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(at least you’ll be a part of AtSf’M history if you get your picture in the AggielAND) All classes: From now to Oct. 8, become a part of history by having your picture made for the 1994 Aggieland yearbook. Pictures are being taken at A R Photography, located at 707 Texas Avenue S., near Taco Cabana, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, call 693-8183. If you did not purchase your picture in the AGGIELAND during teleregistration, if can be purchased in 230 RDMC for $1. 1994 yearbooks can be purchased in 015 RDMC for $25. A 1994 GGIELAND JIMMIE DALE GILMORE • ’ *. . • * • -SpiNNiNq ArouncI TIhe Sun JIMMIE DALE GILMORE is A lEAdER In tIhe STylE CAlkd "Western Beat." He hiMSElf dESCRibes his somd as a "solid bEdROck country ThiNq, buT [whin] Much MORE of AN iNfluENCE of rocIcWroII ANd folk tIhan tIhe REaI STRAiqlHT NasI-mIIe Itas." $ 7?rn?2 Jimmie Dale Gilmore ©PomcoQ $ BETWEEN THE SHEETS It®ATUlUNd; BETWEEN THE SHEETS • ELVINU EAST • CHANCE Warner BrotLers FOURPLAY Between TIhe SIheets EIeIctra rjrmt FOURPLAY'S dsbuT two years bAck ESTAblishEd Bob James, Lee RStenour, NatIhan East ANd Harvey Mason as tIhe jazz supERqRoup of tIhe 90's. TIhe aIEum ToppEd tIhe BillboARd CONTEMPORARY jazz cIharts For AN ASTONiskiNq 5 5 WEEks (tIhe All-TiME RECORd), WENT qold ANd spAWNEd a bh siNqk wnh "AFer TIhe Dance." SaIe PRiCEdlhRU: 10/51 / 93 Hastings We’re Entertainment!^^ Culpepper Plaza in College Station • Manor East in Bryan Film Society apologizes for movie cancellation The Film Society of Texas A&M wants to apologize and explain what happened with our scheduled showings of "Like Water for Chocolate." In short, our film distributor. Films, Inc., owns three prints of this popular Mexican film. Keeping this in mind, they tried to show this film at a lot of universities across the country. However, the problems occurred when they promised us they would have the film to us for our showings that began last Thurs day at 7 p.m. But, when that didn't happen, we contacted them and were told it would be here Friday. Then, we were told on Friday, after waiting for it to arrive at least for one of our later showings, that it was lost some where on an airline. For all we know, it end ed up in Timbuktu. At this point, we had to cancel all showings of "Like Water for Chocolate." We want to thank you for your patience and for your phenomenal response to "Sleepless in Seattle," regardless of the prob lems. We do sincerely hope no one was greatly inconvenienced. We did make an at tempt to compensate those that were incon venienced by this unforeseeable problem, and are trying to reschedule another show ing of "Like Water for Chocolate." Another problem brought to our attention was concern that the film was rated X because of the suggestive posters we displayed around campus. However, this is not the case. The film is rated R, won ten Mexican Academy Awards, and is not that explicit. We show such films to provide you, the students, with a wider selection of cultural entertainment that the local theatres do not provide. We do hon estly welcome the feedback, though. Again, we apologize for any trouble we may have caused you. Our organization ex ists to provide you with a service. We thank you for your understanding. Please, let us know if there is any way we can better ac commodate you in the future, or if you have a comment or complaint about this problem. Natalie Giehl '94 Director of External Relations ' Sachin Parekh '94 President Film Society of Texas A&M Behavior of Corps fish makes A&M look bad We have always thought of the Corps of Cadets as one of the most respected organi zations on this campus, and we still do. Yet on Thursday, Sept. 30, at 7:00 p.m., an inci dent occurred that we feel should be brought to the Corps' attention. Four or five outfits consisting of fish were on their way to Grove Yell from Duncan Dining Hall. We were walking in front of Rudder Tower, saw that they were coming and tried to move out of their way. The first guidon bearer and his outfit were polite and moved over to the other side of the sidewalk, but we could see that the other outfits were not going to move over and caused us to have to step onto the grass. One of the guys yelled, "Get the f — off the grass." Then the other outfits start ed shouting, "Get the f— out of the way," and "Get off the grass. Goddamn it," re peatedly. We were not the only people around at this time. There were other students and adults around Rudder and the MSC. We feel that this not only makes the Corps look bad, but it also makes A&M look bad. Does this mean that the Fish in these outfits cannot be left alone without an upperclass man present? We feel that their behavior was rude and obnoxious and not the true portrayal of the spirit of Aggieland and should seriously be taken into consideration. Shelly Hamm Class of '96 Missing sign gives lie to Aggie Code of Honor Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal. Unless, apparently, there's a sign advertising a group that they don't like. Since the Agnostic and Atheist Student Group was started in the fall of '92, advertis ing our group has been a non-stop process of circling the campus and putting flyers back up where they've been torn down. There are places on campus where flyers can be found more than a semester old. Our flyers typical ly have a life span of a few hours. I understand, however, that this is merely a fact of life when the group is one even mildly controversial; even the College Republicans have flyers torn down by un thinking twits. It is another matter when a billboard is stolen from the area around the chemistry fountain. For those of you who did not see it, the Agnostic and Atheist Student Group had a large 3' by 4' white billboard with red lettering advertising the group's name, telephone num ber and coming meetings. It is now gone. I cannot help but wonder if the persons responsible bothered to attend any of our meetings to see just what