The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1993, Image 6

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    S'" ; -
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The Battalion
Classified Ads
Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building
—J ’AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads
Business Hours
$10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchandise Is priced $1000 or less (price
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
TTT must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering
Monday through Friday
C 3 personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at
no charge. If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad
V/S4' 1
Is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional Insertions at no charge. No refunds
(sSaBiBH ■■■■■""I '•liHMittlrf 1
will be made if your ad is cancelled early.
Help Wanted
Patients needed with aches and pains associated with the
common cold to participate in a cold research study.
Eligible volunteers will be compensated for
participating in a medication research study.
Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed
to participate in a research study with a new regimen of
over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers
will be compensated. Call for information.
G&S Studies, Inc.
(409) 846-5933
(close to campus)
10-20 HRS./WEEK
Door to door advertising for
Home Improvement Co. requires
excellent communication skills
No selling involved. Start
at $5.00/hr. plus bonus.
Call 690-0448.
Leave name, phone # , and
best time to return call.
Become a plasma donor and
earn $120.00/mo. Friendly,
professional staff and a safe,
easy procedure provide a
guaranteed income for the
little things you need!!!
4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855
Keep Your
Options Open!!
Commit a Summer to
us in Working Hard
Telephone fundraising for national
charities. No experience
necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start.
Evenings and weekends.
For immediate placement
call Mary 776-4246
Successful Interviewing Conducted by
Continuing Educators Council, inc.
Lecture Series: Learning How
to Succeed at Interveiwing;
What Questions/Answers typically
asked at initial interview/2nd
interview what key phrases/words
are to be used; what are the
key answers most often looked for;
what not to say at an interview;
what to say if you are offered the
job; how to negotiate salary &
what is negotiable. Place: C.S.
Community Ctr. George Bush Dr.
Time: 6:30-9:30 pm
Fee: $25 (cash or check only)
Session Dates: April 14,15 & 16
Phone: 764-6314 for reservations.
Math Tutoring!!! All courses. Call Glenn after 5; 764-1964
(Across University from Blocker Bldg)
846-2255, FAX 846-2985
Typing, Binding,
Laminating & Transparencies
Joy's Professional Typing, Word, Processing, Resume
Service, Laser Printer; 764-8538.
Absolutely free windshield chip repair special time limited
offer. Every crack starts with a chip. Call 846-CHIP.
Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892.
LOT!!!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10
p.m.), Fri. (6-10 p.m.)-Sat.(8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.)
Across from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00.
411TxAve. So. 846-6117.
Roommate Wanted
FEMALE ROOMMATE 2BR/1 BA May 15th thru Aug. 15th
$240/mo +1/2 bills, non-smoker 693-6530.
Needed two females to share furnished duplex, own
rooms, share bathrooms, 1st summer session. 693-
Summer female roommate needed. Please call 696-7776
for more information.
Roommate wanted. 2-1 $175-1/2 utilities available. May
15th 823-4639.
Needed female non-smoker for summer. Own room in
3bd/1ba house. $ 155/mo.+utilities. Call Liz 696-8864.
For Lease
College Court Apartments
3300 South College Avenue
2bdrms, excellent location,
utilities partially paid,
microwaves, dishwashers, pool,
shuttle, health club.
$419 823-7039
CVM INC. DBA U-RENT-M has an opening for a full-time
data entry/ entry level accounting clerk with data process
ing knowledge. Benefits. Interested persons contact
Vicki at 779-0085.
Student jobs now until summer. Flexible hours, good
wages. Call M-F 11am-3pm 817-455-2882.
15 hours/week childcare/housework for partial board/
rent/utilities. Extra hours. $4.25. Private bath/kitchen.
References. International students welcome. Becky 774-
VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100. 65 MUS
TANG $50. Choose from thousands starting $50. FREE
lnformation-2£ Hour Hotline. 801-379-2920 Copyright
#TX 044610.
C.C. Creations 114 Holleman C.S. Factory Outlet: T-
shirts, shorts, sweats, jackets, caps. $10.00-$12.00.
Open Wed-Fri 10am-6pm Saturdays 8am-2pm.
$600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing
boats. Free transportation! Room & Board! Over 8,000
openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female.
For employment program call 1-206-545-4155ext.A5855.
month+world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.)
Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No
experience necessary. For employment program call 1-
206-634-0468 ext. C5855.
$200-$500 WEEKLY Assemble products at home. Easy!
No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE
Information-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright#
TX 044650.
