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Denmark Studies' Classes Are Taught in CilGUSH Thursday Sept. 9, 3:00-4:00 251 Bizrell Hall W est flBRORD PROGRAM 161 Bizzell Hall Ulest 845«0S44 The following Information appears In compliance with the 1987 Stale of Texas Hazing Law: Texas Hazing Law Texas A&M University On August 31,1987, a new law went into effect in the State of Texas regarding HAZING. Below is an abbreviated summary, in question and answer form, of the contents of that law and the applicability and implications tor students, faculty and staff at Texas A&M University. THIS IS ONLY A SUMMARY. Certain points In the law have been omitted In this summary for editorial purposes. For the full text of the law, please see Appendix XI of the 1989-90 University Regulations. What Is the definition of Hazing? ■Hazing" means any Intentional, Knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or oft campus of Texas A&M University, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being Initiated Into, affiliation with, holding office In, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or Include students at Texas A&M University. The term includes but is not limited to: (a) Any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity. (b) Any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement In a small place, calisthenics, or other activities that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student. (c) Any activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physigal health or safety of the student. (d) Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student extreme mental stress, shame, or humiliation, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in the subsection. (e) Any activity that Induces, causes, or requires the student to perform a duty or task which involves a violation of the penal code. In addition, Texas A&M University has also defined hazing to include: (a) Misuse of authority by virtue of your class rank or leadership position. (b) Any form of physical bondage. (c) Any form of “Quadding”. How do I commit a hazing offense? A person commits an offense if the person: (a) Engages In hazing. (b) Solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid another in engaging in hazing. (c) Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly permits hazing to occur. (d) Has firsthand knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident Involving a student of Texas A&M University, or firsthand knowledge that a specific hazing Incident has occurred, and knowingly fails to report said knowledge In writing to the appropriate University official. Does it matter if I did not intend to hurt anyone? No. Texas A&M’s policies state that if one of the above occurs, it is HAZING, regardless of the intent. International Page 4 The Battalion Wednesday, September 8,1993 Thousands storm streets in Mideast The Associated Press JERUSALEM — Tens of thousands of peo ple protesting the Palestinian autonomy plan laid siege to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's office Tuesday, vowing to clog the surround ing streets for 24 hours. The rally was the first of a series spearhead ed by the opposition Likud bloc to try to force the government to new elections or at least a referendum over the autonomy plan. Police sources estimated the crowd size at 50,000, Israel TV said. Many had come on buses from throughout Israel. Organizers claimed the crowd numbered in the hundreds of thousands. "This is the opening round in an unprece dented struggle," Likud leader Binyamin Ne tanyahu told the rally, calling the autonomy plan negotiated with the PLO in secret a lie. "And the greatest lie of them all is that this dangerous agreement will bring peace," said Netanyahu, who claimed that the throng had reached 300,000. "It will not bring peace, it will bring more terror, more terror, more terror. It is laying the groundwork for the next war," Netanyahu said. The Likud bloc is staking its political future on opposition to Palestinian autonomy. It is gambling that security fears will ulti mately influence the public more than the hope that a political settlement would end the bloodshed. With Rabin's government and Arafat al ready committed to the plan, chances of derail- "This is not a demonstration. It is going in the direction of a revolt/ - Uri Ariel, leader of the West Bank settlers' council ing the intitiative completely appeared slight. The Israeli parliament is expected to start reviewing the plan Thursday. At a Tel Aviv rally Saturday in support of the plan, 100,000 people attended. One banner read, "Death to Traitors," and some extremists vowed to spill blood if neces sary. This prompted