we were all about. We welcome anyone interested to attend and discuss agnostic and atheist viewpoints whether you agree with them or not. In fact, we encourage those who disagree with our positions to come and ex plain why they disagree so that we might, at the very least, come away with a better understanding of each other. Those who stole the sign are apparently more interested in censoring our group than in engaging in reasonable and thoughtful discussion. I would hope that any true Ag gie would not only discourage such behav ior, but would ensure that our sign was re placed where it belongs. Brett G. Lemoine President ofAASG Don't read racism into everything that occurs In response to Tracy Jones' column, it is unfortunate that someone can be so well ed ucated and be so blatantly brainwashed. In her first example, the only racist thing about it was her attitude. There was nothing im plied, even remotely, about race or gender. In her second example, could we maybe sub stitute "my people" with "you people"? If so, I have been told the same thing by some S.O.B. of a professor. The point is, you can find anything any one says racists if you look hard enough, and that is where you have been brain washed. Just because something bad hap pens to a black person doesn't necessarily happen because they happen to be black, believe it or not. As for the term "nigger," I was watching the Apollo Comedy Hour where a black co median said nigger five times in a three- minute skit, and the black audience was howling with laughter. If the black commu nity finds the word so offensive, why do they continue to use it? If you want stories of racism, then you should have seen what happened when I walked by a group of young black men. Or when I look through scholarship applica tions and see "minorities only." How about applying for a job which has "mi norities encouraged to apply" written on the application? All of these special interest groups for blacks have done a superb job of brainwash ing. On the one hand they say racism is bad, and if anyone looks at you funny, it is racist, and you should file charges against them. This has gone to the point where an employ er/professor will give the person anything they want just to avoid the negative publici ty, regardless if the charge is true or not. On the other hand, these groups say "you need to get more minorities." What they are really saying is you must single out minori ties because they are minorities and give them special treatment. Before you go around pointing your fin ger and saying "racist," you better look very closely. You may be looking in a mirror. Todd Dickey Graduate student Columnist mistaken - teachers get decent pay I would like to thank Melissa Megliola for defending education majors in her Oct. 6 col umn. However, while refuting one myth about the profession, Megliola introduced another with the statement, "They are forced to accept pay comparable to that of your av erage fast food worker." Suppose the average fast food worker (ex cluding management) makes $5 an hour (a generous wage). Assuming he/she works 40 hours a week, that adds up to $10,400 a year. Teachers make an average of $20,000 to $30,000 a year. This doesn't include the bene fits fast food workers dream of, such as health insurance, lots of vacation time evenings and weekends off and a retirement plan. True, it's not exactly the glamour and i salary of a doctor, lawyer or engineer, but it is a salary many are comfortable with. Megliola's defense of teaching early in the column was admirable, but she diminished the effect of every one of these points in her closing remark. The myth she is perpetuating is another major obstacle in recruiting teach ers. Many prospective education students have second thoughts about teaching, be cause they think they will starve if they do. Taking this presumption a little further can be very insulting to the education stu dent. As Megliola states, education majors need a high level of intelligence. Anyone with half of this intelligence would not go to college for up to six years to take a mini mum wage job. Leah Smith Class of'96 “‘INDOCHINE’ SPRAWLS AND ENTHRALLS. IN CATHERINE DENEUVE THE FILM HAS A STAR OF EPIC GLAMOUR AND GRAVITY.” “ONE OF THE YEAR’S IfcJPCLTP 1211 IV/IC” OJtO 1 JLlJWYIiO - Richard Corliss, TIME MAGAZINE (HIGHEST RATING) ATTAINS A SHEER EMOTIONAL SWEEP THAT HOLLYWOOD HAS FORGOTTEN HOW TO JMASTER," Bob Campbell, NEWHOUSE NEWSPAPERS “CATHERINE DENEUVE REIGNS IN ‘INDOCHINE”' - Vincent Canby, THE NEW YORK TIMES INDOCHINE A FILM BY REGIS WARGNIER CATHERINE DENEUVE mssssa KKSsssr Friday @ 7:00 & 9:30 Nation’s #1 Source For The Latest Updated Sports Info & Scores! Menu Featuring 13 Sports Programs Including Exclusive Coverage Of College Football Scores Around The Nation. “ONE CALL HAS IT ALL” 1-900-226-9899 $1.98/min. - 18/older - RKM Communications, Torrance, CA MSC FILM SOCIETY OF TEXAS A&M ADMISSION: $2.50 Advance tickets available for all shows at MSC Box Office Questions? Call... MSC Box Office 845-1234 MSC Student Programs Office 845-1515 A Memorial Student Center Student Programs Committee Persons with disabilities please call us 3 working days prior to the film to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability. MSC Barber Shop Serving All Aggies! Cuts and Styles Reg. haircuts starting at $6. Eight operators to serve you Theresa-Ramona-Jeimifer-Mary-Yolanda Wendy-Troy-Hector 846-0629 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Decision changing hats off signs in MSC stinks The decision to change the "Hats Off" signs at the MSC is an affront to every Aggie who's ever served, fought and/or died for this coun try. These whiners who resent the old policy would be speaking Japanese or German had our people not risen to the occasion. This decision is insulting and spineless. In a word, "it stinks!" Please save your time asking me for MSC donations in the future. David T. Gentry Class of'48 Located in the basement of the Memorial Student Center