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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1993)
rri caImp 1994 Co'Chair Applications are now available in the Student Activities Office in Room 125 of the Student Services Bldg. No Previous Experience Necessary Due: 3:00 p*m., Friday, October 22nd Room 125 SSB For more information call the T-Camp Office at 862-2521 J 1994 Miss Texas A&M University Scholarship Pageant PRESENTS: m ^ * MR. AGGIE ” tin f-0 Applications for "A FKW GOOD MEN” fejf; •"•'i*'; if': ; ' p^f 0 NOW AVAILABLE! MSC 223 Pageant Cube Due October 22 ■ • . at 5:00 p.m. yl For More Information call 845-1515 l 1 | If people tell you that you know a lot of I meaningless trivia then you should play: I I COLLEGE BOWL Register now!! The games start Monday, the 18th!! We need competitors and game officials. Look on the NOVA wall in the Student Programs Office on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center for information. Register with Barbara Wheat, the fee is $20 per four person team. 1 Games will take place weeknights during the last weeks of October, Quality Loose diamonds at special prices Only at... 4 Mon -Sal. 10 6 Thursday 10 9 immarkr Jemeter/ 304> BeltaireBtvd -Houston.Texas77025*713/668-5000 $5,000 Instant Credit-90 days no interest or take 36 moj. to pay. All moior credit cards accepted! State & Local Page 2 The Battalion Thursday, October 14,] Beavis, Butt-head blamed for 3 more fires The Associated Press AUSTIN - MTV's animated television show "Beavis and Butt- head" was cited by children re sponsible for setting three recent fires, authorities say. None of the Austin-area fires hurt anyone or caused serious damage, said Cathy Brandewie, spokeswoman for the Austin Fire Department. But Brandewie said the depart ment was prompted to let the public know after a 5-year-old Ohio boy set a fire last week that killed his 2-year-old sister. The mother has said she suspects the Beavis series influ enced her son. "We've been lucky that (the fires) have been pretty small," Brandewie said. "The children said they en joyed the show and learned that fire-setting was cool." The half-hour show airs 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. week nights on MTV and features teen-agers Beavis and Butt-head sitting on a couch, watching music videos, snicker- Sorority promotes awareness in second annual Delta Week By Cheryl Heller The Battalion The Texas A&M University chapter of Delta Sigma Theta sorority is emphasizing political, educational, health, economic and international awareness through its second annual Delta Week. "We want everyone to leave enlightened with something they did not have before," said Tracy Bates, Delta Week committee chair. Delta Week activities began Monday with a Black Business Expo de signed to advertise and expose African-American entrepreneurs to stu dents and the community. The sorority also sponsored a style show that featured products from Bryan-College Station vendors. On Wednesday, the sorority worked with representatives from the A.P. Beutel Health Center and St. Joseph's Hospital handing out health brochures and providing free cholesterol and blood checks in the MSC. The sorority will sponsor "A Walk on the International Side" Thurs day, which will feature soliloquies from South African plays presented by the C.P. Time Players. Vinita Leday, historian, said Delta Sigma Theta is using an interna tional theme because the sorority has chapters worldwide. "We're not limited to the United States," Leday said. "We have chapters in Korea and other countries, with over 185,000 members worldwide." Friday night Delta Sigma Theta will sponsor "Delta Double Dare," a game that tests participants' knowledge of black history and heritage. "We planned the game because our heritage is rich, but a lot of peo ple are unaware of it," Leday said. "We thought a game would be a fun way for people to learn about black history." Saturday night the sorority will hold a "Good Ole' Dayz" party. The party is a 'tribute' to the 1970s with prizes being awarded for the best costumes. See Delta/Page 1 4 CONTACT LENSES ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Sola/Barnes-Hind) Disposable Contact