fears that the protests would trigger violent clashes. "This is not a demonstration. It is going in the direction of a revolt, a revolt of the people who are telling the prime minister not to go any further," said Uri Ariel, leader of the West Bank settlers' council. Ariel said demonstrators had been told not to throw stones, and Likud officials said the party called only for non-violent protests. The gathering was thick with Israeli flags and banners denouncing the autonomy plan. Rabbi Yosef Aronov, director of the Hasidic Lubavitch movement Chabad in Israel, said demonstrators wanted to get across the mes sage that Israel was in danger. "If the government gives land to the Arabs, our lives and our childrens' lives are in dan ger, four million people are in danger. We will do everything in our power, everything, to get this message across," Aronov said. Police pushed back anyone attempting to cross the barriers forming a buffer zone around the building, arresting four members of the extremist Kach movement they said were preparing to carry out violent acts. Major streets around several government buildings were closed and traffic routed through the suburbs. About 2,500 extra policemen were deployed to prevent violence. Although the proposed agreement calls for keeping Jewish settlements intact in the occu pied lands, hard-liners fear that Palestinian self-rule will eventually bring a Palestinian state bent on Israel's destruction. Ifednesd; A&M is having at 7pm ir Worm is having ing in Ri more ink Angela a Cap a general n m. TAMl ie a ge Rudder a tall Steve Asian laving th at 8:30pm Marcos' corpse to be buried 4 years after death Pre-Vt meeting ii Public defy of A first gem Rudder 130pm. F al 823-339. Agnosl Group: i HECC108 call Brett I. Off Ca a gene (01 at 7pm The Associated Press Does it matter if the person being hazed agrees to the activity? No. The new law and Texas A&M's policies state that if one of the above occurs, it is HAZING, regardless of the consent or cooperation of the recipient. What is the penalty if I am found guilty of hazing? (a) Failing to report hazing: Fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 180 days In jail. (b) Hazing resulting in no serious bodily injury: Fine of $500 to $1,000 and/or 90-180 days in jail. (c) Hazing resulting in serious bodily injury: Fine of $1,000 - $5,000 and/or 180 days to 1 year in jail. (d) Hazing resulting In death: Fine of $5,000 - $10,000 and/or 1-2 years In jail. (e) Except where the hazing results In death, the student may be required to perform community service in lieu of confinement In jail. (f) The student may also be subject to University disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the University, In addition to or regardless of any penalty imposed by the stale. Can an organization bs found guilty of hazing? Yes. An organization commits an offense if the organization condones or encourages hazing or if an officer or any combination of members, pledges, or alumni of the organization commits or assists in the commission of hazing. Can I get into trouble for reporting hazing? No. Any person who reports a specific hazing incident involving a student to an appropriate University official is protected from civil or criminal liability. However, a person who reports in bad faith or with malice Is not protected by this section. Where do I report hazing? Office of the Commandant 845-2811 If the hazing was committed by members of the Corps of Cadets. Department of Student Activitiee 845-1133 If the hazing was committed by members of a Greek organization or other recognized student organization. Student Judicial Affaire Office 845-5262 all other Incidents of hazing. The following information appears in compliance with the 1987 state of Texas Hazing Law shown above: Student Organization Hazing Violations: Organization name: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Date of Incident: April 11-14,1991 Description of Incident: The fraternity was found guilty of the following Incidents of hazing during 'Hell Week’ activities: consumption of alcohol by minors, paddling, creation of excessive fatigue sleep deprivation, calisthenics, misues of authority by virtue of class rank or leadership position physical discomfort, and embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Action Taken: The Interfratemity Council Judicial Board placed the fraternity on probation for the 1991-92 academic year, as did the international headquarters of Phi Delta Theta. The IFC Judicial Board probation Includes five additional terms of probation and the headquarters probation includes 12 conditions of probation. Organization name: Squadron 15 Date of Incident: September 29, 