The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1993, Image 5
r il8, IS!; I an r —fcfl DeVito yed life lm that; arancej of "tb-1 choice powerr. x Whs j ind ]aci it brooc- the pa: emorie )lopsa: into hi: iade tc his fa e movii 's. tein a:.: becaia hesece ig that s th of ho the chi: k'ing tit! unent: : prese:: relate! becauii heir sto «rson:. at somi is necee rtant. encoui' entet ere uiv las thei atter of he said :o brinj $5 y- jae. i- :s at 3 =r Thursday, April 8,1993 The Battalion Page 5 Campus News Briefs Easter Party features food, games. Bunny The annual MSC Hospitality Easter Party begins Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Hensel Park - Area 2. The event will feature food and games, and the Easter Bunny will make a special ap pearance. MSC Hospitality is a Texas A&M Universi ty non-profit student organization. A&M professor receives international recognition Alex Mintz, Texas A&M political science professor, has received the International Studies Association's Karl W. Deutsch Award. The award is given to the best internation al relations scholar under the age of 40 in a world-wide competition. It recognizes scholars who have made the most significant contribution to the study of international relations through a body of pub lications. The World Academy of Art and Science es tablished the award in 1981. In the past three years, it was given to top scholars from the University of Chicago, Co lumbia University and the University of Southern California. Former success sparks third recycling event A third Recycling Day will be held Satur day to salvage recyclable materials at the Bra zos Valley Landfill from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Recycling Day was scheduled follow ing the success of the Jan. 30 Recycling Day in which 46,000 pounds of recyclable materials, representing 1,200 cubic yards of landfill space saved. Materials to be recycled at Saturday's event include all major appliances, latex and water based paints, auto batteries, all tires, in ner tubes, rubber scrap/aluminum cans and scrap, plastic milk jugs, pop bottles, newspa pers, lawn movers, water heaters, scrap met al, glass bottles and jars, stereo components, speakers, hard back books and oil-based paints. A&M Real Estate Center appoints new director James W. Christian will become director of the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M Univer sity on May 1. He replaces Richard L. Floyd, who was named Texas A&M's associate vice president for finance and administration. An internationally known economist with extensive professional experience in housing and finance, Christian will lead the nation's largest publicly funded real estate research organization. On Routine Cleaning, X-Rays and Exam (Regularly $76, With Coupon $44) Payment must he made at time of service. BRYAN Jim Arcnts, DDS Karen Arcnts, DDS 1103 Villa Maria 268-1407 COLLEGE STAT ION Dan Lawson, DDS Paul Haines, DDS Roxanc Mlcak, DDS Texas Ave. at SW Pkwy CarePlus-<JtatT DENTAL CENTERS | EXP. 05-15-93 i Discover the Real Mexican Food in a friendly home like setting fyfi Cocina Restaurant ‘RjaC ‘Mexican c f ooct ToCCy Munoz Martinez Owner 1411 San J acini o •'Bryan'IX •(409) 779 1411 Complete Meals for $2.99 M-F 9am-2pm Evening Specials T-F 5pm-9pm C & C Crawfish Farm Live, purged, farm raised crawfish Call and order NOW! 589-2065 Sore Throat? Minority Continued from Page 2 scholarship for freshmen. The school districts agree to meet this amount which makes up the loan program. The recipients of the award pay back the funds by teaching at one of its schools following their certification at one of A&M^ teacher education pro grams. "The school district benefits from this program by increasing the number of minority teachers, James said, "and the student bene fits by receiving a grant to go to school and hopefully give back to an area of critical need (educa tion)." If the student does not teach at the school district, he or she must repay the amount awarded from the school district. Funds received from Texas A&M do not have to be paid back. Cathy Garcia, sophomore jour nalism major, is a recipient of the award and said thg program was a good idea because’tH&tt ai'evtoo 1 few mlnorltfegjlh a good encodbjSd minorities to go into teaching, she shid. The 10 school districts partici pating, in. the program include Bryan, College Station, Conroe, Dallas, Katy, Northside (San Anto nio), Pharr-San Juan-Alamo, Richardson, San Marcos and Spring Branch Independent School Districts. This program represents one of the College of Education'^, minpri- ty student services' many efforts to increase minority teachers, James said. , -r i p , What's Up Thursday Math Preparation for the GRE: April 8 from 7 p.m.-8 p.m. in 242 Blocker. This is a free course designed to help students improve their math scores on the GRE general test. Register in advance in Block er 241. Call the Center for Academic En hancement at 845-2724 for more infor mation. Hughes Hall Culture on the Beach: Buy tickets today to this all-you-can-eat lunen Parent's Weekend. Tickets can be pur chased outside Hughes Hall from 4 p.m.-7 p.m. for $4.50 a person. Call Suzanne at 847-2309. Eta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering Honor Society: Happy Hour at Denim and Diamonds 8 p.m. The Touchstone - Free Progressive/Left Journal: General meeting for everyone at the M&M Grill (209 University) at 7p.m. tonight. Call Shawn at 846-5545 or Dan ny at 696-3979 for more information. Brazos Valley Herpetological Society Meeting: Lecture on the "Lire History ana Ecology of the Cocho Water Snake" given by Martin Whiting. Starts at 7 p.m. tonight in Mark Francis Room of the Col lege of Veterinary Medicine. Call Nick Millichamp 845-2351. Lutheran Student Fellowship: Singing, scripture, study, and supper at 5 p.m. Sunday night at the University Lutheran Chapel. Call Kristin at 846-6687 for more information. Gay and Lesbian Student Services: Speaker Lori Thomas will speak on "Racial Tensions in the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community" tonight at 7 p.m. in 401 Rud der. Ca|l the Gayline at 847-0321. Pre-dental Society: Dr. Lynch will be the visiting speaker from the UT Dental Branch Houston and will then be at the Hall to join us for dancing. Meeting starts at 7 p.m. in 206 MSC. Call Kathy at 823- 7585 for more information. Special Olympics: Volunteer registration tables are open in the MSC from 10 p.m.- 2 p.m. Friday. Call Trish at 862-2525. Dept, of Modern & Classical Languages: Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony from 1:50 - 2:50 in 206 MSC. Free admission. Call Dr. Yukiko Sasaki at 845-2108 for more information. Career Options Seminar: In this session, participants will learn creative approaches For gaining exposure to careers and em ployers. Seminar begins at 4 p.m. in 1 10 of the Student Services Bldg. Call the Ca reer Center at 845-51 39. Alchoholics Anonymous: Meeting today at noon. Call The CDPE: The Rainbow Center at 845-0280 for more information. Al-Anon: General discussion from 1 2 p.m, to 1 p.m. in the CDPE: The Rainbow Cen ter today. Call 845-0280, The Navigators: Christian Fellowship Rally at 8 p.m. in Lounge D. Call 846-0686 for more information. Muslim Students' Association: Free Video film: "Bosnia The Untold Stories," a docu mentary film on the real situations in Bosnia from 7 p.m. p.m.-8 p.m. in 102 Blocker. Call Agus Rohuat at 846-4786 for more information. Friday Hughes Hall: Come purchase tickets for Hughes Hall Culture on the Beach. Tickets will be on sale today from 4 p.m.