EASY ASSEMBLY any hours, $339.84 week, family of 3
earns $4417.92 monthly. FREE Information -24 Hour
Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright# TX044652.
Cruiseline entry level on-board/landside positions avail
able. Summer or year round, great pay, transportation
paid! 813-229-5478.
Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile
couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir
able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact
Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453
Greeks & Clubs
And a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just for calling 1-800-
950-1037, Ext. 25.
Sonnenblick Apartments
37Q0 Plainsmgn
2bdrms, excellent location
utilities partially paid,
microwaves, dishwashers, pool,
shuttle, health club.
$419 846-0226
for student entering summer
or fall semesters. On beach,
faces Gulf, 7th floor, pool,
tennis, security & cable. Call
Mr. Vargas-'54 (713)643-8881.
Sublease Country Place Apartment, one bedroom, for
summer, $325/mo. Call 846-6823.
Summer sublease, 2ba/1 1/2 ba, 1000 sq. ft. apartment,
on bus route. Call 693-3984.
Great 1/1 apartment $300/mo. +dep. available now SW &
Welborn 764-1550.
Sublease large 1bd/1ba Country Place Apartments.
Prelease special $390/mo. 846-9274.
Summer sublease large 2-story apartment, 2bd/1 1/2ba,
W/D, $485 negotiable. Call NOW 693-5266.
Nice 1/1 apartment available for summer $420/mo. Newly
remodeled. Call 764-7399.
Summer sublease. Villa Oaks Est, 2bd/1 1/3ba, includes
waterbed, $420 823-1286.
YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE 1670 sq. ft. 4bd/2ba two
1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms,
wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, ceiling fans,
intrusion alarms, pool and park. Cal! Sandra 696-9638.
For Sale
1990 MAZDA RX7-GXL 27K miles, loaded, showroom
condition, under warranty 260-9738.
Wedding dress, lots of hand-sewn pearls and irridescent
sequence, cathedral train, fingertip veil, size 7 , $500.
778-3579, 776-0698, 846-3223.
Soloflex $300; 2-pairs Lucchese boots $80; 847-0121.
Daybed, white iron/brass, complete w/firm ortho mat
tresses and trundle, never used. Still boxed. Cost $850.
Must sell $250. Cash 713-855-8474.
Video Arcade Game. “Ghost's and Goblin's." Works
great! Fun for study breaks. $300. Call Ken 823-3933.
92 Eclipse, loaded 5 spd, white $11,999 764-8710.
AKC Labs Superior pedigrees $210 693-4502.
Honda 400cc new seats, brakes, paint and battery. Dark
blue with TAMU ROTC stickers $850 negotiable. 846-
1978 brown Chevy Impala, 4-door, new water pump,
starter, alternater and 2 new tires. One owner, 74,000 mi.
$950 negotiable. 846-0066.
Fort Lauderdale/Bahama vacation (for two), 7 days/6
nights in Four Star Hotel. Must be 21 $500. Call Dan 693-
New full size bed $70, nice sofa $70, table +2 chairs $20,
desk $20. Prices are negotiable. 822-2169.
85 Nissan Sentra - New tires, clutch, & brakes. Good
mech. condition $1700 (Nego.) 822-2169.
Futon with tan cushion $75. Matching bunk bed $100,
desk $50, and dresser with hutch $50. 693-9283 or 764-
Ladies four piece A&M silver and gold belt buckle $65.00,
with black and Guatemala print belt (28") $75.00. Call
IBANEZ electric guitar with case. Peavey amp, overdrive,
chorus, adapters. $275 o.b.o. Call Taylor at 696-8617.
'85 Honda Accord, blue hatchback, 5-speed, 123,000mi.,
$2,250 obo. Call Dede 693-2699.
For Sale
Beautiful wedding dress with beaded top, size 4. Excel
lent condition. Was $1,500; will sell for $650. Call 696-
0572, leave number.
9ft. female Burmese python in cage 693-9447.
80 Ford Supercab auto 460 $2,600 823-4906.
1986 Yamaha FZ600 with helmet; great campus transpor
tation $1500 693-8964.
SOFTWARE: Mathcad Norton Antivirus, Harvard Graph
ics, CorelDraw, TurboTax, Utilities, Business, Games,
Education. Accessories. More. Far below discount
prices. Rich 764-9091.
Postscript laser printer for sale Texas Instruments Micro
laser PS 35 3MB use w/Mac and IBM; 35 fonts $925 764-
For Rent
2bd/2ba washer/dryer, excellent location, pool, tennis
Available May 93. Call 693-2219 _
A 2bd/2ba duplex with W/D. on shuttle, $525/mo. 696-
4384 or 764-0704.
