The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1993, Image 8

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    Page 8
The Battalion
Tuesday, March 30,1993
Junior yell leader
#1 Chris
Howdy Ags!
My name is Chris Thompson
and I am a junior industrial engi
neering and history major.
My main focus for the '93-'94
school year for RHA is to promote
awareness of the organization and
there are four reasons why I will be
the best man for the job:
(1) Motivation - I have the de
sire, energy, and determination
necessary to lift RHA to its proper
level on campus, and to imple
ment programs that will be benefi
cial to all Aggies, (2) Experience -1
have three years of hall council ex
perience in T.O. Walton Hall in
cluding serving as a Yellow Pot,
hall president, and I have a year of
direct RHA experience, (3) Lead
ership - I am actively involved in
many campus organizations that
have given me the proper skills to
professionally and effectively lead
a group as important as RHA, and
(4) Character - a good friend of
mine always calls me by a particu
lar name: Fightin' Texas Aggie Pee
Wee; this means a great deal to me
because I feel that someone who is
in a position to represent the stu
dent body should be a Good Ag'.
I will be this kind of president
for you. The RHA president
works for you - so put me to
work. #1 on the ballot is #1 for the
job. Please vote Chris "Pee Wee"
Thompson for RHA President.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
^2 Mark
My name is Mark Freeman
and I am a Class of '94 education
major from Hondo, who would
like to be your next Residence
Hall Association president.
I have two and one-half years
of active RHA experience as a
former Ramp Representative,
Walton Hall Council secretary
and FLIP adviser.
Currently, I am a member of
the RHA Board of Directors
where I am serving as the direc
tor of facilities and operations
As the F&O director I have
accomplished several objectives
to help improve on-campus life.
Most importantly, I wrote the
proposal requesting a one-hour
weekday visitation extension, I
helped get the university-sup
plied recycling containers for
each hall, and I helped prevent
lofts from being outlawed.
I have always given 100 per
cent .to RF1A for my fellow stu
dents and will continue to do so
as RHA president.
I would appreciate your vote
and support so that I can put my
experience, desire and proven
leadership to work for you.
Howdy Ags!
My name is Chip Breier and I
am running for the position of
Residence Hall Association presi
I am a Class of '95 Mechanical
Engineer currently living in Wells
Hall. I am the current treasurer for
the Residence Hall Association. 1
worked closely with this year's
president and other officers.
For my involvement in the '91-
'92 year, I was awarded Most Out
standing General Committee
I believe my experience in the
RHA would be of great benefit if I
were elected president.
If elected president, there are
several things I would like to see
accomplished. I would like to see
the RHA put on bigger events that
could be enjoyed by many resi
dents; things like dances, holiday
parties and tournaments between
Visitation is another thing that I
would like to see worked on. I feel
a solution to past problems with
extending visitation can be
Dedication, organization and a
desire to serve the residence hall
residents are traits I feel the RHA
president mus\ have. I possess
these traits.
Remember Chip Breier on elec
tion day.
My name is David Bowles, and
I am currently serving on the Resi
dence Hall Association Executive
Board as RHA secretary.
This year we have accom
plished more than I ever expected
we would, including being named
the "School of the Year." I want to
see this tradition continue. I want
you to consider three areas: expe
rience, leadership and dedication.
My experience as RHA secre
tary has allowed me to further de
velop my leadership and has
proven my dedication. I support
such issues as increased visitation
hours, more co-ed hall space (with
space available for those students
who choose to live in single gen
der halls), and making some non-
air spaces available to women.
I also experienced the role the
RHA plays at the state level by at
tending the Texas Residence Hall
Association conference this spring.
I will work to maintain a posi
tive working relationship with
other student organizations, stu
dent affairs, and most importantly,
listen to YOU and work for what
YOU want.
My door will always be open.
Remember: David Bowles (#4 on
the ballot) for RHA president!
Gig 'em!
i Voter’s
Guide 4 93
Mark Evans
Kyle Burnett
Jason Cox ^
Gina Howard
Stephanie Pattillo
Juli Phillips
Copy editors
Belinda Blancarte
Lance Holmes
Ravae Villafranca
- Heather Winch
Chris Weisenhutt^
Howdy Ags!
My name is Chris Wiesenhut-
ter, and I'm from Round Rock.
It would be a privilege and an
honor to be your junior yell
leader. I'm full of Aggie pride
and strongly believe in A&M,
what it stands for, and the tradi
tions we hold so dear.
I would like to be a yell leader
who represents EVERYONE, not
just one segment of Aggieland.
I'd also strive my best to be seen
at places other than just yell
practices and games. How can
someone be a quality representa
tive of A&M without trying to
understand as much of the soci
ety they are representing?
It would be an honor to your
next junior yell leader and keep
the Aggie Spirit burning bright.
Gig 'Em.
#3 Brian Salini
Howdy Ags,
My name is Brian Salinas and
I am from San Antonio here to
tell you why I should be your
next junior yell leader.
Aggie spirit - it leads me to
work in organizations such as
events like the Big Event and
I am deeply motivated and
proud to call myself a Fightin'
Texas Aggie. I am pro-traditions
and proud to be a Twelfth Man.
