The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1993, Image 12

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OCT. tfj
4^9-3 Op®
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imprOVisQUonol comedy with @\ twist!
The Muslim Students' Association
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notification three
Page 12
The Battalion
Thursday, October 14,
Gay rights organization
supports pedophiles
How legitimate is the gay rights movement?
The National Coming Out Day issue of U.S. News
contains an article on pedophiles. It reports that
the North American Man/Boy Love Association is
a member of the international Lesbian and Gay
Association, which advocates "the treatment of all
sexual minorities with respect," including pe
I think that pretty much sums up the gay rights
movement. Instead of teaching children "Heather
has two mommies," perhaps someday children
will be learning "Heather has two mommies and a
forty year-old lover named Hal." Hooray for sex
ual deviants! .
Can I be the only person who thinks that John
Scroggs has worn out his welcome as a Battalion
and many blacks were property. I don't fault out
forefathers nearly as much as I do those, like
Williams, who think we should return to those
days of yore.
Then, in a somewhat surprising move, Williams
switches 180 degrees from ultra conservative to ni
hilist. I doubt many readers waded through to the
thirteenth paragraph, but here he states, "There
fore, the only way to achieve total liberty is for our
markets to fail." He has very little concept of what
life was like during the depression.
When I deliver this letter, perhaps I could re
lieve him of his wallet. Someone has already re
lieved him of his brain.
Mike Quinn
Graduate student
Grant Ruple
Class of ‘94
People stare because of
appearance, not race
Study shows genetic trait
linked to homosexuality
After reading the Mail Call on Oct. 7, I felt it
was necessary to respond to the ignorance and ob
viously prejudiced views of one Mr. Peter
Brunone. In his letter, Mr. Brunone chastises John
Scroggs for his statement that homosexuality is
"some sort of genetic thing." Throughout his let
ter, he quotes statistics and doctors supporting his
theory that homosexuality and genetics are not
linked in the slightest.
Perhaps Mr. Brunone should have done a little
more research before coming to this close-minded
conclusion. Simon LeVay, M.D. did extensive re
search in the hypothalamic structures of homosex
ual men versus heterosexual men. Mr. Brunone
must have missed this study. Or maybe his televi
sion was not working when the news reported this
summer that a gene had been identified with ho
Mr. Brunone also suggests that homosexuality
can be "unlearned" and "treated successfully."
Homosexuality is not a disease, it does not need
treatment. Psychiatrists and psychologists can
"treat" homosexuality by something they call con
ditioning. All conditioning is, is a fancy technical
term for brainwashing. You can label in whatever
you like, but you are still manipulating a person's
mind and emotions to fit the views of society. The
change is possible, but it is wrong.
As for the "experts" that Mr. Brunone quotes, I
would just like to say that anyone can find some
one to quote in regards to supporting his/her own
beliefs. There's a saying: "Even the Devil can
quote the Bible." Well, Devil, meet Peter Brunone.
Tracey Jones, please quit bashing white students.
You suggest that the Dixie Chicken have alterna
tive music night. And "hip-hop" night?! To accom
modate minorities?! I've been to alternative music
clubs, and they don't throw George Jones on when
wranglers and ropers walk through the door.
They stare because of different appearances, not
because you're black. If you were partying with 400
black people, and one white person walked in, I
think that person would get stared at, too.
Why don't you work on starting a "hip-hop"
club? You wrote a column about how singled out
you felt at the Chicken, how much you didn't like
it, and then you asked the Chicken to offer a few
nights to focus on only minorities!
Please, no more of your black hero adventure
stories and how blacks are always singled out.
don't know of a "White Accountants Society" at
this university.
Shauna Wells
Class of‘94
Columnist works hard to
find incidents of racism
Kimberly Campbell
Class of ‘96
America of the past never
really a 'truly free society'
Our esteemed columnist, Eliot Williams, wants
"a new American revolution" (per his Oct. 4 col
umn). You see, "Our generation has very little
concept of what life is like in a truly free society."
A "truly free society" is about as common as a
vacuum in nature. Speaking of physics, it wasn't
"luck" that Einstein's theories worked, he used his
mind. Williams should too.
It seems Williams believes he can punch the en
tirety of the federal government into his Hewlett-
Packard, subtract welfare, subtract capital gains
taxes, hit the equals sign and reach LED nirvana.
He desires "to return to the system we gov
erned ourselves with many years ago," before "the
politics of race and poverty" when government
worked "without forfeiting the natural rights of its
What was this haloed time Williams refers to?
Why the time of Thomas Jefferson, of course,
when women couldn't hold property (or vote).
I was not surprised to find the subject of Tracy
Jones' column this week was "racism in night
clubs." Last week it was "racist professors at
A&M" and although I cannot recall the previous
week's, I do remember it was along the lines of
(gasp) racism. I find it difficult to believe Ms. Jones
cannot find some other topic of interest, being the
educated lady she is. As a reader I would appreci
ate some variety, although I do understand how
strongly she seems to feel about her chosen topic
and would therefore like to respond to her position.
"Seek and ye shall find." It seems Ms. Jones has
sought and found racist attitudes in every aspect
of her life at A&M. She has stated many instances
of behavior, some seemingly innocuous, that are
actually products of deep-set racist attitudes. If
you feel self-conscious walking into a room solely
because your particular ethnic group is not repre
sented en masse, it would appear that you are suf
fering from your own feelings of insecurity and
not at the hands of a bigoted society.
Why should you feel unwelcome? Those people
staring didn't invite you there. Why should you
care what they're thinking? If acceptance is what
you're seeking, why don't you try smiling back
and saying "Howdy!" If they return the favor,
you've just made a positive impression. If they
don't, they have their own problems with insecu
rity which will only hurt themselves in the long
run and which really shouldn't disturb you in the
slightest. After all, they aren't your friends.
The Dixie Chicken caters to a certain type of au
dience. If Ms. Jones and her friends frequented
the Chicken more often (once she had overcome
her own feelings of insecurity). I'm sure their
opinions and desires would weigh more heavily in
the owner's mind.
Next week: "Dealing with racist attitudes in the
telephone preregistration system."
him comm ah m rfshho
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9:30 & Midnight
All showings of ’Hot Shots! Part
Deux’ will be accompanied by a
Warner Bros, cartoon
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday @ 7:00
Thursday, O
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Quentin Ellis
Class of‘95
A Memorial Student Center
Questions? Call... Student Programs Committee
MSC Box Office 845-1234
MSC Student Programs
Office 845-1515
Advance tickets available for
all shows at MSC Box Office
Persons with disabilities please
call us 3 working days prior to the
film to enable us to assist you to
the best of our ability.
with a tremendous sense of fun.”
— Janet Maslifl. THE NEW YORK TIMES
- Lance Loud. DETAILS
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