-7 p.m. If you need to feed your parents lunch on Saturday, Apr. 17 (Parent's Weekend) this is for you. The lunch will consist of all you can eat Fajitas for only $4.50 per person. You will also be entertained by different cultural groups. KANM 99.9 FM Cable: "Big Blast from the Maroon Bayou," weekly Cajun music and Zydeco radio program. Tune in on 99.9 on the FM cable dial on today from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. For more information, call the KANM request line. A production crew meeting will take place tonight at 7 p.m. in room 153 of the SSB. Meeting with Construction crew to build new production room. Definitive equip ment list to be made. For more informa tion, contact John (Production Director - 693-5245). Alcoholics Anonymous: A general discus sion will be held in the Rainbow Center (CDPE) today from 12:30-1:30 p.m. For more information, call the CDPE (845- 0280). Muslim Students' Association: We invite all the Muslims and those interested to know about Islam to attend the Friday prayer and Islamic lecture. Meet today From 12:50-1:30 p.m. in room 1 10 ana 1 1 1 of the SSB. For more information, call Agus Rohmat (846-4786). What's Up is a Battalion service which lists non-Profit events and activities. Items for What's Up should he submitted to The Battalion, 013 Reed Mcdonald, no later than three days before the desired run date. Application deadlines and no tices are not events and wilt not run in What's Up. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. C&W DANCE LESSONS BEGINNING; LEARN THE BAS1CS-2-STEP, POLKA, WALTZ, & TURNS. DATES/TIMES: APRIL II, 18, 25, & MAY 2/8:50-10:00. APRIL 15, 20, 27. &iMAY 4 fou'timei’ * INTERMEDIATE; BEYOND THE BASlCS-LEAftN INDIVIDUAL TURNS, PROMENADE, LARIAT, THE EL PASO, JITTERBUG & MORE r DATES/TIMES: APRIL 14, 2J, 28 & ^AY Sica^lfor time;. ADVANCED; A DP MORE VARIATIONS. WHILE KEEPING STEP. I LEARN THE WHIP, IXTNNA, PRETZEL, SPINS, & MORE. DATES/TIMES: APRIL 15, !22, 29, & MAY 6 (Cau.fortimri CLASSESMEETATJAZZERCISE $20/STUDENT - $ 2 2fNON-STUDENT CLASSES TA*UGHT BY DURANGO COUNTRY DANCING * 846*7023 * TEXAS HALL OF FAME Your #1 Live Country Night Spot! Thurs. Night - $3 cover. 1 <£ wcll/winc drinks 8-11. 75<f Longnecks, $2.00 pitchers 8-11. Doors open at 8. Dance 9-1. Music by Special F/X. Fri. Night - $5 cover. 25<P bar drinks & draft beer 8-11. Doors open at 8. Dance 9-1. Music by Johnny Lyons &C the Country New Notes. Sat. Night - $4 cover. Single shot bar drinks, margaritas, and longnecks $1.50. Doors open at 8. Dance 9-1. Music; by Ken Ryan & CrossOver. April 16th: Collin Raye Show &: Dance Rothers VIP Cards accepted 822-2222 2309 FM 2818 South SEASON FINALE Academy of St-Martin-in-the-Fields Christopher Parkening, Guitarist Tickets may be purchased by calling the MSC Box Office located in Rudder Tower. 845-1234 Christopher Parkening has been astounding capacity crowds from New York to Tokyo with his musical brilliance. Don’t rrjiss this ‘v Grammy-nominated classical soloist,- as he closes our 20th reason in a . one-of-a-kind performance-wijh the* ^ .. {-h v f C . ' world renowned chamber orchestra, under the direction of Iqna Brown. 50% OFF Tickets for A&M Students and their parents. Cull the MSC Box Office for more details. We are looking for individuals 18 years of age or older with sore throats to participate in a 2 hour research study involving an oral rinse or spray for the relief of sore throat. Patients who complete the study successfully will be compensated $40. BioLogica Research Group, Inc. 776-0400 BioLogica Researcli Group, Inc. Pharmaceutical Research at Its Best Ongoing research studies with cash incentives include: Sinusitis Skin Infection Impetigo Sore Throat Allergy Asthma Ulcer FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 776-0400 See our full ads in Tuesday’s edition /■ Want to maximize your performance on the LSAT? Learn exactly what the test covers and effective test-taking strategies from the company that knows the test makers best. Classes are starting right now. Call 696-3196. KAPLAN The answer to the test question.