The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1993, Image 6

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    Page 6
The Battalion
Wednesday, March 31,1993
Contined from Page 5
hit his third homer of the season.
Claybrook followed with a single
and stole second. After Harlan
struck, Harris became the bene
factor of a gift courtesy of Crusad
er first baseman Larry Fry.
Harris hit a ball down the first
base line, which Fry turned into a
two base error, allowing Clay-
brook to score. Harris was able to
jog home after Thomas hit his
sixth home run of the season, giv
ing A&M a 4-1 lead.
“The homer was pretty high
when it went over the fence and it
is nice to get the four RBI's like I
did," Thomas said.
The Aggies kept the onslaught
going in the fourth inning by bat
ting around the lineup.
Lewis got his first of two sin
gles to start off the inning. Curl
walked, and scored along with
Lewis when Gonzalez tripled.
Minor and Claybrook both got
free passes to first, which loaded
the bases.
Harlan hit a ground ball to
third baseman Chris Wiggins,
who forced Gonzalez at the plate.
Harris then hit a sacrifice fly, scor
ing Minor.
Thomas drove in Harlan and
Claybrook with a single, and
Thomas scored when third base-
man Lee Fedora reached on an er
ror. Lewis finished off the scoring
by driving in Fedora.
Claybrook said he thinks he
knows why A&M has been hit
ting the ball so well.
“Our lineup is so balanced," he
said. "We don't have a weak bat
ter throughout the whole lineup.'
I am hitting ninth and most peo
ple would think that is where a
weak hitter would be hitting.
"I enjoy hitting ninth because I
have been getting the pitches I
A&M starting pitcher Kelly
Wunsch registered the win, im
proving his record to 4-0. After a
rough start, during which he
walked four batters in the first in
ning, Wunsch struck out six con
secutive batters. Overall, he had
nine whiffs in four innings of
"Kelly has had a bad back
which kind of showed in the first
inning," Johnson said. "We want
ed him to find a groove which he
did. I thought he threw the best
40 pitches in a row that he has all
"He got in a zone and was able
to turn the corner."
DARRIN HILL/The Battalion
Outfielder Brian Thomas slides into third against Mary Hardin Baylor
Continued from Page 5
claiming he lost all respect for
South after he drove by
South's house only to see
South planting and fertilizing
poison ivy in his own front
South, the banquet's master
of ceremonies, commented on
the impressive parity in
A&M s closing statistics versus
the season's 19 opposing
South mentioned that A&M
tied in rebounding with their
opponents with an average of
34 per game. He cited the av
erage scoring difference
against A&M or 71.6 to 68.7, a
commentary on a season of
close games.
In regarding Barone, Buon-
aguro and Moser, South of
fered the same treatment he
had recieved from the coaches
early and often all night.
“Tony - number one,
you've got my pen, and I want
it backy South said.
"To Porter and to Mitch; ot
all the coaches I've ever
known, you're two of them."
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Crews was
legally drunk
officials say
ORLANDO— Cleveland Indi
ans pitcher Tim Crews was legal-
ly drunk when the boat he was
driving rammed into a dock,
killing Crews and pitcher Steve
Olin, and injuring teammate Bob
Ojeda, investigators said Tues
Crews had a blood alcohol
content of 0.14, which is over the
legal guideline of 0.10, and was
considered legally drunk, said
Col. Bob Edwards, of the Florida
Game and Fresh Water Fish
Commission. But Edwards said
no criminal charges will be filed
in the March 22 accident.
Both Olin and Ojeda, who
were enjoying a day at Crews
lakefront home, were well under
the legal limit and were not dri
Olin's blood alcohol content
was 0.02 percent and Ojeda's was
0.006 percent, Edwards said. The
three had attended a barbecue at
Crews house before going out for
a late-night boat ride.
Edwards said the completed
investigative findings had been
presented to Lake County State
attorney Brad King, who re
viewed them and agreed not to
pursue any criminal charges. *
Cleveland Indians spokesman
Bob DiBiasio, who was at the
news conference, said: "The find
ings of these levels is insignifi
cant compared to the loss' V suf
fered by the families of the play
He said the club could not
take exception to such findings
because the investigators were
doing their job and "you can't
question their work."
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