1991 Description of Incident: Striking of others with ax handle. After working hard all day at bonfire cut, the Commander was talking to the freshmen about motivation and maintaining a positive attitude. One of the fish asked what was done in "Ol Army" days? The Commander stated that ax handles were used at which time he asked one of the fish to bend over. The freshman did and the Commander struck him one time with the ax handle. This was repeated with each the fish in the unit. Action Taken: The Unit Commander was placed on Corp Conduct Probation for the remainder of the Fall '91 semester and the Spring '92 semester; Forfeiture of Cadet Commander pay for one month and assist in the preparation and delivery of a training and information program for all outfit Commanders and First Sergeants. LAOAG, Philippines — Call it body politics: the use of a leader's remains to promote the political agenda of the cause he left behind. The widow of the late Presi dent Ferdinand Marcos, whose body was returned Tuesday for burial in his homeland, clearly hopes the funeral will invigorate his supporters and promote the family's political fortunes. Imelda Marcos managed to at tract a large and enthusiastic crowd, although much smaller than the one million her support ers had predicted. About 7,000 people turned out at Laoag airport in a sentimental, emotional welcome as Marcos' corpse arrived on a chartered jet from Honolulu. Marcos died in Hawaii in Sep tember 1989, three years after he was ousted and banished in the mass uprising that installed Cora- zon Aquino as president. Mrs. Marcos, draped in a black veil and black native dress, kissed the bier and wept alongside her three children. Women in the crowd also wept. After a colorful ceremony fea turing native death rituals, the black metal casket was loaded aboard a black, horse-drawn car riage and taken in a solemn pro cession to the city's cathedral and later a reviewing stand in front of the white provincial capitol build- »ng. .. ‘ Through the afternoon and evening, townspeople and visitors filed by the coffin, flanked by a Philippine flag and the seal of the president. A sound system blared out Tlocano prayers and songs for the dead. Vendors were selling food and T-shirts reading "Marcos My Hero" and "I saw the return of a great Filipino." The body was to remain at the capitol until Wednesday, when it was to be transported in a torch light procession to Batac, 9 miles to the south, for burial Friday in a stone mausoleum in the yard of Marcos' family home. Marcos' mother, Josefa, is to be buried Thursday. She died in 1988 but her body, too, was kept in a refrigerated container until her son's body was returned. Mrs. Marcos has denied any political agenda in the wake and funeral of her husband. She doesn't have to. Political commen tators in Manila, most of whom are anti-Marcos, have done that for her. Many prominent commenta tors wrote Tuesday about the po litical implications of the Marcos return. Although much of it was un flattering, the coverage and com mentaries have thrust the Mar coses back onto political center stage. "The atmosphere in Laoag will not be entirely funereal," wrote columnist Alex Magno in The Manila Chrbnicle. "They will show their sad faces while casting their eyes on a constituency that is now leaderless." in enrc 9: add thrc [Smallness Jind 29 stu Ion-one c American Brass Quintet ’’The Nutcracker" Kirov Maly Ballet jfe "Lost In Yonkers” "Wizard of Oz” Orcheston der Becdiovcnhallc Bonn • • IVaniai Russell Davies, Conductor ’’Porgy and Bfess” Stewaf Copeland Drunnhcftt oftfo World PresmagjgD Hail Jazz Band if 4^1 A trip around the world may be less expensive than you think. When looking for a break from the books, you’ll probably find a number of “two-for-one” coupons for enchilada dinners or video rentals. But now, you and a friend can take advantage of the same offer for an unforgettable journey around the world. From the rhythmic magic of Stewart Copeland and the Drummers of the World to the grand beauty of “The Nutcracker,” the 21st season of MSC OPAS offers a perfect study break that will both entertain and educate. With this special student offer, you and a guest can enjoy 10 exciting OPAS performances for ONE season ticket price (about the same price as a trip to the beach). You can bring a date, a buddy, or even impress the folks with your new sense of culture. Get your TWO-FOR-ONE season tickets at the MSC Box Office today! the Picti Opera & Performing Arts Society 'you did, Must be a Texas A&M Student with valid I.D. and fee slip reflecting full-time status. Tickets available in the rear center, rear side orchestra and upper balcony only. pdand d " Purchasec ^ k pure)