain something a little
more special - their first child.
Save your pity for the coach
ing staff^ who see life as a play
sheet and beauty as a debilitat
ing tackle. A piece of pigskin
and two metal posts is hardly
what life is all about.
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