The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1993, Image 5
Wednesday, April 14,1993 The Battalion Page 5 Tubularman By Boomer Cardinal© "k” By Clay Welch CheeseSalad by |e££ crone MSC Continued from Page 1 for Student Services, said choosing whether to follow a tra dition is up to the student. "I disagree with people fussing and complaining about people not following traditions," Kolduns said. "It < S'4fraicUtion. Mstriot a law. "People can do what they want to do," Koldus said. Jim Reynolds, director of the MSC, said the MSC has attempted to represent minorities better. "Among Aggies that received the Congressional Medal of Hon or, there were no minorities," he said. "So a student suggested an art exhibit identifying all of the Congressional Medal of Honor winners." Reynolds said the MSC has not been able to obtain this exhibit. but will continue to try to repre sent minorities at the MSC. "In the meantime, we will be looking for other exhibits," he said. "We are always searching for exhibits to represent minori ties." Efforts to represent minorities at the MSC are valuable, but Koldus said other alternatives should be pursued. "I personally feel we should educate people on traditions and attempt to explain why we have them," Koldus said. Carreathers said the Universi ty's effort to increase diversity should focus on the entire Univer sity instead of one object to com memorate minorities. "When we talk about being a diverse campus, this should per meate throughout the entire cam pus," Carreathers said. Gourrier said putting up some thing to represent minorities who "I personally feel we should educate people on traditions and at tempt to explain why we have them." -Dr. John ]. Koldus died in waps may help, "but if yo‘u want to take off your haf at the MSC, it's your business." Carreathers said traditions mean different things to different people. "Minorities may see a tradition differently than white students," he said. "Black males wear hats all the time now." "When we decided to accept a diverse group of students into this University, we had to accept theit* attitudes and personalities as well," Carreathers said. Paid Political Advertisement Because the \ community is everyone’s business ... Almost everyone agrees that economic development is crucial to the strength of pur community. David Hickson knows the importance of attracting new business and promoting the expansion of existing ones. By reviewing the existing vision for growth, Hickson believes the city can develop a solid founda tion for the future and improve on the high quality of life associated with College Station. ■V , ; , y ,,.p f -A V And so is the future. jk*J David | HICKSON U College Station Councilmember Place #5 * President and Co-Founder, CIC Agency, Inc. • Former Market ing Director, Union Carbide Corporation • Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1987 • Member, B/CS Chamber of Commerce i n.'iard of Directors, 1991 • Vice-President of Membership, B/CS Chamber of Commerce, a 992 * Member, Diplomatic Corps, Texas A&M University-B/CS Council • Obtained B.S., M.S., Ph.D. from Texas A&M University • Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, 1992 • Lifelong resident, College Station Paid for by The Committee Tb Elect David Hickson. Andrea Derrig, Treasurer, 1209 Haddox Court, College Station, TX 77845. Go to Al's Formal Wear for your Ring Dance Tuxedos Al's has the greatest looks for every parly. We carry 40 new tuxedo styles and an assortment of coordinating accessories from top designers. Al's never runs out of tuxedos! We can fit you and your friends perfectly, in any number, in your style. Ask about our A&M Group Discounts. ■ ¥A\s 10~ off your Ring Dance Tuxedo Rental with this ad. Al's has plenty of the latest tuxedo styles ready for rental. No lame excuses or waiting! NO OTHER DISCOUNTS OR PROMOTIONS APPLY. OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 24. 1993 AND IS EFFECTIVE ON RENTALS STARTING AT $44.95. 1100 Harvey Rd. next to Post Oak Mall FORMAL WEAR 693-0947 ill m GATHRIGHT AWARDS AND BUCK WEIRUS SPIRIT AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT AND PRESENTATION 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY APRIL 18, RUDDER AUDITORIUM All applicants should attend! • Can't tell Bach from Bartok? • Does it all sound the same to you? • Want to learn more about this arts stuff? OPAS 101 TOPIC: THE ORCHESTRA CONCERT “A straight-forward, down-to-earth discussion . It will help you enjoy and appreciate the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-fields concert with guitarist Christopher Barkening. I impressed the HELL outta Rochelle! Two thumbs up!" - Rock, the good cultured Ag a lecture by Dr. Alan Houtchens, TAMU Music Faculty J.L lecture & Wednesday, April 14,1 MSC Hagroom, 7:00 P.M. FREE Admission presented by MSC OPAS Audience Education and Development one of 2 pairs of tickets for the 7 'V MSC OPAS . yXf presentation of the Academy of St. Martin > -in-the-fields orchestra ^ Thursday, April 15 @ 8 PM ^ Rudder Auditorium