The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1993, Image 2
Campus Page 2 The Battalion Wednesday, April 14,1993 Republican enters Tom Spink criticizes Clinton's plan, says health reform threatens freedom crowded U.S. Senate race JOHN BA R TRAM/TUe Battalion Republican senatorial candidate Tom Spink and Underground foodcourt Monday. Bob Krueger son Sam Spink discuss campaign details in the presently is the interim senator. By JEFF GOSMANO The Battalion Tom Spink, a Republican run ning for U.S. Senate, said on Monday he decided to enter the special election because he op poses President Clinton's pro posed national health care plan. Spink, an independent insur ance broker, said although other candidates are stressing a broad range of issues, his focus will re main on attacking Clinton's health care plan. "I'm saying this is the main is sue to keep our free society," he said. "The issue of socialized med icine is the very essence of losing our free soci ety." Spink is vying for the Senate seat vacated by Lloyd Bentsen, now secretary of treasury for the Clinton administration. He said if the government be gins giving away medical cover age, Americans may eventually start to believe that "everybody deserves free everything." Not only will health care re form fail to eliminate the budget deficit, Spink said it will also de crease the quality of health care in the U.S. Patients will have to wait in longer lines for inferior health care, he said. The health care system should not be blamed for the budget deficit, Spink said, and he be lieves he is the only candidate who understands how the med ical and insurance companies in teract. "I'm the only friend of medicine in this campaign," he said. "Doctors are our biggest ally, they're not our enemy." He said litiga tion should be blamed for in creasing costs be cause it "under cuts" both the medical and in surance indus tries. Spink also said he opposes any new taxes. Taxpayers should not have to pay any new taxes until they see a freeze on government spending and more sacrifice from elected officials, he said. "They're saying Americans should sacrifice while they are passing themselves pay raises," he said. He said the best way to elimi nate the deficit is to cut govern ment spending. "We need to balance the bud get and not start any new pro grams," he said. Sam Spink, a junior computer science major at Texas A&M Uni versity, said he is helping out his fathers campaign efforts in Bryan-College Station. "I'm helping out locally," Sam Spink said. "I've been handing out bumper stickers and pam phlets and trying to help out whenever I can." While most candidates use the electronic media to get their mes sage to the voters, Spink travels "city to city in a three-cylinder Diahatsu" speaking with small business owners and local lead ers. Because 24 candidates have entered the special election, a runoff between the top two can didates may be necessary, Spink said. For Spink to get enough votes to enter the runoff election, he said he is "counting on a big split-vote between the big names in the race." A&M Regents support funds for education The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents adopted a resolution Tuesday favoring two bills before the Texas Senate supporting the need for commu nity education services. Through the resolution, the board affirmed its support for Senate Bill 993, which calls for the establishment and funding of community education develop ment projects, and for Senate Bill 994, which establishes community education child care services. According to the resolution, the bills support the "critical need for community services, skills de velopment, school dropout pre vention programs, continuing ed ucation and training, special needs education, health services, child care services and other so cial services provided at the neighborhood level for citizens of all ages." Regents Vice Chairman RaulB Fernandez of San Antonio intro duced the resolution and said community education is the key to facing Texas' challenges. "Through his resolution, the board can show its support to community education entities in their efforts to obtain funding for these important programs, he said. If passed, the bills would add to the definition of eligible expen- ditures from the Foundation School Fund and create access to funding for developmental pro jects in community education. The bills are sponsored by Sen Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound. "The issue of socialized medicine is the very essence of losing