Roomy 1 bedroom apartment for summer. Near ASM
New carpet and appliances $365/mo. Call 764-8414.
Roomy Ibdrm apartment for summer near ASM new
carpet and appliances $365/mo. Call 764-8414
3/2 four-plex, College Station - garage, shuttle, water paid
$570 693-0551, 764-8051.
Rooms For Rent: Fully furnished: All bills paid, close to
campus: Short term leases. Call Greg 693-1899
2 /I 1/2,4-plex, washer/dryer, yard. C.S . shuttle, water
paid, near ASM $425-$450 693-0551, 764-8051
FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments, 3 1/2
miles from ASM. Semester lease okay 822-0472.
SENIOR CADETS: Get your Corps boots polished
FREE! Help me pay off a bet to an ASM grad. In town 4/
18-19. Call collect 212-222-6036 to schedule.
Hugs and kisses await your newborn. We re a happily
married financially secure family with one child. Medical
S legal expenses paid Please call collect John '76 and
Cindy (713) 347-2640
Business Opportunity
EARN $500+ weekly stuffing envelopes at home. Send
longSASE: Country Living Shoppers. Dept. E17, 14415-
E Greenwell Springs Rd. Suite 318, Groenwell Springs.
LA 70739.
DJ MUSIC!!! Weddings, Parties, Spring Special $25 off
Steve Tunnell 596-2582 or toll free 1-800-303-2582.
Disc Jockey for all occasions. Affordable, experienced.
Jason Bailey 696-0302.
Lost & Found
Found one knife Call 845-0348 and ask for T.
Order your copy of a
Texas A&M tradition
when you register
for fall classes
Aggieland is the nation's largest college
yearbook, both in the number of pages
and number of copies sold each year.
Select fee option 16
Only $25, phis tax
Page 6
The Battalion
Wednesday, April 14,1993
J 993 Pulitzer Winners
The prizes announced Tuesday
marked the 77th time the Pultizers have
been awarded.
•Spot news reporting: awarded to the
Los Angeles Times for coverage under
deadline pressure of the second and
most destructive day of last year's Los
Angeles riots.
•Public service gold medal: The
Miami Herald won for its coverage of
Hurricane Andrew's devastation.
•Explanatory journalism: Mike Toner
of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for
“When Bugs Bite Back,” a series on the
diminishing effectiveness of antibiotics
and pesticides.
•Beat reporting: Paul Ingrassia and
Joseph B. White of The Wall Street
Journal won the for their coverage of
management turmoil at General Motors.
•National reporting: awarded to David
Maraniss of The Washington Post for
articles on the life and political record of
candidate Bill Clinton.
•International reporting: to John F.
Burns of The New York Times for his
coverage of the destruction of Sarajevo
and atrocities in the war in Bosnia-
Herzegovina; and to Roy Gutman of
Newsday for reporting that disclosed
atrocities and human rights violations in
Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
•Investigative reporting: Jeff Brazil
and Steve Berry of The Orlando
Sentinel won the for exposing the
unjust seizure of millions of dollars from
motorists by a sheriffs drug squad.
•Feature reporting: George Lardner Jr.
of The Washington Post won the prize
for his examination of his daughter’s
murder by a man who slipped through
the criminal justice system. Liz
Balmaseda of The Miami Herald won
the commentary prize for her reports
about turmoil in Haiti and about Cuban-
Americans in Miami.
•Criticism: Michael Dirda of The
Washington Post for his book reviews.
•Editorial cartooning: Stephen R.
Benson of The Arizona Republic.
•Photography, the spot news prize
went to Ken Geiger and William Snyder
of The Dallas Morning News for
photographs of the Summer Olympics
in Barcelona. The staff of The
Associated Press won the feature prize
for images of the 1992 presidential
•Editorial writing: The board that
awards the Pulitzers gave no prize this
year in this category. It was the seventh
time that no prize was awarded in that
•Biography: David McCullough for
•Fiction: “A Good Scent from a
Strange Mountain," by Robert Olen
•Drama: Tony Kushner won for “Angels
in America: Millennium Approaches. 1 '
•General non-fiction: Garry Wills
received the Pulitzer for for "Lincoln at
•Poetry: The award went to Louise
Gluck for "The Wild Irish."
•History: ‘‘The Radicalism of the
American Revolution" by Gordon S.
Wood won.
•Music: The award went to "Trombone
Concerto" by Christopher Rouse.
