The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1993, Image 4
Page 4 The Battalion Wednesday, June 2,1993 Guatemalan army ousts Serrano Bangkop THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GUATEMALA CITY — Guatemala's powerful army ousted President Jorge Serrano on Tuesday and appointed his vice president in charge temporar ily. The takeover came a week after Serrano dis solved parliament and imposed one-man rule. Initially, lawmakers said Defense Minister Gen. Jose Domingo Garcia Samayoa took over the government Tuesday morning, and was negotiating with members of the dissolved Congress to elect a successor. Late in the day, a government communique said Vice President Gustavo Espina Salguero would as sume presidential duties until new elections could be called. It said Congress and the Supreme Court, disband ed by Serrano last week when he declared emer gency rule, would remain dissolved. The communique said Serrano was, "separated from his responsibilities in an action invoked by the army, private enterprise and political parties." There were no reports of violence in the capital. Linares and several other deputies said the mili tary was meeting with deputies to prepare for an ex traordinary session of Congress on Wednesday and elect a provisional successor. The mass opposition to Serrano's May 25 declara tion of one-man rule underlined widespread support among Guatemalans for democracy and a refusal to accept a return to dictatorship. That pressure may have prompted the military to take over, though Linares said the threat of an eco nomic embargo by the international community was what prompted the army to take action. Hundreds of deputies, business and civic leaders and military officers mingled in the three-story palace, holding meetings in government offices. They included several deputies and officials who had been in hiding since last week. Outside, hundreds of people massed in the main plaza, chanting, "Serrano has fallen, Serrano has fall en." They tore up newspapers for confetti and set off firecrackers across the broad plaza. The ousted president's whereabouts weren't im mediately known. Amid the chaos, Serrano and his chief of staff. Col. Francisco Ortega Menaldo, left the palace and sped away in a car to an unknown desti nation. Jose Fernando Lobo Dubon, who was the head of Congress before it was banned, said Garcia Samayoa would assume interim power until a president is found who is, "more representative of the people." He didn't elaborate. Linares said the military wants to stay out of poli tics, "but it cannot because the crisis is very grave." The country's official human rights investigator Ramiro de Leon Carpio also confirmed that Serrano had been ousted and the defense minister took over. The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building j 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchan- dlse Is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear In mm ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial f t advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 111 days at no charge. If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional j Insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad Is cancelled early. , 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Help Wanted HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Contact Fairfax Cryobank A Division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 1121 Briarcrest Dr., Suite 101 Bryan, TX Help infertile couples; confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable ages, 18 to 35, excellent compensation. 776-4453 YEAST INFECTION STUDY REMEMBER THE SUMMER OF...? If you have ever worked a fantastic Summer or Extended Vacation Job, call us now! We will pay you to share your experiences, if published! Call 1-800-807-3030. Baby-sitter needed for church nursery Sundays 8-12pm $5/hr. Call 690-6538. Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. $8.00 per game umpiring ASA softball 3 to 5 games per night. Call Pat 776-2053, 822-1519. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn $600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing boats. Free transportation! Room & Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call 1 -206-545-4155 ext. A5855. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to$2,000+/ month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1 - 206-634-0468 ext. C5855. G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846-5933 (close to campus) Route carriers needed: The Houston Chronicle has summer and fall routes available. Earn $600-$900 per/ mo. Route delivery requires working early morning hours. Call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. Gourmet cook (preferably Chinese and French food), including housekeeping needed for large family. Call 776- 0946 after 6pm. Landscape Teams interviewing for landscape team members at the Greenery between 2-:30-4 pm, Mon.-Thurs. Drug test required. Call Scott Gilbert, 823-7551. THE GREENERY The Landscape Mgmt. Co. Serving B/CS since 1975 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing boats. Free transportation! Room & Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male of Female. Foremployment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5855. $200-$500 WEEKLY Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE Information-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright# TX 044650. EASY ASSEMBLY any hours, $339.84 week, family of 3 earns $4417.92 monthly. FREE Information -24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright# TX044652. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Services SUMMER JOBS COLLEGE STATION AND HOUSTON Earn $150-$300 week part-time Neighborhood advertising program. Requires excellent communication skills. No selling involved. Cfill (409) 690-0448 Leave name, phone no. and best time to return call. POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800) 338-3388. Ext. P-3332. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. LOTS OF FUN, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6-10p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fri. (6-10 p.m.)-Sat.(8-12 noon). Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.) Across from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00. 411 Tx Ave. So. 846-6117. For Lease YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE 1670 sq. ft. 4bd/2ba, two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, ceiling fans, intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696-9638. For Sale SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4 wheelers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS, DEA. Available your area now. Call (800) 338-3388 Ext., C-1201. Daybed w/brass, complete w/trundle, mattresses, never used, still boxed, cost $750. Must sell $250 cash (713) 855-8474. Brassbed, QZ, complete, w/firm, ortho mattress set, never used, still boxed, cost $750. Must sell $200. Cash (713) 855-8474. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 For Rent One bedroom apartment, efficiency, close to campus, bills paid, $265. Call 693-4485 after 6pm. 1&2 bdrm units, some with W/D and ff refrigerator, pool, park, intruder alarms, close to everything FSS accepted 696-7380, 693-2347. FRESHLY f NOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments, 3 1/2 miles from A<&M. Semester lease okay 822-0472. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000+ per month teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Many provide room & board + other benefits. No previous training or teaching certificate required. For program call 1-206-632-1146 ext. J5855. DJ MUSIC!!! Weddings, Parties, Spring Specials $25 off. Steve Tunnell 596-2582 or toll free 1-800-303-2582. Parents of UCLA strikers to meet with chancellor THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES - With their children weakening, parents of students in the seventh day of a hunger strike to demand a UCLA Chicano Studies department made plans Monday to meet with the university's chancellor. "We admire the depth of our children's conviction and we wholeheartedly support the es tablishment of a Chicano Studies department, but we fear desper- atelyTor their health," said Bertha Lara, mother of hunger striker Maria Lara. The parents were to gather at Chancellor Charles Young's office Tuesday, whether he agrees to a meeting or not, said Jorge Mancil- las, a School of Medicine profes sor who is on the water-only fast with the students. Phone calls to UCLA officials were not immediately returned Monday evening. The strikers are in danger of suffering permanent kidney and liver damage, Mancillas said. They include five UCLA students, a high school student who is a sis ter of a UCLA student, and a stu dent from Mexico, he said. The strikers are staying in a tent on campus, and on Monday a group of dancers in Aztec cos tumes visited to honor and enter tain them. The group is demanding estab lishment of a Chicano Studies de partment with permanent faculty. Alcohol washes out anti-cancer effects from fruits, vegetables, researchers say THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - The anti cancer benefit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables will be lost if you wash them down with more than two drinks of alcohol, re searchers say. In a study of 16,000 women and 9,500 men who underwent a medical screening for precancer- ous polyps in the colon, re searchers said they found that people with high levels of folate, a nutrient common in fruits and vegetables, were much less likely to have polyps. The exception, said Dr. Edward Giovannuci, was among heavy drinkers. They were at increased risk of the polyps despite a good diet high in folate, he said Tuesday. "We speculate that alcohol may have an effect on folate me tabolism," said Giovannuci, a re searcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and the Har vard Medical School. A report on the study is to be published Wednesday in the Jour nal of the National Cancer Institute. Giovannuci said the study used people who had undergone med ical tests that searched for the presence of polyps. These polyps, called colorectal adenomas, are as sociated with the development of colorectal cancer. Some of the people who had this medical test had polyps and some did not. By examining the dietary differences between the group, Giovannuci said he and his researchers were able to determine a link to colon cancer and diet. The researchers divided the people into five groups depend ing on their consumption of folate. The study then compared the inci dence of adenomas in the top 20 percent of folate consumers and the bottom 20 percent. Giovannuci said that among women, the group with the high est level of folate consumption had a 34 percent lower incidence of polyps when compared to women with the lowest level of folate consumption. For men, there was a 37 percent lower inci dence. This changed when alcohol was factored in, he said. Women who drank more than 30 grams of alcohol daily were at an 84 per cent increased risk of having polyps. Men were at a 64 percent greater risk. THURSDAY 6/3 ADVANCED TUTORING - 846-2879 ATS G R O U P WEDNESDAY 6/2 CHEMISTRY 101 CH 1,2,3 7 PM - 10 PM CHEMISTRY 101 CH 4 & TEST REV 9 PM-12 AM CHEMISTRY 101 TEST REVIEW JT+ ‘Tutoring 260-2660 8pm 10pm midnite Monday 5/31 Tuesday 6/1 Wednesday 6/2 Thursday 6/3 Chem. 101 Chap 1&2 Chem. 101 Chap. 3 Chem. 101 Chap. 4 Chem. 101 test I Review Rhys. 201 Chap. 1 Rhys. 201 Chap. 2 Rhys. 201 Chap. 3 C&W DANCE LESSONS BEGINNING: LEARN THE BASICS-2-STEP, POLKA, WALTZ, & TURNS. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 7,14, 21, &. 28 / 8 - 9:30 P.M. INTERMEDIATE: BEYOND THE BASICS-LEARN INDIVIDUAL TURNS, PROMENADE, LARIAT, THE EL PASO, JITTERBUG & MORE. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 8,15, 22, & 29 / 8:15 - 9:45 P.M. ADVANCED: ADD MORE VARIATIONS WHILE KEEPING STEP. LEARN THE WHIP, DONNA, PRETZEL, SPINS, & MORE. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 10,17, 24, &.JULY 1/7:15 - 8:45 CLASSES MEET AT JAZZERCISE $20/STUDENT - $22/NON-STUDENT CLASSES TAUGHT BY DURANGO COUNTRY DANCING * 846-7023 * 1C College Station and Conferenec Center Sneaky Pete Live - This Wednesday, June 2 nd 9pm In the College Station Hilton Sundance Club $2 Cover Wil sion ( there out. ( whet] right 1 Tht cealec hands ballot. Thi cause woulc pie ti thems need handg ever, that th woulc make sion h( The concea bill p House Senatf promh Afte I, th certaii stituen the go\ not to deny n their oj Rich nandg though SCOTT & WHITE CLINIC, COLLEGE STATION Announcing Weekend Clinic Hours for Urgent Care Scott & White Clinic, College Station, is now offering weekend Clinic hours for urgent care by appointment only. For an appointment, call: (409) 268-3663 Scott & White Clinic, College Station 1600 University Drive East BioLogica Research Group, Inc. Pharmaceutical Research at Its Best Ongoing/Upcoming research studies with cash incentives include: Children's Skin Infection Impetigo Asthma Ulcer Sinusitis Heartburn FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 776-0400 See our full ads in Tuesday's edition Colu: ^ttalior, 2nd mis a rticle ti 'Verty how Pm A Pril/lV As pa Posedly affected P er centa dents 110 such Apoi c h was t ° n, y uni Poverty