our free society." - Tom Spink, Republican U.S. Senate candidate TCA Cable viewers to watch broadcast of U.S. Senate candidate forum By GINA HOWARD The Battalion Local cable customers have an opportunity to see a live forum tonight between U. S. Senate special election candidates in Decision '93 Forum. The forum will be broadcast live at 8 p.m. on TCA Cable channel 17 from Trinity University in San An tonio. Randy Rogers, TCA general manager, said the company is airing the program's a public service for the community. "We were offered the program last week, and we felt like it would be of great interest," Rogers said. Jeannie Kipp, TCA marketing manager, said spe cific candidates participating had not been con firmed. ..j ,, Representatives from the San Antonio Express ly L . ■ - News, the Dallas Morning News, the Houston Chronicle and students from Trinity University will question the candidates in a panel format. The program will air nationally on C-Span II, and it is sponsored by C-Span, dhft--£ablq,Satellite Public Affairs Network and ParagQ¥*,C$ble ig Sdn Antonio. •• *r :uod 3u:»>ifc u.- >T! Mil Call: 847-8478 mm An MSC Student Programs Committee “IF YOU LIKED ‘A ROOM WITH A VIEW’ AND ‘HOWARDS END’, YOU’LL LOVE ‘ENCHANTED APRIL’!” -Jeff Craig, SIXTY SECOND PREVIEW EnCIHLAJNTJTEX} ^^p]RJLL A film by Mike Newell O 1992 Miramax Films all rights reserved. Thursday - April 15th 7:00 & 9:30 Admission is $2.50. Film will be presented in Rudder Theatre Complex. It’s not too late to join The Film Society of Texas A&M! General Committee meetings are Monday at 7PM. Turmoil in India T^^Join m for a moderated discussion concerning the recent conflict between factions of Hindus and Muslims Wednesday, April 14,1993 7:00 p.m. in 510 Rudder Presented by the MSC L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness For more information please contact the Jordan Institute office at 845-8770 r OFF CAMPUS AGGIES ==i\ mT APPLICATIONS FOR DIRECTOR POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE Director Positions Open: Special Projects External Affairs Public Relations Community Service Social Affairs Membership Spirit & Traditions Multicultural Education Fundraising ■ I Co Dead Ik Ul-Lnrr Pick up applications in SSB office 130 Deadline: Monday, April 19, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. For more information call: Fred Moore at 845-0688 or 823-6517 p.m. Class of 19931? Class Gift Voting!! flpril 12-16 “Tables in ST5C and Blocker Sorority Soring Rash Forum All freshman and sophomore girls planning to go through Fall Rush 1993 are invited! -e, z- h © / ^ a x & A Tradition of Excellence ★ ApriC 14, 1993 ★ 6:00 - 9:00 open Rouse ★ Casual (Cress ★ Student Services (Building (Rms. 110 and 111 The Battalion STEVE O'BRIEN, Editor in Chief JASON LOUGHMAN, Managing Editor STACY FEDUCIA, Opinion Editor KYLE BURNETT, News Editor DAVE THOMAS, News Editor TODD STONE, City Editor DON NORWOOD, Sports Editor SUSAN OWEN, Lifestyles Editor DARRIN HILL, Photo Editor Staff Members City desk — Mark Evans, Cheryl Heller, Juli Phillips, Jennifer Smith, Gina Howard, Stephanie Pattillo, Robin Roach, Jeff Gosmano, Jason Cox, Kevin Lindstrom, Mary Kujawa and Shelia Vela News desk — Belinda Blancarte, Lisa Borrego, Carey Eagan, Lance Holmes, Elizabeth Lowe, Jennifer Mentlik, Ravae Villafranca and Heather Winch Photographers — Kevin Ivy, Robert J. Reed, Billy Moran, Joseph Greenslade, Richard Dixon, Craig Fox, John W. Bartram, Nicole Rhorman and Mark Ybarra Lifestyles — Anas Ben-Musa, Dena Dizdar, Melissa Holubec and Jenny Magee Sports writers — William Harrison, Michael Plumer, Matt Rush and David Winder Columnists — Julie Ralston, Toni Garrard Clay, Matthew Dickerson, Chris Whitley, Robert Vasquez, Rich Henderson, Dave Brooks, John Scroggs and Janet Holder Cartoonists — Thomas Deeny, George Nasr, Clay Welch, Boomer Cardinale and Jeff Crone Graphic Artist - Jennifer Petteway Clerks- Julie Chelkowski, Darra Dees, Wren Eversberg, Carrie Miura and Mary Beth Novak The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Mondav through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student ' ' 1 ~ ' ' " ' R • • ■ - ..... i. Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices are in 01 3 Reed McDonald Building. , is 8 45-; - Newsroom phone number i -3313. Fax: 845-2647. Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, coll 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-5408. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611. prt wh tur ani ha: "ri siti wil res mo pla ma