Next year if elected, I would
help motivate the Twelfth Man
and the playing athletes to beat
the Hell outta anyone who plays
against us, Ags. I will continue
in the tradition of excellence and
undying spirit here at Ag
gieland, which being a Texas Ag
gie is all about.
Gig 'Em Ags.
#5 David Latham]
My name is David Latham, a
biomedical science major from Ar
lington and I am an extremely mo
tivated non-reg candidate for ju
nior yell leader.
I am very pleased to share with
you my qualifications and motives
for running for junior yell leader.
I believe the thing that sets me
apart is my dedication to the im
provement of this university that I
love so much.
I was a member of the fightin'
Texas Aggie Traditions Council, a
member of Parents' Weekend
Committee, and currently a mem
ber of MSC Hospitality. Service to
Texas A&M has given me a deeper
love and respect for all A&M and
Aggies around the globe stand for.
I would be truly honored to
give my heart and soul to the ser
vice of Texas A&M and the
Twelfth Man, but that decision is
not mine to be made. It is yours,
the student body.
If there is one thing that I wish
to convey to every Aggie on this
great campus, it is that it is time
for your Voice to be heard, and the
only way to do that is to vote.
I'm David Latham, number five
on the junior yell leader ballot.
Gig 'Em.
Howdy Aggies.
I'm Scott Jeffcoat a sophomore
biomedical science major, from
Cedar Hill. I'd like to tell you that
I feel there are three things es
sential to being a yell leader: you
must be able to communicate with,
represent and motivate the student
body of Texas A&M.
student body this large, you must
contact individuals through orga
nizations. I'd like to get more orga
nizations aware of upcoming
events and urge them to inform
and encourage their members to
participate in more of the events
and traditions at Texas A&M.
Serving as a yell leader is full of
time commitments and responsi
bilities. After all, the Yell leaders
REPRESENT over 40,000 students.
It is critical that you select a repre
sentative who is aware of the seri
ousness of the task at hand and is
genuinely enthused and motivated
about working for Texas A&M. I
am. I'm ready to inspire the Aggies
and MOTIVATE the Twelfth Man
right back to the Cotton Bowl.
So vote for Lucky #7 because
Gig 'Em.
Voter Information
Students can vote Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
in the MSC, Sterling C. Evans Library, Blocker Building, Kleburg
Center and Zachry Engineering Center.
Voting is open to all students,, including graduating seniors. Stu
dents need to bring their student I.D. with them to vote.
The election results will be announced at midnight Thursday in
front of the Lawrence Sullivan Ross statue.
#2 Scott Tbi
Howdy Aggies!
My name is Scott "Rip" Torn, a
sophomore political science major
from Sugar Land, a member of
Company F-2 of the Corps of
Cadets, and I'm running for Fight
in' Texas Aggie junior yell leader.
Let me tell you something Ag
gies; there are three things which I
hold dearest to my heart - my
faith, my family and the Fightin'
Texas Aggie Spirit.
It's that same spirit that moved
E. King Gill out of the stands and
on to the field as the Twelfth Man
in 1922; the spirit that moves when
a comrade answers "here" at Ag
gie Muster; the spirit that links
Greeks, non-regs, the Corps, Stu
dent Government, and every other
individual on this campus.
Listen Ags, anyone can talk a
good game and tell you what you
want to hear but I will tell you that
no one wants to represent the
Twelfth Man more and no one
lives and dies for Texas A&M like
It's up to you, the student body
to vote.
Remember what true Aggie
Spirit is, and that Scott Tom is #2
on the ballot.
Thanks for your time and Gig
#4 Owen Rosr
Howdy Ags!
My name is Owen Ross. I'm a
political science/business major
from the thriving metropolis of
My desire and my drive to be
YOUR junior yell leader is to make
a difference at our university. The
yell leaders are one of the most
visible representatives of the Spirit
and the entire student body here
at Texas A&M. The Spirit here at
Aggieland, that we all as Aggies
hold dear to our heart, is burning
inside of me just like the Fightin'
Texas Aggie Bonfire!
Next year as your junior yell
leader, that spirit will be alive in
side of me as I motivate the Fight
in' Texas Aggies to beat the Ever-
livin', Everlovin' HELL outta who
ever the Fightin' Texas Aggie foot
ball, basketball, or volleyball
teams are playing!!!
This Wednesday and Thursday,
if you choose to vote for me, Owen
Ross, as your junior yell leader,
you will be selecting a "good Ag''
who will do his best to uphold the
traditions, friendliness, and cama
raderie that makes Texas A&M
THE greatest university in the
WORLD. A!-A!-A!-A!-A!!!
#6 Scotf
Howdy Ags!
My name is Scott Whitaker
and I am running for junior yell
leader. I am a wildlife and fish
eries major from Bowie and a
proud member of the Corps of
Cadets and the Class of '95.
Not many schools boast more
proud traditions than A&M.
