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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1993)
Tuesday, October 19,1993 The Battalion Page 3 } ber 19,i| )rs What'sUp :VM research Ik -'d with fire- iged oncer ficant iy other dai .1 make sure aid. an to useia y i!nportan![ hat allow: and have;! ront of one canser! )uilding,"lii ! r fire drill /one can [ terns CSFD, said | emergencfl to put OUt"; red more it rre time wo« system, "’H firemen, y lines uf'j Tuesday TAMU NORML: general meeting at 8:30 pm Rudder 601. Call Jason Mitchell at 846-0405 for more info. National Society of Black En gineers: general meeting at 7:00 p.m. in SSB 110. For more info call Katnya at 847-0847. Hispanic Business Student Assoc.: general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Blocker 131. For more info call Mike Slabic at 779-8215. Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM): Aggieland picture and speaker on resume writing/interviewing at 7:00 p.m. in ZACH 128B. For more info call Lizzy Cole at 693-3605. Aggie Democrats: speaker U.S. senatorial candidate Richard Fisher at 8:00 p.m. in Rudder au ditorium. For more info call Anand Patel at 774-7060. TAMU Flying Club: general meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Flying Club Clubhouse- Easterwood Airport. For more info call Nat- acha at 847-7677 or Joe at 696- 3007. MSC All Night Fair Commit tee.: Murder Mystery run- through/general meeting in MSC 228. For more info call Briana J. Spinks at 847-2619. Hispanic Journalists Assoc.: general meeting/guest speaker at 6:00 p.m. in Reed McDonald 003. For more info call A. Joey Caste- nada at 260-9189 or Jennifer Sake at 696-8781. Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE): Mr. Templeton, Assis. of Exec. Director of Texas Dept, of Trans, speaking at 5:30 p.m. in Bright bldg. 124. TAMU Roadrunners: group runs at 6:00 p.m. meeting in front of G. Rollie. For more info call Stephen at 823-1334. Aggie Toasters: general meet ing at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder 507. For more info call Steve at 846- 1313 or Richard at 847-1122. Biochemistry Society: general meeting at 7:00 p.m. on 2nd floor of Biochem Bldg. For more info call Daynene Mannering at 846- 1530. Chi Alpha Christian Fellow ship: prayer march through cam pus at 7:00 p.m. meeting at Rud der Fountain. For more informa tion call Kris Kroup at 847-0883. Aggies, for Christ(AFC): devo tional with singing/short talk at 9:30 in front of ACAD bldg. For more info call Khristy Rouw at 693-9670. TAMU Cancer Awareness So ciety: will be selling X-mas cards designed by kids at MD Ander son Cancer Center in MSC. TAMU Freestyle Club: gener al meeting at 8:00 p.m. at Rudder Fountain. For more info call Chris Ritzi at 847-0990. Aggie Democrats: general meeting following guest speaker Richard Fisher at 7:00 p.m. in PSYC bldg 106. For more info call Anand Patel at 774-7060. TAMU Pre-Medical Society: meeting and guest lecturer Dr. Andy Hanson-Medicine in Russia at 7:00 p.m. in Rudder 301. For more info call Jason at 847-1087. Baha'i Club: celebration of the birth of the Bab-a Baha'i holy day at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln Center at 1000 Eleanor, CS. For more info call 693-6789. Environmental Issues Com mittee.: general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in HECC 200. For more info call Natasha at 696-7703. Division of Student Services FACT Committee.: First Time Aggie Contact Team will be call ing all new students from 6-9:00 p.m. in YMCA bldg. For more info call Zack Coapland at 845- 0339. Center for International Busi ness Studies: noncredit course "Practical Italian For Business and Culture" being offered on T/TR from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in ACAD 304 from October 19-No- vember 18. Registration fee: $35.00. Registration forms avail able in Blocker 505. For more info call 845-5234. What's Up is a Battalion ser vice that lists non-profit student and faculty events events and ac tivities. Items should be submit ted no later than three days in ad vance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in What's Up. If you have any questions, please call the news room at 845-3313. SPECIAL OFFER - $2.50 with this ad! Advance or at the door. luXuGHMcff tt! The Comedy Club 8 PM - 10 PM 1/2 price Pile Drivers Tickets $4. in advance, $5. at the door ^ Listen to KTSR for more details. X COLLEGE STATION HILTON and Conference Center 801 University Drive East, College Station, Texas 77840 409/693-7500 M Denny Continued from Page 1 key charge of attempted murder of Denny. I The panel also was undecided whether Williams had robbed Takao Hirata and whether Wat son committed assault with a deadly weapon against another trucker, Larry Tarvin. 1 During the early hours of the rioting, Denny was pulled from his gravel-hauling truck at the intersection of Florence and Normandie avenues and beaten bloody. | Prosecutors played that and other tapes for jurors, focusing again and again on the sight of Williams apparently doing a dance over Denny's battered body. I The judge removed one pan elist for lacking the common sense to deliberate; another juror left for personal problems. The panel had to restart its talks three times, and the final jury talked only 21/2 days before re turning verdicts. The final jury had four blacks, four Hispanics, two whites and two Asians. A Williams family spokesman, Don Jackson, said, "We are elated with the fact that the jury came back and did not find guilty on he most serious charges. Damian illiams will not be spending life an prison." Williams' mother, Georgiana, declined comment. I Watson's father, Henry Sr., fold a reporter: "I don't give in terviews. Do you have 10 rand?" Another defendant, Antoine iller, remains to be tried in the ase. His lawyer, James Gillen, aid the district attorney should Top charges and agree to time erved. After acquittals in state court, wo of the white police officers ere convicted in a second fed- ral court trial in Ap>ril of violat ing King's civil rights and have ’ egun serving 30-month prison terms. litor ggielite j ports edit° r vl, Sports do Quezada landsmn^ and exam sprmfL/ 1 xam f fexas A&M sity in lhe ,5^ 013 Reed^ Boston New York Seattle San Francisco LosAnseles Costa Rica * Fares are each way from Houston. Restrictions apply. Taxes not included. Call for other worldwide destinations. EMRMPASSeS