News Briefs
Worker's death
due to safety belt
broken safety belt is being
blamed for the death of a worker
who fell from a television tower,
police say.
Mike Sanchez, 28, of San An
tonio was killed instantly Mon
day morning when he fell 70 feet
from the tower at independent
television station KDF, said po
lice Sgt. J.K. Granger.
Sanchez was changing a light
bulb on a sign on the TV tower
when he fell. Granger said.
The self-employed worker
was subcontractedf by Corpus
Signs and Lighting to work on
the KDF sign. An autopsy was
being conducted by the Nueces
County medical examiner's of
fice, officials said.
Officials alarmed
at witness’ death
eral officials say they're alarmed
by the shooting deaths last week
of witnesses who had testified
against hitmen in a Mexican
drug gang.
Both Norberto Hernandez
Paz, 25, and Armando Barrera,
28, had declined offers to join
the federal witness protection
program, law enforcement
sources told The Brownsville
Hernandez was found dead
Friday evening by the Rio
Grande. Barrera’s body was dis
covered Thursday morning in a
residential area southeast of
Both men had testified in the
murder trials of two hitmen in
the Juan Garcia Abrego drug
"Their deaths deeply concern
us," said FBI agent Wayne
Smith. "We have no reason to
believe any other witnesses are
being sought. However, we have
taken steps to inform other wit
nesses of what has happened."
Garcia Abrego, 47, whose op-
erations are based across the
border from Brownsville in
Matarnoros, Mexico, has been in
dicted in the United States on
131 counts of drug trafficking
and money laundering. He also
is wanted m Mexico.
Astronauts find
precious data
(AP) -~ Discovery's astronauts
captured a small shiny satellite
loaded with precious solar data
Tuesday, two days after setting
it free to study the sun's flaming
The shuttle zDomed to within
35 feet of the Spartan satellite as
the two spacecraft sped over the
South Pacific. Astronaut Ellen
Ochoa grabbed the satellite with
the ship's robot arm and gently
nudged the craft into its cradle
in the cargo bay.
"Great work, Ellen," said
Mission Control's Kevin Chilton,
"There are a lot of smiles in the
room down here. Congratula
tions on a fantastic rendezvous
and grapple."
The $6 million satellite ~~
about the size of a large air con
ditioner and weighing 2,800
B ounds — was released from
'iscovery on Sunday. Scientists
in charge of Spartan's two tele
scopes wanted an orbital plat
form free of shuttle contamina
tion and bumps for viewing the
sun's corona and solar wind.
All those readings would
have been lost if the astronauts
had not retrieved Spartan.
Jurors screened
for bus crash trial
judge and attorneys began
screening jurors Tuesday for the
criminal trial of the trucker
blamed for an accident that sent
a school bus plunging into a
roadside pit, killing 21 children.
Ruben Perez, 28, who is
charged with 21 counts of invol
untary manslaughter, sat impas
sively as 390th District Judge Fi~
dencio M. Guerra Jr. asked the
pool of 200 jury candidates
whether they had seen newspa
pers or TV accounts of the Sep
tember 1989 accident.
Virtually all raised their
Perez is accused of running a
stop sign and colliding with the
Mission Independent School
District bus, which careened into
a flooded caliche pit in Alton,
Nineteen students drowned and
two others died later at hospi
Sixty students were injured,
Two carnival
workers killed
DALLAS (AP) - Two carni
val workers were killed Tuesday
afternoon when a cable snapped
while they were trying to erect a
Ferris wheel, officials said.
Another worker was taken to
Baylor Medical Center with a se
rious foot injury, said Carolyn
Garcia, Dallas Fire Department
"It appears that the cable
broke as they were setting the
Ferris wheel up," Garcia said.
Women, children
flee from Bosnia
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herze
govina (AP) — Hundreds of
women and children jammed
trucks Tuesday to flee the mis
ery of Srebrenica, where Serb
shelling killed at least 56 people
a day earlier.
Of the 650 people who ar
rived in government-held Tuzla
hours later, 47 were hospitalized
with various wounds, officials of
the U.N. High Commissioner for
Refugees reported.
Robert Johansson, a Swede
who drove one of the trucks,
said the convoy was stoned by
bystanders when it passed Serb-
held Zvornik.
The refugees were protected
by tarpaulin covering on the
trucks, he said.
Sarajevo radio reported late
Tuesday that the eastern and
northern frontlines in the Sre
brenica area were being heavily
shelled with mortars and multi
ple rocket launchers.
Those who perished Monday
in Srebrenica included 15 chil
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