Symbols of student spirit range
from the legend of the Twelfth
Man to Aggie Muster to
Another proud tradition is
the yell leaders. Yell leaders ex
hibit Aggie Spirit to the highest
degree. It is an honor and a priv
ilege to serve as a junior yell
leader and represent 41,000 Ag
I firmly believe that there are
only two schools in this world
and that's Sunday school and
Texas A&M. I hold each of these
schools' traditions deep in my
I hope that all Aggies feel the
way I do about Texas A&M and
vote for the best candidate, Scott
Whitaker, to represent the best
school, Texas A&M.
Gig 'Em.
My name is Trent Ashby and
I'm an agriculture economics ma
jor from Henderson running for
junor yell leader!
A wise Ag once said, "It's not
the title or the position you pos
sess, but it's the difference you
make that counts."
ARMY, Trent Ashby wants to
make that difference for you and
for Texas A&M by being a Fightin'
Texas Aggie YELL leader! Ags, a
YELL leader must be dedicated to
making the sky fall at Texas A&M
by bringing Texas A&M a little bit
closer to heaven. Motivating, in
spiring, leading and representing
are what it's all about, and 1
pledge to do my best to live up to
the standards we all have for
YELL leaders! There are three
types of YELL leaders: those who
make things happen, those who
watch things happen, and those
who simply wonder what hap
pened, and I promise to make
things happen for you and for Ag
REMEMBER, this year they're
saving the best for last, so MAKE
THAT SKY FALL and vote
TRENT ASHBY, #8 on the ballot
for junior YELL!
This bill is to determine the opinions of the student body regarding a
fee that would be earmarked for the library.
If students approve this item, student leaders will meet with the
Texas A&M University administration to work out the details of the fee
before presenting it to the Board of Regents for final approval.
David Brooks, the bill's author, said the idea behind the referendum
is to bring A&M's libraries up to the level of those at other major univer
sities, such as the University of Texas at Austin.
We are looking for individuals 18 years of age or older with sore
throats to participate in a 2 hour research study involving an oral
rinse or spray for the relief of sore throat. Patients who complete the
study successfully will be compensated $40.
BioLogica Research Group, Inc.
Total Quality Management Committee St
The College of Business Administration
and Graduate School of Business
Your Advisors Want You to Succeed...
In a continuing effort to improve the service of advising
in the Undergraduate Programs Office (Blocker 330), we
will be providing preregistration advice for fall 1993 on
the following schedule:
April 5-15
April 12-21
April 16-27
April 22 - May 3
Please assist us in our improvement efforts by observing this
new schedule.
Blocker Room 330
Undergraduate Programs Office .
?sn ir , iiii'i iii iiiiiiwiwiiMWWHaiiiiiiiiifiiMii i r nii r XL^ ~
Impetigo Study
■Yi -
LY/V . v
Individuals of any age with symptoms of impetigo (bacterial infection of
the skin) to participate in an investigational drug research study using
a cream with drug in it. $150 forthose chosen and completing the study
Sore Throat/Strep Throat
Individuals at least 13 years old needed to participate in a sore throat
(strep throat, tonsillitis) research study involving an investigational oral
antibiotic in capsule form. $100 incentive paid to those chosen to
participate upon completion of the study.
Asthma Study
Individuals, age 12 and older, with mild to moderate asthma to
particapate in clinical research studies for up to 15 weeks with
investigational medication in capsule and inhaler form. $300 - $550
incentive for study completion.
Spring Allergy Study
Individuals, age 12-60 years of age with Spring allergy symptoms
wanted to participate in a 15 - day research study (5 visits) with an
investigational medication in tablet form. Free skin testing. Up to $100
for study participation.
Individuals age 13 and older with a sinus infection to participate in a
clinical research study for 3 to 5 weeks with an investigational antibiotic
in capsule form. $250 incentive paid to those who complete the
BioLogica research group, inc.
Aggie; Ring
Procedure to order a ring:
1. You must come to the Ring Office no later than Wednesday,
April 21, 1993 to complete the form for an audit of your
transcript. (One-two days are required to process your
2. After your transcript audit is approved, the entire ring price
is paid In cash or by check no later than April 23, 1993.
Undergraduate degree seeking students may place an order If:
1. 30 credit hours were completed in residence at A&M in the
Fall of ’92 or before If you were a transfer student (Hours
in progress are not completed.)
2. 95 credit hours are completed/will be completed at the end
of this semester. (Should you be including enrolled hours
for the Spring ’93 semester, only hours in progress at A&M
may be counted.)
3. A 2.00 cumulative grade point average at A&M is reflected on
your transcript (after your most recent final grades).
4. Your transcript does not have any blocks for past due fees,
loans, parking tickets, etc.
Graduate degree seeking students may place an order if:
1. You are a May’93 degree candidate. (Your order will be accepted
contingent upon your May ’93 degree being conferred.)
2. Your transcript does not have any blocks for past due fees, loans,
parking tickets, etc.
10KY - **280.00
10KY - **163.00
14KY - **381.00
14KY - **188.00
*There is an ^8.00 charge for Class of’92 and before.
The approximate date of the ring delivery is August 4, 1993