fggu.edon-thes-gpot/ Council Travel 2000 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 Health Tips Fluid intake important part of exercising By Cheryl Jo Slinkard A.P. Beutel. Health Center Sport drinks were developed primarily for use during and after exercise. The composition of the drinks varies, but most range from 5 to 10 percent carbohydrate with a trace amount of electrolytes, usually sodium and potassium. The most important considerations in choosing a sport drink include: (1) rapid delivery of the flu id to the tissues, (2) adequate carbohydrate source for the endurance exerciser, (3) a low level of elec trolytes, (4) palatable and refreshing during exer cise and (5) not related to any stomach upset. Consider these seven major guidelines before drinking a sports drink: 1. In sports of less than 60 minutes, a sports drink is not necessary. However, the sports drink is unlikely to hinder performance either. If an ath lete refuses to drink water, a sports drink may be come an advantage by encouraging voluntary fluid intake. 2. Fluids should be consumed at a rate equiva lent to heat loss. A fluid loss of just 2 percent can impair circulatory and heat regulatory functions and decrease performance. For replacement, one pound of sweat equals two cups of fluid. 3. Fluids should be taken in early in an event to prevent dehydration. By the time the athlete be comes thirsty, the effects of dehydration can al ready be seen. Thirst is not an adequate indicator of water need. 4. Fluids should be consumed at frequent inter vals. Drink a cup of water every 15 minutes. Sip cups may not provide enough water. 5. Beverages should be kept cool, not cold, to be refreshing and to aid in temperature regulation. This will not cause cramping. Cool water is more quickly absorbed. 6. If you choose a sports drink, select one that tastes good and refreshing because a sports drink does not serve its purpose unless it is used. 7. Concerns about fluid intake should not be centered solely on competition day. Fluid replace ment should be practiced. Emphasize re-hydration during all exercise. Weight lost during practice is mostly loss of fluids. To avert effects of dehydration, weigh before and after practice. For every pound lost during a work out, drink two 8-oz. glasses of water. From prac tice to practice, beginning weights should be al most identical to prevent dehydration. Fluid intake is an often overlooked area in prac tice and training regimens, but can significantly al ter performance. For more information about wa ter intake, contact the Health Education Center, Room 016, at Beutel Health Center. Let's Talk E.S.L. Conversational English Classes Day and evening classes • Beginning- advanced • Individual and small group lessons For information call or visit Noon to 5:30 Monday-Friday 707 Texas Ave. Suite 303 Bldg. C 696-6583 Campus <D > < 707 Texas Av i ? 7 r 103 □ £ O) > C Transformer Continued from Page 1 Emergency generators have pro vided some power to the buildings for equipment that needs it. One of the transformers will be replaced immediately with a trans former the University was going to be put in another building, Sugg said. The Physical Plant has made an emergency request for another transformer and may have it re placed by Monday night, he said. "If there's one in Texas, we will get it here." Sugg said he doesn't think the Physical Plant will ever know what caused the outage. "The good news is that it didn't knock out everything else on the West side," he said. fti SCOTT & WHITE CLINIC, COLLEGE STATION Announcing Weekend Clinic Hours for Urgent Care 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Scott & White Clinic, College Station, is now offering weekend Clinic hours for urgent care by appointment | only! The Weekend Clinic is conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Clinic Annex building located across the street (Glenhaven Dr.) from the main clinic. By Appointment Only (409) 268-3663 Scott & "White Annex UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST Scott & White Clinic, College Station 1600 University Drive Ford Dealer Computer Services (FDCS), a division of Ford Motor Co. in Detroit, was purchased by Houston-based Universal Computer Systems (UCS) in 1992. USC has specialized in computerizing auto dealerships for 23 yrs. We plan to add over 60 entry- level college grads to our growing staff. Sales Trainees We need aggressive sales reps to market our sophisticated mainframe system to auto dealers. Qualified candidates will have excellent presentation skills and a professional attitude & appearance. Openings in Mexico City & several U.S. cities, 9-12 mth. training in Houston. Base + commission. Traveling Software Support After extensive training in Houston, you & your team will visit clients throughout the U.S. to install our custom software, then guide them through the initial use or it. Top notch interpersonal skills and a professional attitude & appearance are expected. Must be willing to travel, expenses paid. Client Service Reps As a CSR, you will serve as the client’s personal software consultant after the Traveling Software Support team leaves the dealership. Excellent communication skills, a desire to help solve problems and the ability to answer business related questions are necessary for these troubleshooter positions. >0* Bilingual Software Trainers Trainers conduct classes in Houston and Mexico (approx. 50%) to teach our custom software to clients. Must be very professional and well spoken with an interest in the computer industry. Fluency in Spanish and English req’d. Tech Writers & Translators You will be trained on our software, then write user reference materials using Macintosh & desktop publishing. Heavy emphasis on writing & grammar, research & layout skills. Fluency in Spanish a plus. Programmers To maintain & develop as well as research, document & test programs in an IBM mainframe environment. COBOL knowledge required. At UCS/FDCS, we’ll provide the foundation and tools you need to build a rewarding career. We offer competitive entry-level salaries, excellent benefits package and semi-annual performance/salary reviews. UCS/FDCS is a non-smoking company. EOE. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Ford Dealer Computer Services, Inc. 6700 Hollister, Houston, TX 77040 1(800) 883-3031 Fax: (713) 744-4502 512-472-4931