Lenses Available $ 79 00 For Standard Clear or Tinted FLEXIBLE WEAR Soft Contact Lenses (Can be worn as daily or extended wear) + FREE SPARE PAIR SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES. ASK ABOUT OUR “BUY MORE PAY LESS” PRICING Call 846-0377 for Appointment *Eye exam and follow up visits not included Charles C. Schroeppel, O.D., P.C. Doctor of Optometry 505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, Texas 77840 It* 4 Blocks East of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection 4* xA c *4 .9°' Thursday $5.00 Cover 50 Drinks 8-11 pm #,0cy » Friday ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET *5.°° 5 0 drinks 8-11 p.m. Saturday Vtoc fceY Karaoke Starts 9:30 - No Cover ^ $3.75 Pitchers all day, all night $1.25 Draft All Night $1.75 Chuggers 8-11 p.m. 1601 S. Texas Ave. Next to Bullwinkles - in Culpepper Plaza ing and pro claiming that "fire is cool." Brandewie said two broth ers, ages 8 and 12, confessed to fire investigators during an inter view that they set two grass fires in south western Austin. Thursd; Butt-head The interview was part of the fire department's SAFE (Safety and Fire Education) program for children. It was during the SAFE program that each of the three children mentioned the cartoon show, Brandewie said. The boys were burning plastic cups when the grass caught on fire, she said. Damage was minimal. In the third incident, a 10-yeai- old hoy piled clothes and papei on his bed and set it on fire. Once again, no major damage waste ported, Brandewie said. Austin Fire DepartmentLt Mike Littrell, who interviewed the two brothers, said parents needle explain to their children the differ ence between reality and fantasy. "We're concerned this mightbe a trend and we want to stop it be fore it becomes one," he said. Midnight Yell Practice For those faculty and students planning to travel to this weekend's Baylor-Texas A&M football game, midnight yell practice will be held Friday in Waco at the Indian Springs Park, located next to the suspension bridge crossing the Brazos River. Kyle Buniett/Tm Battalion mances tices the Amc weekly r A&M's SPRING ’94 There are still a few spaces left- sign up now before it’s too late! For an application, contact: Study Abroad Programs 161 Bizzell West 845-0544 as vice these p prepare But. fered. ] enough Alle and art the Pei was ab getting scientif she chc The Battalion CHRIS WHITLEY, Editor in chief JULI PHILLIPS, Managing editor MARK EVANS, City editor DAVE THOMAS, Night News editor ANAS BEN-MUSA, Agg/e//Teeditor BELINDA BLANCARTE, Night News editor MICHAEL PLUMER, Sports editor MACK HARRISON, Opinion editor WILLIAM HARRISON, Sports editor KYLE BURNETT, Photo editor Staff Members City desk - Jason Cox, James Bernsen, Michele Brinkmann, Lisa Elliott, Cheryl Heller, Kim Horton, Jan Higginbotham, Jennifer Kiley, Mary Kujawa, Kevin Lindstrom, Jackie Mason, Kim McGuire, Carrie Miura, Stephanie Pattillo, Geneen Pipher, lennifer Smilh, Mark Smith and Andrea Taormina News desk - Robert Clark, Jennifer Petteway, Irish Reichle, Khristy Rouw and Heather Winch Photographers - Mary Macmanus, Tommy Huynh and Nicole Rohrman Aggielife - Dena Dizdar, Jacqueline Ayotte, Margaret. Claughton, Melissa Holubec, Lesa Ann King and Joeleih Sports writers - Julie Chelkowski, Matt Rush and David Winder Opinion desk - Toni Garrard Clay, Tracey Jones, Jenny Magee, Melissa Megliola, Jay Robbins, John Scroggi, Frank Stanford, Jason Sweeny, Robert Vasquez and Eliol Williams Cartoonists - Jason Brown, Boomer Cardinale, Clifton Hashimoto, George Nasr, Gerardo Quezada and Edward Zepeda Graphic Artist - Angel Kan Clerks- Grant Austgen, Eleanor Colvin, Wren Eversberg, Carey Fallin and Tomiko Miller The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods), al Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University. College Station, TX 77843. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Divisionol Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices are in 013 Reed McDonalil Building. Newsroom phone number is 845-3313. Fax: 845-2647. Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday througl' Friday. Fax: 845-5408. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611. , i